5 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Hello, Heroes of Arkesia!
6s We're back with another episode of Patch Notes with Henry.
9s Today we're going to cover the Chase the Storm update, which is our September update.
14s This update is all about Behemoth, the newest raid coming to Lost Ark.
19s Along with some new events and other things that are going to help you get ready for the upcoming major Tier 4 update in October.
26s Let's dive into the changes now.
28s All right, let's talk about the biggest thing arriving in this update, which is going to be the Behemoth Raid.
34s The Chaos Guardian Behemoth is returning.
37s And for those of you who might have either shift+g through the story or need a little bit of a lore refresher on him, let's do a little bit of a recap.
46s Behemoth is a follower of Varkan, who is the Head of the Chaos Guardians and reigned as a symbol of fear and brutally slaughtered a ton of people in South Kurzan in the storyline.
57s Behemoth was injured by you, the player in the events of South Kurzan and was thought to have disappeared completely.
65s No one knew where he went.
66s He has now reappeared with the Chaos Guardians, desiring the destruction of Arkesia.
72s All right, let's dive into some of the specifics.
74s Behemoth is going to be a huge 16 player raid.
78s People that are victorious against Behemoth are going to get honing materials, gold.
83s You know, the standard rewards you get from raids in Lost Ark, along with the new progression material, which is Weapon Transcendence.
90s That's going to drop in the form of Behemoth Scales, which will allow you to unlock that system.
96s It also functions a little bit differently.
97s There's going to be a limited pool of eight revives available to your team, so you can just kind of prepare for mayhem as your group works together to fell the enormous dragon in this two gate raid.
109s Behemoth is going to come in a little bit different for the western version of Lost Ark, compared to what you might be familiar with if you've been following the Korean version.
117s It's going to arrive at item level 1620.
120s And one more thing to note, there are no sidereal or allied forces skills in the raid.
125s It's going to be up to you and your 16 player group to vanquish Behemoth on your own.
130s So a second ago I mentioned that Behemoth is going to release that item level 1620 instead of 1640.
135s So players that have been watching maybe Korean Behemoth guides or videos may notice some differences in the western version, including raid balance and rewards from the Raid.
146s One of the things that you'll notice also to help speed up the process of Weapon Transcendence, is that the first time bonus gift you get for defeating Behemoth is going to give 100 of Behemoth Scales instead of 20.
158s All right, let's talk about Weapon Transcendence.
160s It's very similar to Armor Transcendence, but works to power up your weapon.
166s It's going to take place at the same vendor as Armor Transcendence, but use materials from the new Behemoth raid.
172s You can begin Weapon Transcendence after clearing gate one of Behemoth, and you can do Transcendence level six and seven after you've cleared gate two.
182s So similar to the Armor Transcendence Restoration tickets, we're going to be adding Weapon Transcendence Restoration tickets to help you progress through the new system ahead of Tier 4 a little bit faster.
194s We'll also cover it, in the next section when we talk about events, but we're also adding some more ways for you to earn bound gold, since Weapon Transcendence is another gold thing.
205s But we really want to make sure that you have a bunch of materials through these events to feel like we're helping you progress on time to reach some of those, you know, where your characters need to be for Tier 4 with these various horizontal and vertical progression systems.
221s All right.
221s To round it out, let's talk about some of the other things that Behemoth is going to bring to the game.
226s There's going to be two new quests.
227s There's going to be a prelude quest leading into Behemoth called "Gathering Lightning Clouds".
233s And then after you defeat Behemoth, there's going to be an after story quest called "Where the Storm Ravaged".
238s So you'll be able to get a little bit more lore and learn a bit more about the story by completing those quests.
244s There's going to be a new Epic Raid entrance UI, which is the type of raid that Behemoth is categorized, along with a totem where you can interact with into queue or party find for the activity in major cities.
257s There's going to be a ton of new achievements, new titles, new trophies.
261s There's even a new MVP background and a new movement effect that are being introduced of the raid.
266s There's a new card for Behemoth and a new card book set for Behemoth that comes out, you know, with that card as well.
