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Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
5s hello Heroes of arcasia Henry back with
7s another episode of patchnotes with Henry
9s today we're going to cover the December
11s winter soloist update which is going to
13s be arriving in arcasia on December 18th
17s uh it's going to have some really cool
18s new stuff the solo theme is coming
21s because we have some new solo modes
23s coming to the game with theine and a
26s kidna along with those we're going to
27s have some new progression events quality
29s of life updates and a big overhaul to a
32s bunch of progression systems that are
34s going to be releasing alongside Korea
37s that were just announced in Lowa on and
39s we just covered in the road map earlier
41s this week super excited to dive into
43s some of this with you uh but as always
45s this is going to be a bit of an overview
47s we're not going to do the full list of
48s quality of life we'll direct you to the
50s full written patch notes for some of
52s that and also some of this is coming
54s into the build so fast we're trying to
56s release it you know as soon as possible
58s since it is Meaningful stuff that you
60s the community have been asking for I
63s can't check it out even in game yet
64s we're still uh still working on getting
66s some of those builds and collaborating
68s with smile gate to get that in our
70s version of the game so today we're just
72s going to talk through it and then uh
74s I'll direct you to the full written
75s notes for a few nuggets of additional
77s information well let's dive into it well
80s let's start off with the namesake of the
82s update the solo mode update so the first
85s part of that is you're going to be able
87s to prepare to challenge notorious
89s threats in Solo for the first time with
91s theine the legion raid and a kidna a
94s kazeros raid added to the roster of
97s raids available in Solo mode there's
99s going to be a bunch of related items
101s added to the solo mode exchange and as
104s part of that update to solo mode there's
106s going to be a new bonus system called
108s the Breakthrough bonus so let's quickly
110s talk through the Breakthrough bonus
111s system when you successfully complete
114s specific like very important patterns in
116s the raid an example would be like
118s breaking Von's armor in the beginning of
120s gate 2 you're going to receive a
123s breakthrough buff there's going to be a
126s random buff that you'll receive and you
128s can receive a maximum of three of those
130s throughout the course of the raid the
132s buff list is something that's still
133s being developed even right now leading
135s up to the update but one that I can talk
137s about is the super self-reliant buff
140s which is a spin on the existing
142s self-reliant buff that allows you to
144s survive like a wipe pattern um the way
147s that this one's going to work is it's
149s actually going to be a on that which
151s protects you even more protecting you
153s from even crazier white patterns or for
156s example falling off of the map so
158s there's going to be kind of those new
160s spins and you'll be able to earn those
161s throughout the course of the fight while
163s still learning the mechanics of the raid
165s in Solo mode along with that update
167s we're also going to be instituting a
169s cost decrease for solo mode view more
172s rewards those rewards that you can
174s purchase after you clear a gate the full
177s list of all of those rewards are in the
179s written patch notes but but I'm not
180s going to read through like the full list
182s because it goes for every gate from
185s vaulton all the way through Ivory Tower
187s so there's a ton of adjustments there I
190s think my quick napkin math on it was
192s somewhere between 30 to 35% reduction so
195s a pretty sizable one for players that
197s are still clearing that on some gold
199s earners and trying to purchase those
200s rewards to further their characters hone
204s up get those materials that sort of
206s thing and the final quick note on solo
208s mode there's been a slight Nerf to the
210s cacal sedon raid uh the Bingo phase of
214s Gate 3 has been removed just to make
216s that a bit more of an Express and easier
218s experience for players playing through
220s that on solo mode it will still be in
222s the nons solo mode versions of the raid
224s so players can still experience that
226s when they go fight kacal sidon on his
228s other difficulties so if you watched our
231s road map video earlier this week one of
233s the things that we talked about is the
234s next kazeros raid being added to the
236s game one that features narac and the
239s redesigned Baza in kind of an icy and
242s wintry setting so in this update we're
245s going to be adding The kazeros Raid act
248s to prologue the prologue Quest covers
251s the story of how the Allied Forces began
253s a new strategy to overcome the current
255s situation for the ongoing war in North
257s cazan as you progress through the
259s prologue Quest you will learn the new
262s strategy of the Allied Forces after
264s fighting AAR especially as we head
266s towards that battle against narac and
268s Baza there's some new strategies that
270s need to come up so you can receive that
273s prologue Quest Paving the way to Victory
