8 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

35s he
91s n
132s the
180s a
232s hello everyone and welcome to today's
233s stream my name's jonno EMA Community
236s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
237s by hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the cap USA
240s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
242s today we have a fun special stream right
245s jonno we do it's been a while it's great
247s to be back with both of us
250s here world and
252s yeah yeah we got a lot lot to talk about
255s actually monster hunter's been pretty
257s busy over the last few uh days and weeks
259s or so right yeah just a little bit yeah
261s yeah you know been getting a bit
264s wild oh I see what you did
268s there um so yeah so so on today's stream
271s uh we're going to be going over and
273s recapping all of the news about monst on
276s Wilds recently so we've got two trailers
278s to go through we've got all the exciting
280s news that came out of sgf and also Joe
282s what are you going to be doing in
283s between that yeah we're going to be
285s playing a little bit of Monster Hunter
286s stories um I think we'll go for about
288s like you know maybe 30 minutes to an
290s hour um and just show off a little bit
292s more of the game uh it's launching uh
295s well today's Thursday so I guess it's
296s launching either tonight or tomorrow uh
299s wherever you're based so uh yeah the
301s remaster of monster hun stories and uh
303s monster hun Stories 2 on PlayStation 4
306s is also coming out so um yeah great time
308s to celebrate Monster Hunter and to show
310s off a little bit of the game exactly and
312s it's good to see you all it's been so
314s long so it's good to see Fresh Faces the
316s regular crew as well and during during
319s the uh game play as well and the
321s question stuff we are going to be doing
322s some monster hunter stories to DLC
325s giveaway so some nice cosmetic DLC for
327s the steam version of the game um so what
330s I'll do is I'll alternate the the kind
333s of giveaway between twitch chat and
335s YouTube chat so we do one one one one
336s one11 and we'll go we'll go across like
338s that but first things first should we
339s jump over to the uh first well new wild
344s technically the second Wild's trailer
346s but the first of the new ones recently
348s yeah and uh we'll we'll talk about that
350s with
351s everyone yeah yeah let's get into it and
353s this is the trailer that debuted at the
355s PlayStation state of play that was about
357s 2 weeks ago now gosh yeah I mean having
359s two tra
360s like kind of back to back is so awesome
362s and such a rare treat this where
364s everyone met Jemma and Alma who have
366s both been making quite some waves in the
369s community yeah yeah two exciting
371s characters uh Elma is your Handler and
373s Gemma is your uh blacksmith in the game
376s and uh we're looking forward to
378s everybody getting to meet them and get
379s to know them a little bit more but the
380s excitement is already there as we we've
382s definitely seen
383s online exactly exactly now obviously
386s chat you know we're we're reading chat
388s on YouTube twitch what were your reac to
390s this trailer what really stood out to
392s you I mean for me like like seeing the
396s Clash for example was like absolutely
399s insane what about you Joe yeah I mean we
402s have to take our first look at the new
403s monsters right so doag gumo who we've
405s seen already but we didn't have a name
407s for so we got to see him uh in a pack
409s and then we also got to see bahara in
411s the second trailer and then in this
413s trailer um we also got to see chatak
416s Cabra um I love if you love tetra you
420s might see some of the the lineage there
423s right oh absolutely um such such like a
426s diverse range of monsters as well to
428s show off like uh so quickly which is
432s great and obviously bahara was teased in
434s this this trailer as well we did see on
436s Reddit some very fine investigatory work
439s from the community as well uh drawing up
441s their suspected monster yeah we we we
444s saw that we're like dang they got us
450s oh sorry after you I was going to say in
452s this trailer we got to see a lot more of
454s the Sacred who is your uh your Mount
456s that you can ride and they can do quite
458s a bit I love the animations on there
460s just being able to like kind of pick you
461s up off the ground if you get hit um
463s Glide in the air and and different
464s things like that so really really
466s versatile mount for you to use in this
468s much bigger world that you've uh haven't
470s had in a monster hunter game at this
471s point exactly and just seeing like when
474s when we confirmed the the double weapons
476s and switching weapons like on the fly
479s like that was such a like a peak moment
482s um obviously this bit where the music
484s drops in the trailer as well and you see
486s the great sword Hunter just going
488s ham yeah yeah you get to see a little
489s bit more of the new Focus mode which um
492s is going to enable you to use a lot of
493s new cool new abilities so really really
496s excited about that um yeah the as a
498s great sword M I was like yes this is
500s this is the weapon to use for this
501s trailer oh yeah I I come e you in chats
504s just said the same have the great sword
505s having an attack where you run the sword
507s down the length of the monster was a
508s highlight for them oh yeah yeah and then
511s here's that Clash I mean my
514s goodness yeah and you know I saw some
516s speculation like is that is that like a
518s scripted thing or like a cinematic and
