11 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

112s the lord of the tundra is heartless and
116s cold
118s showering its prey in an impenetrable
120s veil of snow
124s leading foolish creatures to an icy
127s grave
152s oh
153s [Music]
159s [Music]
164s thank you
170s [Music]
194s [Music]
205s [Music]
207s foreign
209s [Music]
212s [Applause]
216s [Music]
224s [Applause]
225s [Music]
246s [Music]
249s I already died once I have nothing
258s [Music]
269s [Music]
277s [Music]
284s I will slay my mortal enemy
297s nothing is coming
299s [Music]
316s foreign
346s [Music]
369s thank you
375s [Music]
386s thank you
397s [Applause]
401s our world is not headed for disaster as
404s you say the exalted one's Awakening is
407s simply the first step towards the birth
409s of a brand new world
411s everything will be destroyed to be born
415s anew
418s we're going to finish the work that red
420s started we won't let you awaken it
424s [Music]
426s I get it that you want to protect wratha
430s but all you're doing is making him
432s suffer
433s wratha here is the one paying the price
435s for your selfish obsession with the
437s nerdigante
440s fire
444s it may be impossible to save the world
446s without wratha's health
450s bonds of friendship between Riders and
453s Hunters looks like the children really
455s are our future
466s to the test
469s where it all ends
483s foreign
485s [Music]
495s I present the hunter from Kamura
517s looks like it's gonna hurt
528s [Music]
536s [Music]
541s [Music]
562s [Music]
567s thank you
569s foreign
571s [Music]
588s [Music]
597s [Music]
605s [Music]
621s thank you
625s [Music]
647s foreign
650s [Music]
680s thank you
689s [Applause]
690s [Music]
710s problems
718s foreign
722s [Music]
730s [Applause]
732s [Music]
749s [Music]
761s foreign
763s [Music]
784s foreign
792s [Music]
801s [Music]
810s [Music]
819s foreign
820s [Music]
846s [Music]
855s [Music]
859s foreign
863s ER on the monster hunter series hi I'm
867s yoshitake Suzuki the director on Monster
869s Hunter rise sunbreak it's almost been
872s one year since the release of sunbreak
874s on June 30th 2022.
878s a lot of players have decided to
879s continue their Adventures from Rise and
881s we are very thankful for that
884s sunbreak has been getting several free
887s updates since its release but today is
889s going to be the last digital event
893s so without further Ado let's have a look
895s at the latest trailer enjoy
904s hold it
907s things off
911s [Music]
917s it's time to end this
926s maybe it's still in control
929s but this time our true adversary
938s foreign
962s update version 16 available on June 8
965s 2023 we'll add the final monster
968s primordial malzina
973s originally amatsu which was added in
976s Title Update 5 was supposed to be the
978s final monster
980s yes but we decided to do a bonus update
983s to introduce primordial malzino improve
986s armor augmentation with new slots and
988s add several new decorations into the mix
998s for the currently available Title Update
1000s 5 the stories tenders around the
1002s villagers of Kamura taking on animatsu
1005s foreign
1007s but in this bonus update you'll get to
1010s witness the conclusion to the age-old
1012s relation between malzino and the kingdom
1015s you can take on primordial malzino from
1018s mr-10 or higher
1020s we hope you look forward to seeing its
1023s new moves and ecology
1026s [Music]
1028s you'll be able to forge some cool
1030s weapons and armor using its materials as
1033s well so don't miss out
1039s after the bonus update there will be new
1042s event quests until July 27 2023.
1047s these event quests will be very tough
1050s and provide a solid challenge you can
1052s earn a variety of rewards such as
1054s layered armor so we hope you try to
1057s complete as many as you can
1059s as far as paid DLC goes as of version 15
1063s the total lineup is complete
1066s but version 16 will introduce DLC packs
1069s with a variety of themes for an
1071s affordable price
1073s we hope you take this opportunity to try
1076s some of it out
1081s Monster Hunter rise and sunbreak are
1084s also available on Xbox series X S Xbox
1088s One windows PlayStation 5 and
1091s PlayStation 4.