275s from the MPC Mian at the abidos Garrison
278s there's some prerequisite Quests for
280s that including the north Kong Quest the
282s path to take and also completing the
284s casos raid Act One prol Quest where the
287s volcanic ash has settled so once you've
289s done those you're ready to embark on
291s this new adventure to prepare for that
293s new raid arriving next month in January
296s up next we have a new season of Proving
299s Grounds kicking off season 6 is going to
301s be arriving there's a few tweaks for
303s this season for instance courage coins
306s are going to be removed and instead
307s there's a new event exchange that lasts
310s throughout the course of the season so
312s more of like a seasonal exchange and
314s that's going to include some new stuff
315s including some tier 4 rewards so if
319s you're a fan of PVP definitely go check
320s that out when it's added to the game all
322s right up next let's talk about
324s progression updates a lot of these
326s changes were just debuted at Lowa on a
328s few days ago but since has been such a
330s top concern from the community we wanted
333s to make sure that we pulled these into
334s the update as fast as possible
336s especially while we have some of these
337s progression events going on that utilize
340s these systems or introduce newer
342s returning players to them so let's start
344s off talking about some of the Elixir
346s adjustments The Elixir progression
348s system has been overhauled to make
350s Elixir transmuting faster easier to get
353s good results and less strategic to just
355s simplify the overall experience The
357s Elixir refin method has been updated so
360s that of the like five options that you
362s select four are going to be selected
364s automatically when you receive the
366s Elixir and then you can select whatever
368s you want whatever option you want for
370s that last effect the transmutation
372s experience has been simplified we
375s decrease the transmute times from 14
377s down to 10 so while there's less times
380s you transmute we simplified and improved
382s the advice options granted by the sages
385s we also remove the Order and Chaos gauge
388s system and then increase the great
390s success rate so while you're transmuting
393s the Elixir less times the options are
395s going to be simplified it's going to be
397s easier and also you're going to have a
399s way better chance at hitting those great
401s success rates along with that there's
403s some other simplifications uh we
405s decrease the number of view other
407s options from two down to one so you just
409s have like that one uh kind of save
411s option if you need to like completely
413s recycle something but with the new
415s options it should just be a simpler
417s experience and let you go through that
419s just faster and easier overall up next
422s let's talk about some of the adjustments
424s to the Transcendent system this system
426s has also been overhauled to simplify the
428s progression path the system will now
431s purify stone tablets instead of breaking
433s them so the miname has kind of shifted
436s around when Transcendent starts a little
439s fairy is located on the beginning Stone
441s tablet and then as you select Elemental
443s cards the fairy moves a designated
446s number of times and each Elemental card
448s has an activation probability when the
450s FY moves through all the tablets and
452s reaches the last one the Transcendence
454s will be completed new special tablets to
456s help Transcendence will be added and the
459s effect of elin's Grace will be modified
462s accordingly we hope that this will just
464s like simplify the experience overall and
466s make it smoother as you progress through
468s it on both a new character or if you're
471s a player going through it for the first
473s time you probably won't need to rely on
475s as many outside programs I know a lot of
477s people use the Transcendence calculator
479s for instance they should just simplify
481s it and make sure that you can progress
482s through that system without needing to
484s know too much outside knowledge about
486s how to do it optimally all right for
488s advanced honing another progression
490s system a new honing support material
493s will be added it's going to act kind of
495s similar to tailoring and Metallurgy
497s books when you're honing your normal
498s gear but instead is going to increase
501s the great success chance for advanced
503s honing think this will be just a good
505s way of granting players some materials
507s to help through help them through that
509s system uh I know there's been some talk
511s in the community about it feeling a bit
513s expensive when you're doing it in tier 4
515s as opposed to tier three uh but
518s hopefully this helps us you know just be
519s able to Grant some materials to make
522s that a little bit faster uh and
524s alleviate it but if you have any
526s continued feedback feel free to keep
528s supplying that to our teams it's always
530s super helpful so that's it for kind of
532s the end game system reworks but we're
535s also able to pull in some changes for
537s tier 2 and tier 3 chaos dungeons for
540s players that maybe still have some alts
541s down there or for new players that are
543s coming in and still experiencing that
