7 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Learning all the ins and outs of your class can get overwhelming at times but the Super Mokoko Express gets you set up in a matter of seconds.
15s Simply select the style setting and choose your preferred of the two builds for your class.
20s Don't worry, you can experiment with both of them and switch between them freely.
24s So no pressure on making any final decisions.
27s Each time you hit a milestone on your gear score, you'll unlock helpful rewards.
33s You'll notice that all of your gem's accessories, engravings and even skills will be set and ready for you to use.
41s Hit the auto apply button and you're good to go.
44s Overall, this is a great starting point for you to play around and perhaps make adjustments in the future once you get more comfortable with your class.