over 3 years ago - /u/CM_Cerebro - Direct link

The dev team is currently tracking several recent issues, for which we are preparing compensation to be delivered in the near future.

Maria Hill & DPC Red Star Featuring

On 7/23 PDT, Maria Hill was unintentionally featured in Red Star orbs for ~1 hour. During that time, it was advertised that there was an increase to Dark Promotion Credits, which wasn’t active. Then on 8/2 PDT, when the Maria Hill featuring ended, there was a delay in increasing the payout of Dark Promotion Credits. As there are two issues to address, let’s do that individually:

For the Dark Promotion Credits portion (including the issue on 8/2), we’ll be sending players that opened Red Star orbs during this timeframe a certain amount of DPC’s in relation to how many they opened. This should come out to be ~14 DPC’s per orb, with a minimum of 40 per affected player.

For the Maria Hill portion, we will return 100% of the orbs or credits spent on Red Star Orbs, Elite 4 Orbs and Elite 5 Orbs to affected players. Players that opened Elite 6 and/or Elite 7 Orbs will receive instructions to reach out to Customer Support to resolve the issue. Since there was no announcement that Maria Hill had been removed from the orbs, players who opened orbs up to 2 hours after the point when the featuring was corrected will be eligible for this compensation. Players who opened orbs while Maria Hill was featured at the 15% drop rate are excluded as they had a chance at Maria Hill.

To ensure that players get to use these orbs or credits towards attempts to get Maria Hill, there will be another Red Star featuring for her for 4 days starting on 8/23 @ 5:00pm PDT.

Silver Surfer Missing From Supplies

On 7/31, Silver Surfer was unintentionally removed from the Gold Supplies Store early, and for two additional days wasn’t showing up as it was advertised. We have identified the players that executed store refreshes in this timeframe and will be refunding their Power Cores spent in this fashion.

Due to the complexity of these issues, the team needs more time than usual to properly set up the compensation messages.

  • The Dark Promotion Credits comp will be sent today, 8/11 PDT
  • The Red Star comp is targeting delivery on 8/19 PDT.
  • The Silver Surfer comp does not yet have a target date but we are working with urgency to get it delivered in the near future.

We apologize for this confusion and greatly appreciate your patience in the meantime.

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