9 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Hi.
5s Welcome to the first ever Roadmap video for Lost Ark here in the West, I'm Roxx, the Product Community Manager for the game and today I'm going to be guiding the conversation a little bit.
14s I have some very special members of the Amazon Games team and the Lost Ark team here with me today.
20s But before we get started with everything, let's kind of get to know everyone.
23s So, Andy, why don't you introduce yourself?
26s I'm Andy Lin.
27s I'm the Product Manager for Lost Ark west.
29s My team primarily works with the in-game store.
32s We manage the in-game economy and we work with franchise to determine the content, scheduling and roadmap for the game.
39s So would you sa,y working with the in-game economy, that means you also work with bots?
45s Yes, I do work with bots.
48s I work with a lot of internal teams to deal with the botting issue, and we've made a lot of strides towards solving that.
55s I'd like to think.
56s All right.
57s Next up, Soomin.
58s Okay.
59s I'm Soomin.
60s I'm the Franchise Leader for Lost Ark west.
63s My team is working with other internal teams, as well as the Smilegate PRG team to determine the upcoming roadmaps and the future of content directions.
73s So I'm going to present and share more details about the August update, as well as some important changes.
80s All right.
80s That was, in fact, actually Zoomin Park, also known by his alternate ego, Soomin Park.
87s Next up, we have someone who is a little bit hardcore.
91s How's it going?
92s I'm Henry.
92s I'm the Head of Editorial at Amazon Games.
96s Me and my team work on the communication and Community content plans for our games.
103s When I'm not working on Lost Ark, I'm playing it a lot.
106s I'm here to talk about some of the cool content we have coming up over the next four months since I think usually I write the roadmap.
113s So this time I'm just talking at you instead.
116s We're really excited all to be here and talk about the roadmap with you all, not only because this time we'll be sharing the content that's coming up and getting excited about it, but also sharing with you why some of that is.
126s Why things are coming when they are, the changes we're making to the game, and what to expect.
130s We're really excited to have an open conversation with the Community about this.
134s But remember, Lost Ark is a live service game, which means plans can shift and change.
138s What we're presenting here today is our plans for the rest of the year.
142s But things could always end up changing a little bit.
145s All right, that does it for our intro.
146s And with that, let's dive right in.
153s Soomin, I know you have a lot of August updates to share with everyone.
157s Do you want to get into those a little bit?
158s Sure.
158s I'm very excited to announce some of the new additions in the August update.
163s So in August, we announced a few things already in the last announcement.
168s So the first one is Aeromancer, and the second we have Sonavel Raid.
173s And the third one is Akkan Legion Raid.
174s So those contents are great.
176s But in addition to that, I'd like to add a few more exciting changes.
180s Especially as it will address user fatigue and homework and as well as some of the other changes as well.
188s So user fatigue and homework have been really big topics in the Community.
192s Do you want to get into kind of those first?
194s Sure.
195s The first one, the first change is the Guardian Raid change.
198s So we are going to reduce the Guardian Raid number, the Guardian Raids that you need to do, from twice a day to once a day.
204s So that's a big change - as well as, we are going to draw a lot more rewards from that.
210s And also the second one is the Chaos Dungeon.
212s The Chaos Dungeon - I know, like a lot of players are requesting to reduce the number of Chaos Dungeons per day - it's currently twice.
220s So you're still making it less, we truly believe that this content is great, but the actual length of the playing time or the actual reward from the gameplay is not great or is not enough based on your playing time.
239s So what we're going to change is, we are going to make some of the AI changes on the monster side, so it's going to reduce the playing time 25%.
248s And also we are going to drop a lot more rewards as well as the gold through the gameplay.
254s So that will make players more fun.
256s During the gameplay it feels more fun and more rewarding.
260s So that's going to be the...
262s the changes included to reduce the user fatigue.
266s And the other one is the gatekeeping issue we are trying to address.
270s So the gatekeeping is very challenging issue for the newer players because you have to have a full set of the cards and things like that.
279s So we are going to make changes in the August update - we are going to add a lot more card drops in the various raid in the dailies as well as, we are going to make the Wandering Merchant more frequently than the previous.