1096s all the content of version 14 15 and 16
1099s including primorial malzino will release
1102s as a single title update as shown on
1105s screen so keep an eye out for more info
1109s no
1113s [Music]
1117s we are now joined by yasinori ichinose
1120s the director of Monster Hunter rise for
1122s a nice three-way conversation
1124s Mr ichinose everyone
1127s oh I was gonna do my own introduction
1129s but good to see you everyone I'm
1131s yasinori ichinose director on Monster
1133s Hunter rise I think this is going to be
1135s the last digital event for Rise And
1137s sunbreak so there's a lot I'd like to
1140s talk about and I hope everyone watching
1142s will enjoy our talk as well
1145s nowadays it's easy for us to see
1147s reactions from Claire's and the
1149s community in real time on social media
1152s and such
1153s has there been anything that caught your
1156s eye
1158s when we did rise and showed off canines
1161s for the first time we got a lot of
1164s reactions saying how cute they were
1168s and since the monsters are based on
1171s Yokai
1172s some people wondered what's this Monster
1174s based on and if they're going to bring
1177s back this monster what Yokai is it going
1179s to be based on and so on and I was
1183s surprised at how many people guessed it
1185s right
1185s [Music]
1188s it was a lot of fun to watch
1192s what about you Mr Suzuki for sunbreak I
1197s decided to bring back a monster from
1200s Monster Hunter Frontier espinus
1203s as I'm sure you're aware
1205s when we announced this we got so much
1209s fan feedback that the term even started
1212s trending for a while
1215s nobody saw that one coming we pretty
1219s much had to recreate him from scratch
1221s and the staff was very particular about
1225s getting him right which was great
1229s for sunbreak you even took to social
1232s media yourself to comment on some things
1235s directly
1236s what was that like did you have any
1239s plans
1240s well I can't disclose any specifics
1243s about the main features in advance of
1246s course but I still wanted to reveal some
1249s things before each update to get the
1252s fans excited about new upcoming features
1254s I wanted them to imagine what kinds of
1257s things we were cooking up so
1260s occasionally I'd let some pretty big
1262s hands slip through
1264s of course you have to be very careful
1267s like how much can I say
1270s can I get away with this without getting
1273s yelled at
1275s there were times when I was treading on
1277s thin ice but I mainly focused on info
1280s tying into the next update while mixing
1283s in a variety of trivia
1285s sometimes we also released some
1287s illustrations hinting at new monsters on
1290s Twitter and stuff
1296s the ones you drew right no that wasn't
1300s me they were made by one of the
1303s designers for a color sample sheet so I
1307s asked if I could have them and I just
1310s put them up like that
1312s I figured I'd be safe as long as I
1314s didn't say this monster will be in the
1317s game
1317s [Music]
1318s it was more to show off what kind of
1321s ideas we had
1323s there were a lot of people comparing
1325s their speculations to the actual
1327s announcements
1328s and then there's the hunting guide
1331s Mr ichinose actually provided a lot of
1335s backup in coming up with ideas for the
1337s content
1338s so it wasn't just me doing it alone
1343s but Mr ichinose and the promotional team
1346s helped out a lot too
1349s you actually did a lot behind the scenes
1352s for sunbreak on social media
1355s that's right for some reason my schedule
1358s just said recordings
1360s nobody ever told me anything about what
1362s we were doing yeah we wanted you to show
1365s up in some of our Clips
1368s so when we were making sunbreak I
1371s approached Mr Suzuki with some ideas of
1373s my own
1374s like hey it would be great if you could
1377s add this character to Elgato
1379s and there were some ridiculous requests
1381s in there
1384s I was surprised at how many ideas he
1386s actually ended up using
1388s initially so we were just going to place
1391s them around the canteen but before we
1394s knew it they were at the quest counter
