12 months
ago -
MARVEL Strike Force
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | Nightcrawler the Demonic looking member |
3s | of the X-Men but he wasn't actually born |
5s | of fire and brimstone two very powerful |
8s | mutants led to this bamp and bamp is the |
12s | very specific sound of a sudden Curts |
14s | siiz displacement Nightcrawler is a hero |
17s | mutant brawler for the extreme X-Men |
20s | team and possesses the additional trait |
22s | of global he's a speed demon that packs |
25s | a punch and manipulates effects |
28s | Nightcrawler gives players a lot of |
29s | options with Theory crafting with the |
31s | other X-Men on their roster but |
33s | Nightcrawler and the extreme X-Men truly |
36s | Flex their X Gene in raids in that game |
39s | mode Nightcrawler grants his extreme |
41s | X-Men Ally speed bar on spawn so are you |
45s | ready to make enemies disappear with |
47s | this demon of the extreme X-Men let us |
50s | know your thoughts on Nightcrawler in |
52s | the comments |
59s | below |