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Community Ray Tracing Adventure 2

An underwater vista

Welcome back, adventurers! (In case you’re just joining us, catch up here.) Last week we wandered through a large dimly lit building, only to stop at three windows, each lit with a different color. The community chose to travel through the blue window for our first adventure!

Turns out we’ve made quite a splash with this choice, as we’re now diving into some more images captured by od149, who’s also created one of the featured spotlight images earlier this month! The builds showcased today are all from od149 and feature fire and ice, in addition to the naturally generated scene above found while exploring.


Thank you, od149, for giving us permission to showcase your images!

It’s time to sail away for this week, but in the distance we can see the vague outline of a tranquil garden in one direction, and what might be a village ahead in the other. 

Now, which way do we go, and whose collection of builds will we explore next?

Help us decide! We’re opening it up to another community vote. To select our next ray tracing roundup, please visit this survey before 12:00PM PST (20:00 UTC Monday, December 21) and come back Tuesday, December 22 to find out who we’re featuring next week!

Written By
Nova Barlow



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