5 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s in the spirit of the Season we asked
2s players on Discord and Reddit to share
4s their most heartwarming lost AR stories
6s with us if your story is shared here in
9s nera's Tavern you'll receive a twinkling
11s Moon headband chest that you can use to
13s pick a cute little headband for one of
15s your characters also if you were
16s featured in last month's show in October
19s you'll earn it too so we haven't
21s forgotten about you with all that being
23s said let's share some of your
25s stories back then in the early days of
28s vaulton I was in an Argos bus one
30s passenger at the beginning asked the
32s party not to skip cutcenes so her little
34s son could watch Argos or the cute white
37s deer as he called it me the drivers and
39s the fellow passengers agreed she told us
42s that her son was very excited to see
44s Argos playing with the drivers and
46s during the Argos death scene he said
48s Argos is going to sleep and begged us to
50s say good night Argos sweet
53s dreams almost exactly one year ago I met
56s a fellow Raider in lostark during a br
59s shaza learning party we got to talking
61s and we've been best friends ever since
63s despite living in completely different
65s countries we talk every day and spend
67s our evenings on call playing lost AR
69s together we have gone on to do
71s everything together we clear the latest
73s content together and we even H together
75s meeting him has been amazing and I
77s wouldn't change it for anything thank
79s you lost dark keep your friends
82s close a month or two ago we were all
84s done with our weekly raids so we decided
86s to queue up for some Inferno Vault and
88s vikus it's usually something we do just
91s to pass the time and keep busy when
92s there's nothing else to do someone knew
94s applied to the raid and it was his first
96s attempt at trying vikus he couldn't get
98s into any other raids and ours was the
100s only party up at the time turns out he
103s was a very elderly man and had been
105s kicked and rejected a lot fast forward
107s to present day and we all formed a
109s static with him to help him enjoy the
111s game a little bit more he said he's been
113s estang from his family and considers all
115s of us like his grandchildren it's been
117s really fun helping him learn how to do
119s all the old r and he's even gotten some
121s titles for previous Inferno modes
123s unfortunately his age is catching up to
126s him so he hopes to play a little bit
127s more and hopefully stick it out for one
129s last push through Inferno BR shaza you
132s know I'm going to be really upset if
134s that story is not true because I am now
136s rooting for
138s him I think the most heartwarming moment
141s was when we all put gold together to buy
142s maid skin for our friend that we kept
144s sending into a conate 3 as a janitor
147s every run now he has six made costumes
150s you know what I'm glad he owned it and
151s I'm sure he appreciated you giving him
154s that first one about 8 months ago I took
157s seven makos into Vias to teach them we
159s spent something like 6 hours in the raid
162s and eventually cleared it a week ago one
164s of them saw me in aonor and thank me for
166s getting him into the game he's now item
168s level 1580 doing BR hard and a con me
172s and my friend used to play alone but one
174s day we found a vikus learning party with
176s six players that were already friends
178s from different Latin American countries
180s we didn't clear gate three but they
182s invited us to try again the next time
184s all eight of us were together we did so
187s and they became our friends in real life
189s now we play together most of the time
191s text each other random stuff through the
192s day and are planning to meet in person
194s soon and learn a con blind P.S we hold
197s birthday parties in my stronghold you
200s love to see it I've hosted teaching
202s raids weekly since before clown released
205s every once in a while I'll come across
206s someone in a standard reclear Lobby who
209s recognizes me and Shar how great they're
210s doing now with their
212s roster knowing I aided someone along
214s their journey and that they still play
216s and enjoy the game always makes me smile
219s hey thank you for your work in helping
220s new
222s players yesterday as a returning player
224s I waited in a party finder for a tier
226s five Guardian then I disbanded since I
229s had no one joining a minute later a Max
231s Level player added me since he saw it
233s being disbanded and helped me clear it a
235s heartwarming moment has to be when I saw
237s my younger brother jump out of Joy when
239s he finally cleared vaulton for the first
242s time and was alive the whole way through
244s he put everything I taught him into
246s practice and managed to beat the demon
248s Beast Commander I accepted a random
250s invite to a field boss party today and
252s they were talking about how cool the
254s plus 24 Slayer looked that was there
256s before quickly noticing that it was me
259s we had some fun and chat and after I
261s made some new friends in the process a
263s couple of weeks ago I was up super late
265s on a whim I looked at party finder and
268s saw a group of makos trying to learn CL
270s I joined them and asked if I could teach
272s them over Discord we spent 3 hours
275s wiping until they cleared Gate 1 and
277s gate 2 they said they were sorry for all
279s the resets but they didn't know I was
280s having fun teaching them and watching
282s them do the same stuff I did when I pred
284s clown a year back they were waiting for
287s over an hour to disband and were about
289s to give up but this positive experience
291s wanted to make them continue playing
293s they all added me as friends and I still
295s see them online sometimes don't forget
297s to help Mak cokos who are willing to
299s learn P.S shout out to jyn who I still
302s see playing your artillerist good luck
304s with your raids at first we were a party
306s of five we really wanted to find three
309s more players to make a reliable static
312s We Were Somehow blessed to meet three of
313s the most amazing human beings during
315s vicus release week and have been reading
317s together ever since I couldn't be more
319s thankful to regulus for bringing us
321s together a I met a random super low
325s roster level Shadow hunter in a weekly
326s challenge Abyss raid dude was maybe 40
329s or 50 roster level but he was wearing
331s full legendary skins he actually reached
334s out to me via whisper since I was, 16600
337s Plus on Shadow Hunter and we proceeded
340s to talk about builds and progression for
341s at least 30 minutes a genuine makoko who
344s was super excited about the game and
346s wanted to learn I hope he's still around
347s playing somewhere I was teaching clown
350s gate 2 after using the circle to explain
352s clock positions we still had trouble
354s with the maze our Arrow was so kind she
357s said it was okay if we replaced her and
358s that she'd understand if she was holding
360s us back I told her no it's fine this is
363s a learning party this is what the party
365s is meant for and we would go until we
367s get it and we did another member
370s complimented my dedication to the group
372s I felt so happy to be a part of that
374s group I came back in March after taking
376s a year break last year and kept seeing
378s amazing new mounts in North ver I had
380s the makoko symbol next to my name and
382s whispered someone to ask about the dream
384s bed Mount and tell them how awesome it
386s was this gigachad Arcanist was super
388s friendly and after about 5 minutes he
390s opened a trade with me and gave me a
392s selection box for it I couldn't believe
394s it unan na East is the place to be and
398s there you have it some of the most
400s heartwarming stories from our community
402s see they aren't always salty what's that
404s you need more salt no no everything's uh
408s great anyway my heart is warmed their
411s hearts are warmed and your hearts are
413s probably warmed so I feel like this is
415s the perfect time to cut to a commercial
416s break we'll see you when we get back
435s [Music]