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Like were they just put in early on accident or are they just for events? Demon of Death's Gate being the one I wanted to try and build some jank with, but guess not until they decide to just hide em again or actually let them be playable. Like a solid half of the new cards are pretty meh but there were some decent ones in there.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/wotc_Cromulous - Direct link

These are just for events, sorry! Demon of Death's Gate and a double-handful of other expensive creatures were added to the game a while back to round out the top end of the pool for Momir.

Cards like this are usually hidden away in the back of the client, since players can't craft or use them anyway (as you've discovered) - but clearly we've got a bug on our hands that makes them not hidden at the moment, so they're wandering loose in the deckbuilder. We will get things back in place as soon as we can.

almost 2 years ago - /u/wotc_Cromulous - Direct link

Originally posted by EmTeeEm

Devs hogging all the Black Lotuses and Ancestral Recalls for themselves confirmed.

Don't let those distract you. The real bonanza is all the Ghastlords of Fugue.