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I have Light Up the Stage in my graveyard. I cast Chandra, Acolyte of Flame , deal damage to opponent then minus Chandra for the ability, choose Light Up the Stage... "pay 3 mana". Why?? It even says in the rules of the card " You must pay the costs for the spell you wish to cast with Chandra’s last ability. If that spell has any alternative costs, you may pay those." Is it an Arena bug, or is it working as intended?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/WotC_BenFinkel - Direct link

Originally posted by JMooooooooo

No, this is design issue that happens ALL THE TIME, with all kinds of cards, only reason it was chalked up as a bug that required fixing in Warboss case was visibility.

When two players pass priority at empty stack, game moves on to next step or phase. But for whatever reason, same thing happens when one player passes priority to let spell/ability resolve, and other one automatically passes due to not being able to do anything (even if he shouldn't be gettng priority at this time). Player one casts Warboss, is out of mana. Player two lets it resolve, game sees two players passing priority with empty stack, moves on. Player one flashes in defender before declaring blockers, if player two lets it resolve, does not get chance to kill it before it's declared as blocker (without full control). Player one flashes in creature at end step, player two does not get chance to kill it without full control.

This is design issue that rears it's ugly head all the time, but it stays because in 95% cases it speeds up game and other 4.9999% cases don't get such visibility.

You are correct that it's a design issue. I just wanted to clarify that the fix was broader than just Legion Warboss - whenever a card with a step/phase based trigger enters a zone where that trigger is active in the step/phase just before the triggering one, the opponent should now get to act (if they have any actions they can afford). For example, if your opponent discards Arclight Phoenix in their main phase, you should get priority to, say, activate your Remorseful Cleric. #wotc_staff