If you are here on Reddit you already know about cheaters using third party softwares to hack the game and rank high in MLF leaderboard.
But I also heard about the +30% HP scourge glitch. I'm guessing I can explain it as it has been fixed. You had to select that scourge. Send a trash team to open the node. When you came back into the node all the ennemies had -30% HP without you doing any attack. You could send 3 trash teams and then at the 4th attempt all the ennemies would start with only 10% HP left !
This glitch has been fixed at reset but players could use it for 24h. Scopely is aware and fixed it. Great but zero communication like sweeping it under the rug.
Scopely should reset all scores and extend the duration of the event by 2 days. Fresh start for everybody now that the glitch is fixed.
Scopely should cancel the leaderboard system as they cannot detect who used that glitch (as it seems like regular gameplay) and they cannot detect cheaters that are "smart" enough to be discreet and don't score in top 100 with low TCP.
If they could they would publish an updated list everyday with the players ID that have been banned or at least a number of total players banned for cheating. I mean that's what I would do to show the player base that I'm doing something about cheaters and also to scare cheaters and prevent them from even cheating.
Scopely should do a points/rewards system instead of leaderboard. For example you reach 1M you get enough shards for 4, you reach 1.25M you get a 5, you reach 1.5M you get 6* and so on (numbers are just indicative for the example)
We would compete against the game and not between players (and cheaters). Regular players won't loose rank rewards because cheaters took their place in the leaderboard.
Scopely if you can't handle cheaters at least don't punish the regular players. The cheating issue is between Scopely and the cheaters. Regular players shouldn't be impacted by this.
It is really sad for the people at Scopely that worked on designing this event as it is a lot of fun to play 🥲 I didn't had that much fun since a long time in MSF. I wish the community could be focusing on sharing strategies instead of complaigning about cheaters in MLF event everyday.
Please Scopely do something about it we deserve better 🙏
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