295s So it's going to be much easier to buy and get the card from many different sources.
300s Yeah, that that'll be really great.
301s I know you both have like full rosters of characters that you were doing a lot of dailies on.
306s How you're feeling about those changes?
308s Pretty good, I think.
310s I'm excited to do one Guardian a day.
312s I think it'll make it feel a little bit more climactic because like a lot of the bosses are like, pretty fun to do, but then killing them again, I think it'll just be like a cool experience.
322s Just get in there, get a fight, you know?
325s Will be cool.
325s I'm pretty far behind on my dailies, to be honest with you.
328s So this is a very welcome change.
331s I think one of the most frustrating parts about Chaos Dungeons is sometimes you clear out a bunch of the mobs and you have to run around the map and find all the ones that you haven't found.
340s And so I think the AI changes will make it easier for the mobs to come to you, it'll increase their aggro range.
346s And so you'll have to do less running around and that's why the playtime will be reduced.
351s Yeah.
351s Plus like getting a card from a Chaos Dungeon?
354s Like, that'll be pretty exciting.
355s That doesn't happen very often right now.
357s Yeah, exactly.
358s It feels really good to be reducing kind of the dailies and the kind of amount of effort going into them while also getting more rewards out of it.
367s It's like positive changes from both sides.
370s So I'm definitely really excited about that.
372s By the way, this is not the final change, the Chaos Dungeon update.
375s This one is the first phase of the change.
377s So we are going to review the user feedback as well as the user metrics inside the game.
383s And then we are going to make multiple other changes from now on.
387s Yeah, that's really good to hear too.
388s And like I mentioned earlier, I know players have been really kind of honed in on this topic for a while, so it's great to know too, that while we're making these changes right now, we're definitely open to more in the future and we will be listening.
402s All right.
402s Awesome.
402s So that's a lot of changes coming in August that we think will really kind of help players feel better and alleviate some of that fatigue.
409s Are there any other changes that we can maybe have players look forward to in the future for...
414s just kind of generally making the game feel a little bit less draining?
417s Sure.
417s So we are working - constantly working - on some of these changes we promised in the letter in April.
423s So those are one batch of the new coming changes in August.
428s But we are also working on other changes.
431s One of the things we are working on now is the Legion Commander changes.
435s So we are going to adjust some of the difficulties and the the actual playing time and things like that for Legion Commanders pretty soon.
445s We don't have the date yet, but we are going to reduce some of the gates for the Legion Raids.
451s One of the things we are working on is the Brelshaza gate.
457s For Brelshaza, we're going to see some of the gate removals to reduce the playing time.
461s And also we are going to drop a lot more other rewards, including gold and cards.
468s So the previously mentioned card updates or infusing...
474s sorry, more card drops from Wandering Merchant and some other locations.
480s That's also going to help players to get more accessible to the Brelshaza content.
486s Cool, great.
486s Yeah it's a lot of, you know, making sure players feel like their time is valued and that they're being rewarded for the work they're doing.
494s For the card drops and Legion Raids - are those specific to the Legion Commander cards that you get from each of those raids, or are they all Legendary cards?
506s Because sometimes you get one at the final gate.
508s So it's not finalized yet.
510s But we are going to share more details with the release note.
514s Yeah.
514s The process of change is still under developments and we are constantly checking the user metrics.
520s So it depends on how difficult for the players or how long does it take, and there are many different metrics we want to check.
528s And then we are going to decide which gate will be removed.
532s It's still under development.
533s Okay.
533s So, you know, Andy, if there's a certain gate you don't like, you kind of know what you have to do to get that one removed.
539s Sacrifice your roster.
541s Brelshaza Gate Five.
543s Actually, I've already been hard at work making sure the win rate on that gate is very low.
547s Wiping your party every time at that gate.
549s Take one for the team.
550s Thank you, Andy.
553s I will make sure we are going to bring that update as soon as it's released in Korea.
557s So there will be no gap or almost no gap in between these two updates.
563s We definitely don't have a date for when that is quite yet because, like you said, it's under development, but we're going to work to get that as soon as possible, it sounds like.
570s Yeah, you heard it first from Zoomin Park.
