about 2 months ago - Lost Ark - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Hey!
1s Heroes of Arkesia.
2s To celebrate the second anniversary of Lost Ark, we asked you to share your best clips from the past year with us.
8s Let's check them out now.
13s No!
13s Ugh.
13s Oh.
13s What?
13s Qu'est-il passe?
15s Comment?
15s Comment?
15s Mais comment?
49s Comment t'a fait?
50s I'm gonna start playing out of my mind.
51s It's gonna be crazy.
53s Trumpet.
61s Are you alive?
66s F****!
66s We do mech, right?
67s We do mech, right?
70s Alright girls and gays, we got this.
111s Surely that won't be right.
113s Guys, it hit me.
114s *hysterical laughter* We really enjoyed watching all of your highlights from the past year, and would love to feature more community members in future videos, but let us know what you thought by leaving a comment, liking, subscribing, and letting us know if you like this kind of content.
171s We'll see you in Arkesia next time.