545s content so tier 2 and three chaos
548s dungeons have been decreased from two
550s per day down to one per day you're still
552s going to receive the same amount of
554s rewards from that uh as before you know
556s all the gear accessories honing
558s materials silver gems and whatnot um so
562s you're not going to be missing out on
563s anything it's just going to simplify
565s that experience down into one dungeon
567s rather than needing to reenter and do it
568s again two to go along with that uh
571s you're going to have to spend 100 Aura
573s of resonance instead of 50 and then
575s you're going to need to use 40 rest
577s bonus instead of 20 uh if you want to
580s get those increased rest bonus rewards
583s very similar to how it functions in tier
586s four when you're doing the kurur on
587s front line uh and then along with that
589s chaos dungeon stronghold dispatch
591s rewards are going to be adjusted
593s accordingly along with all these updates
595s there's a few Buffs that we've expanded
597s as well honing that requires only silver
600s instead of gold has been expanded to
602s item level 1580 instead of where it was
605s previously at at item level 1540 we also
608s expanded the starting novice Adventurer
610s buff and expanded the proon protection
613s effect all the way up to a kid and
614s normal mode so that will help players
617s kind of check out some of those raids
619s like a kidna and themine with these
621s Buffs to make that uh experience a
623s little bit easier especially you know if
625s they're new and want to check out solo
626s mode they'll be able to have this uh
628s when when doing those difficulties of
630s the raid all right let's talk about
632s events we got some cool stuff coming in
634s this month to hopefully uh continue to
636s help with progression since we've been
638s kind of on that train we can keep the
640s good times rolling one thing I know
642s people are going to be looking forward
643s to is we're adding a South K on power
645s pass those are going to be available in
647s the store but we're also going to be
648s giving a free event one to all players
652s uh using that South curon power pass is
654s going to drop the designated character
656s off at item level 1580 as if they've
659s just completed the South Kon story line
662s this event power pass is going to be
663s available to use until February 26th
667s 2025 the other big event that we have
670s coming in is going to be called the icy
672s breakthrough event it's a new
674s mission-based progression event built to
676s help players progress through the
677s beginning of tier 4 it's a great
679s continuation of the ongoing hyper
681s Awakening Road event and will help
683s progression in early tier 4 there's
685s going to be four categories of missions
687s there's weapon honing armor honing in
690s clearing a kidna Gates and clearing
692s Behemoth Gates the honing missions will
694s grant Hellfire honing books and gold as
697s you hone your gear over item level 1640
700s the akid missions are going to Grant
702s ais's scales and alon's eyes along with
705s the new Advanced honing support material
708s that we talked about a little bit
709s earlier in the progression section
711s finally the Behemoth missions are going
713s to Grant Behemoth scales and weapon
715s Transcendence restoration tickets yeah
718s so all of this together is going to
719s really help uh especially if you just
721s had a character that finished the hyper
723s Awakening Road help push it give it some
725s ammo to keep pushing you know up to like
727s aear normal mode at 1660 where you can
730s start getting some benefits of Arc
731s passive and whatnot um should just be a
733s good way of getting some gold some
735s additional materials and some help
737s progressing through some of those
739s auxiliary progression paths that you
741s need to take in Lost AR cool up next
743s let's quickly talk about some Store
745s updates in this update we're going to be
747s releasing some limited time winter sales
750s so you can get ready to end the year
751s with a bang there's going to be some
753s really big deals and the sale is going
756s to have kind of a two-prong approach
757s there's going to be four packs in Steam
760s each with one little bonus item but then
762s also a bunch of heavily discounted Royal
765s crystals so you can stock up on a bunch
767s of Royal crystals for the holidays at a
769s good rate and then ingame in the you
772s know F4 shop there's going to be a bunch
775s of packages you can use those Royal
777s crystals to purchase in the game and
779s there's a bonus room as well uh so as
782s you purchase some more of those packs
784s you'll continue to earn rewards and get
786s some cool bonus items we're going to
788s publish a full Showcase of those packs
790s the day that the update drops so make
792s sure to keep an eye out for them the
794s dates for that sale are going to be
796s December 18th to January 8th so make
798s sure you hop in and grab them while you
800s can so along with those limited time
802s sales being added to the shop there's
804s also going to be a new cosmetic
805s collection we're going to have the
807s snowfield set arriving in the shop
810s you can reach the height of wintry
811s fashion with the new snowfield formal
