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4s Hello, Heroes of Arkesia.
6s Welcome back to another episode of Patch Notes with Henry.
9s Today we're going to cover the Chaos Rising update, which is our May major content update.
16s This month is going to be a little bit of a step back from previous months.
20s With Thaemine coming out, we have a huge raid that we know a lot of players are still progressing through, still challenging, especially gate three and four in hardmode.
31s There's still a lot of things to be earned, conquered and the Transcendence system to be progressed through.
38s So for this month, we wanted to take kind of a step back from those hardcore raids and just have some opportunities for exploration, focus on quality of life updates to make everyday life in Arkesia better.
51s And yeah, that's the big focus of this month.
54s So let's dive right into it.
55s All right.
56s So the first piece of content kind of book ending the Thaemine stuff we're just talking about is the Thaemine after story.
64s Players who have cleared Thaemine hard will be able to experience the Darkness Legion Commander's Epilogue in a new story.
70s The quest "Shadow of the Moon" can be acquired from Knight Oscar in Luterra Castle.
75s Make sure to pay him a visit to learn more about what has happened with the after his recent assault on Arkesia.
81s There's going to be a couple prerequisite quests that you need to complete first.
85s First of all, as I just mentioned, you're going to have to clear Thaemine hardmode gate for at least once before testing it out.
94s The Voldis world Quest "Adento's Legacy" and the Thaemine prelude quest the "Red mist after Dusk".
102s Once you've done all those, you can go experience that new story beat.
106s So the next one, is going to be Trial Hanumatan.
111s It's a new take on trial guardians.
113s And to give you a little bit of a lore backstory for those who missed the roadmap, 500 years ago, Guardian Hanumatan crushed enemies in the battle for the sight of light.
124s When the war ended, Hanumatan went into a deep slumber and he awoke only after sensing chaotic energies possessing Arkesia, and has concluded that humans were the actual threats to Arkesia.
136s Hanumatan needs to be stopped before his wrath destroys Arkesia.
140s And with this new trial guardian, it's up to you to do so with precision and speed.
145s So the new take on the trial Guardians is going to arrive in May.
149s For those that want to test their skills and speed against this powered up version of the Guardian.
155s This one's going to work a little bit different than previous iterations, as it actually is going to give gold rewards rather than just the vanity things like titles and achievements that you could earn from previous trial guardians.
168s You're going to be able to challenge him in normal mode at item level 1600 and hardmode at 1630, and you're going to be able to go in just with your character's normal build.
177s You're not going to have to set anything up in the book of coordination this time, or have different balance adjustments applied when you go in.
185s It's not equalized.
186s So you can hop in with your friends and try and conquer.
190s And if you're able to just jump right into hard mode at 1630, you're going to be able to get all the rewards that you want from normal mode as well, so you don't have to go in and play both modes.
201s And yeah, it should be a fun little four player activity.
204s Earn some gold.
205s Test your skills.
206s Could be good practice if you're still working on, you know, maximizing your damage or figuring out how to conquer some of those harder gates in Thaemine as well.
216s So going back to the rewards, the gold rewards can be obtained once per roster.
220s And then on top of that, there's going to be a new achievement, title and trophy, and new sections in the party finder as well.
228s So the next piece of content is another fun piece of just kind of adventuring content exploring the world of Arkesia.
234s We have an update to Music Box of Memories.
237s It's going to be updated with six new stories that you're going to be able to uncover.
241s And if you've played through the previous ones, you kind of know what you're getting into.
245s If you don't, these stories are focused more on the everyday lives and everyday citizens in Arkesia.
252s You're going to get to meet and connect with some of the NPCs around the world that you might have seen or heard saying voice lines out in the open world, but you don't really know that much about.
263s So it's kind of a fun, different take on things.
266s And of course, there will be some new rewards that you're able to earn, with those new collectibles coming into the game.
273s We've also done some overhauls to the UI and the way it's showcased in game, to just kind of make it a bit cooler to look at.
