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Transcript (by Youtube)

6s Coming to you from the Amazon Games Community Team, it's the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club!
12s With your host, straight out of the rocks box, it's Roxx!
24s Welcome to the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club.
26s This is where our contestants debate to prove they have what it takes not to be a Mokoko.
31s I'm Roxx and I'm here to make sure we stay safe and have fun.
34s Right, Mokoko?
36s Photosensitive Seizure Warning.
36s If you or anyone in your family have an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing Lost Ark.
42s All right, let's get things started and bring out our first contestant.
46s Here is DatModz.
52s Who put that thing there?
52s Next up, Bobajenny.
55s Hi, everyone.
57s Next up, we're going to bring out Grenton.
63s And finally, we have Stoopzz.
66s Yeah.
67s It's the live finale soon!
68s Vote for me, please!
69s I'm gonna lose!
72s Lots of confidence today, so we'll take that right into our warm-up debate.
76s Two versus two.
77s You already know the only rule is that there are no rules.
80s Get it all out of your system right now.
83s So for today's warm-up debate, the topic is - what is the hardest Guardian Raid to complete on item level?
89s I'm going to have you both decide on your topics first and then I'll give you a minute to strategize.
94s Okay.
95s Okay.
97s Time allows.
99s Mechs.
99s Well yeah that, and we know they're probably going to go for...
107s Topics - team behind the rock.
110s What is your choice?
114s Hmm.
117s How much more time do you need?
119s We're going to go Tytalos.
120s Okay.
121s Okay.
122s Other team behind the bongos?
126s We're gonna do Velganos.
127s All right.
128s I will give you all your actual minute to strategize now if you need any more time.
135s Tytalos?
135s Oh, it doesn't matter.
136s That's like the easy choice, right?
138s It's like the...
139s It's the first hard one.
140s So there's more challenge.
142s So this is episode 12, the final episode of the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club.
148s The live season finale is right around the corner.
151s That live season finale is where you, the viewers, are all going to decide who is not a Mokoko.
156s Pretty exciting.
157s All season long nothing I have done here has mattered.
160s But suddenly it's all in your hands and everything you do is going to matter.
164s August 24th at 10 a.m.
167s Pacific Time on Twitch .TV / Play Lost Ark.
170s So be sure to tune in and join us for the live season finale of the show.
174s We hope to see you there.
178s All right.
179s To me, this means you've had way more than enough time to strategize.
183s So I'm going to get things started with the warm-up debate.
186s So right ahead, let's get into it.
187s Okay, listen up.
188s The reason why we picked Tytalos is because it's early on in the game in tier one.
193s People are still getting acclimated to the game, they're still learning mechanics.
196s Things are foreign and unknown. Tytalos introduces the first one-shot mechanic in the entire game.
203s You have the standing circles, you have to time it.
206s Sometimes they overlap and you get stacks quicker and if you get petrified before the wipe mechanic comes out, you die and you have to reset.
214s It's a steeper learning curve.
215s You're right.
216s Tytalos sucks.
218s "Ty-talos" - "tie-talos" - I'm not sure which one it is, but it does suck.
220s I think it's "tie-talos" though.
221s It's not "ty-talos".
222s Sure.
223s But you're right.
225s It was one of the first challenging Guardians.
227s However, as players got more experienced, they still struggled with Velganos.
233s In my opinion, if it's the only one I've ever seen being bussed - people paying for a bus or giving up some of their math -.
241s They bus Tytalos too.
244s It was so challenging, they nerfed it early on.
247s You're right.
248s People were crying about how hard it was. Gate keeping from tier two Guardian Raids.
254s They couldn't progress early on.
254s You are correct.
255s But you only had to do it once and you moved on.
258s People would move on rather quickly, but on Velganos we were there...
261s You don't farm Velganos multiple times.
263s You had too!
266s You don't remember!
267s I gave you credit when you were right.
268s But I'm right on this one.
272s When Argos was the end game, Velganos was also the endgame Guardian Raid.
279s We didn't have Deskaluda yet...
280s People did it one time.
281s We didn't know have Deskaluda yet.
282s And there are multiple factors why - People either...
285s people either bought a bus from Velganos..
286s My own teammates interrupting me.
288s ...and then either they...
289s I just to cut him off!
291s - That's fine.
