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I built a deck I call 'Bant Shenanigans' to hop onto the token theme that's all over today's Standard. One core interaction in the deck is to play [[Doubling Season]], then play [[Oko, the Ringleader]] which I can then immediately ult.

The problem is, I'm not sure Arena is doing it right and I'm sure it's not doing it gracefully. Oko's ult creates two copies of Doubling Season, when then apply to any tokens that are also copied, leading to 2x2x2=8 copies of all tokens you have in play. If you have an appreciable number of tokens already in play when you do this (and you should) then the game can't handle it. I don't know the exact number but at some point the game crashes and ends in a draw. It probably doesn't help if you have token generators ([[Carrot Cake]]) or permanents that interact with tokens ([[Caretaker's Talent]], [[Enduring Innocence]]). Either the number of tokens or the number of interactions makes Arena glitch out and give up.

Still, it's a fun deck. I'm continuing to play it, just carefully.

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11 days ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Originally posted by RemusShepherd

Hmn. So if x=6 crashes the game, that's 36 new permanents entering at once? I wonder if the limit is near that. That would mean Oko+Doubling Season would crash with only ~4 other permanents on the board (4x8 + 2 Doubling Season tokens = 34 new permanents). That sounds about right.

The issue with Doppelgang isn't usually the number of permanents, it's the fact that you're doing it to [[Nyxbloom Ancient]] (or similar), which really blows up the potential mana payment calculations that drive autotap. We're actually overhauling this soon, so we should be able to support more chaos there.

I don't know exactly what's behind the crash in your case, but it's likely less about the number of tokens coming in and more about the text they have on them (ETBs, static effects, etc.)

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