6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s in a dimly lit room at 3:00 a.m. a gamer
3s with over 5,000 hours in Lost Arc an
6s item level 1600 main character and five
9s alts at item level 1540 was obsessed
13s with obtaining The elusive losos 30 card
16s set they had grinded through weekly
18s Legion raids card adventure Islands and
20s more but to no avail desperation set in
23s leading to a terrifying Choice buying
26s card packs from the Mari shop a decision
28s that would surely drain their wallet
30s faster than quality tapping but the
32s obsession drove them to the brink weeks
35s passed with no losos 30 card set in
37s sight desperate they delved into the
40s terrifying one through six Abyssal
42s dungeons on their alts hoping for a slim
44s chance of finding the card set but the
47s Relentless Horrors within pushed them
49s further into madness and the losos 30
52s card set remained as elusive as ever
55s lost AR had become a nightmare blurring
57s the lines between the game and reality
59s with the coveted card set forever out of
62s their reach and their sanity slipping
64s away scary stories from
70s arcasia
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I forgot to lock my accessories I had
2s for my Pali when switching presets and
5s trashed all of my accessories while
7s dismantling after a raid by accident
10s scary stories from
12s [Applause]
13s arcasia having spent 200,000 gold on my
17s Arcana to get out of the green quality
19s on all my equipment but it was still
22s green scary stories from arcasia
26s oo I am a player who has a paladin as a
29s main character but the moment when the
31s new artist class released I was so
33s scared I saw no Paladin titles and raids
38s crying Emoji so I had a hard time
41s getting into the party for brw and other
43s raids pumpkin Emoji scary stories from
48s arcasia four people remaining brell gate
52s 6 time 0 then a chat message pops up I
56s don't have counter scary stories from
60s our
63s Asia
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s that time when people were still using
3s north east south and west for position
7s still haunts my nightmares scary stories
10s from
13s arcasia it's the first week of the newly
16s introduced fate Embers I run my arrested
19s Guardian on my main and kill it pretty
21s quickly to my surprise I drop two Fates
24s from one run amazing but before I'm able
28s to grab them I proceed to DC and load
31s back into the city because everyone left
33s the instance scary stories from
37s arcasia
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s upgrading to 5 * 3 + 1 I mistakenly left
4s my stone for last and what ensued next
6s were
8s 2378 hours of pure torment every day
13s searching scouring the market and buying
16s it dry every day more failed 7 sevs more
20s praying someone would post Stones 66
23s Stones cut in 9.9 Eerie days now the
28s dead Rocks live forever haunting my
31s storage so no one will ever forget the
34s mistake scary stories from
39s arcasia
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s joined a normal BR gate one and two on
3s my 1500 item level Artist as a DPS to
7s mess around after finishing my dailies
9s for the night ended up getting top
12s damage in both gates after two of the
14s longest BR fights I've ever seene I even
17s ran out of Awakenings for Dominion scary
21s stories from arcasia
24s spooky the fact that I was actually
27s enjoying being stuck at BR shaza Gate 1
31s for 4 hours with a learning party this
35s terrifies me scary stories from
39s [Music]
41s arcasia do you hear that quote vikus
45s absorbed 8 Spirits scary stories from
49s [Music]
53s arcasia you sound like I'm going to
57s vomit
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s imagine the following situation you are
3s close to eye Lev for a raid decently
5s geared but you know you are far behind a
7s lot of the other characters running the
9s content after 30 minutes of applying you
12s finally get into a Lobby they even have
15s a support good characters maybe some
17s Inferno title enjoyers you are filled
20s with hope but after 30 more minutes
23s finally a second support applies
25s relieved you accept their prompt to
27s enter then someone declines panicking
30s you look at the name it's the support of
33s course it's the support you wait for the
35s words which will seal your fate I got a
37s friend you realize your time has come
40s this raid was never going to happen
43s scary stories from
46s arcasia
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s joined a con hard mode Gate 1 Gate 3
3s reclear after Gate 1 I suddenly heard
6s the song of escape from multiple people
9s H how curious I joined them me support
14s and a DPS instantly get kicked and
17s replaced by two apparently jailed
20s Friends of the lobby lead not a word
23s abandoned in jail you know who you are
27s players of
29s kadan scar stories from arcasia may they
33s rest in peace
6 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I was doing a hanu maton guardian raid
2s and 12 minutes later we finally finished
5s then two fade Embers dropped what a
7s marvelous surprise but the worst was yet
10s to come I got 500k silver backto back
14s and an ancient ring with Grudge plus 6
18s adrenaline + three 98%
22s 299
24s endurance scary stories from
29s arcasia