1396s and the research lab there were
1399s paintings all over the place
1401s and they do change as you progress in
1404s the story
1406s so if you've played the game and haven't
1408s noticed yet you should try playing again
1412s and paying attention to the details from
1415s the beginning yep from scratch I see
1417s there's a lot of variety it's really
1419s cool both rise and sunbreak have very
1422s colorful NPCs do you have any particular
1426s favorites among the cast I think I'd
1429s like to hear from ryozo before we answer
1431s yes me too all right I'll go first I
1435s would pick Bahari from Sunbury
1438s he's pretty involved in the story and I
1440s like how he looks like a brilliant
1442s scientist but he's actually kind of
1444s goofy and he's in a lot of cut scenes as
1448s well
1449s that's right he's actually one of the
1451s more prominent characters in cutscenes
1453s yes
1454s what about you two I really like tadori
1460s you know who that is right of course of
1462s course these creatures consume life of
1465s course I know him creatures consume life
1467s why do you have to say that twice these
1470s creatures
1474s consume life I really love that cutscene
1477s I watched it so many times it's a
1480s cutscene that seems so significant right
1482s didn't we use this for a trailer we did
1484s we did that's correct it was an easy to
1487s use line
1490s I
1492s I really like master utsushi
1496s the fact that he's a really prolific and
1499s experienced Hunter but
1501s brags about his own strength
1506s he treats everyone completely equally
1509s and you can tell he really loves and
1512s cares for his favorite pupils we even
1515s received Valentine's chocolate for him
1517s that's right quite a lot even I was
1520s surprised a lot of fans sent in
1522s Valentine's chocolate for master utsushi
1525s so I immediately asked one of the
1527s designers to make a thank you
1528s illustration
1530s so every time she would draw something
1532s super fast a couple of days in advance
1535s and every time we would put it up on
1537s social media
1540s That's Right Moving On considering that
1543s you've been working on these games for
1545s so long there must have been a lot of
1547s ideas that ended up not making it in
1551s ones you can talk about I'm not sure I
1555s can talk about any of them no then
1558s anything you can just share a little bit
1559s of
1562s so Elgato Outpost has a leader called
1565s Admiral gallius and initially he was
1569s going to be a silent character
1572s wouldn't say a single word but he's
1575s Central to the plot development right so
1577s he'd be standing right in the middle of
1579s the council meeting area while fioraine
1582s would be doing all the Talking next to
1584s him
1586s so for instance she'd say we have to
1590s hunt this monster next and she'd explain
1592s how to fight it and then go right
1595s Admiral and he just nod with a grunt and
1598s she'd go understood Admiral now let us
1601s Sally Forth Fierce Flame
1604s and this would keep happening so it
1606s turned into kind of a skit
1609s with fioraine just looking for the right
1612s answers from someone who doesn't talk
1615s [Music]
1617s which doesn't make for a compelling
1620s conversation so we asked it I guess I
1624s went a little too far there
1626s there's this guy inside bahari's
1629s research lab right
1631s during development you could talk to him
1634s from atop the roof and it would show his
1636s name
1637s [Music]
1639s so I was like he has a name of course he
1644s was removed later but I was impressed it
1646s how detailed it was
1649s that he even had a name
1652s yeah it should be gone now though he's a
1655s very thorough bug Checker you can talk
1658s to him from up there hey Suzuki why
1660s can't I talk to this guy
1662s oh my God
1664s [Applause]
1666s Today's Show is a special occasion to
1668s bring you new information about the
1670s bonus update which is why we invited Mr
1672s ichinose and Mr Suzuki over and I'm glad
1676s we were able to share all of this with
1677s you
1680s to close things off both directors have
1683s a final comment for all of you
1687s since rise was released we've been
1689s getting lots of fan feedback on social