813s party skins and travel as if you in a
815s winter wonderland in the snowfield sled
818s mount a festive Fairy Pet kind of rounds
820s out the collection as a cool new
822s companion uh let's take a look at the
824s new Cosmetics showcased here
832s [Music]
887s all right let's round out the video with
889s some general updates I've pulled out a
891s few updates that I think the community
894s you all are going to really care about
896s and we'll talk through some of those but
897s there's going to be a bunch more this
899s this is the section where if you're
900s really curious about all of the little
902s system changes I'd encourage you to go
904s read through the full notes but there's
906s a couple thousand words of just kind of
908s General small systems changes that we
910s don't really have time to read through
911s all of those today but let's talk
913s through some that are pretty important
915s so first of all the music box of memory
917s is going to be improved we simplified
919s the starting condition of a bunch of
921s those quests to create a smoother and
922s more streamlined experience so if you
924s want to start getting some of those
925s Collectibles now is a great time you're
927s going to be able to hop in and get them
928s a little bit faster
930s with maybe a few fewer prerequisites all
932s of the ways which that has been tweaked
934s is listed out in the full notes there's
936s some pretty cool combat improvements
938s coming uh the one that I'm personally
940s most excited for is we've removed the
942s internal cooldown of monsters
944s counterattacks so that even if a boss
946s uses a counter pattern consecutively
949s within like a short period of time
950s you're now going to be able to counter
952s that second pattern uh that's really
954s great for some damage uptime windows I
956s remember in voldus it was kind of
958s frustrating sometimes not being bble to
959s counter laram in the final gate right
962s after he' done one that was part of like
964s a mechanic or something so that internal
966s cool down or ICD as you know players say
969s all the time is going to be removed so
972s get ready to start countering even more
974s another cool combat change is we
975s decreased the taunt resistance figure of
977s Guardian slightly to help out uh in
980s Guardian raids and then one other kind
982s of notable one is we modified the death
984s timing of the Lord carthon Aon from Aon
988s gate three
990s uh previously the boss didn't die
991s exactly when reaching zero HP but it
994s will now another important one a bunch
996s of cards were just added to the game
997s with tier 4 as I'm sure you know you've
999s seen and started collecting some of the
1001s new ones and we've expanded the basic
1003s card storage slots from a 120 slots to
1006s 250 slots as you know or probably have
1009s done you can purchase additional slots
1012s for all those cards with blue crystals
1014s uh but as part of this of getting those
1015s 130 extra slots any that exceed the
1019s maximum number of slots which is 510
1022s will have a corresponding amount of
1024s crystals refunded to you so if you were
1026s already at 510 you'd get the crystal
1028s amount for the 130 or if you're a bit
1031s below that you'll have you know the 40
1033s or 50 slots over refunded to you so
1035s hopefully that helps out and if you've
1037s already bought all those slots you'll
1038s have a little bit of a a bonus waiting
1041s for you there's a ton more small UI
1043s improvements Quest updates stronghold
1045s updates item updates and then also some
1048s more like little combat system ones so
1050s if you want to check out that full list
1052s and read about every little thing that's
1053s changed you should definitely go check
1055s out our release notes page on the
1058s website where all of those changes are
1059s going to be
1060s documented so yeah that's going to be it
1063s for the winter soloist update uh thanks
1065s for joining me for another episode of
1067s patch notes with Henry um as always
1070s appreciate any feedback constructive
1072s criticism whatever you might have let us
1074s know in the comments and our video team
1076s loves when I end with a you know a
1078s community question in so for this one
1080s I'd love to hear what character you're
1082s excited to use the icy breakthrough
1085s event on to get some of those honing
1086s books extra gold uh Behemoth scales and
1091s the advanced honing ones let me know
1093s what character you want to push up
1094s there's been a bunch of changes to the
1096s game and I'm trying to figure out which
1097s of my bench characters to push up so
1099s I'll be looking for uh for any nuggets
1101s of wisdom there in the comments as
1103s always if you found these videos helpful
1105s please like And subscribe just super
1106s helpful to get that feedback let us know
1108s this this is something we should keep
1110s doing uh I'm also going to look into
1112s maybe doing a solo mode playthrough and
1115s uploading that to YouTube for players to
1117s check out so if you're looking for a
1119s solo mode guide be on the uh the lookout
1122s and stay tuned to our YouTube channel
1123s for that as well uh in the meantime
1126s thanks for joining me for another
1127s episode of patch Jones with Henry and
1129s I'll see you in arcasia
1135s [Music]