7 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s Dalies and weeklies are important towards gradual progression in Lost Ark.
14s However, the sheer number of them can be overwhelming when starting out.
19s There are a ton of guides online for the ones you should be focusing on, but the most important ones for new players are under the reputation status tab.
28s You can find this through the Una's Task window on the bottom right through the Adventure button or ALT+J on your keyboard since you'll be opening this window every day.
37s Use the search function to try and complete the tasks that reward impactful items such as skill point potions or various stat increase potions.
46s Crit and Swift are two of the most important stats.
50s Keep in mind that some of these quests do require a prerequisite.
55s Again, there are a lot of great community guides out there for these high priority tasks, so take advantage of all resources available to you.