Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
7s they stood watch at the gates to the
9s afterlife before their Multiverse was
11s wrapped by ultimates now ball fights
14s alongside other dimensionally displaced
16s as Guardians as a member of strike
20s fall is a brawler for the bifrost raid
23s team and their Asgardian DNA mixed with
25s the fledgling Phoenix Force has endowed
28s them with high health and damage stats
32s they're the Keystone member of bifrost
34s and their abilities feature powerful
37s offensive and defensive mechanics that
39s help buy Frost cut down enemy waves new
43s to Marvel Strike Force and within balls
45s abilities is the exposed mechanic
48s exposed is a neutral status effect like
51s charged that can only be applied or
54s prolonged by abilities specifically
56s mentioning exposed exposed stats and
59s their effect is uniquely applied by each
62s character with ball in the battle
64s enemies with exposed have health stolen
67s from them when attacked and Vol receives
70s speed bar and ability energy but in
73s raids bifrost allies also received the
76s speed bar and ability energy benefits
78s making Ball even more important
82s even with the Phoenix Force ball can
84s become more powerful with ISO 8.
88s Striker class allows ball to apply
90s exposed with their ISO 8 attacks in
92s raids and dark dimension making it a
95s great choice they may be the last asked
98s Guardian but boss fight is far from over
101s in Marvel Strike Force
111s if you enjoy this video share it with
113s your fellow fans and let us know what
114s you think of the newest characters in
116s the comments below if there's a
117s character you want to see in Marvel
119s Strikeforce then let us know thanks for
121s watching