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Today another member from our Alliance quit. 5 people in the past 2 - 3 weeks. Our Alliance is Plat I and we were doing Doom to 30% getting closer to 60% before the Doom changes. Everybody leaving has said basically the same thing:

. not enjoying the game so much

. feeling like a chore

. crazy power creep makes all our roster feel obsolete

. Doom Raid and iso changes

It is going to be super hard to fill all those holes, and this is going to make the game worse for everyone else in the Alliance (so I would not be surprised if more people would leave).

Doom Raids and iso were probably the only thing that was fun in the game and YOU RUINED IT.

I have never seen something like this in this game. People leaving? Sure. But so many, so fast and for the same reasons. Never before. This really feels like if Boundless doesn’t do something fast, this game is going to spiral out of existence pretty fast.

At this point, the Marvel Future Revolution can’t come soon enough….

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almost 3 years ago - /u/CM_DrunkenCereBRO - Direct link

Originally posted by OCLATrader

The crazy power creep making the roster feel obsolete is the biggest deal for me. It sucks putting all that work into certain teams for them to be power kept so easily. 3 member IW team destroying 200k punch Emma marauders team sucks to watch.

It’s not just crazy it’s obscene. Toons 1 month old are worthless now.