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5s Hello, Heroes of Arkesia.
7s Back with another episode of Patch Notes with Henry.
9s Today we're going to be covering the August "Calm Before the Storm" Release notes.
14s I'm on the road.
15s We're filming from our San Francisco office, but we still wanted to put together some video patch notes for you guys, so you can check out some of the cool changes coming in this month.
25s It's going to be a little bit of a lighter month, but we'll talk through some of the changes we're bringing in just to make everyday life in Arkesia a little bit better before we have the big tier four drop, with all those new raids, activities and everything dropping this fall.
40s All right, let's dive into it.
42s So the first piece of content arriving in this update is going to be Indigo Island.
46s It's located off the coast of the Kurzan Continent and has an incredibly beautiful underwater scenery and a cool underwater themed soundtrack for you to enjoy.
56s It's going to open up at Item level 1600 for you to explore, and it's going to include a quest that can be completed to access a single player sea cave dungeon, which contains three paths.
68s You can begin the Indigo Island quest after interacting with someone's voice, which is a new quest near the island entrance.
77s Successful completions are going to award the Luminous Coral Stone, which can be exchanged for progression materials, including potent elixirs, the ones that use silver instead of gold, and more.
88s So you're definitely going to want to check out the new island.
91s In the dungeon on Indigo Island, it splits when you reach a three pronged road.
97s At the beginning, you can only enter the leftmost road, but as you continue to repeatedly clear the dungeon, it's going to allow you to venture down those new paths and explore new opportunities and new experiences within that dungeon.
111s The dungeon can be completed once a day per roster, and the opportunity to enter will be exhausted when the boss is defeated and rewards have been granted.
119s Along with the dungeon, Indigo Island also includes five Mokoko Seeds, the Islands Soul, new achievements, and some new structures that can be earned from the Exchange on the island.
129s It has a new soundtrack and a bunch of other cool stuff for you to experience.
135s All right.
135s Up next, let's talk about the new bound gold system.
139s So bound gold is being added as a way to grant gold that can be used exclusively in progression systems.
145s We're going to update two current systems to provide bound gold instead of the tradable gold that they had before.
151s So the gold reward chest from Una's Tokens, along with solo mode raids, will now be giving out bound gold.
159s We're super excited about the opportunities introduced by Bound Gold, and are going to continue to evaluate the system and look for ways to reward players with gold and help progression without negatively impacting the in-game economy.
171s As you know, bound gold will be a lot harder for bots or other, you know, mischievous players to exploit.
179s So these are some of the places that bound gold can be used and you can use it to progress.
184s So let's talk through it.
186s Be used in honing, advanced honing, quality upgrades, Legion commander gear crafting, set effect upgrades, ability stone upgrades, elixir crafting and cutting, Stronghold research in the farm, knowledge transfer, bonus rewards, the Gold Exchange shop, Ancient Sound Stone purchases, transcendence, and yeah, that's about it for the, the full list.
212s And just to give you an update with the three types of gold, the order in which gold will be used in these systems is going to be use bound gold first, then any deposit gold that you might have from the Blue Crystal exchange.
226s And then finally, your normal tradable gold that you've earned through a variety of ways in the game.
231s So with the introduction of the bound gold system, we're going to be rebalancing the gold rewards provided by solo mode raids.
239s Solo modes are going to be swapped over to that new bound gold system, and we're going to give a ton more to better support player progression.
247s We have a table that's going to pop up on the screen in a second.
249s Feel free to pause, and it will show the values for all of the raids and how we've rebalanced those.
255s Let's check that out.
261s Up next, let's talk about some improvements we're making to daily activities.
265s The first off we're going to be updating and introducing the Chaos Dungeon purification system.
271s This new system is going to take place when you're playing through Chaos Dungeons with Aura of Resonance active.
278s You're going to be able to earn this new type of point called purification points.
282s These points will will accumulate as you play Chaos Dungeons and let you earn reward chests that are filled with silver and honor shards.
291s The silver and honor shards that you receive previously from Chaos Dungeons are going to be removed and put into this new system.
299s The way it works is you can fill up 50 points on the purification meter for each Chaos Dungeon run that you do, and max rewards are earned at 300 points, which is six Chaos Dungeons a week.
310s Rest bonus is not going to affect the purification points though, so it gives you a little bit more flexibility about when you want to do your Chaos Dungeons.
319s We hope that this helps limit some player fatigue.
322s And don't you don't feel like you have to be doing Chaos Dungeons every single day to get some of those most important progression materials, like shards and silver.
332s The system as a whole is going to function very similar to how Una's Tasks work in terms of that bar filling up and you getting rewards at various thresholds throughout that.
342s We're going to touch on it in a moment in the events section, but we're also going to, release a special event that accompanies the launch of this system.
350s We have one more change, though quickly to talk about when it comes to daily activity improvements.
356s We're making a small adjustment to Ebony cube that will hopefully speed up the playthrough for a lot of players.
362s We're going to update the scaling of enemy HP based on the number of players that are in the dungeon.
368s So hopefully that will speed up your playthrough.
372s All right.
373s Up next let's talk about events.
374s First off we have that new Chaos Dungeon purification event arriving.