281s So next up, continuing on with that theme of adventure, we have a new adventure island, Cruel Toy Castle Island.
288s You probably recognize this from the holiday event that we had in game, but it's now being added into the game as an Adventure Island that you can go to earn some rewards.
298s It's going to appear in the southern seas of Shushire and players can enter using their Procyon's Compass.
305s And we'll find an ominous paper when disembarking that will send them on a curious quest.
309s It's going to add some new rewards and things that players can earn, such as new achievements, titles, Mokoko seeds, the island sole, and a new toy.
319s For this month, the store update is going to be focused around the Magical Enchanter collection.
325s These ones were designed to evoke 80s and 90s anime style, where magical girls and boys went out to school during the day and moonlighted as magical beings at night.
335s So let's take a look at them.
387s All right.
387s Next up let's talk about events.
390s A couple small updates before we get into some of the bigger new events.
394s But the Arcadia Grand Prix event is going to end, making way for new events and a new event shop.
400s Also, the new daily log in rewards and a new Fever Time event calendar have been added.
405s So be on the lookout for those in game.
408s All right.
409s Let's talk about one of the bigger pieces of content arriving in this update, which is an event.
414s It's the new Chaos Assault event.
417s It's the first part of the Kurzan Prelude.
420s Which is leading up to the full continent, releasing next month in June.
425s So players will need to head to Mount Zagorus, where chaos has taken hold, and defeat hordes of enemies by entering distorted chaos rifts that have opened up all across Mountain Zagorus.
437s There's going to be a special suppression meter for the event that increases as more enemies are defeated and resets every day at 10 a.m.
444s server time.
445s Defeating enemies is going to fill up the suppression meter that will grant special powders that can be exchanged for special rewards at the event shop.
454s You're also going to be able to earn a special new drop called Wishful Embers, and the difficulty of the field is going to vary depending on the character's item level.
464s But the rewards, the type of rewards are the same despite the item level of the person going in.
469s To touch on Wishful Embers a little bit more, they're very similar to Fate Embers, but have a different loot table.
478s Drops include silver, epic, and legendary cards, including selectors if you're lucky enough, Card XP, sailing coins and epic and a Legendary Elixirs, and then also Processed Chaos Stones to improve either weapon or armor quality.
495s So you're going to be able to earn those and the typical powders, that's kind of like the event coin for this event and be able to spend those at the event shop, which will have some extra special items, including a mount, stronghold structures, and all the normal, you know, very impactful honing materials and other things that you've come to expect on a monthly basis.
517s So it'll be a lot of great stuff in there to help you push towards the events of Kurzan happening next month in June and the arrival of Echidna.
528s All right.
528s This next event that we're going to go over is new.
531s It's something that we just kind of thought up in the past couple months in collaboration with Smilegate.
537s And we're calling it the End Game acceleration event.
540s With the faster content cadence in the West, we wanted to reward end game players with additional materials to help them prepare for both Thaemine hard if they're still moving towards the harder difficulties and later gates there and also the upcoming Echidna Kazeros raid.
556s This event is structured to grant players clearing the ivory tower abyssal dungeon with a bunch of elixirs, and the people clearing Thaemine with additional transcendence materials, and we added some gold in to the event since we know players have been using a lot of gold on both of those systems as well.
575s We're super excited to see players continue to power up their characters to combat these newer threats, and thought that this was a good way of giving some additional rewards and helping speed up some of that progression with the faster content cadence.
589s So this event is going to last until July 17th for players to earn all those rewards.
594s And the way it functions is in Ivory Tower, there's a section for both normal and hard mode.
602s We did this so that players that are already playing hard mode don't have to go back to normal mode.
606s And then there's an additional segment for just hard mode.
610s The normal mode and hard mode section for Ivory Tower is going to give the purple elixirs along with the ductility catalysts every couple of gates that you clear, and then there's some gold that's woven in there as well.
625s The same goes for hard mode, but there's going to be more ductility catalysts and it'll give legendary instead of epic elixirs.
