almost 2 years ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hello fellow arcasians my name is
8s grenton and I'm working alongside Amazon
10s games to show you the newest class
11s coming to Lost Ark the reaper
27s hailing from the dark and mysterious
29s region of Satan the reaper dismantles
31s their foes through the use of a unique
33s stealth mechanic unparalleled speed and
36s well-planned finishing moves being the
38s third assassin subclass the reaper has
40s an answer to every situation they will
42s face on the battlefield they have dagger
43s skills that utilize their dagger to
45s wound enemies as well as apply some
47s helpful effects for your party members
48s their Shadow skills are their signature
51s Mobility skills they utilize the shadow
53s clone to confuse and control enemies
55s finally as one of the most elite
58s assassins in fateen the reaper is
60s equipped with deadly swoop skills that
62s are meant to quickly and elegantly
64s eliminate their foes the Reaper's
66s identity is known as Persona its purpose
68s is to allow the reaper to vanish from
70s sight and deploy her Shadow clone to
72s give her the opportunity to set up a
74s perfect attack
75s depending which path you choose for your
77s Reaper you either focus on weaving
78s through the Shadows or entering a chaos
80s State the first path you can walk as a
82s Reaper is known as lunar voice if you
85s are somebody who likes methodical and
86s challenging playstyle then this is a
88s great option for you lunar voice
90s utilizes dagger and Shadow skills to
92s fill their Persona meter once full you
95s can activate it to enter stealth and
96s Unleash Your powerful swoop skills for
98s big damage
99s the core gameplay of lunar voice is to
101s build enough Persona meter to enter
103s stealth and execute a punishing swoop
105s skill for up to 160 extra damage
109s typical lunar voice Reaper will use
111s three swoop skills these skills are
114s rotated through by building Persona with
117s your dagger and Shadow skills to enter
119s stealth before using each one
121s the reaper is a back attack focused
123s class this allows Reapers to utilize the
126s Earth's entropy Relic set to its full
127s potential increasing your crit rate and
130s back attack damage simultaneously
132s Ambush Master will be one of your core
134s Engravings when you are building your
135s Reaper alongside Ambush Master some
137s commonly used Engravings for lunar voice
139s are Grudge Keen blunt weapon and kirstal
145s lunar voice Reapers rely heavily on
147s specialization this builds their Persona
149s meter faster as well as increases the
151s devastating potential of their swoop
153s skills a standard combat stat setup
155s would be a full specialization build
157s with crit on your necklace as with most
160s specialization based classes wealth
162s runes are very important to utilize for
164s increasing the amount of persona meter
166s your skills generate
167s lunar voice Reapers only need three
169s damage gems in their setup and then cool
171s down gems for all eight of your
173s abilities when it comes to the agile and
175s flashy gameplay of the lunar voice
177s Reaper you are equipped with some of the
179s most advanced and flexible movement
181s abilities in the game
183s you have multiple ways to pass through
185s enemies as well as position yourself
186s behind your foe before unleashing your
188s damage this can be both a blessing and a
191s curse I myself have more often than I
193s care to admit flipped or dashed myself
195s to an early demise one of the important
198s things to understand about lunar voice
199s is that activating your persona causes
201s your character to perform a backflip you
204s can control the direction your character
205s moves with your mouse cursor your Reaper
207s will flip in the opposite direction of
209s where your cursor is on the screen
211s a good way to stick to the boss is to
213s flick your cursor behind you before
215s activating your persona so you can use
217s the boss as a wall to keep you in
218s position for your swoop skills if you
220s are looking for an even faster and more
222s agile version of the reaper then hunger
224s is the path you'll follow
226s similarly to lunar voice you will use
228s your dagger and Shadow skills to build
230s Persona meter however you will not be
232s using your persona meter to enter
233s stealth instead you'll be filling the
236s second part of your meter which is
237s called your chaos meter allowing you to
239s enter the chaos State while you are in
241s your chaos State the Reaper's reflexes
243s are heightened providing you with a 15
245s crit buff 10 movement speed and attack
248s speed buff and finally up to 25 extra
251s attack power now this buff doesn't last
254s forever there's a nine second duration
257s on your chaos date that could be easily
258s refreshed by either striking an enemy
260s with your tiger skills or simply using a
263s Shadow Skill hunger reapers are one of
265s the fastest classes in Lost Ark the
267s chaos date coupled with the already low
269s cooldowns of your abilities make it a
271s class that requires a high amount of
273s actions to be executed to unlock its
275s full potential hunger will also utilize
277s the Earth's entropy Relic set and the
279s Ambush Master engraving this allows you
281s to capitalize on the back attack
283s modifiers of your four main damaging
285s abilities
286s other popular Engravings for Hunger
288s reapers are Grudge raid captain and
290s adrenaline
291s with raid captain in your core engraving
293s setup swiftness is just as important as
296s specialization for this play style
298s standard combat stat split for Hunger
300s Reapers would be 50 swiftness and 50
303s specialization
305s there are other viable ways to build
307s your hunger Reaper if you want a faster
308s play style with a trade-off of less
310s damage the two main variations to the
313s standard build are a 70 30 swiftness
316s specialization build or a full swiftness
319s build with specialization only on the
321s necklace hunger Reapers utilize a
324s minimum of four damage gems with the
326s remaining seven being cooldown gems
328s contrary to lunar voice Reapers the name
331s of the game with Hunger is uptime uptime
332s uptime it'll be your mission to stick to
335s the boss as much as possible utilizing
337s the speed and Mobility baked into your
340s setup this will make it extremely easy
341s for you to unleash your four swoop
343s skills to consistently output heavy back
345s attack damage during the fight whether
348s or not you choose to eliminate your
349s enemies from the shadows as lunar Voice
351s or utilize terrifying speed to
353s constantly punish your foes as a hunger
355s Reaper there's one very important thing
357s to keep in mind
359s being one of the most agile Nimble
361s classes in Lost Ark comes with a price
363s of low defenses making the reaper a
366s Target that can't take too many hits
368s before going down
369s there are a handful of abilities that
371s are rather unique at your disposal
373s the most notable one is called nightmare
375s which is a two-part ability the first
377s activation will allow you to throw your
379s dagger at an enemy after which you have
382s a limited duration to activate nightmare
384s once more teleporting your Reaper to the
386s opposite side of the enemy and
387s retrieving your dagger this ability is
390s your main counter the initial dagger hit
392s can counter an enemy from the front
394s however if you are behind your target
396s you can use the second activation of
398s nightmare to teleport to the front of
400s the boss and perform a counter giving
402s reefers one of the strongest counters in
404s Lost Ark two other notable abilities are
407s Shadow Vortex and Shadow trap these two
409s abilities are integral to creating a
411s fluid experience for your Reaper both of
414s these skills have tripods that allow you
416s to lower the cooldowns of other
417s abilities in your build Shadow Vortex
420s which already has the lowest cooldown
422s out of all your abilities allows you to
424s reduce the remaining cooldown of your
426s swoop skills each time you use it Shadow
428s trap works very similarly to Shadow
431s Vortex however its tripod lowers the
434s cooldown of your Shadow skills instead
436s there are endless possibilities to tweak
438s and personalize your builds with this
440s class it is one of the main things that
442s brings such high versatility to the very
444s flashy and rewarding playstyle of the
446s Reaper
447s I am extremely eager to play alongside
449s this wonderful community and I'm
450s particularly excited to see all the new
453s Reapers adventuring in Arcadia my name
456s is grenton and thank you once again to
458s Amazon games for giving me the
459s opportunity to showcase my absolute
461s favorite class to you all goodbye for
463s now