6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s Neria, another round here.
11s Oh, hey, I didn't see you there.
14s Welcome to Tavern Talks with Roxx.
16s A new show where we get together and do whatever fun things people are supposed to do in taverns.
23s We're really glad to have you here hanging out.
25s We've got a great show in store for you, and it's going to be a little bit different every time.
29s So we're really excited to see what you have — To see what we have for you.
34s You know what I have?
35s I have nothing.
36s Neria, hurry up.
38s As the nights grow colder and spooky season approaches.
41s The Lost Ark community has shared with me their scariest stories from their time in Arkesia.
49s During Rown release, there was a secret cave you could enter to collect a Mokoko seed.
54s I entered and to my surprise, there were five Mokoko Seeds.
57s When I started to press "G", the other Mokoko seeds suddenly transformed into sharpshooters from the opposing blue faction, and they all started channeling snipe.
67s Scary Stories from Arkesia There was that time where everyone logged in, but all their Pheons were negative.
77s That **** was scary.
80s Scary Stories from Arkesia.
82s We deeply apologize.
86s I used 250 pheons to cut a 7/7 stone and didn't even get it.
93s One day later, I get a random stone drop from a chaos dungeon wnd get my 7/7 stone!
100s RIP my pheons.
102s Scary Stories from Arkesia.
103s R.
103s I.
103s P.
110s This one really sends shivers down my spine whenever I remember it.
114s As a committed player since launch, my mother does not allow me to have dinner before I finish my weekly Akkan Hard Mode with my guildies.
122s These I had to starve while doing it.
125s However, after it was done, and I arrived to get my cold dinner, it was not what I expected.
130s It was a cold soup with beans.
133s Scary stories from Arkesia.
135s Muwahaha.
140s So the Pleccia update came out last month and you've probably been seeing a lot of Armen.
144s So let's talk about the Delain the room.
147s Spoilers ahead.
148s Armen.
150s What a guy.
151s The moody half man, half demon Delain that turned his back on you and Thirain, only to walk straight into the very, very questionable embrace of Kharmine.
163s Let's talk about where he's been and the newest place you can go in Arkesia.
168s For those that need to throw it way, way back, Armen was first introduced to you as a priest who joined you to help save Arkesians and protect the Ark.
177s But it quickly became clear that Armen was harboring an unholy power as a secret Delain and fighting to contain his demonic form.
184s At Lostwind Cliff, Sacrian Executor Solas launched an attack on an innocent group of people and Armen wasn't strong enough to save them.
193s Broken emotionally, Armen let his rage take over and murdered all of the assailants because two wrongs definitely make a right.
201s Despite you and Thirain coming to save the day like you always do, Armen refused to return home with his two best friends, instead fully embracing his Delain form and Kharmine.
212s Not romantically.
213s Probably.
215s From here you probably moved on like a normal person, continued playing Lost Ark, and didn't consider Armen for a while until you found yourself randomly on Promise Isle.
226s Despite being replaced, Allegro assures you that you still are the light for Armen, even as he quite literally battles his own demons, and he tells you that you will cross paths again someday.
236s But you move forward as always, and eventually found yourself in Elgacia where Armen finally decided to make an actual appearance.
245s With Kharmine in tow — surprise, the enemy of my enemy is my friend — these two helped you face off against Lauriel and save Elgacia to find the last Ark.
254s Here he calls you old friend and proceeds to grunt at you for several minutes before finally lamenting about the past.
261s Talk about giving mixed signals and being a fair-weather friend.
265s It's now time to adventure to Pleccia, where Armen grew up.
269s We've had about enough of him and his weird grunting in the present, so it's time to learn about his past in this land of art and romance, where his trail has finally led to.
278s Cheers to Armen.
282s Oh God can we cut to commercial?
285s Cut to commercial.
288s Disgusting, embarrassing, humiliating.
293s This fashion has got to go.
293s Last season's Neria's Qardrobe is the wrong kind of scary.
303s Do you have a physical form?
306s Then come down to Akkan's Spooky Costume Emporium!
