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Today the Web of Spies event dropped and, as we all know by now, was pulled for having rewards that were too generous.

Let's step back a moment here. A large section of the most engaged players (Reddit users, big-spenders, etc.) have been losing faith in Boundless for how it is running the game. It's probably fair to say many have lost faith completely, myself included who after two years of heavy spending stopped spending months ago because of all the issues. The content creators were mad - even Valley who is the most reserved when it comes to criticising the company - and the year ahead plan was basically "Look at all the new ways we have to try and get money from you". The complaints and bugs have filled hundreds of Reddit comments over the last 6 months+. Doom Raid changes saw long-standing alliances fall apart. The game was losing players, but loved by the shareholders who saw the big spenders milked for more and more cash each month.

Add to that the potential loss of players who only stay with MSF because they love Marvel but will soon have a new Marvel game to move to.

But the future is bright - the Envoys have told us so. Positive conversations with Cerebro has promised a new way ahead for the game. More gold, faster bug fixes, sunshine and unicorns.

The Web of Spies event arrived and I thought "Wow, this is a really strong positive move by Boundless. Fasntastic rewards for a community that was desperate for a sign the company actually cared about the players". And it couldn't be a mistake, because the blog post said there would be gear and the in-game message promised "gear" and not "gear pieces". Then the event went down within the hour.

Boundless made a mistake. Again. Didn't even check the event or messages before realese. Again. It's sad that we don't get annoyed at this because it's a weekly (daily?) occurance.

This was the PERFECT opportunity for Boundless to make a statement. Imaging if they sent a communication that said "On release of the new Web of Spies event, it was noticed that the gear rewards were incorrect, giving completed gear rather than gear pieces. On checking our previous blogs, we did say it would be completed gear, which was in error. However, as we promised completed gear in the blog, and the community has been concerned about gear bottlenecks for a while, we have decided to leave the event as it is. Have fun with all your upgraded characters Commander, and thank you for playing Marvel Strike Force".

Instead, they have said "Yes, we f**ked up again. Yes we can fix issues that benefit you almost instantly. No, don't expect any relief from the bottlenecks that cripple your game play. This is Boundless. This is what we do and will continue to do. Just keep giving us more money and the game will get better 'sometime' in the future.

The company could not make it's feelings about the players any clearer. We need to accept this is the Scopely way, or move on. Stop waiting for sunshine and unicorns, it's never going to happen.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/CM_DrunkenCereBRO - Direct link

Originally posted by Cidwill

I think the developers lie to Cerebro as often as he misinforms us. Gotta be one of the reasons Zeeks up and left. A professional CM is never going to badmouth their company as they'll never be hired again, but Cer has gotta be tired of their shit too by now.

Makes you wonder why the sober one stays here

almost 3 years ago - /u/CM_DrunkenCereBRO - Direct link

Originally posted by Cidwill

That's why so many people (myself included) thought your first post was real.

All my posts are real and made with heart and slushies!