378s It's going to be a special event that's going to accompany the launch of that new system.
383s And the event is going to run from August 14th until September 25th.
388s But as a reminder, the Chaos Dungeon purification system will continue after the end of the event.
393s That's a new permanent system in the game.
396s The event is built to give additional rewards as we head towards the launch of tier four.
400s To ensure that you're rewarded for playing with helpful progression materials during the event.
405s Bonus reward chests are going to be granted when reaching the point thresholds that you receive.
411s The chest set in that system, which are 100 points, 200 points, and 300 points.
416s The chests are going to include honing materials corresponding to the level of the cleared Chaos Dungeon, such as destruction or obliteration stones, guardian or protection stones, and some tier three leapstones, once again corresponding to the level of the dungeon you're clearing.
431s Each chest also has purification tokens, which can be spent at an event shop for additional rewards, including transcendence, restoration tickets, honing support chests, even fusion materials which we know players love and more.
445s A couple just general notes for events while we're covering this topic.
450s The Maharajah Festival is going to continue with the Set Sail Mokokos Pirate mini game, the exclusive event shop, and we'll have a new daily quest for you to complete.
461s On top of that, we have the standard stuff of a new monthly fever time events being added in, and the daily log and reward track being refreshed for the new month as well.
471s All right.
472s Next, let's talk about the new cosmetic collections that are arriving.
476s First up, we have a new Neria's Wardrobe, which we know you know you love.
480s Love the new life style skins.
482s Whether you're feeling a little edgy or preppy, Neria's Wardrobe is going to have something to fit your style.
487s Find the newest Neria's collection showcased here.
490s Let's take a look at the new skins.
532s On top of that, we're going to be adding the Runner skins as a new evergreen option to the store.
538s You can expand your athleisure collection in Lost Ark, but these are going to stay for the foreseeable future as an evergreen item.
546s Let's take a look at what those look like.
579s On top of those new collections arriving in game, we're also bringing back the Omen cosmetic collection.
586s It's going to be updated with some of the classes that launched after it initially released in the game, so there'll be some new weapons and new skins for the characters there.
596s So make sure to take a look at those in game when it drops.
600s All right, rounding out the update, we have a few just general updates.
604s We're going to be doing a character name reset.
606s Character names are going to be freed up from accounts who have not logged in the Lost Ark in over a year that are below combat level 50 and have not received trusted status.
615s On top of that, we're going to be adding some UI quality of life stuff to endgame content.
620s New window is going to pop up if you attempt to terminate the connection or change characters during endgame content, and we're adjusting the waiting times for the dungeon quit vote.
630s On top of that, we know there is a few changes in the roadmap that we didn't cover in this video.
636s We had to unfortunately delay the Stylebook releasing in the western version of Lost Ark.
642s We're still working on getting that system implemented.
645s There's just some final checks and things our team has to do.
648s We don't have a target release date for it yet, but we'll definitely keep you updated on when you can expect that to arrive in the western version of Arkesia.
657s On top of that, we also talked about some nerfs coming to the Echidna raid, just to, you know, make summer progression a little bit easier for players looking to progress through tier four or hop back in the game, get up to speed, get ready, that sort of thing.
671s Those nerfs are still coming in August.
672s They're just not going to be in the main update.
674s We're currently targeting the August 28th weekly maintenance to release those.
679s We'll definitely have an article coming out of what you can expect to see with those nerfs as we get a little bit closer to that update and lock that final list down.
687s So be on the lookout for those on playlostark.com or our social channels.
693s Thanks for joining me for another episode of Patch Notes with Henry covering the August update.
698s We know this one's a little bit lighter.
700s That's one of our goals, a little bit heading into the enormous update that is going to be tier four this fall.
706s There's a ton of content coming.
708s We still have all those progression events from July carrying over throughout the summer, the Maharajah Festival event as well.
716s We hope you just have time to progress, earn materials, do whatever you want.
721s You know, just have fun in the sun in Arkesia this summer and get ready for the huge update that is Tier Four, you know, on the near horizon.
728s But we will have a few more of these kind of smaller quality of life updates as we've, you know, almost caught up completely to Korea.
734s Obviously, Tier four is right on the horizon, and there's still a lot of exciting content to be added to the game.
740s But as we've caught up, there's going to be a few more of these lighter months.
744s And we think that's a good thing for players.
746s You'll have time to progress at your own pace, not feel like you're, you know, being rushed too much.
752s But our goal is still to support you with some of these fun events, throughout the summer and heading forward so that you, you know, feel supported by our teams and like, you're progressing it at a reasonable pace and at your pace.
764s So that's really our goal for this summer.
766s Have some summer fun.
767s And, we appreciate you for joining us for this episode.
770s As always, if you can like and subscribe, it helps us know that you enjoy this type of content, and it's stuff that we should continue to support heading forward.
778s We really appreciate it.
780s We usually end on a community question for this one.
783s We'd love to hear your thoughts on the new bound gold system.
785s Get some feedback from you all.
788s What are your thoughts about the both adjusted values for solo mode and on the system as a whole?
794s Let us know in the comments.
795s We appreciate it.
796s See you next time.
797s And in the meantime, se you in Arkesia.