Original Post — Direct link
over 2 years ago - /u/SteveH_ - Direct link

Originally posted by NgJLiang

This video has to be the hardest (had to play Realism mode for the limited HUD), largest (all my footage added up was about 21GB) and most wasteful (90% of footage was cut and discarded) I've ever produced. Yet the satisfaction looking back at my end product was savorable and I never had a single regret.

To keep this short, I really favour MW2019. It was the COD that got me into COD, good storytelling and those crisp gunplay. The video was sort of a love letter to the reboot MW franchise (hope MW2 will be a banger)

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed my blood, sweat and tears (especially Realism "Into The Furnace" was pure cancer) poured into this art of work.

Song used: The Plan + Trucks in Place (Tenet)

[4K version in YT]https://youtu.be/D2G3DlSmA90

Nice job on this.