572s It's coming fast.
573s I promise.
576s All right.
576s Before we get into September content and too far ahead in the future, I think region merges is one more thing we should touch on, because those are coming up really quick.
584s Sure.
584s The region merge was announced already in a different article we already announced and it's coming in August.
590s Also, it's coming on August 30th.
593s So it's very exciting because a lot of players requested this and so we are going to merge EU West to EU Central.
601s Yeah, we'll kick that off at the end of August and hopefully there's some positive changes there.
606s And then like Soomin said, we'll keep reviewing for other regions and servers I know that players are interested in seeing merged.
612s Yeah, absolutely.
614s And we'll have some more communications coming up because we know some players have rosters on both regions in EU, so we'll work to make sure that players have full understanding of what to expect and how the merge will work in a more detailed article later on.
630s And lastly, in August, I'm very excited to announce that the 2023 swimsuit skins will be zoomin over to Lost Ark west.
642s We'll be getting these skins shortly after Korea.
645s I think this is one of the first times we're going to get skins so quickly as they're like brand new in Korea.
650s It's pretty close, i feels like.
652s It's been released just a few weeks ago.
653s Yeah.
654s Yeah.
654s Those are really fresh.
655s Really new.
656s I know they're thoroughly cool skins.
658s So excited to see those in the game.
659s And it's super hot this year.
661s So it's going to be really good gift for everyone.
663s The heat waves have been bad.
664s So I'll definitely get those in before the end of summer.
668s You will not have to wait till the next summer.
670s Sweet.
670s I think that covers everything that's kind of coming in August.
673s And with that, let's dive right into September.
680s Taking a step back, a lot of heroes have come and gone from the shores of Arkesia, and a lot of them, through surveys, social media and forums, have expressed interest in returning to the game.
692s And we've talked to a lot of these players and asked them what's stopping them from coming back.
697s We found three major themes.
699s One, there's a lot of bots.
701s Two, the rate of progression is too slow.
705s And three, they're worried about getting gatekept from all the in-game content.
709s So let me tell you about how we're dealing with some of those issues.
712s First of all, we've made a lot of progress against the bots.
716s We've instituted machine learning algorithms that detect them very quickly and the number of bots in the game as a percentage of active users is the lowest it's ever been.
726s Second of all, Smilegate West and Amazon have collaborated to make a bunch of honing changes and changes to the vertical and horizontal progression of the game.
735s That makes it a lot easier for your character to be endgame ready.
739s Finally, gatekeeping.
741s We think the best way to deal with gatekeeping is for a group of players to independently start fresh and play together and go through the game as a group.
753s And this way there won't be any conflict with the players who are more progressed in the later parts of the game.
760s So I'm excited to announce that we'll be adding Jump Start Servers to every region of the game, including Europe, South America, North America.
770s And these players will have an isolated server that has an independent auction house and party finder system.
777s So there will be no bussing or gatekeeping from the other regions.
781s And they'll have additional resources granted to them on top of the Hyper Express Mokoko Pass that takes them to 1540.
789s There'll be an event shop that's exclusive to the Jump Start Server, where players can exchange event currency to get vertical progression materials, like honing materials, as well as horizontal progression materials, like card packs.
801s There will also be a boost to XP gain.
803s So we think players can make it to 1580 very quickly and begin enjoying all the in-game content.
810s Awesome.
811s Yeah, it's really exciting to be able to kind of create a new space where we can bring players back into the game that maybe haven't played in a long time, only played a little bit at launch and then dropped out of the game, or have never really experienced Artesia at all and kind of put them in a new space and have them come up together.
828s I think that's really important, too, just in terms of lost art being an MMO, it's a new space for them to kind of play together, play through content at the same time, and kind of all go on that same journey.
839s Yeah, absolutely.
841s And Andy, you mentioned the super Mokoko Pass coming with it.
845s I think that's great because, you know, this pass gives upgraded gems and things that'll make their characters feel powerful right away.
853s Are they also going to be able to use the Power Pass as well to get into the endgame faster?
858s Exactly.
859s The Power Pass and the Super Mokoko Hyper Express pass will be available to the Jump Start players as well as the players in legacy servers.
