almost 3 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

The mentioned CM here speaking :smiley:

I can confirm this is no hint or anything, the thread is simply about which classes we are looking forward to and I really want to play the summoner. Personally I’d love to get a necromancer class, but I take the next best thing as long as I can summon stuff to smash other stuff :smiley:

almost 3 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

@alix3951 I’ll find that out myself^^ Besides that on one point I’ll have played every class so I’ll play the summoner one way or another.

Plus as I said I’d love to see a Necromancer, but since we don’t got one I’ll take the next best thing. As long as I can summon stuff, I am happy :smiley:

almost 3 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

@Shibby54 There are many things you can do to serve the light, in the end the forces of good work in mysterious ways and isn’t our friend the priest Armel the best portrait of someone possessing dark powers and using them for the force of good?^^

So if we only raise the corpses of the bad or something alike I am sure we’ll be fine :wink:

@lucasalmeida64 Hell yeah! I’d love to see this!