311s Look at this drip.
312s We've got Overlord and Witch Skins, and even little ghost pets.
321s My shops are spreading across Arkesia.
326s Here.
326s Here.
327s Of course, here.
328s Everywhere you can catch diseases, you'll find Akkan's Spooky Costume Emporium.
339s Don't waste away in your corporeal form.
340s Wear my Plague Legion Wears today!
348s Welcome back from our commercial break.
350s You might notice I have a new bar fly here with me.
354s This is Tim.
355s Why don't you say hi, Tim?
357s Hi, Tim.
358s Perfect.
359s Tim, why don't you introduce yourself to our heroes of Arkesia?
363s Well, as previously stated, I'm Tim, and I'm the Senior Lead Brand Person on Lost Ark.
370s Cool.
371s Can you tell me a little bit about what that means?
374s Like what your role is?
375s My role is to help orchestrate all of the different groups here at Amazon Games that work on Lost Ark to help learn what the players want, listen to the feedback that they have, and then try to incorporate that into educational, exciting, and entertaining ways to help promote both what we're doing in game and what's to come.
393s Cool.
393s How would you say that that work impacts players?
396s I know you already kind of answered it, but.
399s Well, I think— I'd like to think that we're able to give players an idea of what's coming up to get them excited about the next, you know, next month's content and next month's update.
411s But also to keep players engaged and interested in what they're doing in the game now to help build that community, which we all so dearly love about games as a service type games.
422s We love games as a service.
424s All right.
424s I have one more question for you.
426s This might be a hard one.
427s What is your favorite project for Lost Ark that you've worked on?
432s My favorite project, undoubtedly, is the video that we created for the first anniversary back in February.
438s I won't let them forget you.
444s So we worked with some content creators that are near and dear to many of you, as we've used them for so many different things throughout the years here.
454s But we really wanted to create a campaign that celebrated the players, all the hard work and effort and all the joy and excitement they had playing the game over for the first year.
464s And we really wanted to bring that all to life.
466s So we tapped into some of the archives that we have from the videos and the streams that the creators produced and tried to recreate a lot of those moments for folks so that when they watched those videos, it would remind them of all the fun and excitement they had doing things for the first time in the game.
481s Yeah, that was a really cool video.
482s I remember the first time I watched it, actually.
485s It's just, it's got a lot of those like, great, picked out magical moments that really make like the Lost Ark experience feel, like, amazing.
494s So that was a great, that's a really good favorite project.
497s All right.
497s Thank you for answering my questions.
499s I have a few more for you.
500s These are going to be rapid fire, so I want you to answer just as quickly as possible— Okay wait.
508s Okay, now I'm ready.
509s You ready?
509s Yes.
510s Are you sure or did you need another drink first?
512s No, I need a refill, actually.
514s Neria!
514s Okay.
515s She's going to take a while to get here.
517s This is not— I probably wouldn't have picked this bar, the service is really bad.
521s But until she gets here: rapid fire.
524s You ready?
525s I'm ready.
526s Okay.
526s What class do you play?
527s Sharpshooter.
528s Favorite continent.
530s Luterra Favorite NPC.
533s Balthorr.
534s All right.
534s Mokoko Seeds.
535s How many do you have?
536s 236.
537s Would you rather eat a Mokoko seed or?
538s Eat!
539s Okay.
540s Doesn't even matter.
541s He wants to eat a Mokoko Seed.
542s Why is Thirain the best ruler in Arkesia?
545s Best armor?
546s Okay, sure.
547s Character customization or stronghold customization?
549s Character customization.
553s Fair enough.
555s I have a couple characters.
556s Pick one: Armen or Thirain?
559s Thirain.
559s Correct.
559s Thirain or Nineveh?
561s Thirain.
561s Thirain or Balthorr?
565s Balthorr.
566s Incorrect, but I respect it.
568s Unfortunately, you have been eliminated.
571s This isn't actually a competition.
572s Thank you, Tim, for joining us.
574s Thanks for having me.