866s Awesome.
868s A feature that's coming in September is one that's near and dear to my heart: Yoz's Jar.
875s I know players have been waiting for Legendary skins from Yoz's Jar for a long time.
879s When releasing Yoz's Jar, we wanted to make the system feel more fair and more accessible.
884s And so I'm happy to announce that when you open Yoz's Jar, if you don't get the Legendary skin component, you'll still get the Epic skin component that's exclusive to the Yoz's Jar, as well as Amethyst Shards, which can be used to redeem for awards in the Amethyst Shard shop.
900s We'll be adding extra awards to the Amethyst Shard shop and if you're someone who engages with Twitch Drops, you're pretty familiar with the system already.
907s Yeah.
908s So players actually have been asking for an update to the Amethyst Shard shop.
913s Oh, say that three times fast!
915s An update to the Amethyst Shard shop for a while.
919s You mentioned that we were going to be adding new rewards to it.
921s Can you talk a little bit about what some of those are and what they'll look like?
925s Yeah.
925s So on top of the Legendary mounts and the pheons and other good stuff that's already in there, we're going to be adding cosmetics that can be redeemed for Amethyst Shards, as well as silver and dyes and reagents for you to customize your skins.
940s Those will actually be evergreen purchases, which means you can buy as many times as you like.
944s So if you continue to pursue Yoz's Jar, you'll get Amethyst that you can redeem infinitely for silver.
952s Awesome.
952s That's super helpful because I know, like, I'm going to be rolling for the Slayer skins now that I switched mains.
958s So having some like dyes to be able to customize it once I...
961s once I get it.
962s I'll be pretty sweet.
964s We'll be getting season two of Yoz's Jar, which is called Leap.
967s So that does include the Slayer skin, which will be amazing.
971s I'm personally very excited for the Paladin skin.
974s I think that's one of the coolest skins I've ever seen in any game.
977s Yeah, and with the Aeromancer coming out in August 1st, by the time Yoz's Jar releases in September, that means the Aeromancer will also be included in that with her legendary skin.
987s And it's really, really cute.
989s And the possibility of customizing it is unlimited.
992s So it would be really fascinating how cute that is with the dyeing kits, dyeing packs.
998s So you're going to see it very soon - the details.
1002s We all shared our favorite skins, Soomin.
1004s Do you have one that you're excited for?
1006s I'm looking for to the Aeromancer.
1008s Okay.
1008s Yeah.
1008s Good taste.
1009s Good taste.
1010s I'm currently playing the Artist class, but I'm always looking forward to the Aeromancer.
1016s Nice.
1017s Yeah, I think that'll be a lot of fun.
1019s And we know players have been very, very, very interested to know when Yoz's Jar is coming.
1024s So like Andy said, very near and dear to our hearts, and very glad to be able to announce that no more Yoz's Jar, Yoz's Jar September.
1034s Cool.
1035s Well, there are a few other pieces of content coming in September as well.
1038s One that's actually really near and dear to my heart is the new affection ranks for retiring Thirain and Nineveh.
1046s So for these affection ranks, Thirain, the first one, is someone that you probably have grown very close to after helping him become the king of Luterra.
1054s Now that he's been the king for a while, he is actually getting ready to celebrate his coronation one year anniversary with a giant ball happening in Luterra.
1063s But he's secretly really stressed out about this.
1066s And while he's trying to put on a brave face, you might be the only person he's willing to open up to.
1071s Next up, we have Nineveh.
1072s Nineveh is someone I think we all know.
1074s All she does is help others.
1076s She never really looks out for herself.
1078s She's always bright, positive, smiling.
1080s And her animal friends are planning on throwing her a party because she's so bright and cute.
1084s Why wouldn't they?
1086s But something is happening and she mysteriously collapses due to a chaotic force.
1092s Nineveh is finally ready to open up about her past and some of the more dark history she's experienced that you may not have heard of before.
1099s I'm really looking forward to getting to know these characters a little bit better at a closer level.
1103s These are affection ranks, so you will be, you know, getting to know them on a little bit more of an intimate level, but that's also going to reveal a lot about their characters and personalities and a little bit about them that you maybe didn't know before.
