11 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s that mods I feel like you have a little
2s bit of a challenging topic so I will
4s give you the floor first your minute
6s starts now okay I'm going pro side real
8s weapons 10 euro weapons I'm going pro
11s sidereal weapons
13s the time started by the way oh okay wait
17s can I start over
19s wait did you actually not know okay
22s sure yeah that's fine
24s I I thought that was like your debate
31s it's like sure okay
35s all right you both look ready do you
37s feel ready
38s your minute starts now I'm going pro
41s side real weapons side deer why did I
44s just keep it was like a side reel oh my
45s God it's on the real okay so one more
48s time
55s sadirio your minute starts if I'm organ
58s pro-sidero weapons join us on August
60s 24th at 10 A.M Pacific over at twitch.tv
63s Play Lost Ark for the Live season finale
66s of the Lost Ark Academy
67s Club
11 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s Coming to you from the Amazon Games
8s Community Team, it's the Lost Ark
10s Academy Debate Club.
12s With your host, straight
14s out of rocks box, it's Roxx!
22s Welcome to the Lost Ark Academy
23s Debate Club. This is where our
24s contestants debate to prove they
26s have what it takes not to be a
28s Mokoko. I'm Roxx and I'm here
30s to make sure nobody gives away any
31s story spoilers. Right, Mokoko?
34s Nineveh dies.
35s Shut the f$#@ up!
36s Shut up, please.
37s Thank you.
38s Let's bring out our creator debaters
41s for another episode.
42s First up, we have Stoopzz.
45s Yeah.
47s Roxx, I brought you a flower.
50s It didn't make it very far.
53s Okay. Thanks.
54s Thanks for trying, I guess.
57s Next up, we have Bobajenny.
63s Okay, we're bringing out Grenton.
69s And finally, we have
71s DatModz.
73s Let's go, Mr. Modz.
75s Why am I clapping for myself?
77s Because you're worth it.
79s You always gonna be your number one
80s fan. True.
81s All right, let's get into it with
83s our 2v2 warm up debate.
85s Your teams are DatModz and Grenton
87s versus Stoopzz and Bobajenny.
88s Today, your warm up topic is:
91s Which continent
92s in Lost Ark has the best story?
95s You two are going to be arguing for
97s Elgacia. You two are going to be
99s arguing for Rowen.
101s Give you all a minute to strategize.
103s Think about that lovely story.
104s Regret pressing G.
112s So we're a few episodes in now and
114s you're probably wondering where you
116s can watch all of these creators
117s outside of the Lost Ark Academy
119s Debate Club.
120s Well, Stoopzz, DatModz,
123s Bobajenny, and Grenton all stream
125s and create content on Twitch TV.
127s So you can hop in, give them a
129s follow, watch their own livestreams,
130s and even join their own communities
132s after you're done watching the show.
134s I'm sure they'd really appreciate
135s it. And if you join, be sure to tell
137s them you came from the Debate Club.
139s We'll see you over there.
140s All right. Now, let's get back to
141s the real show at hand.
144s All right. It looks like everyone's
146s ready, so let's get right into
148s it. You guys can begin.
149s Elgacia
150s Okay. How can you not like Rowen?
152s Indigenous people...
154s She asked me what the best story
156s was. Okay.
157s It's like this.
158s How could you not cheer for Rowen?
159s You have the underdog.
161s They're fighting for their...
162s their rights, their freedom,
164s their land.
165s And not only that.
166s It's not like, Elgacia where you
168s meet, you met all of these
170s characters at the beginning of the
172s game, right through Luterra and all
173s this stuff. This is a zone where you
175s come in, you meet these characters
176s instantly, you form an attachment
178s to them, and then they just go ahead
180s and throw it all in the trashcan.
181s And then you hate them.
183s You never have seen anywhere
185s in Lost Ark that you build an
186s attachment and hatred for characters
188s as fast story as
189s Good story but it's a little too
190s short. This is the finale of a
191s season long game, right?
193s But no one likes the ending of
194s something.
195s The end of this is the
197s finale to the game. The whole
199s time when you're doing the quest you
200s see the 7th Ark on the top part of
202s your screen. People would come to my
203s chat and say, Stoopzz, how can I find the
204s 7th Ark? It's in Elgacia.
206s It has the most epic fight scenes in
207s the entire game.
209s It's got amazing music.
210s You see Armand, where'd he go?
214s F$@# Armand.
216s No one likes the end of a journey.
218s And you got to admit
220s the Osphere Ark in Rowen
222s actually gets your emotions going.
224s The ultimate betrayal.
225s You think - I wouldn't know because I SHIFT+G
226s literally everything.
227s But that's how good this story was.
229s It was so good that I watched
231s all of the cutscenes - it's amazing!
233s It's the finale
235s of the game.
235s I think you probably SHIFT+G'd
237s Elgacia too. And you just had Saint.