291s And then also it was one of the only Guardian Raids that people would rather go into solo because - That's right!
298s - you could wipe your entire group, not just die yourself like in Tytalos.
302s Tytalos, that map - not that bad.
305s Velganos - That map was s$#@!
305s - not only were you fighting the boss, you were also fighting the map.
309s Sometimes you couldn't even complete the maps.
311s As long as you land on your Pheromones, it was correct.
313s *indecipherable* So now - I haven't said anything yet!
319s And your Pheromones corrrectly...
320s *indecipherable interrupting chaos* You let Stoopzz talk because I'm gonna Interrupt him after!
327s I'm going to end the warm-up debate here.
333s This is not fair, man!
336s It's a warm-up.
337s Nobody wins anyway.
337s We're all still losers until someone wins.
340s All right.
341s We're going to go ahead to a commercial break.
343s And when we get back, we'll go into our final 1v1 debate of our last episode before the live finale.
349s You're talking a lot of smack behind that mushroom.
350s Wait, you got - no one farm Velganos!
355s You only did it once!
357s Why would you farm Velganos?
361s We got Deska, we got Valtan, and Argos was our end game for a long ass time.
366s Why didn't you say Ice Turtle instead of Velganos?
368s Listen.
369s Listen.
370s More people did Kungelanium.
370s The debate's over and I still can't talk.
376s Our director tells me there is an exception made in this case.
379s That's right.
380s We were forming Velganos.
381s He was our endgame and Argos was our endgame.
384s And it wasn't just the Pheromones.
386s Sometimes the mechanics would go off the maps.
388s You couldn't even do the pizza.
390s You'd have to run away from the boss.
391s The range anyway for the next reset.
393s And every pattern on Velganos could kill you.
394s Little breath.
395s There was multiple wipe mechanics and there was a reason why you did it solo, because if somebody ate up everything or did it incorrectly and they lost the buffs, you do zero damage.
403s Everyone knows Velganos.
405s I mean, look, you can comment in the comments.
408s They're all going to say Velganos.
409s You have to do Tytalos like one time and then you left.
411s Yes.
411s He was challenging.
412s I'm not here to debate that.
413s What I am here to debate is that Velganos was the most difficult Guardian on item level.
418s And that's why they said it gave you your Lost Ark passport.
421s That's right.
422s The Korean passport.
423s Yeah.
424s We cut that out.
424s Are we done?
425s By the way, we were on the same team.
427s Are we done?
427s Does everybody feel better?
430s Do you feel better?
430s No, I am not okay.
434s They didn't have to nerf Velganos, though.
435s So yeah, they never nerfed it.
437s Yeah.
438s Yeah.
438s It's because -.
438s He came nerfed.
440s Yeah.
440s We're not talking about "came nerfed." Just saying.
442s Tytalos was even harder before.
445s And that's because you suck.
452s Wow, that's really mean.
452s Wow.
456s I know what's happening here.
456s You're all upset because this is our last episode before the live finale.
459s It's okay.
460s I'm glad we're giving you a safe space for us to get all your feelings out.
464s It's okay to be a little bit upset.
466s I'm frustrated today.
469s I know.
470s It'll be okay.
472s All right.
472s We'll get right back to it after our commercial break and we'll have the 1v1 debate.
476s I have a feeling this is going to be interesting.
490s It's f%#^ing rigged.
493s But you can still vote for me in the live finale of the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club.
499s Did you say, "Worst mount ever?" Well, do I have a deal for you!
503s Come on down to Grenton's Mount Emporium for lightly used but high quality mounts.
508s If you want horses, we got horses.
510s You like turtles?
511s We got those too!
512s Hoverboards.
513s Mokoko boards!
513s Clouds!
514s You-name-it, you want to ride around in a bubble?
517s I got this one right here.
518s But wait - today only - I'm giving all my customers 25% off.
523s And for the fancier customers who want to get this horse, I will include this saddle ridden on by King Thirain himself.
531s So use this mount to get to our live finale of the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club today.
546s Hi, I'm Aeromancer, and I'm here to give you the weather.
554s That doesn't look Maharaka-ready.
555s Let's change that.
558s Now it's clear skies and sunny all week.
561s That's it for the weather.
562s Now let's hear from my fans.
564s Dear Aeromancer, why didn't you come last month?