1115s Don't look at me like that.
1117s I know you like Nineveh.
1118s I think you deserved it, Roxx.
1120s I know you like Nineveh.
1121s I mean, yeah, I just want to be there for after the traumatic events of Elgacia as well.
1126s So in addition to those new affection ranks coming into the game, there's also a new surprise coming onto Primal Island.
1133s Henry, do you want to talk a little bit about what players might find there?
1136s Yeah, absolutely.
1137s We're adding a fun new minigame, which is something that players in Lost Ark haven't really experienced before, where we have a new battle royale game mode coming.
1148s Players that are 1490 or above can load into Primal Island and experience a new game mode where you have to scavenge for your gear, battle dinosaurs, and battle each other until there's one person left standing who's the winner.
1164s Yeah, it's going to be pretty intense.
1166s I know there's a lot of intensity in Lost Ark, but nothing quite like facing off against dinosaurs in a battle royale.
1173s I think that'll be a really unique experience.
1175s Yeah, you can play it several times throughout the week.
1178s I think up to once a day.
1180s And increase your overall rank by your best placement.
1185s So some fun new PVP competition.
1188s Is this is more of a squad based sort of thing?
1192s Or are you on your own?
1193s Everyone's...
1194s everyone's on their own.
1195s It's a free-for-all.
1196s Every man and dinosaur for themselves.
1198s Oh yeah.
1199s Primal Island Oh, yeah.
1206s Henry, you want to talk a little bit about what adventures we're going on in October?
1209s Yeah, absolutely.
1211s In October, we have a new continent coming to Lost Ark, which is Pleccia, the continent of freedom, art and romance.
1221s Players will be able to uncover some cool new storylines.
1225s The story picks up in Luterra, where they will then venture to this new continent and experience some familiar faces.
1237s *cough* Armand *cough* Encounter Sacrian priests and learn about the kind of secretive Vediches family which inhabits Pleccia.
1249s Players will need to be item level 1475 to start the story quests.
1254s And once the story quest is finished, there will still be some exciting collectibles, cool rewards, and other fun things that they can experience on the continent.
1263s And you will need to complete Pleccia before Voldis, but we'll have a little bit more information on what that is soon.
1270s Yeah.
1271s So when that comes in October, you're definitely going to want to dive in and explore that continent there for various reasons.
1278s Spoilers.
1279s I'm also excited with Pleccia because that's the first story after Elgacia that's going to open the second chapter of the story.
1285s So I'm very excited.
1287s Yeah.
1288s From what I've seen, you know, the continent looks beautiful too.
1290s I love the setting.
1292s It's really pretty.
1293s Yeah.
1293s I've really been wondering what's happened to Armand.
1296s I feel like it's been a while since I've heard from him.
1298s I hope...
1299s I hope he's okay.
1301s I guess we'll know soon.
1302s Yeah.
1303s We'll find out.
1304s Yeah.
1305s And then, in addition to Pleccia, for players that are a little bit more on the competitive side, rather than the story side, we have a new Trial Guardian coming, which is Caliligos, the master of Lightning Dragon.
1319s So similar to some of the previous Trial Guardian raids that we've had, players will be able to compete for the first clear in a region and then also the fastest clear time in general.
1330s So there's some cool vanity rewards, like a special title players can go for there and work to, you know, have good teamwork and clear the raid as fast as possible.
1340s Yeah, I know it's been a while since I've faced off against Carl, but coming back to it and definitely getting competitive about it might be pretty interesting.
1347s Yeah, I haven't tried Achates yet, but I think I'm going to give it a go this time around with some friends.
1353s Yeah, that could be fun.
1354s What about you, Andy?
1355s Do you think you're going to go for the Trial Guardian Raid at all?
1360s I'm not very good at Guardian Raids and I'm very, very far behind.
1364s But, you know, I'm...
1367s I don't know.
1368s Sorry.
1371s All right, well, I'm keeping you from my team with that response.
1377s I'm just kidding.
1377s Maybe the four of us should try and clear it as a quad and see what happens.
1382s Yeah, that could be fun.
