3 months
ago -
Lost Ark
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
4s | what's up Heroes of aresia Henry here |
7s | back with another episode of patch notes |
9s | with Henry today we're going to be |
10s | covering the holiday Awakening update |
13s | and as you can see a little bit |
15s | different today I'm just going to do |
16s | this from my desk got access to some of |
18s | our QA builds we're just going to hop in |
21s | game in a little bit and I'll show you |
22s | off some of the new content uh this |
25s | month has a bunch of different things |
26s | kind of coming in it's a bit of a |
28s | collection month we've got a bunch of |
30s | things things you probably will care |
32s | about though everything from new content |
35s | to new progression events new general |
38s | fun events and then also the latest |
41s | Korean balance patch is going to be |
43s | arriving which I know a ton of players |
44s | care about so we'll go through all of |
46s | that today let's dive in we have some |
49s | new content arriving in the game with |
52s | this update and I'm going to give you a |
53s | quick overview of it here and any of it |
56s | sounds interesting to you there's going |
57s | to be more detail in the written notes |
60s | so with that said let's quickly cover |
64s | three major pieces of content that's |
66s | arriving first up we have buzzling |
68s | Island it's a fun New Whimsical Island |
72s | bee honey themed uh there's some fun |
74s | quests there's going to be a new island |
78s | Soul new makoko seeds and new |
81s | competition where you turn into a bee |
83s | and get to race uh new controls get to |
86s | use the arrow keys kind of similar to |
88s | some of the fun events where you turn |
90s | into a makoko in the past uh tldr fun |
93s | event kind of goofy Whimsical there's |
96s | some cool rewards though so if you're |
99s | into those types of Adventures in Lost |
101s | AR check out the section in the notes |
103s | talks about item level requirements |
105s | Island location and the hours that you |
107s | can get in and check that new Adventure |
110s | Quest out uh trial of Honor it'll be fun |
113s | if you like bees or just collecting |
116s | things in Lost AR it's for you all right |
119s | next piece of cont content is going to |
121s | be the north Kon Rapport system it's |
124s | going to add three |
125s | NPCs Mystic Ren and tamut who are some |
129s | of the newer kind of characters you've |
130s | encountered in your stories venturing to |
133s | both North and South Kuran there's going |
136s | to be new dialogue new quests uh as you |
139s | interact with those NPCs a bit more |
140s | you're going to be able to fill out the |
141s | adventurers toome and then of course |
144s | there's going to be some supporting |
146s | systems added for that things like |
149s | Rapport gifts being added to the uh |
152s | culvin wandering Merchant and also added |
154s | to the north croon raor exchange NPC so |
159s | it should be fun for people that either |
162s | enjoy getting to know more about the |
165s | NPCs in Lost AR or just want to fill out |
167s | their North Kon adventurers to and get |
169s | the enlightenment Point potion that is |
172s | in that |
173s | track all right the last kind of like |
175s | new piece of content arriving in this |
178s | update is an overhaul and new pet |
180s | ability system pets are going to be able |
182s | to learn abilities through ability |
184s | training at the stronghold lanch with |
186s | abilities available in three grades rare |
188s | epic and legendary which offer kind of |
191s | increasingly powerful effects uh |
193s | throughout those three grades abilities |
196s | are specific to security division |
198s | placements with the ranch providing some |
200s | new like battle related effects the farm |
202s | focusing on Farm related effects and the |
205s | dock supporting stronghold activities |
207s | like dispatch and craft these abilities |
209s | only activate when the pet is placed in |
211s | one of those divisions that matches its |
214s | ability type you can check those pets |
216s | abilities in the new pet inventory or |
219s | the security division there's a bunch of |
221s | details that kind of dive into how this |
223s | system works things like the ability |
225s | training process the security division |
229s | placement um the pet release system and |
232s | more in the full release notes so if |
234s | this is something that sounds really |
235s | interesting feel free to read through |
237s | that whole section there but just wanted |
239s | to to raise up that this is going to be |
241s | a new kind of overhauled system that |
244s | kind of deepens the way that you |
245s | interact with pets and should be fun for |
247s | a lot of players just you know another |
