12 months ago - /u/CM_Cerebro - Direct link

The road to the anticipated Dark Dimension VI begins with the upcoming release of Gear Tier 18! The next level of gear is something special and will change the game in exciting ways.

In creating the next level of gear, the dev team reflected on the player experience in upgrading previous Gear Tiers. We wanted to ensure Gear Tier 18 feels truly impactful for the players. So when a character crosses the threshold from Gear Tier 17 to 18, you’ll see a significant stats increase compared to previous gear tiers. In some cases, the contribution GT18 makes to the overall power of some characters could be nearly double compared to other gear tiers. Historically, the stats increase in the final stage of progressing to the next level was minimal. With GT18, a significant portion of the new power will come after equipping the final gear piece and in the next-level upgrade.

Check out this video for some great examples of stats upgrades you can expect from some powerful characters:


When Gear Tier 18 goes live, you can preview the stats increase of any character will receive by visiting the Characters Page of the website. Choose a character, select their Gear & Stats page, and view the Gear Tier Inspector for the stats.We’re thrilled to announce that the release of Gear Tier 18 is currently scheduled for May 18th @ 2:00 PM (PDT). You’ll see GT18 in the Supplies section of the Store, rewards for upcoming limited-time events, and through the forthcoming Incursion Raid. Enhancing your roster with Gear Tier 18 is intended to be an epic journey but will feel more rewarding with each character you upgrade.

As mentioned, this is just the start of the road to Dark Dimension VI, with lots of adventure along the way. You can also look forward to a number of activities that will help prepare your roster for the challenge of facing and unlocking the infamous Super Skrull! These free events include a Dark Dimension VI Countdown Calendar, weekly Inbox messages, and weekly Free Claims on Web, which all contain Dark Dimension VI Countdown Orb fragments leading up to the launch of Dark Dimension VI! In these orbs, you will be able to win the following:

  • Gear Tier 18 mini-uniques
  • Gear Tier 17 mini-uniques
  • Gear Tier 16 mini-uniques
  • Teal Stat Catalyst Parts
  • T2 Level 1, Level 4, and Level 5 Ions
  • Gold
  • L4 Training Modules

And yes, you can also look forward to the return of the massive celebration for the player that is the first to fully clear Dark Dimension VI, for which all players will receive some valuable rewards—more details to be announced soon.We can’t wait to embark on this grand journey along with the community.

As always, we’ll be listening to your feedback and will continue to make improvements to make Marvel Strike Force the best gaming experience around.

Good luck, Commanders!

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