1692s media and various other places
1696s and we are very thankful for that
1698s all of us here on the dev team will keep
1701s doing our best to deliver quality
1703s content to you so we hope you keep
1705s enjoying the game for a long time to
1707s come
1708s thank you very much
1712s I was handed the Baton from Rise and got
1715s to work on sunbreak and I've been
1717s overwhelmed by all of the positive
1719s comments
1720s which have given the dev team the
1723s motivation to keep working hard to bring
1726s you new content like all of the updates
1729s I'd like to once again Express the
1731s team's appreciation to all of you thank
1734s you
1734s [Music]
1736s not about wraps things up for this event
1740s it's been a little over two years since
1742s Monster Hunter rise was released and
1744s about one year since the release of
1746s Monster Hunter rise sunbreak
1749s we are all very thankful for the huge
1751s number of people who played these games
1753s so from all of us here on the
1755s development team thank you very much
1757s [Music]
1758s next year will be the 20th anniversary
1761s of the monster hunter series we're going
1764s to keep doing our best to bring you new
1766s and exciting games so we hope you'll
1768s continue to support us in the future as
1770s well
1771s I'd like to close things off with our
1774s usual chance
1776s Happy Hunting
1791s let's go
1796s here comes the thing
1806s foreign
1811s foreign
1835s [Music]
1857s [Music]
1867s [Music]
1873s machine
1874s [Music]
1883s [Music]
1888s Taste of this
1897s [Music]
1907s [Music]
1914s [Music]
1929s thank you
1941s [Music]
1952s unbelievable
1955s you gotta be sorry for that
1960s my fellow Hunters
1984s take this
1998s [Music]
2002s five
2010s it's over for you
2015s [Music]
2022s [Music]
2028s [Music]
2035s foreign
2041s [Music]
2072s [Applause]
2078s [Music]
2090s [Applause]
2094s [Music]
2095s tonight
2096s [Music]
2107s tonight tonight
2108s [Music]
2114s [Music]
2126s [Music]
2131s to me is
2136s [Music]
2151s serious thank you much appreciated
11 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

112s the lord of the tundra is heartless and
116s cold
118s showering its prey in an impenetrable
120s veil of snow
124s leading foolish creatures to an icy
127s grave
152s oh
153s [Music]
159s [Music]
164s thank you
170s [Music]
194s [Music]
205s [Music]
207s foreign
209s [Music]
212s [Applause]
216s [Music]
224s [Applause]
225s [Music]
246s [Music]
249s I already died once I have nothing
258s [Music]
269s [Music]
277s [Music]
284s I will slay my mortal enemy
297s nothing is coming
299s [Music]
316s foreign
346s [Music]
369s thank you
375s [Music]
386s thank you
397s [Applause]
401s our world is not headed for disaster as
404s you say the exalted one's Awakening is
407s simply the first step towards the birth
409s of a brand new world
411s everything will be destroyed to be born
415s anew
418s we're going to finish the work that red
420s started we won't let you awaken it
424s [Music]
426s I get it that you want to protect wratha
430s but all you're doing is making him
432s suffer
433s wratha here is the one paying the price
435s for your selfish obsession with the
437s nerdigante
440s fire
444s it may be impossible to save the world
446s without wratha's health
450s bonds of friendship between Riders and
453s Hunters looks like the children really
455s are our future
466s to the test
469s where it all ends
483s foreign
485s [Music]
495s I present the hunter from Kamura
517s looks like it's gonna hurt
528s [Music]
536s [Music]
541s [Music]
562s [Music]
567s thank you
569s foreign
571s [Music]
588s [Music]
597s [Music]
605s [Music]
621s thank you
625s [Music]
647s foreign
650s [Music]
680s thank you
689s [Applause]
690s [Music]
710s problems
718s foreign
722s [Music]
730s [Applause]
732s [Music]
749s [Music]
761s foreign
763s [Music]
784s foreign
792s [Music]
801s [Music]
810s [Music]
819s foreign
820s [Music]
846s [Music]
855s [Music]
859s foreign
863s ER on the monster hunter series hi I'm
867s yoshitake Suzuki the director on Monster
869s Hunter rise sunbreak it's almost been
872s one year since the release of sunbreak
874s on June 30th 2022.
