about 1 year ago - /u/CM_Cerebro - Direct link

There was an issue yesterday that caused Green Guardian Orb fragments and the Iso-8 campaign energy refill to not appear in Daily Objectives as intended.

Separately, the alliance donation was designed for only the first four boxes to give out the Green Guardian Orb fragments. However, it could be interpreted that the fifth chest rewards the fragments. Additional Green Guardian Orbs will be sent to address any confusion regarding the contents of the fifth chest. For the duration of the event, only the first four chests will have fragments.

Compensation for the above issues will be delivered before the event ends, with enough fragments to acquire two Green Guardian Orbs and 60 Iso-8 campaign energy refills.

Next, the Web Milestone, Radioactive Run, was incorrectly giving players 1 point per Iso-8 campaign energy spent yesterday instead of 10 points. Compensation of 10,000 milestone points will be sent to all players, level 25 and up, this weekend. We appreciate your patience in the interim.

An important note: with the next season of Cosmic Crucible around the corner bringing room rules changes, there have been questions about the viability of New Warriors. We can confirm that New Warriors will be equally valuable to making progress in Cosmic Crucible in the next season as they are now. We appreciate your inquiries, and have fun powering up the New Warriors!

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