249s | kind of fun side system to engage with |
251s | when you have a little downtime in the |
255s | game Let's quickly talk about raid |
257s | balance we'll talk about uh character |
259s | balance a little bit later on but when |
261s | it comes to some of the Legion raids |
263s | we've reduced the HP of those raids just |
267s | to make the recing experience a bit |
269s | easier |
270s | uh we know that that's something that is |
273s | tough on players trying to recar those |
275s | raids and not wanting that kind of hard |
277s | Prague experience uh when plugging with |
280s | random people week over week so just to |
282s | make uh homework a bit easier the the |
285s | raids that are going to be adjusted are |
287s | BR shaza aan theine and then I guess not |
292s | really Legion raid but she is now a |
294s | legion Commander spoiler alert if you uh |
297s | haven't played north |
299s | croan just skip this part but uh a kidna |
302s | is also going to get an HP Nerf and all |
305s | of those apply to both normal and hard |
308s | mode all right let's talk about one of |
310s | the biggest things in this update which |
312s | is going to be a pair of new progression |
315s | events there's going to be a Volus power |
318s | pass arriving which is going to pair |
320s | very well with the new hyper Awakening |
324s | Road event this is going to be built to |
326s | help players bring another character up |
329s | to item level 1640 to kind of join their |
332s | ranks or their roster at tier 4 um it's |
336s | going to give you a ton of juice there's |
338s | some pretty pretty nice rewards in there |
341s | uh this is one of the things that I |
342s | wanted to just kind of hop in game and |
344s | show off I'm going to be hopping into |
346s | one of our QA environments so you might |
349s | see some kind of janky things this is |
350s | going to be a little behind the scenes |
352s | look just kind of an early look at that |
355s | event um just so we can just show you |
358s | firsthand what some of those Rewards |
360s | awards are going to be since we know |
361s | that's something that you all really |
363s | care about obviously really important um |
366s | so yeah let's hop in game and take a |
368s | look cool all right so in the event UI |
372s | it's going to pop up just like a normal |
374s | event does uh kind of in this event |
377s | section this one's going to be road to |
379s | hyper Awakening um it's going to be |
384s | something that you can enable on one |
386s | character on your roster from November |
389s | 27th all the way through January 15th um |
394s | you're going to be able to activate this |
397s | on a character that is between item |
400s | level |
401s | 1540 and 1640 so if you have something |
404s | at 1641 you can't activate it but we |
407s | know that there's some people that might |
409s | have pushed a character to tier 4 |
411s | already and don't want to bring a new |
413s | character up but want some rewards uh on |
416s | an existing character so we're going to |
418s | allow that to be enabled uh at 6 1840 is |
420s | going to be the top end of that uh it's |
423s | going to be a normal kind of progression |
426s | event that if you're a lost Arc veteran |
429s | you're kind of familiar with there's two |
432s | categories of missions and like I talked |
434s | about kind of behind the scenes look or |
436s | missing some art here some headers here |
438s | um just some small things you'll notice |
441s | that'll get cleaned up before you see it |
443s | uh live in game um so down here you're |
446s | going to have reward chest that you earn |
450s | as you progress through the event as |
451s | your item level progresses uh I already |
454s | have this character kind of leveled up |
456s | to 1640 to show uh progressing all the |
459s | way through and we can claim some of |
461s | those rewards take a look through them |
463s | and then uh some of the some of the main |
465s | focuses of this event are going to be |
467s | progressing through Ivory Tower so |
469s | there's going to be some missions up |
471s | here that give you Elixir rewards and |
474s | then also the other tab progressing |
476s | through them M we're going to have a |
478s | bunch of transcendence rewards in there |
480s | so uh since we're talking about that |
482s | let's go through it um when you clear |
485s | the first gate uh you're going to be |
487s | able to get a set of transmuted Elixir |
490s | that are just going to give you 40 set |
492s | for the Lux set and then from there as |
495s | you go through and clear more gates |
497s | throughout the event you're going to be |
498s | earning more Elixir to tailor that set |
501s | to whatever you want uh but we hope this |
503s | gives you know gives you a firm Baseline |