239s I watched the cutscenes.
243s The music video also very good,
244s Bobajenny.
245s It's in LOAON and it's like a nice
247s song that ties everything together.
249s And Rowen has good music.
252s No one cares about Rowen man.
253s You know how sad you get when like your
254s favorite season of the show ends or
256s something.
256s But the finale is really important,
258s right? That's what you remember.
259s When something ends, you always
261s think about the finale and that's
262s like the thing that sticks in your
263s mind.
263s And save the best for last.
266s It's a great ending, great song,
267s great cutscenes.
270s And also a great dungeon along with
271s it. What do you get in Rowen?
272s You get phoenixed off screen.
275s We're not talking about the gameplay.
277s We're talking about the story.
278s You associate the continent with the gameplay,
280s that's what it is.
283s Rowen has Osphere.
285s Rowen has Osphere.
287s Kadan, the biggest gigachad in the game.
287s That is enough for me to end this debate.
288s Nobody likes endings, but I'm
290s putting one here.
292s We're going to cut to commercial,
293s and when we come back, we'll have
294s our 1v1 debate.
296s 1v1v1v1.
298s Rowen doesn't have story dungeons,
300s though.
315s If you love gravity-defying
317s architecture,
319s adorable animal friends
322s and winged warriors battling the
323s forces of evil,
325s look no further than the beautiful
327s floating city of Elgacia.
330s Mention this ad and receive half off
332s our immersive VR experience.
335s Elgacia - a place for lovers
337s and big ass sky whales.
341s All right. Welcome back.
342s It is time for a1v1 debate.
344s You know how it goes.
346s Contestant 1 gets a minute.
347s Contestant 2 gets a minute.
348s Contestant 1 gets another minute.
350s Contestant 2 gets another minute.
351s So Grenton and
354s DatModz, today's topic is: Are
356s Sidereal weapons worth
358s it?
360s DatModz, you are going to argue
362s for sidereal weapons,
364s Grenton, you will argue against
366s them. I'll give you both a minute to
368s strategize.
372s What do you think, Bobajenny.
374s I feel it depends on what you want
375s to get out of the game.
377s So I can see the pros and cons of
379s both sides, but I feel
381s like it would be a little bit
382s difficult to get them.
383s So when you do it's a flex.
386s I think worth is a subjective word,
388s right?
389s They're definitely not worth it to me,
391s that's for sure. But you know, if
392s someone's got one, I think it's
393s pretty sweet. I guess, you know,
394s it's this big glowy weapon that does
396s a bunch of damage.
397s To flex.
398s Yeah. Yeah.
400s It's not bad.
403s All right, debaters, you're
405s looking pretty ready.
406s Are you feeling pretty ready?
407s I'm ready.
408s Ready.
409s All right.
410s Ain't no way.
411s DatModz, I feel like you have a
412s little bit of a challenging topic,
414s so I will give you the floor first.
416s Your minute starts now.
417s So I'm arguing pro-sidereal weapons.
420s Honestly, the coolest thing in the
422s game, they're very unique.
424s They incorporate different
425s characters that you meet throughout
426s the entire story.
427s They give you power...
428s their powers that are extremely
430s strong. Thirain, temporary
432s buff for you, and then your party
433s wants you to get Esther 8.
434s So it's huge for burst classes.
436s Anana, it gives
438s you a heal, and if you die, it'll
440s resurrect you.
442s Balthor, a shield
445s that's very, very useful
447s in all raids.
448s Really, the only downside of the
450s Sidereal weapons is the cost.
452s Outside of that, they're very
453s unique.
454s Their weapon glows are very distinct
456s and iconic. You could see someone
457s with one of those weapons from far
458s away, and they're very beneficial
461s overall to the power of your group.
463s So outside of that, I think
465s honestly, the idea and the concept
467s of Sidereal weapons is one of the
468s coolest thing that Lord Ark has.
470s Only downside could be the cost.
473s All right, Grenton, you have one
475s minute to make your argument.
477s You did a pretty good sales pitch
479s for the pros of
481s a Sidereal weapon, and you kind of
482s just danced around the cons.
485s But to determine if something's
486s worth it, you need to do a cost
487s benefit analysis.
489s And when you look at the cost of a
490s Sidereal weapon for someone
492s like yourself who likes playing a
494s lot of classes, for that same
496s price, you can completely
497s max out your entire roster
499s so you can get a lot more enjoyment
501s out of the game by having this wide
503s variety of roster to play with
505s your friends, your community.
507s Whereas if you just throw through
509s all of that into a Sidereal weapon,
511s cool, You have one weapon
512s on your one character
515s and you might make seven other
516s people happy, but that's about it.
518s So the amount of investment
520s you need to get that Sidereal weapon
523s to the point where it's even better
524s than the regular gear is way
526s too much to even have a conversation
528s that if it's worth it or not.