633s And then moving over to Thaemine, that will apply to both normal and hard mode.
638s And the way it works is every couple of gates you clear, you will get some dark fire, some ancient sound stones to kind of progress through the transcendence system.
646s And once again, there's going to be gold layered in as you kind of move through that track.
653s It's going to apply to the whole roster.
656s So characters that are clearing those gates will give you progress, but you can only claim each reward once, but you can just kind of choose where you want those rewards.
668s All in all, the event's going to give a ton of elixirs, a ton of dark fire, and a ton of ancient sound stones, along with, I think a max of 20 K gold if you kind of fill out that whole track.
679s All of the gates and specific rewards for clearing those gates are listed in the written patch notes.
686s So if you want to kind of dive in and see firsthand what the rewards are going to be, go check it out.
692s It's all listed out there.
694s So the next section, that we're going to just kind of briefly talk through is actually a huge chunk of QOL changes.
702s There's a lot of things that are really in the weeds and very specific, but are pretty important.
706s So rather than go through all of those in depth in the video, I'm going to read through the different categories that we have.
713s And if one of those categories sounds like something that is interesting to you or that you'd like to dive deeper on, I'd encourage you to go kind of read through that line by line in the release notes.
724s But it's a ton of words multi-thousand.
727s So reading through it here or talking through it would take a really long time.
732s But let's dive in and hopefully you can maybe pause the video, go read a section and come back if something's interesting to you.
741s So the first one is rewards.
743s There's been some restructuring to how loot auctions work in both Oreha Preveza and the Argos raid.
751s The next section is combat skill and character updates.
755s There are some QoL changes to transformation characters, QOL updates to a few other characters, and also some improvements across the board for combat skills and some visual updates there as well.
769s The next section is UI and settings.
772s There are both some new settings added and a bunch of UI updates to make things smoother and operate a little bit better.
779s Stronghold systems, there's a ton of stronghold changes.
783s If you're really big into the stronghold scene and love customizing, I would highly recommend go checking that out.
789s They kind of redistributed and changed how some of the point system work.
792s So you might be able to decorate kind of differently or better or switch things up at this point.
798s So recommend that if you're a big, big fan of the strongholds.
801s We have new hairstyles coming in, which are pretty cool.
806s Let's, flash a picture of those up on the screen right now so you can take a look.
810s As you can see, there are two new hairstyles for male characters and two new hairstyles for female characters.
816s Next section is items and NPCs.
819s There are some changes to some of the ways that Adventure Tome items work, other items work in the game.
828s Pretty nitty gritty, but if you want to dive in, feel free.
830s Go for it.
832s There are some updates to quests and the Arkesia Tours.
836s I'd recommend go reading through those as well if you're still progressing through the Arkesia Tour.
841s The next section is MVP system.
844s There's a few re -calculations and new medals added to that system.
848s And then there's a big kind of general or miscellaneous section down at the bottom that has a ton of other updates in it.
855s So if you want to dive into those, highly recommend reading through that big QOL section in the full release notes.
863s Well, thanks for joining us for another episode of Patch Notes.
867s We really appreciate you guys taking the time to watch through it, get excited about the new content coming or provide feedback on you know, what you like or what you'd like to see more of.
877s We have some new events coming in and new skins coming in, so I'm sure we'll see a ton of comments about those.
884s And I think we wanted to do a Community Question specifically on new Western exclusive skins.
890s Which class looks the best?
893s Which ones are you guys most excited for?
894s Let us know in the comments!
896s Would love to see which one of those is your favorite.
899s And also for the new events coming into the West, not a full community question and I'm going kind of off script right now, but let us know what you think about the design of that event, if it's helpful for you, you know, we want to make sure that players are progressing through kind of this accelerated content cadence and feel like they're being supported so let us know in the comments as well.
920s Once again, like and subscribe, in addition to the comments, lets us know that you appreciate this kind of content and it's something that we should support heading forward.
929s So if you can do that, if you support it, that'd be great.
932s Thanks again and I'll see you in Arkesia.