1383s Yeah, apparently, I didn't realize Soomin played support, so I think we can do it.
1387s Yeah, I don't do any damage, but like...
1389s Yeah, I got you.
1390s Yeah.
1392s Yeah, that would be a lot of fun.
1393s Cool.
1393s So it sounds like we have a really exciting October coming up.
1396s Couple of things for us to do.
1397s A couple of new adventures, couple new challenges.
1400s And with that, we'll go ahead and start talking a little bit about November.
1409s There's something very exciting coming in November.
1411s It's going to be our next class following Aeromancer for Lost Ark in the west.
1416s Yeah.
1416s So in November we have the Souleater advanced class coming.
1420s It's the next Assassin advanced class.
1422s It wields an enormous scythe as its weapon, which is super cool.
1427s But that's not the only way you can attack enemies with it.
1430s You can also summon the dead or transform into a reaper.
1434s I'm super excited for the class.
1436s I love playing all the Assassin classes.
1438s This one's no exception.
1440s It has some really unique mechanics.
1443s You can build up your Identity Gauge to transform into a Reaper.
1449s You fill up three Soul Stones and then can activate that whenever you want.
1453s There's a second Identity Gauge that fills up when you're transformed to let you further enhance your attacks and do some cool moves while in the Reaper form.
1465s So a lot of different cool attacks visually.
1468s I'm super excited.
1470s Like all the other classes, it will have two engravings to kind of change up the way that you play the class.
1476s The first one is the Full Moon engraving, and this one's built around really enhancing the Reaper mode and your playstyle when you're transformed.
1488s That's for the people that want to hit really big damage numbers in a cool burst window.
1493s So it's built around enhancing that playstyle.
1497s On the other hand, the Dark Moon actually completely takes away your Reaper transformation and makes you more powerful and allows you to use your Identity Gauge to enhance all of your other abilities when you're not transformed.
1512s So kind of two sides of the coin.
1513s We have the big burst window in the Full Moon engraving and kind of a constant uptime damage class focused around being fast and having powerful attacks all the time with the Full Moon.
1526s Yeah, I'm definitely really looking forward to seeing that Souleater in game.
1530s The animations and the way the class plays just like looks really visually stunning too.
1535s I think it's a really cool.
1536s Yeah, absolutely.
1538s But what can players expect when it comes, Soomin? Anything to help them level up the new class quickly?
1544s You know, they'll be another round of the Hyper Express.
1547s So we don't know which type of the Hyper Express is coming yet, but there will be Hyper Express plus Power Pass to support the growth.
1555s Awesome.
1556s That'll be super cool.
1557s That way players can hop in and fight Akkan and some of the other cool stuff right away.
1561s Yeah.
1562s Yeah.
1562s We definitely want to get those Souleaters leveled up and ready to go, so we'll be supporting there.
1567s You going to make one, Andy?
1569s I do like my Assassin, so I'm going to have to race you to gearing up that Souleater.
1574s Oh, that'll be fun.
1576s A race?
1576s That's terrifying.
1579s Yeah, I think a few of my guild members started saving up materials as soon as they saw it announced in Korea.
1585s So I'm excited we get to bring it over in the next couple of months.
1588s Yeah, it's coming in pretty fast.
1590s Yeah.
1591s Some of these things you're hearing today with Full moon, Dark Moon, Reaper, those are the terms we're using currently based off our kind of translations from Korea, but the class has not been fully localized.
1601s We're still doing some of that work.
1602s So some of those names you're hearing today might change slightly by the time it releases in November.
1607s Just keep that in mind.
1608s The functions, the form are still going to act the same.
1611s That's what you can look forward to with the class.
1613s Just might sound a little bit different when it's finally in the game, and that's going to bring us right to the end of the year where we're going to round things out with our December releases.
1625s We have another new adventure that players are going to set off on following Elgacia.
1629s Henry, do you want to talk a little bit about where we'll be headed next?
1632s Yeah, absolutely.
1634s So December is a new continent releasing, which includes a whole suite of new endgame activities and upgrades for players, and that is Volids.