506s | gets you you know started on that system |
508s | right away |
510s | uh and then Transcendence is going to |
512s | function very similarly this ticket that |
515s | you get is going to give you |
516s | Transcendence level three on all of your |
518s | armor pieces as you probably had an |
520s | ignite if you went through and made an |
522s | ignite character then as you clear uh |
526s | additional gates in theine you'll get |
528s | some additional dark fire some of the |
530s | restoration tickets to make that uh you |
532s | know kind of a smoother experience uh |
535s | all the way through there um but those |
537s | aren't the only help you're going to get |
538s | with Transcendence and elixir since we |
541s | know uh it can be tough there's some RNG |
544s | involved in the system there's also |
547s | going to be uh additional rewards for |
549s | those as you progress through some of |
551s | these rewards so the first chest uh is |
555s | activated when you hit item level 1540 |
558s | it's going to have your |
559s | standard um you know honing materials |
563s | silver uh some ancient accessories that |
566s | sort of thing um we can go ahead and |
569s | claim that |
571s | uh get those it's going to have all of |
573s | that here can pop it open on your |
576s | character um everything that you're that |
579s | you're used to getting as you progress |
580s | through these events um the second one |
583s | is going to function very similarly it's |
585s | going to be when you hit item level 1580 |
587s | uh but some of the important things that |
589s | are in this one are actually going to be |
591s | that Aon gear selection chest uh super |
594s | important you'll be able to get that Aon |
596s | gear and keep going through your honing |
598s | Journey you're also going to get some uh |
602s | gems some level eights which is you know |
604s | super important uh as you set up your |
607s | character |
609s | um and you know just super helpful uh as |
612s | you progress through the through the |
613s | game in general um from there the next |
617s | one's going to come in at item level |
619s | 1600 this is where going to get some of |
620s | that help with additional Elixir you can |
623s | see there uh alixir supplies chest |
626s | X3 um it's going to have a bunch more |
628s | honing mats hope hopefully help you just |
631s | progress naturally through the game the |
633s | goal is you know for for veteran players |
635s | they're going to kind of Click through |
637s | these hones really fast but for someone |
639s | that's maybe returning activating this |
641s | on a main they haven't played in a while |
643s | or someone that's just newer to the game |
645s | it's important to kind of learn these |
646s | systems and go through them uh know it |
648s | can be frustrating for a veteran who |
650s | just wants to mash through all those |
652s | hones as fast as possible but got to |
654s | keep the uh the newer returning players |
656s | in mind as well and let them kind of |
658s | experience these in waves you know as |
660s | they progress uh get these new chests |
663s | check out a new system learn about |
665s | Elixir uh get some quality Taps some |
667s | hones in along the way and kind of |
669s | progress through that that whole thing |
671s | naturally uh so this one's going to be |
673s | focused 1600 on the voldus and Ivory |
677s | Tower of course um and then the next |
680s | chest is going to come in at item level |
681s | 1610 this one's going to be more focused |
683s | on themine since that's where you unlock |
685s | themine normal of course it's going to |
687s | have some more dark fire you can see |
689s | also uh 100 armor restoration tickets to |
693s | help you progress through and really |
694s | lighten the uh the cost of Transcendence |
697s | on this character um bunch more honing |
700s | material chests of course to help help |
703s | uh get you through this entire |
706s | experience and then the final one's |
708s | going to come in at 1620 this is going |
710s | to layer in some of the uh some of the |
713s | content that you'll unlock there with a |
714s | kidna and Behemoth you can see some |
717s | Behemoth scales some weapon |
720s | Transcendence tickets and some aggresses |
723s | scales to help start the advanced honing |
726s | process um from there you're going to |
728s | start unlocking some tier 4 materials |
730s | since 1620 is the breakpoint to enter |
734s | tier 4 and of course the one most people |
739s | care about the uh kind of Juicy end of |
742s | event uh reward it's going to come with |
745s | a bunch more tier four materials to kind |
748s | of help you along that journey and get |
751s | up to speed in tier 4 uh and include uh |
755s | selection chest for tier four gear so |
757s | you can kind of skip kenu art Fortress |
