Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker



Hey, thanks for this report! We agree about this being a problem, and with the DFT Alchemy release we've updated how we handle battlefields on mobile, and they should now be stacking and behaving on mobile a lot more like they do on desktop. I'm very interested to hear if this has solved your particular problem here.

05 Mar


This looks like a rare bug we've seen (and are trying to track down) where it basically just shows you the wrong screen. In the cases we've seen, it's still counted and processed as a win on the back end (event courses update properly, daily/weekly wins awarded, etc.), but the wrong screen is shown on the client.

We apologize for the bug, and we're trying to hunt it down

04 Mar


Originally posted by LaboratoryManiac

Someone posted a similar text issue with Consuming Blob. My guess is it's a find/replace error that occured after "Tangled Colony can't block" was changed to "This creature can't block," then the token's text was changed from "This creature can't block" to "This token can't block."

Pretty close! We used to have one string that was "CARDNAME can't block", and we would replace CARDNAME with, well, the name of the card. When the templating changed, we now had two strings "This creature can't block" and "This token can't block". And, on each card, we had to swap to the proper one.

For cards that had this string both for themselves and for a token, (like this one and Consuming Blob), the process that updated the reference for the token got overly aggressive, and replaced both the string talking about the card and the one talking about the token.

Thanks for the report, and we'll get this fixed up soon

    on News - Thread - Direct

Mar 4, 19:30 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

Mar 4, 16:30 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

Mar 3, 19:41 UTC
Scheduled - @MTG_Arena maintenance will occur to deploy the 2025.46.00 game update, containing the Alchemy: Aetherdrift game update.

πŸ“₯ Small download required.
πŸ”„ Restart required.
⏲️ ~3 hour estimated deployment.
πŸ“ Patch notes soon after.


A fun story from the early days of Arena: We were getting Arena ready for its public debut, which would feature a Merfolk deck squaring off against Dinosaurs, both from Ixalan. We were playing some demo matches with the decks and looking to make sure everything was working properly.

In one match, a player cast [[Savage Stomp]] targeting the opponent's [[Siren Stormtamer]]. Just for fun, the opponent decided to sac the Stormtamer to counter the Savage Stomp. That all went fine, but, surprisingly, the Savage Stomp'ing creature got the +1/+1 counter. Which it shouldn't have, because Savage Stomp was countered. Our Rule team thought this was a bug. Off a quick check, the rules manager for Magic agreed it was a bug. So the engineers went looking for the bug, and, well...

You see, Savage Stomp was never countered. Siren Stormtamer can only counter a spell or ability targeting a creature you control. Once the Stormtamer was sac'ed, the Savage Stomp wasn't targeting a creat...

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03 Mar


This error usually happens when there's a very subtle or strange legality problem, and it sometimes indicates a problem in our systems. Could you post the decklist that's doing this?

Longer version: We validate legality in three places (just to be sure), on the client as you build a deck (to be helpful and provide a good UI), on the services as you enter matchmaking (to ensure it's proper for the queue, and because you can't ever trust the client), and then on the actual game rules engine as it gets passed the two decks to use for the game (because the GRE has its own way of looking at the world). This type of error usually means that the client thought the deck was legal, but the matchmaking queue rejected it. That usually comes from other an unusual problem with the deck or a bug with how one of those systems is calculating legality.


Originally posted by GeorgeHDubBush

I encountered the same issue when importing a brawl deck that had a sideboard. There seems to be an issue where the sideboard is present but not possible to interact with, and it causes decks to fail deck validation on the backend. Here is the bug report I made, so if you find that this is your issue, please vote on it.

Hmm, that certainly shouldn't be happening. I thought we fixed all of these "Brawl deck ending up with a sideboard" bugs, but clearly not. Thanks for the great report; very clear and helpful!

28 Feb


Originally posted by Flyrpotacreepugmu

Does that change affect [[Nashi, Illusion Gadgeteer]] too? I always thought it was a bit disappointing how you could see exactly what they choose if you look at their graveyard.

