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Me and some randoms went and did the mission relatively quickly (rushed each intel points and went to lz) then we were at the final step - wait at lz for extraction - and when our extraction helicopter arrived, we simply couldnt get in. one guy was down so we thought it was that and when we re-did the mission we were all alive and yet no difference. we cleared all the juggernauts, etc. (we only didnt pick up the last care package at C but i don't think its the problem). the objective still said ''reach LZ'' when i was at 0.3m from it (in fact, all of us were), my sentry gun had time to destroy itself over time and we still couldnt get in. the pilot kept saying the same lines ''get in here, we're outta here!!'' each 30 seconds. we lasted there for 4-5mins with endless waves of basic enemies (at least no juggs) but we still could never get in that chopper....

plz fix it?

Edit: typos

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almost 5 years ago - /u/ashtonisVULCAN_IW - Direct link

On it, thank you!

almost 5 years ago - /u/candyslexia - Direct link

If you have a video that would be super helpful for us to try and reproduce this. We've actually played using that strategy before and completed it with no issues but we still want to figure out the bug. Also, do you recall having killed the tanks? I know you say "juggs, etc." but just clarifying. Thanks!

almost 5 years ago - /u/candyslexia - Direct link

Originally posted by Masterwork_Core

sadly i didnt manage to capture anything. i tried to but 5 seconds into the recording i downed and we all died within seconds so its not useable. i’ll retry it and see if it happens again and record it this time. the tanks were indeed destroyed. the only thing left were basic enemies respawning while the extraction helo was floating a bit above ground (i could crouch under it) and no prompt to go in it or anything. i’ll see what i can do

Ok no worries! If you do end up with a vid just let us know. Were you all standing near the exfil helo?

almost 5 years ago - /u/candyslexia - Direct link

Originally posted by Masterwork_Core

at least 2 of us were and third one was in the house next to the extract point. and i just retried it now with other randoms and we rush in the same way (i made sure to pick up the first 2 care package, not use the third one like last time), placed my turret at the same spot and we did the mission no problem. we were indeed all close to the chopper this time (idk if the player driving the chopper gunner was close to the lz when there was the bug though). there was still no prompt to “finish” the mission or climb into the helo as we were all spamming jump next to the helicopter to try to get in and suddenly it just said mission accomplished (nobody had mics but i assume we were all confused why it didnt work. i can still upload the video of the try i just did which worked. i would’ve done it again but now its making me play safeguard so i guess i can’t for now :p

Haha cool. Thank you for the update! That is how it’s designed to finish. All 3 have to be at the exfil point. The gunner can be wherever the heck. Apologies for it not being clear how it ended. Hope you enjoyed the play through though :).

almost 5 years ago - /u/candyslexia - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


It was actually, our internal testing didn’t have anyone mention this being an issue :/. Don’t need a video any more though. His answering my clarifying questions was all I needed :).