760s | um it's going to have some engraving |
762s | recipes to help you some selection five |
766s | legendary selection cards to help you |
769s | get up to speed with you know Los or L |
773s | one Cliff um and then tier four event |
778s | gems you're going to get two cool down |
780s | level six and then two uh damage level |
785s | six and I know you probably been waiting |
787s | for me to hover this one this is four |
790s | giant gold bars so it's going to give |
791s | you 40,000 bound gold to help um use |
796s | some of these materials um since we know |
798s | players really care about some of this |
800s | stuff you know getting through |
802s | Transcendence on maybe a character that |
803s | hasn't done it yet using this kind of |
805s | stuff that's why we wanted it to be |
807s | enabled on a character that was 1640 |
810s | in case You' just you know gone through |
812s | that gear transfer experience obviously |
814s | you'll be missing out on some of the |
816s | benefits um from these lower level |
818s | materials and stuff but you know we |
821s | wanted to make sure that you have the |
823s | agency to make that decision so |
825s | hopefully you'll have some room to play |
827s | around figure out what what's right for |
829s | you if you're newer returning this |
831s | should help you get a main character set |
833s | up and kind of join your friends in the |
835s | endgame and if you're returning you have |
836s | some options of where you want to kind |
838s | of plug and play with this event on your |
841s | roster uh but a really important part |
843s | that I I didn't mention before is some |
845s | of the additional honing Buffs and |
848s | effects that you get throughout the |
849s | course of this event uh you can see here |
851s | like Artisans energy X2 honing support |
854s | so you're not just getting all these |
856s | materials there's also going to be some |
857s | support to to make that honing |
859s | experience uh a bit smoother so let me |
862s | talk through those Buffs uh really |
864s | quickly so from item level 1540 all the |
869s | way to 1620 you're going to have uh the |
873s | Double accumulation of Artisans energy |
875s | and then also a 100% increase in the |
880s | basic honing success chance so that |
881s | means your chance to hit a hone is just |
884s | doubled all the way from 1540 to 1620 on |
889s | top of that there's going to be XP |
890s | material discounts you know when you |
892s | infuse the XP into your gear when you're |
894s | honing from 1540 to 1580 you're going to |
897s | get a 70% discount and then then from |
900s | 1585 once you transfer to the Eon gear |
903s | all the way to 1620 you're going to get |
905s | a 40% discount um for honing materials |
910s | kind of separate from that XP infusion |
912s | you're going to go uh from 1540 to 1580 |
915s | is going to be 70% again and then 1585 |
918s | to 1620 is going to be a 40% discount |
922s | and then for gold uh from 1540 to 1580 |
926s | you're going to have a 100% discount uh |
928s | only uses silver and then from 1585 once |
931s | you transfer to that Eon gear all the |
933s | way to 1620 is going to be a 40% |
936s | discount so once again you might miss |
939s | out on some of those benefits if you're |
940s | activating this on a 1640 um but you'll |
943s | still get the rewards you know the uh |
946s | the materials progression mats um just |
948s | miss out on some of those honing Buffs |
950s | so yeah there's the uh event in a |
954s | nutshell so along with the progression |
956s | events there's going to be a fun |
958s | seasonal event as well it's going to be |
960s | Toto's ice castle it's going to be |
963s | returning for The Frigid months |
964s | available until the February update |
967s | you're going to be able to enter this |
968s | one from the major cities and you can |
971s | you'll transform into makos when |
972s | entering the castle it's kind of a fun |
974s | mini game where you kind of try to avoid |
978s | broken tiles on the ground there's ice |
981s | on the ground and the the tiles break |
983s | once you step on them and then you'll |
985s | want to break uh other snowflakes and |
987s | stuff using some special skill skills |
989s | while you're transformed into Moco |
991s | you're going to be able to enter every |
992s | even Hour 2 p.m. 400 p.m. uh according |
996s | to your server time of course and you're |
998s | going to be able to enter once per |
1001s | roster per day um but you can also earn |
1004s | tokens event tokens by completing your |
1007s | dailies like chaos dungeons Kur on front |
1010s | or Guardian raids uh those Freya tokens |
1013s | can be spent at the event shop which has |
1015s | a ton of items uh we can take a quick |
1017s | look at that if uh you know it's |
