9 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s did you know that the artist is the
2s class that has been deleted the least
5s 750 million Moco seeds have been
8s gathered by players 3.5 million igne
11s tokens have been earned across the board
12s from players
13s 1.6 million players
16s have fallen and that's that's kind of a
19s lot it is
21s um but you know everybody's doing their
23s part such as this one player here who it
25s says has died 46 900 times
31s one person one player he's really doing
34s his part there is a point where failure
36s becomes success and at this point he is
37s successful yeah and now you're number
39s one look at that you can do anything and
41s that's well not our motto at The Debate
43s Club but it should be you can do
44s anything join us on August 24th at 10
47s A.M Pacific over at twitch.tv Play Lost
50s Ark for the Live season finale of the
52s Lost Ark Academy Debate Club