878s a lot of players have decided to
879s continue their Adventures from Rise and
881s we are very thankful for that
884s sunbreak has been getting several free
887s updates since its release but today is
889s going to be the last digital event
893s so without further Ado let's have a look
895s at the latest trailer enjoy
904s hold it
907s things off
911s [Music]
917s it's time to end this
926s maybe it's still in control
929s but this time our true adversary
938s foreign
962s update version 16 available on June 8
965s 2023 we'll add the final monster
968s primordial malzina
973s originally amatsu which was added in
976s Title Update 5 was supposed to be the
978s final monster
980s yes but we decided to do a bonus update
983s to introduce primordial malzino improve
986s armor augmentation with new slots and
988s add several new decorations into the mix
998s for the currently available Title Update
1000s 5 the stories tenders around the
1002s villagers of Kamura taking on animatsu
1005s foreign
1007s but in this bonus update you'll get to
1010s witness the conclusion to the age-old
1012s relation between malzino and the kingdom
1015s you can take on primordial malzino from
1018s mr-10 or higher
1020s we hope you look forward to seeing its
1023s new moves and ecology
1026s [Music]
1028s you'll be able to forge some cool
1030s weapons and armor using its materials as
1033s well so don't miss out
1039s after the bonus update there will be new
1042s event quests until July 27 2023.
1047s these event quests will be very tough
1050s and provide a solid challenge you can
1052s earn a variety of rewards such as
1054s layered armor so we hope you try to
1057s complete as many as you can
1059s as far as paid DLC goes as of version 15
1063s the total lineup is complete
1066s but version 16 will introduce DLC packs
1069s with a variety of themes for an
1071s affordable price
1073s we hope you take this opportunity to try
1076s some of it out
1081s Monster Hunter rise and sunbreak are
1084s also available on Xbox series X S Xbox
1088s One windows PlayStation 5 and
1091s PlayStation 4.
1096s all the content of version 14 15 and 16
1099s including primorial malzino will release
1102s as a single title update as shown on
1105s screen so keep an eye out for more info
1109s no
1113s [Music]
1117s we are now joined by yasinori ichinose
1120s the director of Monster Hunter rise for
1122s a nice three-way conversation
1124s Mr ichinose everyone
1127s oh I was gonna do my own introduction
1129s but good to see you everyone I'm
1131s yasinori ichinose director on Monster
1133s Hunter rise I think this is going to be
1135s the last digital event for Rise And
1137s sunbreak so there's a lot I'd like to
1140s talk about and I hope everyone watching
1142s will enjoy our talk as well
1145s nowadays it's easy for us to see
1147s reactions from Claire's and the
1149s community in real time on social media
1152s and such
1153s has there been anything that caught your
1156s eye
1158s when we did rise and showed off canines
1161s for the first time we got a lot of
1164s reactions saying how cute they were
1168s and since the monsters are based on
1171s Yokai
1172s some people wondered what's this Monster
1174s based on and if they're going to bring
1177s back this monster what Yokai is it going
1179s to be based on and so on and I was
1183s surprised at how many people guessed it
1185s right
1185s [Music]
1188s it was a lot of fun to watch
1192s what about you Mr Suzuki for sunbreak I
1197s decided to bring back a monster from
1200s Monster Hunter Frontier espinus
1203s as I'm sure you're aware
1205s when we announced this we got so much
1209s fan feedback that the term even started
1212s trending for a while
1215s nobody saw that one coming we pretty
1219s much had to recreate him from scratch
1221s and the staff was very particular about
1225s getting him right which was great
1229s for sunbreak you even took to social
1232s media yourself to comment on some things
1235s directly
1236s what was that like did you have any
1239s plans
1240s well I can't disclose any specifics
1243s about the main features in advance of
1246s course but I still wanted to reveal some
