Love it.
Love it.
Hey there Joel! Just a question while you're here: Any word on fixes coming for the SAS Thorne, SAS Charly, SAS Otter, Spetsnaz Rodion, and Spetsnaz Minotaur skins? Stay safe out there, sorry for the bother!
Okay, I guess I'm not allowed to ask about the status of a few bugs? Sorry? Or did I do something else wrong? Anyone mind filling me in?
Whats the issue?
No way have you seen AND commented on this 😱 highlight of 2020 !!!!
Thanks for getting back to me! The issues (Apologies in advance if the formatting's iffy, I'm on mobile):
Thorne, Charly, and Otter's SAS skins all have the wrong heads in the menus versus their correct in game designs (Thorne has the Seafarer skin Head, Charly has the Patrol skin Head, and Otter has the Urban skin Head). They're all correct in game, just not in the menus.
Secondly, Spetsnaz Rodion's Spetsnaz patch is currently a blank white texture instead and Spetsnaz Minotaur's viewmodel in game is that of the Tactical skin from the Season One Battle Pass.
I've got screenshots if you'd like to see them as well, but that's the long and short of it. I know they're pretty minor issues, but I'd like to see them fixed if at all possible.
EDIT: Just found another bug. Spetsnaz Rodion's Head is also mismatched in the menus, looks the Heavy Duty skin Head from Season One.
Do you mean the portraits in the menu? The buttons with their faces on them?
No, I mean in the Operator skin selection menus and the patrol animation before you pick a mode.
We will look at it.
Not sure if your team is aware of this, but the Tactical Human IV bundle with Yegor has an incorrect first person view model. Yegor has fingerless orange gloves yet the first person viewmodel is just a pair of black gloves and blue sleeves.
We will look into it. Thanks.