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was just wondering if there was any comment on that ?

i mean party size of 4 to play a 32v32 game mode?
6 for 10v10 ok i can understand that.. even thought i would love to see 8 or 10 party size...

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over 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

You can do parties up 12. Going into GW will take your party and squad it into fours but party chat will work with your 12. It gets tricky when its 10v10 so if you're running 12 man parties it's best to stick to higher player count GWs.

over 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Yes party chat should work across consoles.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Ben92

Are you ever going to actually implement this?

We are working on it and tinkering with it. There are a lot of bugs we are trying to work out. Its a goal for sure and would improve the experience greatly. No eta.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by sicvillain

Yup. Still waiting.

Ive updated my comment on this. Run a search.