1249s things before each update to get the
1252s fans excited about new upcoming features
1254s I wanted them to imagine what kinds of
1257s things we were cooking up so
1260s occasionally I'd let some pretty big
1262s hands slip through
1264s of course you have to be very careful
1267s like how much can I say
1270s can I get away with this without getting
1273s yelled at
1275s there were times when I was treading on
1277s thin ice but I mainly focused on info
1280s tying into the next update while mixing
1283s in a variety of trivia
1285s sometimes we also released some
1287s illustrations hinting at new monsters on
1290s Twitter and stuff
1296s the ones you drew right no that wasn't
1300s me they were made by one of the
1303s designers for a color sample sheet so I
1307s asked if I could have them and I just
1310s put them up like that
1312s I figured I'd be safe as long as I
1314s didn't say this monster will be in the
1317s game
1317s [Music]
1318s it was more to show off what kind of
1321s ideas we had
1323s there were a lot of people comparing
1325s their speculations to the actual
1327s announcements
1328s and then there's the hunting guide
1331s Mr ichinose actually provided a lot of
1335s backup in coming up with ideas for the
1337s content
1338s so it wasn't just me doing it alone
1343s but Mr ichinose and the promotional team
1346s helped out a lot too
1349s you actually did a lot behind the scenes
1352s for sunbreak on social media
1355s that's right for some reason my schedule
1358s just said recordings
1360s nobody ever told me anything about what
1362s we were doing yeah we wanted you to show
1365s up in some of our Clips
1368s so when we were making sunbreak I
1371s approached Mr Suzuki with some ideas of
1373s my own
1374s like hey it would be great if you could
1377s add this character to Elgato
1379s and there were some ridiculous requests
1381s in there
1384s I was surprised at how many ideas he
1386s actually ended up using
1388s initially so we were just going to place
1391s them around the canteen but before we
1394s knew it they were at the quest counter
1396s and the research lab there were
1399s paintings all over the place
1401s and they do change as you progress in
1404s the story
1406s so if you've played the game and haven't
1408s noticed yet you should try playing again
1412s and paying attention to the details from
1415s the beginning yep from scratch I see
1417s there's a lot of variety it's really
1419s cool both rise and sunbreak have very
1422s colorful NPCs do you have any particular
1426s favorites among the cast I think I'd
1429s like to hear from ryozo before we answer
1431s yes me too all right I'll go first I
1435s would pick Bahari from Sunbury
1438s he's pretty involved in the story and I
1440s like how he looks like a brilliant
1442s scientist but he's actually kind of
1444s goofy and he's in a lot of cut scenes as
1448s well
1449s that's right he's actually one of the
1451s more prominent characters in cutscenes
1453s yes
1454s what about you two I really like tadori
1460s you know who that is right of course of
1462s course these creatures consume life of
1465s course I know him creatures consume life
1467s why do you have to say that twice these
1470s creatures
1474s consume life I really love that cutscene
1477s I watched it so many times it's a
1480s cutscene that seems so significant right
1482s didn't we use this for a trailer we did
1484s we did that's correct it was an easy to
1487s use line
1490s I
1492s I really like master utsushi
1496s the fact that he's a really prolific and
1499s experienced Hunter but
1501s brags about his own strength
1506s he treats everyone completely equally
1509s and you can tell he really loves and
1512s cares for his favorite pupils we even
1515s received Valentine's chocolate for him
1517s that's right quite a lot even I was
1520s surprised a lot of fans sent in
1522s Valentine's chocolate for master utsushi
1525s so I immediately asked one of the
1527s designers to make a thank you
1528s illustration
1530s so every time she would draw something
1532s super fast a couple of days in advance
1535s and every time we would put it up on
1537s social media