529s Okay.
530s All right, DatModz, you have one
532s minute for your response.
534s The one thing that you have to
535s remember: cost is subjective from
536s person to person.
538s Everyone values money differently.
539s Everyone has different amounts of
541s money.
542s Some people, Lost Ark is their
543s hobby. It's something they enjoy and
544s they're willing to put that money in
546s the game and it gives them
547s something, something that's iconic.
549s It gives you a power boost.
551s And quite frankly, if someone had a
552s Sidereal weapon, if they applied to
554s your party, would you deny them?
556s If they're a Zork.
558s How dare you?
559s And it does give a marginal power
561s boost. It's not a super insane power
562s boost from what you get as a
563s free-to-play player, anything else
565s like that. It's just one of those
566s cool, like little showcase
568s collectible items that you could get
569s - and you can get it overtime
571s free-to-play, which is very, very
573s unlikely.
574s But they do give you free energies
575s from clearing Brelsha the hard
577s mode to get three of them, and then
578s over time, like nine or ten months,
580s you could get 30 free
583s Sidereals too. So 33 free ones...
584s and you still need like 50 plus
586s more.
587s But anyways, it is a really cool
590s item. The only downside - the cost.
592s And you'll bring anyone with
593s a Sidereal weapon to your raids -
594s it's absolutely amazing for prog'in.
596s Not anyone.
597s All right.
598s Almost anybody.
600s Grenton, you have one minute for
601s your final response.
603s Okay. Well, like
605s you said, right? The weapon is very
606s iconic and it's very cool.
607s And you can technically earn
609s it free to play plus, plus,
611s plus like you are.
613s But I think that if the
615s weapon itself was more accessible
617s to a wide variety of players, it was
618s a genuine long term goal
620s that wasn't kind of gated behind,
623s you know, exorbitant amounts of
624s money or having to rely on other
626s players selling you the energy on
627s the auction house, and it was
628s something that you could actually
629s genuinely grind, kind of like Ignia
631s tokens, then it would definitely
633s be worth it. But yeah, money is
635s subjective and I don't think
637s even the richest person will tell
639s you it's a good investment.
640s It's just a fun investment.
642s So I don't think it's worth it, but
644s it is a very cool weapon.
644s Time!
646s All right. Sounds like that was our
648s debate. So I'm going to bring over
649s the spectators so we can discuss and
651s decide our winner.
652s All right. So thank you for joining
654s me. That was a very challenging
655s debate topic.
656s But I'm curious to know what you
658s both thought.
659s I think that DatModz is always
660s getting shafted and getting the hard
661s topics.
662s Yeah, but he's a good sport and he
663s makes some really good arguments.
664s Yeah. You know, I guess worth is
666s subjective and, you know, if you
668s really want to get something and you
669s enjoy playing the game and you want
671s it, then it's worth it to you.
672s But I also see what
674s Grenton's saying - that if you were
675s going to even invest that much into
677s the game, there's lots of other ways
678s that you can spend your gold.
680s Bobajenny, how are you feeling?
681s I mean, at this point, I think so
683s many players take or
685s think Lost Ark is their hobby, and
686s it's absolutely mine.
688s So I can kind of get behind how
690s people would want to
692s invest in a Sidereal
694s weapon. But at the end of the
696s day, they both made really,
698s really good points.
699s I can see both pros and
701s cons. It's kind of one of those
702s situations where you kind of see
703s both sides and it's
705s - to me it's very, very subjective
707s as well.
708s Yeah, that makes sense too.
710s Can I have a sidereal weapon?
712s No.
714s With that, I will send you back.
715s It was worth a shot. And we will declare our
717s winner.
718s Grenton.
720s What's up?
722s DatModz. Mm hmm.
724s Grenton.
726s DatModz.
728s Grenton again.
730s Grenton.
731s Grenton.
732s Grenotn. Roxx.
734s You are not
736s a Mokoko. DatModz is the Mokoko.
738s He did have a hard topic.
740s He made a really great arguments for
741s why they're cool, but unfortunately,
743s the question is, are they worth it?
745s So, you know, Grenton had the
747s stronger debate there.
748s But thank you for being a good
750s sport.
752s I still love you Mr. Modz.
755s Any time. Keep on giving me the hard questions.
756s I'll take them all.
757s I will absolutely do that.
758s All right. Thank you for joining us
760s on this week's episode of Lost Ark
762s Academy Debate Club.
763s And don't worry, it doesn't matter
764s how many hard topics we give DatModz
766s because none of this actually
767s matters.
768s None of this matters until the live
769s series finale, where the community
771s will vote on who is and who is not a
773s Mokoko.
774s All right - we'll see you next week.
779s Yeah!
800s If you enjoyed this video, be sure
802s to like it and subscribe to our
803s channels so we can keep bringing you
805s more Lost Ark content.