568s Because I was f$#^ing busy.
570s Now the forecast is lightning!
572s Hail Kazeros!
578s All right.
578s We are back.
579s Everyone has taken a moment, gotten a juice box, calmed down, and it is now time for our 1v1 debate.
586s Remember, contestant one will have one minute to make their argument.
589s Contestant two will have one minute to make their argument and then each will have one minute for a response.
594s So for our last topic today, what is the most epic boss fight in Lost Ark?
600s Now I'm going to have both of you decide what fight you're going to argue for before I give you your time to strategize.
606s Akkan gate three.
606s All right, he's ready.
608s Grenton, how are you feeling?
608s Brelshaza gate six.
610s Okay, let's give you that moment to strategize, and then we'll get into it.
615s I'm nervous.
617s What do you feel?
617s What's very epic to you in the game?
621s Oh man, Brelshaza Gate Six has really good music, the atmosphere and setting is really cool.
625s You're nervous.
625s It can be a little time consuming, but overall, that circle of five, it's really appealing.
631s I think the soundtrack for Brelshaza gate six is what made it so popular.
636s It ties in together with the Raid so well.
638s I really like the use of the word "epic" here.
640s It makes it a lot more, you know, kind of opinion-based.
643s So I'm very curious to see what they'll say.
646s Hmm.
646s All right, debaters, you look ready.
648s Are you feeling ready?
649s I made myself dizzy.
650s I'm ready to go.
651s I don't know why I'm so nervous right now.
653s It's a big day.
653s It's.
654s It's a big episode.
655s But you're - you're doing great.
657s You mean that?
658s I do.
659s I do.
660s She's nicer to me all of a sudden - We had like a Roxx character development throughout the season.
666s I was always like this.
668s You were just pissing me off.
669s So you weren't always like this.
671s I heard you guys talking s$@% when I was behind the bushes.
675s I have no idea what you're talking about.
677s But you know what, Stoopzz?
679s I have changed.
680s I'm going to give you the first argument.
682s Your one minute starts now.
685s Okay.
685s Brelshaza gate six is a pretty epic encounter, right?
688s But it's not the latest encounter.
690s Right?
691s The latest encounter, depending on when you're watching this video, I might be in Akkan jail.
695s However, Akkan is the sickest fight in Lost Ark.
699s It combines all of the elements that make a Legion Raid great.
702s You can get knocked off platforms.
703s You have individual responsibility, but not to the extent of Brelshaza - and the music and the soundtrack is epic.
710s Also, one of the unique things, spoiler alert, is that there's special Sidereal interactions within the raid that do not exist in Brelshaza.
718s It's the latest raid, so they've kind of upped the game a little bit.
721s You fight Akkan who you think is a big weenie boy, but the end up being this huge gigachad and he climbs this weird demon tower.
730s And all of these like ghouls are chasing you after, you have a way coming out shooting a kamehameha.
733s I hope I can say that.
736s It's overall a sick encounter with great music.
741s It has all the things that make Brelshaza great, but it's the newer version of Brel, and it's less exhausting than Brelshaza because you're not going through so many different things, which kind of keeps your enthusiasm during the fight.
752s Alright.
753s That is your one minute.
755s Was I okay?
755s You'll have one minute later, I promise.
757s My goodness.
758s All right.
759s Grenton, are you ready for your one minute argument?
763s Does it matter?
763s No.
764s Go ahead and start.
765s That's what I thought.
766s You're right.
767s Akkan is sick.
768s I mean, I like edgy stuff.
770s And this, you know, plague-bearing necromancer with a scythe is right up my alley.
774s But Brelshaza is iconic.
776s You just said, you know, everyone thinks Akkan was a weenie boy, right?
780s No one thought Brel was a weenie girl, okay?
782s She's the gigachad, gigastacy, whatever you want to say of the Legion Commanders, the only one who's bigger and better is Theamine, right?
790s So she has that notorious reputation.
794s Not only that, you're talk about music?
795s You're going to look at me and tell me Akkan music is better than Brel gate six music?
799s Yes.
799s You're out of your mind.
800s I'm sorry.
800s You're not allowed to talk.
801s I'm sorry.
802s He asked me a question.
803s I'm sorry, no.
803s Okay, We can start over.
804s No, no, no.
806s Grenton keep going.
806s Yeah.
