Original Post — Direct link
about 5 years ago - /u/wotc_juicebox - Direct link

Hey /u/Dexelele, would you mind PMing me with your MTG Arena display name (including the numbers after the #) so we can take a look at what's going on here?

(Edit) If anyone else sees this and is having the same issue, please send me your username and include details on which styles/cards you're seeing the issue with. We are investigating. Thank you!

about 5 years ago - /u/wotc_juicebox - Direct link

Originally posted by TonyTheTerrible

Same thing happened to my beanstalk giant. I can only use the last art style I unlocked

Hey /u/TonyTheTerrible, would you mind PMing me with your MTG Arena display name (including the numbers after the #) so we can take a look at what's going on here?

(Edit) If anyone else sees this and is having the same issue, please send me your username and include details on which styles/cards you're seeing the issue with. We are investigating. Thank you!

about 5 years ago - /u/wotc_juicebox - Direct link

Thanks to everyone who sent in their info, we were able to identify the issue! A small number of players may see an issue where they don't actually receive their reward after reaching the required number of wins in the pass-style events (the events where losses aren't counted). If this occurs during an ongoing event, simply play another game in the event and you should be re-prompted to claim your reward. If you ran into this issue and the event has already ended, please get in touch with support for assistance. You can find more details in the known issue post: https://forums.mtgarena.com/forums/threads/61704