As of DSK Alchemy, the selection made with Nashi should be hidden


Originally posted by Weird_Wuss

is the interval open or closed lol

It is open and inclusive - If X=3, you will get a 1-drop, 2-drop, and 3-drop


Originally posted by champ999

If they do start hovering over all their creatures. I bet stuff like this hides enemy player focus during the effect

Exactly so. The highlights are suppressed when making a hidden choice


Originally posted by Meret123


This is correct - If X=3 you'll get 1,2,3; at X=5 you would get 1,2,3,4,5; etc.

27 Feb


Originally posted by MrPopoGod

Lucky. My first rare was a Stasis in my Revised starter. Why would I want my stuff to not untap? And I agree, Scrubland was like $10 when you could just run a plains and a swamp instead. Much better to spend that money on a playset of Craw Wurm and have some change.

Or why not some real power, like Force of Nature? I think that was the first card I ever bought as a single. 8/8 AND Trample? No way you could beat it!


Originally posted by Quirky_Contract_7652

When I was a kid, the rare in my first pack was a Lord of the Pit. My older friend convinced me to trade it to him for a Healing Salve bc lifegain was so good. Luckily I wouldn't play black at the time because it was scary so it wasn't as bad of a rip off as it normally would be. I was TERRIFIED of Sengir Vampire.

Jokulhaups was my favorite card.

Boomer story over, but new players really overrated lifegain.

I got Lord of the Pit in one of my first sealed decks too! (Also a crappy Scrubland; bah. Who cares about that?)


You should be fine here. We don't have rules against multiple people in a household from playing, just the same person playing multiple times.

25 Feb


Originally posted by PerennialPhilosopher

Draft is a much better format than sealed IMO. I might try to win those boxes this time!

We hear this a lot. Many people internally agree. And yet, whenever we've tested it before with Opens, we get more people playing in sealed versions than draft. We'll see if Directs give the same results or if we see something different!

21 Feb


Originally posted by kroxti

Oh is that what’s you appreciates about them?

Ease up about 20% there

20 Feb


Thanks for the report, and sorry about that! This is definitely an error, and it prompted our team to do a sweep and find some other, similar cases. We'll get them all fixed up.

19 Feb


Originally posted by Tepid_Tarf

Is there a reason these incoming fixes weren't mentioned in the weekly announcements?

Two reasons: Exposure and timing
As others have noted here, when there's a bug that's exploitable, we don't like to give it visibility before we have a fix. More players read our weekly announcements than Reddit, so even if it's been posted several times here, we could still be exposing it to a wider range of players.

Also, these weekly announcements are usually written up ~Thurs of the preceding week (to allow time for review, gathering images/screenshots, web staging, etc.). The timeline for putting together our post-release patch is very compressed, and some of these bugs didn't get fixed until shortly before Tuesday's release. The Cursecloth Wrapping and Dune Drifter bugs were literally fixed after the weekly announcements were published.

We do list all of the fixes in the patch notes: ...

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Originally posted by Hareeb_alSaq

Too bad nobody brainstormed the "Sideboard in Bo3 after disconnecting" achievement or somebody might have had to do something useful during the last 6 months.

We believe that the bug you're referring to was fully fixed in the same patch that released achievements. It's something we've been working on steadily, but it is unfortunately a mass of dozens of little cases, as opposed to one clear issue.

We think we've fixed them all, though. Are you still seeing this since the DFT release?

18 Feb

    on News - Thread - Direct

Feb 18, 19:30 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

Feb 18, 16:30 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

Feb 17, 21:36 UTC
Scheduled - @MTG_Arena maintenance will occur to deploy the 2025.45.10 game update, containing various bug fixes and small updates for #MTGArena.

πŸ“₯ Small download required.
πŸ”„ Restart required.
⏲️ ~3 hour estimated deployment.
πŸ“ Patch notes soon after.