Transcript (by Youtube)

2s the Tesseract a containment vessel for
5s the space Stone which grants the user
8s absolute power over space itself
11s malevolent forces have always sought to
13s control it but what if the power of the
15s Tesseract was wielded by a fierce
18s protector of the land instead of a
20s tyrant one corner of the Multiverse
22s found out when the Tesseract fell
24s through space and crashed into a lake in
27s pre-colonial North America transforming
29s its Waters into a gateway to the
32s Stars kahori a mohawk woman who was
36s traversing the area fell into the
38s mystical Lake and found herself
39s transported to Skyworld the cosmic home
42s of her long-lost ancestors with
45s superhuman abilities emboldened with
48s Newfound Powers she embraced her Destiny
51s as a protector of her people and the
53s land and now kahori has arrived in
56s Marvel Strike Force
61s kahori is a cosmic Mystic controller for
64s absolute a force she specializes in
67s speeding around the battle field
69s flipping effects and incapacitating
71s enemies who have
73s [Music]
74s exposed she sets the tone for battle on
77s spawn where she fills her speed bar by
79s 200% and then attacks the enemy
82s controller with the highest focus and
84s applies exposed her basic special and
88s passive can all apply exposed but her
90s basic is especially powerful if her
94s Target doesn't have positive effects
96s she'll apply
97s exposed and if the target already has
99s exposed she applies
103s blind this in addition to hitting the
105s target for drain and
108s [Music]
109s piercing and any enemy with exposed has
112s the revive chance lowered by
116s [Music]
118s 100% cah 's exposed mechanic becomes
122s even more potent in Alliance
125s War absolute a force is one of the top
128s Alliance War teams and kahori is vital
131s to their
133s success in war all of kah's abilities
137s receive a boost but her passive ability
139s becomes a nightmare for
142s enemies in war exposed prevents enemies
145s from filling speed bar for themselves or
147s Allies besides normal means makes it
150s enemies can't gain stealth or charged
153s can't barrier anyone and have their
155s assist chance lowered by
166s 100% add the power of iso weight to
168s kahori and her power grows even
172s more the striker class is an excellent
174s choice as her ISO eight attack applies
177s exposed and can provide a chargeable
180s absolute a force Ally with charged so
183s are you ready to reshape Alliance War
186s with kahori and the absolute a force
188s team let us know and if you want a
191s closer look at kahori or the other
193s absolute afor Force characters check out
195s Marvel Strikeforce tocom where you'll
198s find the latest news weekly blogs and
200s free offers

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s the Tesseract a containment vessel for
5s the space Stone which grants the user
8s absolute power over space itself
11s malevolent forces have always sought to
13s control it but what if the power of the
15s Tesseract was wielded by a fierce
18s protector of the land instead of a
20s tyrant one corner of the Multiverse
22s found out when the Tesseract fell
24s through space and crashed into a lake in
27s pre-colonial North America transforming
29s its Waters into a gateway to the
32s Stars kahori a mohawk woman who was
36s traversing the area fell into the
38s mystical Lake and found herself
39s transported to Skyworld the cosmic home
42s of her long-lost ancestors with
45s superhuman abilities emboldened with
48s Newfound Powers she embraced her Destiny
51s as a protector of her people and the
53s land and now kahori has arrived in
56s Marvel Strike Force
61s kahori is a cosmic Mystic controller for
64s absolute afor Force she specializes in
67s speeding around the battlefield flipping
69s effects and incapacitating enemies who
72s have
73s [Music]
74s exposed she sets the tone for battle on
77s spawn where she fills her speed bar by
79s 200% and then attacks the enemy
82s controller with the highest focus and
84s applies exposed her basic special and
88s passive can all apply exposed but her
90s basic is especially powerful if her
94s Target doesn't have positive effects
96s she'll apply
97s exposed and if the target already has
99s exposed she applies
103s blind this in addition to hitting the
105s target for drain and
109s piercing and any enemy with exposed has
112s the revive chance lowered by
116s [Music]
118s 100% C 's exposed mechanic becomes even
122s more potent in Alliance
125s War absolute a force is one of the top
128s Alliance War teams and kahori is vital
131s to their
133s success in war all of K's abilities
137s receive a boost but her passive ability
139s becomes a nightmare for
142s enemies in war exposed prevents enemies
145s from filling speed bar for themselves or
147s Allies besides normal means makes it
150s enemies can't gain stealth or charged
153s can't barrier anyone and have their
155s assist chance lowered by
166s 100% add the power of iso weight to
168s kahori and her power grows even
172s more the striker class is an excellent
174s choice as her ISO eight attack applies
177s exposed and can provide a chargeable
180s absolute a force Ally with charged so
183s are you ready to reshape Alliance War
186s with kahori and the absolute a force
188s team let us know and if you want a
191s closer look at kahori or the other
193s absolute a force characters check out
195s Marvel Strikeforce tocom where you'll
198s find the latest news weekly blogs and
200s free offers