1018s | interesting |
1019s | Let's uh let's hop in game again so |
1022s | first off you're going to be able to |
1023s | take your Freya small stars and exchange |
1027s | those for Freya stars and that's what's |
1029s | going to be in the second tab as some of |
1031s | those extra special rewards um but here |
1034s | we've got some of the classics there's a |
1036s | bunch of honing materials Elixir you'll |
1039s | be able to snag 100 Fons there's some |
1042s | quality Taps um honing books and a lot |
1046s | of these are going to be roster limits |
1047s | just throughout the course of the event |
1050s | um there's you know the classic una |
1053s | stuff some some pirate coins uh card |
1057s | packs and then uh down here you'll see |
1059s | we're adding the feasts back of course |
1062s | players love the event feasts got to |
1063s | grab those before hopping in raids and |
1066s | then on top of that uh there will be an |
1068s | endless silver exchange this time around |
1070s | since we know uh that's important for |
1073s | people that have an excess of tokens so |
1076s | those are kind of the the table stake |
1078s | stuff just to help with progression help |
1080s | with our faster Co content Cadence in |
1082s | the west and a lot of this is going to |
1084s | pair really well with the progression |
1086s | event you know just being able to to |
1088s | layer in um if maybe you hit a stopping |
1091s | point need to need to keep progressing |
1093s | you'll be able to earn some of this |
1095s | organically as you play the game or if |
1097s | you want to earn it faster you know hop |
1098s | in play the fun uh play the fun mini |
1101s | game and uh and earn bunch of rewards |
1104s | for doing so and then in this tab uh |
1107s | there's going to be a leap legendary |
1110s | card selection pack so all the new cards |
1112s | that were just added to the game along |
1114s | with the old ones so if you're still |
1116s | trying to fill out losos you can do that |
1118s | if you have that filled out you can |
1119s | start working on some of those new card |
1121s | sets especially as you know there's some |
1124s | some new raids on the horizon that may |
1127s | uh may use those card sets in the future |
1130s | um on top of that you're going to be |
1131s | able to grab some luminous gem shards |
1134s | roll those ancient accessories or Relic |
1136s | accessories from aear there's some |
1138s | Legend combat engraving selections um |
1143s | some Transcendence mats just to help out |
1145s | help progress through that a little bit |
1147s | it's not a ton but just you know it is |
1150s | kind of each one of these is 3,000 gold |
1152s | so hopefully it's a little bit of a help |
1154s | um that pairs well with the event on top |
1157s | of that then there's going to be a |
1158s | couple special honing books that help |
1161s | you get all the way to item level 1660 |
1164s | you're going to be able to snag six of |
1166s | the armor books and uh two of the weapon |
1170s | books just for a little extra boost |
1172s | there and then uh there's some dark fire |
1175s | as well to help out fill in any gaps in |
1178s | your Transcendence so should be fun a |
1180s | bunch of stuff to just kind of work on |
1182s | help with progression yeah there's a |
1185s | there's a first look at the Freya Island |
1188s | Avent quickly wrap up the events section |
1191s | just going to run through a couple |
1192s | General updates uh We've added a new |
1194s | daily login reward track like always uh |
1197s | so keep logging in to get some fun new |
1198s | bonus es every day you come back the |
1202s | ignite servers and all related events |
1203s | are going to end you know transferred |
1205s | ended a few days ago um but all of that |
1208s | is going to be gone now so we'll be |
1211s | transitioning over to some of these new |
1213s | progression events for players um the |
1215s | light of the Abyss event is also going |
1218s | to come to an end with this update along |
1220s | with the chase the storm event is going |
1222s | to also be closed |
1225s | up all right let's talk about Store |
1227s | updates first off we have the flopsy and |
1230s | wolfy skin Set uh kind of a fun mix of |
1234s | some lifestyle skins with some animal |
1237s | elements uh let's check them out |
1242s | [Music] |
1262s | so along with those Cosmetics we also |
1264s | have some new special Black Friday Cyber |
1267s | Monday style bundles that are going to |
1269s | be in the shop just for one week only |
1271s | there's going to be three bundles the |
1273s | first one is going to be called the |
1274s | Golden grab bundle uh that's kind of the |
1277s | like deluxe bundle kind of the high-end |
1279s | one uh with a bunch of like you know |
1282s | serious discounts on items that we know |
