about 2 months
ago -
Lost Ark
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | welcome to ion arcasia where we take a |
7s | look ahead at all things Lost Art coming |
8s | your way we're heading into the end of |
10s | the year but there's still a lot in |
11s | store so let's go over some information |
13s | about what's coming up next as you may |
16s | already know our road map will release |
18s | after the low on live stream that's |
20s | happening on December 13th to properly |
22s | set some expectations as always this |
25s | road map will not be completely |
26s | exhaustive in terms of included content |
28s | but we'll give you a look ahead at some |
30s | of the time timing of the releases of |
31s | major content pieces for the next few |
33s | months as an additional note over the |
36s | weekend when lowon and the road map are |
37s | releasing there will also be some |
39s | special limited time twitch drops |
41s | available for you to earn and |
42s | opportunities for you to win some |
44s | valuable items so be sure to keep your |
46s | eyes fixed to our online community |
48s | channels now let's get into our final |
51s | update of the year the December update |
53s | will release on December 18th to round |
55s | out the end of the year and will include |
57s | a couple of content pieces that we know |
58s | players have been eager for as well as a |
61s | couple of exciting Q changes so I can't |
63s | spoil these due to their announcement at |
65s | L on and some of the simultaneous |
68s | releases that will be coming with the |
69s | Korean version of the game so you'll |
71s | have to wait until that road map video |
73s | drops for some of the confirmation but |
75s | with this in mind please also be aware |
78s | that patch notes for the December update |
79s | will release later in the evening than |
81s | usual with reference to Pacific time |
83s | they're going to come out kind of at |
85s | night a couple hours before the update |
87s | instead of the morning before this is to |
89s | make sure we're sharing in all that |
90s | information at the same time however |
93s | what I can let you know now is that as |
95s | many players have asked the BR shaza |
97s | kazeros raid Act 2 will not be a part of |
100s | the December update so you have time |
101s | that you need to get geared up for it |
104s | again tune in to the road map video to |
105s | catch the exact timing for that raid and |
107s | what's coming up immediately next I |
109s | really wish I could tell you now you |
111s | have no idea but I promise we're just a |
113s | few days away in terms of some of the |
115s | things I can share today there are a |
117s | couple that I'm really excited to touch |
118s | on this December will include the |
121s | kazeros raid Act 2 prologue Quest so you |
124s | can complete that now for when the brl |
126s | shazza raid releases but there will |
128s | still be a gap before that comes out so |
130s | do not stress when you see that in game |
132s | it's just extra time to ensure you're |
134s | prepared we're also working on a higher |
136s | item level in-game event mission for |
138s | players though as of me filming this |
140s | today it's still in development so |
142s | details to follow additionally the next |
144s | season of PVP will be beginning with the |
146s | December update so Proving Grounds |
148s | competitors should get ready to hop back |
149s | into Thea |
151s | there's also like I said going to be a |
152s | number of other small and large updates |
154s | q and other things hint hint so again |
157s | please stay tuned into the road map |
158s | video and for patch notes it's going to |
160s | be really exciting I promise the |
162s | December update will also include a |
164s | number of new bundles on sale which are |
165s | going to be some huge deals these will |
167s | include deeply discounted quantities of |
170s | Royal crystals so be sure to check out |
171s | the store on December 18th when that |
174s | update launches remember those are just |
177s | a few of the key highlights that you can |
178s | look forward to with the December update |
180s | date there are quite a few pieces of |
182s | content that I'm very excited about I |
184s | know I keep saying that and we'll be |
185s | talking about those in the video for the |
187s | road map when it comes out so we'll see |
190s | you very soon don't worry thanks for |
192s | joining us for this month's ion arcasia |
194s | as the year comes to a close we're |
196s | really rounding things out and we |
197s | appreciate all of your support of the |
199s | game in 2024 and of course as I've said |
202s | I'm really looking forward to seeing you |
203s | again and just a few days for the |
205s | release in the first look at 2025 in the |
207s | road map until then I'll see you in our |
210s | Asia |
218s | [Music] |