273s To round it out, there is an epic raid exchange that is going to be added with the latest QoL changes from Korea, including an unlimited exchange for dark fire and Elixirs with the price reductions that they've had in Korea.
287s So we hope that helps players progress after they've vanquished Behemoth and gotten the rewards they needed from that new epic raid.
294s So while Behemoth's the big focus, we also have a ton of new events coming in this update, which we think players will be really looking forward to.
301s First off, we have the "Chase the Storm" progression event.
304s It's a new mission based progression event that's built to help you progress a character from level 1600 to 1620.
312s Obviously a very key item level for both Behemoth and the upcoming release of Tier 4 in October.
317s So in addition to helping with honing, the event's also going to help out by preparing your new character or existing character by granting key progression materials such as Elixir and Transcendence Materials.
330s Armor Transcendence, not the new weapon one.
333s So the event has three mission categories: honing Akkan gear, clearing Ivory Tower: Abyssal Dungeon, and clearing the Thaemine Legion raid.
341s Honing Akkan gear is going to grant you honing books, both the Advanced metallurgy and advanced tailoring books to boost your honing percentage, and a ton of bound gold.
353s I think if you maxed out the math I was looking at, I think it's like 40 to 50,000 gold, I think right around 45,000 right in between there.
360s So if you max out the event and are doing honing, that's a good sizable chunk of gold to help out all of those clicks that you're doing.
367s So that's the first category is going to be honing Akkan gear.
370s The next one is clearing Ivory Tower gates.
373s And that's going to grant potent Elixirs and stabilized ductility catalysts.
378s Clearing Thaemine gates will grant dark fire and Transcendence restoration tickets for armor.
383s So all in all, it's just built to help provide a bunch of materials.
387s Those are the tickets that make it so you don't need gold to re-transcend your gear.
393s And those are the Elixirs that you don't need gold to hone.
397s You need silver.
397s So should be a good event to help you get the character up to 1620, whether that's your main, if you're maybe a returning player or a newer player, or one of your favorite alts that you want to prepare for Tier 4.
409s So up next, we're going to be bringing back the Blooming Mokoko event, this time granting larger amounts of bound gold than previous years for both the special Mokoko, the like jackpot ones that you get, and the smaller ones alike.
422s It's going to take place every even numbered hour, and you'll receive random amounts of silver and gold by finding the Blooming Mokokos.
428s The more Mokokos as you find, the better your chances.
432s You can participate once per account within a region per day, and the event is going to take place at Wavestrand Port.
439s This event is going to stick around until October 9th.
443s Up next, Arktoberfest is going to return.
447s Fun fact that I didn't know until somewhat recently is that Arktoberfest in Germany actually takes place mostly in September, so I think that's why it's coming with this update instead of the October update.
458s So that's going to come in, that's going to return with an event shop that grants important progression materials like Oreha Fusion mats, Transcendence restoration tickets and Potent Elixirs, along with a few seasonal themed items to celebrate our Arktoberfest.
473s The event coins are going to be earnable through normal daily activities to help you prepare for Tier 4 without requiring additional steps, you'll just get them as you complete and play through Lost Ark like you normally would.
484s And that event shop is also going to last until October 9th.
488s So while those events are more structured, you're going to get a bunch of materials just from participating, designating a character, you know, for the first one and then for Arktoberfest, just doing your dailies, getting a little bonus.
499s This event, I think, is fine just because I love everything about fate embers from the loot table to the sound that they make when they drop.
508s But we're going to do a double Fate Ember event that also lasts them until October 9th.
513s We're just going to double the drop rate for Fate Embers in both Chaos Dungeons and Guardian raids, so hopefully you just get a bunch more fun stuff.
521s And if you've been unlucky, maybe you'll finally get a sweet drop; one of the big gold ones, hopefully.
526s So this one's a little less structured and hopefully just a little bit more fun as you're doing your dailies and getting all those materials that you want to hone your characters up for Tier 4.
534s So those are all the new events, but there's going to be some of the ongoing events extended to October 9th.
