A fun story from the early days of Arena: We were getting Arena ready for its public debut, which would feature a Merfolk deck squaring off against Dinosaurs, both from Ixalan. We were playing some demo matches with the decks and looking to make sure everything was working properly.
In one match, a player cast [[Savage Stomp]] targeting the opponent's [[Siren Stormtamer]]. Just for fun, the opponent decided to sac the Stormtamer to counter the Savage Stomp. That all went fine, but, surprisingly, the Savage Stomp'ing creature got the +1/+1 counter. Which it shouldn't have, because Savage Stomp was countered. Our Rule team thought this was a bug. Off a quick check, the rules manager for Magic agreed it was a bug. So the engineers went looking for the bug, and, well...
You see, Savage Stomp was never countered. Siren Stormtamer can only counter a spell or ability targeting a creature you control. Once the Stormtamer was sac'ed, the Savage Stomp wasn't targeting a creat...
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