575s Oh, you're welcome.
576s Aw, I never get thanked.
578s Nobody ever thanks me for my work.
583s Everyone behind the camera is really upset I said that.
586s Anyway, thanks for joining me here in Neria's Tavern.
590s Maybe we'll have you back some time.
593s Uh, you can go.
594s That's all I got, I didn't have a way to close out this segment.
596s Where's the beer?
597s Find the Mokoko!
609s 3, 2, 1.
609s 3, 2, 1.
609s 3, 2, 1.
618s Hey, I haven't seen you around here before.
620s You must be from Jump-Start servers.
623s You know, Jump-Start servers opened up last month and brought a whole bunch of new adventurers into Arkesia.
628s And I know a lot about you.
629s No, no.
630s Come back here.
631s It's like mostly, mostly...
633s come on.
634s Good things.
635s Did you know that three out of the six most created classes are actually support classes alongside Slayer, Aeromancer, and Sorceress?
643s Did you know the most popular class is Slayer?
645s You probably did.
646s But did you know that Slayer is 13% of all of the created characters?
652s And on the other hand, did you know the least popular class?
656s Wardancer.
656s Sorry Wardancers.
658s Did you know there are ten times as many Slayers as there are you?
661s Did you know that over 2 million Mokoko Seeds have been collected?
665s And did you know that each of those 2 million Mokoko Seeds have a tiny, unborn Mokoko person in them?
670s Really gross!
670s Did you know that 1.5 billion chat messages have been sent?
674s And did you know that mailbag is coming next!?
679s Hey Lost Ark Community and Roxx!
679s In today's question, I wanted to ask you if you were stuck in an endless quest loop, which part of the story would be the scariest to be stuck in?
688s The part where you fight Banda with Wei and everything is all black and white and trippy, I would just lose my mind.
696s What's the scariest island you've visited in Lost Ark?
698s The obvious answer is Metus Island, but my answer is Dreamgull Island.
702s I can still hear their screams.
705s Which Legion Commander has the scariest theme?
708s Probably Brelshaza and her space opera.
710s I don't like operas and I don't like space.
714s It's showtime.
717s Hello, Roxanne.
722s I would like to ask you and the other Arkesians about the other children of Kazeros.
731s Which of us is the most despicable, the most evil?
739s Because I felt so personally threatened by that question, I'm going to make it the community question for the day so you can all feel threatened too.
747s Which of Kazeros's children do you find the most despicable?
751s Let us know in the comments.
753s All right.
754s That's gonna do it for our first ever episode of Tavern Talks.
757s Be sure to like, comment, subscribe.
759s Let us know what you thought.
761s I had a lot of fun, but we're really interested in seeing what you liked and what you might want to see in the future.
766s Remember, every episode is going to be a little bit different, so you never know what could show up, and we want to hear all of your crazy ideas.
773s All right.
773s Thanks for joining us and I'll see you around Arkesia.
789s Word.
790s I am denting the table.
792s That's okay.
792s Okay.
793s As long as you know.
795s Neria, hurry up.
797s Did I hit the light?
805s Oh.
805s Hahaha.
807s Yeah.
808s Yep, yep.
809s I would be dead if there was another person under this blanket.
811s I would be cooked alive.
813s Cool.
813s Arkesia.
813s Spoooooky.
821s I am blah blah blah blah.
824s That was twice.
825s Tim is here to make you feel things.
829s All the feels.
830s So if you're seeing women with big swords...
834s You're probably on a Jump-Start server.
835s That was...
836s that felt like an innuendo.
842s Gonna start doing.
843s You have to play— make some music.
846s Toby you look so cute.
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
6s Nera another round
8s here oh hey I didn't see you there uh
12s welcome to Tavern talks with rocks a new
14s show where we get together and do
17s whatever fun things people are supposed
18s to do in taverns we're really glad to
21s have you here hanging out we've got a
23s great show in store for you and it's
25s going to be a little bit different every
26s time so we're really excited to see what
27s we have you know what I have I have
29s nothing near hurry
34s up