541s As we mentioned in a previous team update, we kind of split Behemoth out from the Tier 4 release so that we have more time to localize all of the stories and content arriving in Tier 4.
552s So for the existing ones, rather than cut them short, we just wanted to make sure that you all had plenty of time to complete them if you hadn't already.
559s So these are the ones that are going to be extended.
561s The Maharaka event and daily quests for Maharaka Festival are going to be extended.
568s We're also adding in silver, so if you have a ton of extra Maharaka coins, I'm sitting on like 10,000 something of them myself.
575s You're going to be able to get a bunch of silver.
576s Obviously super helpful with all the honing and other silver costs that you're going to need, heading towards Tier 4.
582s The Super Mokoko Express is also going to be extended.
585s The Voldis Powepass is going to be extended, the weekly Chaos Dungeon purification event is going to be extended, and the daily playtime event is going to be extended.
595s Just some general events.
596s Obviously, we've refreshed the daily log and reward track, so there will be new fun stuff for you to come in and get.
602s And then there's going to be a series of weekend fever time events to help grant additional materials, just to keep the good times rolling as we head towards Tier 4.
610s So there's no new skins this month.
612s We don't have a video to roll.
614s We're just going to extend the sales for some of the current ones, which are pretty popular with with the players, with you guys.
620s So we hope, if you're buying a skin and you haven't picked it up yet, you'll have a little bit more time to do so.
626s And then in October 9th, there's going to be a ton of new collections.
629s And we'll talk about those next month.
631s But the ones that are being extended are the swimwear skins and the Neria's Wardrobe that we currently have active as well.
638s All right.
639s Saving for some people.
640s What is the best for last?
642s Apart from maybe Behemoth?
643s Because that's pretty cool.
645s We have a progression update.
647s That just happened over in Korea.
648s We're pulling it over because we know it's important to a lot of you.
651s We have updates to how Elixirs and Transcendence are going to work.
656s So for Armor Transcendence, now we have to differentiate that from Weapon Transcendence with Behemoth coming out, we have levels four through six of Transcendence are going to be available for you to complete after clearing gate two of Thaemine on any difficulty, and level seven will be available after clearing gate three of Thaemine on any difficulty.
677s Then for Elixirs, epic Elixirs have been removed from the game entirely.
682s If you still have epic Elixirs in your inventory, you're going to be able to use them.
686s They're not...We're not going to remove any existing items, but Ivory Tower, Normal and Solo mode are now going to drop Legendary Elixirs as well.
694s The amount that they're going to drop is half of hardmode, so you're still kind of incentivized to do hard mode.
700s You know, maybe if you don't need the gold, but you still need to get the Elixirs or whatever, if it's on an alt, whatever that might be.
706s It's going to drop half, but at least we'll help you progress those newer characters at item level 1600 to get those, you know, Max Elixir sets, 40 sets.
717s And as you start to progress to normal Thaemine and other things, hopefully it'll make a lot of those pieces of content easier for you to complete.
725s And also so you don't have to do them twice.
727s A lot of people were frustrated doing normal and then hard, but this will just simplify that whole process.
733s Personally, I'm looking forward to it.
735s Going to get some of my 1640 set and then just be able to go smoke Thaemine, so should be good.
742s All right.
742s That's all the changes in the Chase The Storm update arriving on September 11th.
748s Rounding things out with the community question.
750s We have a new event coming in to help you push your character straight up to 1620 and challenge Behemoth.
756s What character are you most excited to challenge Behemoth on?
759s Let us know in the comments!
760s Love to hear!
761s See what you're excited to do!
763s There's some big damage boost in there.
765s Maybe you're excited to hit some new numbers or something like that.
768s Let us know in the comments!
770s As always, if you can like and subscribe or leave us a comment with any feedback you might have.
775s Super helpful as we look to improve or figure out you know what, we should do more of, what we should support on the video side, you're our priority.
784s We want to do things that resonate with you as the audience.
787s We appreciate you.
788s Love you all.
789s See in Arkesia.