1648s To enter Volids, you'll need to be item level 1520 to start the storyline and you'll get to venture to kind of this fantastical land where you'll meet the Sages, which are an important new group of characters that live in the big city of Kalinar in Voldis.
1668s There you'll go to seek out some of their wisdom to help with the upcoming wars as the Chaos Guardians and other threats in Arkesia are growing ever more present.
1682s And you'll get to experience both the bustling city of Kalinar, along with the lush rainforests as you uncover the secrets and listen to the advice of the Sages in this foreign land.
1696s It's really cool visually, and kind of a different tonal setting from a lot of the other continents in Arkesia.
1703s So super cool.
1706s There's cute homunculi that are floating around in the city and a couple other fun things that players will get to experience.
1715s Once you complete the story there's still fun things to do in all the normal stuff like Adventurer's Tome, collectibles, and cool things that you can...
1724s you can keep working towards.
1727s But the big thing that Voldis will introduce is the next Abyssal Dungeon, which is a four player activity.
1736s It's called the Ivory Tower.
1737s And like Kayangle, it will be four gates that players can progress through, fight compelling cool bosses, and earn a bunch of really cool rewards, gold honing mats, all the normal stuff.
1754s So one of the really cool rewards that is earnable in the Ivory Tower Abyssal Dungeon is a new system called Elixirs, which are the next big power increase that players can experience in Lost Ark.
1766s It's a really cool system that kind of blends some strategic decision-making along with a certain amount of luck, which is always important in Lost Ark.
1776s But the way it works is, once you acquire an Elixir through the Abyssal Dungeon - first of all, let me say there's two types.
1783s You can get Epic ones from completing normal mode and Legendary ones from completing hard mode.
1790s So once you acquire an Elixir, you have to refine it.
1793s You can refine it by using a Catalyst, which is a new item that you can earn in-game by purchasing it with gold and Stones of Chaos.
1804s And once you refine it, you'll be guided along a path where you'll have to make some strategic decisions and like I said, also have a little bit of luck to succeed.
1814s Luckily, you'll be getting advice from some of the Sages in Voldis while you're doing it, so you'll have a little bit of an endgame guide to help you make some of those decisions.
1826s And as you refine it, you can kind of choose which path to go on, which lets you unlock some really powerful offensive, defensive and utility-based upgrades for your kit.
1840s Once you've gone through that refining process, you can then imbue your gear with the refined Elixir onto your various armor pieces.
1851s And one thing that's really cool is mixing and matching some of those upgrades that you get through the Elixirs, because when you're able to match some of the important effects, they further boost the effect and give you some really big crit rate increases or attack power increases or other options to really make your character feel more powerful.
1878s So that's pretty exciting.
1879s I'm really looking forward to it.
1881s I play Deathblade.
1882s I know Andy does too, so things like that crit rate make your surge feel a lot better, right?
1886s You can never have enough crit rate.
1888s True, True.
1889s So yeah, it's a.'..
1890s it's a cool system.
1892s I think it'll be fun.
1894s And also let players kind of make some cool decisions as they're looking to upgrade their gear.
1900s So there's definitely a lot to do in Voldis.
1902s Is there anything else coming out in December that players should look out for?
1906s There is one more surprise - there will be one more season of Ark Pass starting from December.
1911s Awesome.
1911s So yeah, not only will we have a new Ark Pass coming in September, but we'll also have an additional one in December.
1917s So a lot of Ark Pass for players to enjoy and gain rewards.
1922s So that's going to round out our content for the roadmap throughout the end of the year.
1925s We really enjoyed getting together and talking to you all about what's coming, sharing a little bit of insight on some of these systems and details on what to expect.
1934s We hope you enjoyed it, too.
1935s And we want to leave you with a Community Question.
1937s What part of the roadmap content are you most looking forward to experiencing?
1941s And with that, this was our first time doing a roadmap video like this and all getting together to talk to players.
1946s We want to know what you thought as well.
1948s Let us know what you enjoyed.
1949s If you want to see more like this, please like and subscribe.
1951s Leave a comment on the video and we would really appreciate it.
1955s As always, I'm Roxx.
1956s This is Henry, Soomin, and Andy.
1959s We are really glad to talk to you today and we'll see you in Arkesia.