1285s | players are excited about it's going to |
1287s | have some Crystals at uh card packs um |
1291s | it's going to have luminous gem shards |
1294s | and a bunch of honing materials uh you |
1297s | know selection so you can use them for |
1299s | tier three probably tier four um also |
1302s | honing support chests like lava's breath |
1305s | and Glacier breath so that's going to be |
1307s | kind of the ultimate upgrade package on |
1309s | top of that we have the Harvest bundle |
1311s | that's going to be uh still a pretty |
1313s | versatile bundle uh just you know maybe |
1315s | some lower item amounts in there it's |
1318s | going to come in withis |
1319s | luminous gem shards ebony Cube tickets |
1323s | and a bunch of different like honing |
1324s | materials uh as well um so that's |
1327s | another good one to kind of balance some |
1329s | progression but also you know a bit more |
1331s | affordable for some folks and then the |
1333s | uh the final one is going to be called |
1335s | the Thrifty Thrills bundle that's going |
1337s | to be kind of the lower ended bundle |
1339s | it's going to have you know some Le |
1341s | fewer crystals fewer honing shards uh |
1343s | fewer you know all honing materials but |
1346s | still a great value for you know know |
1349s | the price supposed to be kind of a fun |
1352s | group of packs um with serious discounts |
1356s | you know as everyone's doing Black |
1357s | Friday cyber monday deals we wanted to |
1360s | you know add some into the game uh as |
1362s | players are looking to progress through |
1363s | tier four uh if you want to want to |
1366s | accelerate some of that these are going |
1367s | to be a great bang for your |
1369s | buck so another big part of the update |
1372s | that we know people were really looking |
1373s | forward to is going to be the latest |
1375s | balance patch coming in normally I do |
1378s | like a buff Nerf for a bunch of the |
1380s | classes but this balance patch is super |
1383s | comprehensive it touches almost every |
1385s | single class there's a few that that it |
1387s | doesn't but for the most part almost |
1390s | every class got some form of update and |
1393s | for some of the classes like one spec uh |
1397s | formerly a class engraving their |
1399s | Enlightenment tree might have changed uh |
1402s | a little bit for other class and for the |
1404s | other spec it might have you know been a |
1407s | Nerf versus a buff so it's hard to do |
1409s | just a full list of Nerfs and Buffs for |
1412s | all the classes so for this part I'm |
1415s | going to direct you to the full notes I |
1417s | would go check it out there's a ton of |
1419s | changes make sure to read through and |
1420s | see what's changing for your class for a |
1422s | lot of them it's a Buffs but there are a |
1424s | few Nerfs in there so make sure to to |
1426s | check that out in the full written |
1427s | release |
1428s | notes all right that's going to be it |
1430s | for this episode of patch notes with |
1432s | Henry really appreciate you for tuning |
1434s | in you know hopefully these are helpful |
1436s | try to do something a little bit |
1437s | different with this one just so Long |
1439s | Henry apppp session hopped in the game |
1441s | that kind of stuff uh super open to |
1443s | feedback as always please leave a |
1445s | comment um engage with the YouTube video |
1448s | in the comments really helpful for us um |
1451s | you know we try different things we want |
1452s | to you know stay agile whatever works |
1455s | best for the community uh we love lost |
1458s | AR we love the Lost AR Community um so |
1461s | yeah give us a like a subscribe um as |
1464s | the video folks probably want me to say |
1466s | flying solo right now though so just |
1469s | guessing but feel free to do that leave |
1472s | us a comment once again and I'll end on |
1475s | a community question uh obviously with |
1477s | the balance updates the new progression |
1479s | event kind of an opportunity to try out |
1481s | a new play style try out a new character |
1484s | especially you know entering into tier |
1486s | four where the way those function those |
1489s | characters function are is going to be |
1490s | completely different uh let us know what |
1492s | you're going to make I need some |
1493s | suggestions I'm going to read through |
1495s | the comments uh if I see an overwhelming |
1498s | you know majority leaning on one |
1500s | character maybe I'll try it out so uh |
1502s | let us know in the comments what you're |
1503s | looking forward to make with these |
1506s | events uh or what you're you know |
1508s | excited to try out with all those New |
1509s | Balance changes uh we appreciate you |
1512s | thanks a ton and I'll see you in arcasia |
1516s | [Music] |