1540s That's Right Moving On considering that
1543s you've been working on these games for
1545s so long there must have been a lot of
1547s ideas that ended up not making it in
1551s ones you can talk about I'm not sure I
1555s can talk about any of them no then
1558s anything you can just share a little bit
1559s of
1562s so Elgato Outpost has a leader called
1565s Admiral gallius and initially he was
1569s going to be a silent character
1572s wouldn't say a single word but he's
1575s Central to the plot development right so
1577s he'd be standing right in the middle of
1579s the council meeting area while fioraine
1582s would be doing all the Talking next to
1584s him
1586s so for instance she'd say we have to
1590s hunt this monster next and she'd explain
1592s how to fight it and then go right
1595s Admiral and he just nod with a grunt and
1598s she'd go understood Admiral now let us
1601s Sally Forth Fierce Flame
1604s and this would keep happening so it
1606s turned into kind of a skit
1609s with fioraine just looking for the right
1612s answers from someone who doesn't talk
1615s [Music]
1617s which doesn't make for a compelling
1620s conversation so we asked it I guess I
1624s went a little too far there
1626s there's this guy inside bahari's
1629s research lab right
1631s during development you could talk to him
1634s from atop the roof and it would show his
1636s name
1637s [Music]
1639s so I was like he has a name of course he
1644s was removed later but I was impressed it
1646s how detailed it was
1649s that he even had a name
1652s yeah it should be gone now though he's a
1655s very thorough bug Checker you can talk
1658s to him from up there hey Suzuki why
1660s can't I talk to this guy
1662s oh my God
1664s [Applause]
1666s Today's Show is a special occasion to
1668s bring you new information about the
1670s bonus update which is why we invited Mr
1672s ichinose and Mr Suzuki over and I'm glad
1676s we were able to share all of this with
1677s you
1680s to close things off both directors have
1683s a final comment for all of you
1687s since rise was released we've been
1689s getting lots of fan feedback on social
1692s media and various other places
1696s and we are very thankful for that
1698s all of us here on the dev team will keep
1701s doing our best to deliver quality
1703s content to you so we hope you keep
1705s enjoying the game for a long time to
1707s come
1708s thank you very much
1712s I was handed the Baton from Rise and got
1715s to work on sunbreak and I've been
1717s overwhelmed by all of the positive
1719s comments
1720s which have given the dev team the
1723s motivation to keep working hard to bring
1726s you new content like all of the updates
1729s I'd like to once again Express the
1731s team's appreciation to all of you thank
1734s you
1734s [Music]
1736s not about wraps things up for this event
1740s it's been a little over two years since
1742s Monster Hunter rise was released and
1744s about one year since the release of
1746s Monster Hunter rise sunbreak
1749s we are all very thankful for the huge
1751s number of people who played these games
1753s so from all of us here on the
1755s development team thank you very much
1757s [Music]
1758s next year will be the 20th anniversary
1761s of the monster hunter series we're going
1764s to keep doing our best to bring you new
1766s and exciting games so we hope you'll
1768s continue to support us in the future as
1770s well
1771s I'd like to close things off with our
1774s usual chance
1776s Happy Hunting
1791s let's go
1796s here comes the thing
1806s foreign
1811s foreign
1835s [Music]
1857s [Music]
1867s [Music]
1873s machine
1874s [Music]
1883s [Music]
1888s Taste of this
1897s [Music]
1907s [Music]
1914s [Music]
1929s thank you
1941s [Music]
1952s unbelievable
1955s you gotta be sorry for that
1960s my fellow Hunters
1984s take this
1998s [Music]
2002s five
2010s it's over for you
2015s [Music]
2022s [Music]
2028s [Music]
2035s foreign
2041s [Music]
2072s [Applause]
2078s [Music]
2090s [Applause]
2094s [Music]
2095s tonight
2096s [Music]
2107s tonight tonight
2108s [Music]
2114s [Music]
2126s [Music]
2131s to me is
2136s [Music]
2151s serious thank you much appreciated