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He used to announce on all the desert maps etc. but now it's just the british dude on all the maps. Why the hell would they have removed him? This is probably a bug but I don't understand how they coulda f*cked up this much. Anyone else notice this? I'm getting kinda sick of hearing the British dude over and over again.

I've only been playing hardcore lately so maybe it's tied to that, I don't know.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmickner - Direct link

Currently yes. It's not a bug. The decision was made due due to the tonal nature of the lines & dialogue. I personally miss him.

almost 5 years ago - /u/dmickner - Direct link

Originally posted by Lasagnemies

how does that make any sense at all? is he ever coming back? what was it about his lines that wasn't fit for the tone?

I'm just letting you know the current state. I can't speak on anything else at the moment.