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over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Use the gesture to flip it to KD.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Assie-Klapper

Why does it not just work though?

I used mine last night in Warzone. It worked as expected.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by vol4lyfe123

Bruh I literally have 2 gestures. Check watch, and a thumbs up.

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by KyloGlendalf

I don’t have that gesture. It automatically removes the gesture when I equip this watch, and it isn’t an option to add it manually to my emote wheel, it’s completely missing

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by shokasaki

Having checked after reading this comment, when equipping Red Ratio, it auto equips 'Check Watch' as your built-in gesture. In the gesture menu, 'Watch Interact' is missing, but 'Check Watch' is there. When switching to Life Support, 'Watch Interact' auto equips in the bottom slot of the gesture wheel, but still does not show up as a gesture you can equip in the Gesture Select menu.

As soon as you re-equip Red Ratio, 'Check Watch' takes the place of 'Watch Interact,' making it seemingly impossible to 'Watch Interact' with Red Ratio.

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Nknights23

I don’t have this option. I’ve checked and I just have the check watch gesture

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by yatzo

What if I don't have a gesture for it? I have only the thumbs up and the check watch gestures.

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by uumopapsidn

Why do you need to flip it? Why doesnt it just work?

It has two modes. One for KD and one for Game modes.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by BetaPete

There's none, please fix it. I know that it has to be selected in the menu, but the gesture is missing.

EDIT: my post concerning the missing function: https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/fsbzr5/please_fix_the_red_ratio_clock_theres_still_no/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Greenday756

Aren't they doing the gesture in the picture?

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Macdaddy4prez

The gesture?

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RealJuvs

Not enough people know this feature exists

There are 2 watch gestures. Examine watch and Watch interact. You set them in barracks on the radial menu. Same spot where you equip sprays.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by BetaPete

Instead of reserving the Watch interact gesture, it reserves the Examine Watch gesture. I can't add it to the wheel, it's not mentioned in the "collected" gestures. When I equip the RED RATIO clock, it's says "Watch equipped Red Ratio" & "Gesture equipped Check Watch" - examine watch is missing. While the Digital Ink clock, with only one screen, features the Watch interact feature.

The 6 oclock slot on the wheel is automatic. Assign the other gesture to another slot on the wheel.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by QWERTY36

I only have "check watch" and "thumbs up"

How do I get the others?

Equip the check watch into another slot other than the 6oclock slot on the dial.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by BetaPete

I tried that, but I'm no able to assign the "Watch interact" gesture manually. Only the "Check watch" gesture can be added to the wheel, besides the thumbs up gesture. When I select a clock with the examine feature and then switch to the red ratio clock, the watch interact gesture is gone too.

Equip the check watch into another slot other than the 6oclock slot on the dial.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

one was set up (afaik above) by default and i overrite it. now i dont have option to re-add it back. got only "Examine watch".

Dont over ride it. Apply a gesture to another slot.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

i have bugged out one of these gestures. i override one with other (will edit later when in game to check what are these called exactly) and cannot reset it back to default. :/

Dont over ride it. Apply a gesture to another slot.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Greenday756

Thank you for helping with this. I checked my gestures, and the only one I have for watches is 'check watch'. I do not have a 'Watch Interact' gesture available to equip.

The interact is automatically at 6oclock when you equip the watch that has a function. The check watch you put in another slot.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

Too late for that. I have accidentally override default Examine Watch gesture while adding "Execute Target" and since then i cannot reset to default. This is what im left with

edit: before i acquired "Execute Target" from bundle i think i had Examine Watch gesture in slot available, and after that it was gone.

To reset it unequip the watch. Put sprays in the other slots.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by KyloGlendalf

Yeah I haven’t got interact there, all I’ve got in there is examine watch and thumbs up, it equips for every other watch I own when I equip the watch, just not this one

I was able to repro this last night. What makes the bug tricky is that if you own other watches with the interact function its harder to reproduce. Im bugging it now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by KyloGlendalf

Yeah I haven’t got interact there, all I’ve got in there is examine watch and thumbs up, it equips for every other watch I own when I equip the watch, just not this one

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Someguy12378

Would be nice if this was pointed out somewhere tbh.

I stopped using certain watches because I thought I lost the ability to inspect it

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by four20already

This is incorrect for the Red Ratio watch. In the gesture/spray radial, while having the watch equipped, my 'reserved' gesture is 'CHECK WATCH' not 'EXAMINE WATCH'. I have bound the 'CHECK WATCH' gesture to a different area of the radial and now i have two 'CHECK WATCH' gestures equipped.

I followed the instructions given by you and the option is simply not there for this watch. Many other people are saying the exact same thing and getting a copy pasted response that doesn't address the fact that this seems to be missing an interaction or it is bugged.

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by shokasaki

Normally, yes, but I checked the menu and Watch Interact isn't there, sadly. It also gets auto replaced when equipping Red Ratio. :(

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by Greenday756

Thank you for helping with this. I checked my gestures, and the only one I have for watches is 'check watch'. I do not have a 'Watch Interact' gesture available to equip.

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

Too late for that. I have accidentally override default Examine Watch gesture while adding "Execute Target" and since then i cannot reset to default. This is what im left with

edit: before i acquired "Execute Target" from bundle i think i had Examine Watch gesture in slot available, and after that it was gone.

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by NonikZeek

It. Doesn’t. Work. On. This. Watch.

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

one was set up (afaik above) by default and i overrite it. now i dont have option to re-add it back. got only "Examine watch".

This is bugged now.

over 4 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

Originally posted by RAGEcrow

You are partially right. Each watch have it's own interaction, KDR watch doesnt work at all (it just used to switch automatically between match KDR to lifetime KDR) and rest of them work as intended as you've mentioned above. And i thank you for that tip you gave me.


I think what confused me is that I purchased the Call of Duty Endowment pack right when the game game out. It came with both gestures. So I had to do a bit work to see what everyone is talking about on specific watches.