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So, you’ve just released a patch of 2.5gb ((on Xbox)) that adds nvg playlist and kill confirmed. Great modes love them both- you know what’s more important than game modes though? Stability. I’m not going to go on a rant talking about how you should fix every problem plaguing the game without adding content. Because, I understand content is what keeps the game fresh. However, I can’t even play the game I paid 70$ for because in nvg and kill confirmed after the patch I have just crashed 5 times with every consecutive match I tried to play of the new modes. I cannot tell you how horribly depressed this makes me. I honestly seriously enjoy this game. But if this continues, I don’t know what else to do aside from wait. It’s painful to do so because all of my friends will progress ahead of me, and I want to share the leveling experience with them. At this point the whole community has said it over and over but I don’t care, it’s been past a week going on 9 days now- please, please, please, I’m begging you. Drop everything you are doing and planning and fix these crashes. It cannot be that difficult with the staff on had. Sincerely every Xbox one x owner that plays modern warfare- not a “small number.”

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over 5 years ago - /u/artpeasant - Direct link

This is a lot of text. Did you get the update, reset your console, and then experience stability issues?