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about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Holy crap this is amazing!

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Sabretoothninja

hey is there any fix for the memory leak on Tarvosk? Been happening for a few weeks now and devs dont really talk about PC problems.

I dont know about deeper tech ongoings at the moment. Theres a link somewhere around here that is a bug board. Ill grab the link and post it as a refresher when I get back in the office.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Xenon2212

Yet again, commenting on everything BUT the problems this community has addressed at large. This game literally has so much potential.

Yeah, I know what you're saying. I'm doing my best. Like I've said before. There is no benefit to me commenting on details or mechanics that I don't completely understand the inner workings of. If I cant speak to something and be clear with an answer that would just upset people. No one wants to go on that ride.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by sophiasofar

what happened to patch notes?

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by MH6PILOT

So is helicopter pilot as an operator.👀

Chopper pilot is in my want list....no eta.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by IAmTheMortal

How about the Recon Drone Bug fix ?? Mark this since i surely cant mark enemies.

I think I commented on this already. Looking into it when I get back.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Xenon2212

I did not expect you to respond to me. Thank you for taking your time to do so. And to be completely fair, I did not know your position at Infinity Ward. I apologize for being hostile, and I understand that it is not your place to talk about it, but I just wish we could get some answers from your colleagues on the parts of this game that DO have problems that THEY can talk about. I think a lot of people are just frustrated because we want nothing but to help you and your team with feedback in the scheme of things, but it felt like our frustrations were not being heard. Thanks for commenting regardless.

No problem.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurchizzda

Hey, can you say why your writing more than the community Manager? :(

Almost all of the responses I've been discussing in this sub are in my area of expertise so I can be very open. As long as we are on the topic. I would like to ask everyone in the community to give my co-workers a lot more respect in the area of comms. Everyone is working as hard as they can and doing a phenomenal job. I do think and none of us would argue, that we need to find better ways to get the community information about the game. We are working on it and with anything this big theres always room for improvement.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by himynameisubik

Please could you tell us (me) if splitscreen for Spec Ops is coming or not?

For Spec Ops in Verdansk there is no splitscreen. The environment is too massive and is a heavy lift on the renderer. Again Im not an engineer and they could find a way to make this work in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Entankled

Totally get it. I really do, but the reason why people are so salty against them and not you, is because you’ve earned their respect, your coworkers lost whatever respect they had to a large part of the community for staying silent. I get backing up your people, but they aren’t really helping themselves in this situation.

I can see how things are misunderstood in this area. Trust me. I work right along side them and they have been working their asses off on this project along with countless other people. There is so much that happens behind the scenes that isn't forward facing to the community. Yes we need to find ways to improve our back and forth. Thats all of our responsibility not just a few that have been active out of the studio.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by fluffybomb-_-1

Just curious, why didn't you render the whole spec ops map in the Karst River Quarry ground war map but you did for all the other ground war maps?

Quarry was our first ground war map. First version was broken off as a separate map. The process evolved after that.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by yoyo45h

Hey Joel Can you please nerf the m4a1 hard. It shoots very fast the bullets are like it’s shooting cars out of it and there is not very much recoil, the m4a1 outguns every gun no matter what and it’s getting really annoying getting killed by it not having a chance

Not my area of expertise. Sorry.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by VoteRepublicanAgain

Well can you (or someone at IW) please look at ALL of the major issues the community has with the game & then get the certain people at IW related to those issues to officially communicate with us for once?

I know you’ve commented on the communication and yes it definitely feels like people are being ignored. People have had major criticisms of several things in this game & all the patch notes usually seem to be about is really minor things & mostly minor bug fixes so it’s just incredibly frustrating. You seem to be communicating with us a hell of a lot more than our actual Community Manager, Ashton.

I don’t feel like the game has improved in major ways since launch. People have given our feedback on Spec Ops but there hasn’t been anything major to improve it at all, it’s way too difficult & there’s no difficulties to choose at all, that’s one example.

I just want the game to be fun & it just feels frustrating to play, there’s so much potential for this game but the execution is just not there sadly.

Sounds like we all have the similar goals here.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by smithaz1981

I think you guys are great and people want and expect too much from you guys. Look at how Savage your game has made people, like an evil drug. Your too good at your job. Don't make a sequel for a long time because you have bought yourself a long time. Get it right.


about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by jayswolo

“Hey Joel”

You have become a meme 😂

All good. Its all love.

about 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Luigi_702

But what about offline (local) split screen?

The big maps is such a heavy lift it will not support split screen. At least for now.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by keithsciguy

I'm sorry but what? The 360 did it flawlessly. Your telling me you put so much into the maps themselves that the ps4 couldn't handle it. Nahh bro your people didn't care to figure it out and that was the first bump in road. If online mp can support split screen spec ops can too. Js it requires way more processing power to handle online you've got other players and their skins guns movements. In offline its all pre-written skripts. It's a combination of laziness and greed.

Clearly you are an expert in game development. I am no match for you. I bow out.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Hey artpeasant, I know you said no dms and I know this thread has literally no relation to mine but could you please take a look at my latest post. It was front page of CODWarzone last night and I was literally killed by cheaters using my own name multiple times last night, even while hiding queues and having them blocked.

Any input would be hugely appreciated and I understand that it's not your job to be policing reddit for cheaters but I'd love you even more than I already do if you took a look

We are working on the issue and take it very seriously. We discuss and work on the health of the game every day and the real time issues that go with that.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Let me see if theres anything I can do to help. Dont know if I can but look into it tomorrow.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Oh I don't doubt that and I never have, I just hope something gets done soon about these little cucks. Literally being aimbotted by someone using my name multiple times a day and have dozens of people coming into my stream calling me a low life hacker because some dude with my name and an Chinese flag is aimbotting them cross map

What's your stream? And where are you streaming?

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Tangofrags and I'm on twitch. I can link you clips of my same ign TTV_tangofrags literally beaming me cross map and even out of the sky. Problem is they aren't just killing me they are just trying to screw me and my stream over by ruining my name

Ok got you. I will see if there is anything I can do to help:) Not sure I can but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'm sorry that people are acting like this.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

Trying to doxx now so that's fun. Appreciate your help artpeasant, you guys don't deserve all the flak you get

No problem. Everyone is entitled to their perspective. When things get nasty I tend to move along.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by imthatguyjordan

If I'm correct you worked on cod4, mw2 and mw3 and for that I love your existence. They got me through a rough time and started my foray into content creation.

I know it's a long shot but is it possible to blacklist or flag the username TTV_tangofrags so that only mine exists or that others with same name can get banned quicker.

Check your direct chat.

almost 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by ImTuckerr

Hey! Love it that you respond to people like us. Any info on mastery camo and frankensmithing? Thanks

Yes. Soon.