807s You're out of your mind.
807s Brel gate six is insane.
809s She goes through so many different progressions of the fight.
812s The meteor mechanics are very unique, you know, having to keep track of how many meteors are hitting each platform.
818s You got f%#%ing geometry in there.
820s You got Shandi showing up to help you out.
822s You're going through different dimensions.
824s It's a really sick fight.
825s There is nothing like it in the game.
826s There probably won't be anything like it again because it was, like you mentioned, it's such a long raid that was...
832s you felt like you were running a marathon.
834s When you're done, you're rewarded.
836s You're like, Damn, I did that.
837s When you're done with Akkan gate six, it's like with Clown gate three.
840s Nothing changed.
841s You're just like, Ah - business as usual.
842s All right, Grenton, that was your time.
844s Stoopzz, you have one minute to make your final argument starting now.
848s Yes, you're right.
848s There won't be anything like that in the game anymore because no one likes Brelshaza gate six.
853s It is an epic encounter the first time you do it.
855s But Akkan is a very fun fight.
857s And you mentioned Shandi, but there's so much lore interaction that goes inside of Akkan that players will find out.
866s On top of that, you said the music's better in Brel - it's not better.
870s I mean, they got that little guitar riff and it goes all crazy mode in there and the fight takes place on multiple different areas first.
877s You're fighting him on this little platform.
879s Then he goes into the sky and he opens this rift.
881s Then he pulls you into another dimension.
883s He gets huge and you're on the water platform.
886s You have to spacebar out of the water, the fight takes place in multiple areas, not just this stupid ass little cube in the sky that breaks off and then randomly respawns.
894s Why does the cube respawn?
895s The meteors come down, then it comes back to life.
897s It doesn't make any sense.
898s And there's a secret phase - I know you haven't made to the secret phase in gate six in Brel, but there's a secret phase in Akkan that's unique to hard mode that's way cooler than just her summoning this little orb thing where you have to grab, like, these things, and press one skill.
913s All right, that is your time.
914s Grenton, you have one minute left starting now.
917s Cube in the sky?
918s You're literally in outer space.
919s You're in the universe trying to save the world from Brelshaza.
923s Akkan, you're just, you know, it's taking place on different platforms, different environments.
928s That's super cool.
929s And I'm not here to say Akkan's not cool, because if I could cospaly someone, I'd probably cosplay Akkan.
933s But Akkan is, like I mentioned, she's iconic, she has a reputation.
937s When you defeat Brel, you defeated one of the big bads.
941s When you defeat Akkan, it just feels like you defeated a henchman.
945s Just Theamine's homie, you know you're still waiting for Theamine.
947s But when you defeated Brel, you defeated someone iconic in this story.
951s You break her horn off and then you go to theater.
952s You defeat her.
954s Her horn is very important to her.
955s I'm sorry I keep yelling at you, but stop.
959s Her horn is very iconic.
960s You know, that's part of her power.
961s So you're taking one of the rulers, one of the big bosses down, not like Vulkan, Clown, Vyklas, Akkan.
970s This is someone on the same level as Theamine.
972s Theamine is the big juicer, Brel's the second best, and for that reason and that reason alone, it's a more epic fight in the game.
981s Time!
981s That is your time.
982s I'm going to bring the spectators over so we can talk about it and we'll make a decision on the winner.
986s All right.
987s That was a very epic debate.
991s But I want to know what both of you thought about it.
993s How are you feeling after that?
995s No, I really like Brelshaza, like you're introduced to her early on.
998s You have the Abyss Dungeon.
999s You have this very cool theme, space, dimensional, the inverse worlds and stuff.
1006s And Stoopzz made a really compelling argument about Akkan, about the music and the multi-dimensions.
1011s Also, I think the most epic thing is - I'm not going to have to do Brelshaza gate six anymore.
1016s That's why I think Stoopzz' argument really resonated with me.
1021s All right.
1022s How are you feeling Bobajenny?
1023s I feel like Grenton made some really, really good points about Brelshaza.
1026s She is iconic.
1029s You were Brelshaza.
1031s So...
1032s Yeah.
1034s Can't argue with that.
1035s So I feel like...
1037s He's gonna be Akkan too, though.
1039s He could, but Brelshaza sounds a bit more iconic, you know, like in LOAON and everything, you have a dedicated opera singer coming in to sing her part.
