@blafhoke77 Please understand that when we have news we will share, but we will also share content here on Twitter. If you strictly want news check our website daily. Follow us on social media for news and content.
@UfukAkkoyun6 @blafhoke77 Our studios are closed due to COVID. Maybe you mean a development diary but the work being done isn't particularly exciting. We're working on builds, QAing them, localizing them, and working with Smilegate RPG to lock all features and content for Beta and Launch.
@UfukAkkoyun6 @blafhoke77 A lot of the things you might share when creating a new game, such as character design, environment design, etc, all that exciting stuff often doesn't happen when publishing an existing game in new regions. But I hear the ask and will work with the team on options.
@Mydargo Currently, Lost Ark is only available in the regions listed on our website, and we do not have the rights to publish the game in any additional regions. If this changes, we will be sure to share an update. You can see all regions here: https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/game/faq
@boirissad Our social posts have no effect on the release date for Lost Ark. In addition to our efforts with transparency, we will continue to post content that shares information about the game for fans to enjoy.
@Pyrge_TTV At this time our focus is preparing for the Closed Beta Test. We have not yet shared our content roadmap but we look forward to sharing a full look at the Classes, Continents, Dungeons and more we'll have at launch when the time is right.