12 months ago - /u/CM_Cerebro - Direct link

An issue was encountered with the Nova Trials, and the event has been temporarily disabled while we investigate the problem. We will keep you posted on our progress…

UPDATE: There is an issue with a couple of Pacts that are not functioning as intended, which has a secondary effect of inequity on the associated Leaderboard. To ensure the integrity of the Leaderboard, the Nova Trials will be reactivated as-is but only with the Milestone rewards available, lasting at least through the weekend. Please note that you may see an irrelevant message in the Milestone and Ranking tabs that says, “You have attained max stars for this character, and you are no longer eligible for rank rewards” - this is inert and has no effect on functionality.

A second version (date TBD) will be started with only Leaderboard rewards, not Milestone rewards. We will continue to keep you posted on the topic, and we appreciate your patience in the interim.

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