1048s I thought that was pretty cool.
1050s All right.
1051s Any closing thoughts before we make the decision?
1055s It's all on you.
1056s Yeah, it's all on you.
1058s My goodness.
1058s Roxx - Akkan was also at LOAON.
1062s I didn't ask.
1063s Just remember that.
1065s He was playing the guitar.
1066s If he gets more brownie points - question for you, Grenton.
1070s You said you would cosplay Akkan.
1072s Does that mean you would not cosplay Brelshaza?
1075s I'm not as iconic.
1077s I'm humble.
1078s I know my place.
1079s All right.
1079s I was just curious.
1081s I wanted to know.
1081s All right, I'm going to send these two back to their spot, and we will declare our winner.
1086s All right.
1086s It's time to pick our winner from our 1v1 debate.
1089s But remember in advance, it doesn't matter, because what does matter is the live season finale that will be coming very soon.
1098s For today's debate.
1100s Stoopzz.
1103s Yes.
1103s - You have to pee?
1103s - I'm nervous.
1108s Stoopzz.
1125s You are a Mokoko.
1129s Grenton, you are not a Mokoko.
1130s I think there's something undeniable about Brelshaza.
1134s You know why I won?
1135s Because I humbled myself.
1136s The reason why you won is no one has cleared Akkan yet.
1138s And that's why you won.
1140s Yeah, I haven't either.
1144s Hmm.
1145s Sorry.
1145s I was just.
1146s I was just responding to my mom.
1147s She...
1149s she wants me to win the show.
1153s All right.
1154s Well, we've made it through a full 12 episodes of the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club.
1158s I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being here.
1161s I know it was hard at times.
1163s I know I was hard on you at times, so I really, really appreciate it.
1167s How are you all feeling going into the live season finale?
1170s I want to know what you thought of the show, what you're kind of looking forward to next?
1175s I'm feeling extremely confident.
1176s Also, disclaimer: Don't let people manipulate you.
1179s Go with your heart and who you're voting for.
1182s That's me.
1182s None of these people.
1186s All right, Bobajenny, how are you feeling after the last 12 episodes?
1189s I mean, I've been feeling pretty good.
1191s You know, I may not have won all the time, but I think I won, you know, quite a few times so I maybe could continue to win in the final?
1201s Maybe so.
1202s I guess we'll find out.
1204s Grenton?
1204s Yeah, no.
1204s You used all your luck.
1207s All your luck is done.
1208s Listen, I was the punching bag of the show for a long time, so yeah.
1214s Grenton, thank you for being willing to play the Reaper class.
1217s Somebody has got to do it.
1219s Until Souleater.
1220s But that's okay.
1221s You should vote for me, because like I mentioned in my super secret video that no one will watch ever, you vote for the underdog.
1231s And these guys are just - and Jenny, obviously - they're just bullying me and they're just out there to, you know, keep the short man down.
1238s No, I would never.
1240s Okay.
1240s Yeah.
1241s All right.
1242s Stoopzz, I know it's been a big day for you.
1244s You're doing all right?
1245s Yeah, I'm doing good.
1246s In all seriousness, thank you guys so much for watching.
1247s I really do appreciate it.
1249s Shout out to all the staff, the contestants here.
1250s It's been a really fun time.
1252s Hope you guys enjoyed this experience.
1255s And yeah, please vote for me in the finals so I can stop being made fun of in the Community.
1258s I appreciate that.
1259s Even if you win, it won't stop.
1261s Nobody makes fun of you.
1261s Who do you talk to?
1262s You're like everyone's favorite person.
1263s That's a lie though, they call me bozo, man.
1265s You know that.
1266s Well some things are true, but...
1270s Nevermind.
1270s Hi mom!
1275s All right.
1276s It seems like emotions are running a little high, but we are all very glad to be here and be a part of this show.
1281s If you missed it the first 12 times I said it, this is not goodbye.
1285s It's see you later or see you very soon.
1287s Because next up is the live series finale of the Lost Ark Academy Debate Club.
1292s This is where the Community will vote on who is and who is not a Mokoko.
1296s And we will finally be able to prove that the show is not rigged - live.
1300s All right.
1300s We're really looking forward to it.
1301s And we'll see you there.
1319s Jazz hands.
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