520s like no that's a mechanic as part of the
522s game with Focus mode so um that's going
524s to be really cool for people to uh to
526s use just in any random hunt you know
528s it's just something that happens every
529s day exactly that's that is super super
533s awesome um yeah and I remember you know
535s we were going for all of the sentiment
537s on social media on Reddit on YouTube and
540s and it was just absolutely fantastic uh
542s seeing everyone's reactions um and then
545s to be told that more news was coming uh
548s basically a week later sgf it was like
550s the cherry on the cake yeah yeah you
554s know um we we haven't streamed in a
556s while right so uh you know we we had
559s every intention of uh you know doing you
562s know more frequent uh return to World
564s streams in the in the over the last
565s month or so but we've been busy with
567s these trailers getting everything
568s prepped and all the announcements ready
570s so um yeah that's what's been keeping us
572s busy so you know apologies to anybody
574s who's been been looking for the return
576s of the stream but you know we we're
578s happy to say that we are back and we're
580s kind of past these two trailers and yeah
582s it's been a ride just getting those two
583s out and getting all that news out
585s exactly and just to because I've seen
587s quite a few questions in chat we were
588s probably going to talk about this on the
589s second half but you know you've waited
591s long enough yes crossplatform play is
594s confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds it
597s was confirmed on stage by rosan uh with
600s Jeff Jeff key uh up on stage sgf so what
603s a huge thing Hey
605s Jo yeah yeah honestly I have to say
609s that's that's probably the number one
610s request that we've had um before monster
613s hun Wilds was even announced right
614s everyone says please have crossplay in
616s the next Monster Hunter game and you
617s know we we see all those comments we
619s hear them um we've been you know talking
621s to the team and letting them know that
622s this is something that people really
623s want so um you know it is an undertaking
626s to to uh implement this stuff so uh yeah
628s the team is is really excited to to
630s finally have this and you know whether
632s you're on Xbox on your you're on
633s PlayStation or PC uh you'll be able to
635s play together so we're really really
636s excited about it yeah it's like great
638s seeing chat celebrating that as well and
641s as you said you know the the team would
642s really care about what the community
644s think and what the community want and
646s once again you said you know this is
647s like one of the number one requests and
650s it's so awesome to see it kind of come
652s together um yeah it's a a can't wait
656s can't wait yeah it fun moment for us too
659s to be able to uh to announce that we
660s were just like oh we know this
662s information's coming and we've been
663s holding on to it for so long for so long
665s and we're like yeah we we we're really
667s excited to just drop that on the
668s community so it was uh yeah super super
671s cool moment yeah it's going to
673s definitely you know when the time comes
675s next year you know when we're doing our
676s streams it's like anyone just jump
680s in yeah yeah we we love it yeah I'm I'm
683s super excited to uh stream this game
685s when it comes out next year but um yeah
688s just so much revealed in the trailer I
689s mean if you're a Monster Hunter Fan
691s there's tons to pick through um and
693s people have been just like kind of
694s extracting all the details what would
696s you say was kind of your favorite thing
698s from that initial trailer oh for me I
701s mean the new monster designs are awesome
702s but I think people really digging into
705s like like from the original trailer in
707s December where people were picking apart
709s sacred and like oh is that a weapon
711s holster is what's they carrying is that
713s like is that part of a tent on on the
715s monster and things and then just seeing
717s those kind of theories being proven all
719s kind of like maybe not quite on the nose
721s and seeing the community's response to
723s that but for me yeah the the weapon
725s moves you know seeing Focus mode seeing
728s how sacr is involved during combat and
731s how you can utilize them both
732s offensively and defensively like yeah
734s and then obviously seeing all you great
736s sword Mains going yeah I'm just going to
737s carry like two great swords
740s like yeah yeah that was uh you know
743s let's talk about the two weapon stuff
744s right so yeah being able to just hop on
746s the back of your sacred and switch over
747s to another weapon um
750s and something that we did confirm was
752s that it doesn't necessarily have to be a
753s range weapon right you seen in the
755s trailer that they're switching to a
756s heavy bow gun I think it's heavy B gun
759s um but you can you can take two great
760s swords if you want you can take any two
762s melee weapon so um yeah it's really up
764s to you like kind of tailor it to your
766s play style you're not really locked into
767s one play style
769s there exactly and um for those asking
771s about new weapons so Ed in one of the
774s interviews uh that went out sgf the team
776s confirmed that you know there are no new
778s weapons how however all of your weapons
781s all 14 existing weapons have new moves
784s they also have Focus mode which is a
786s whole new way to play around your
788s favorite weapons um and in particular
790s there are three weapons Joe that the
791s team mentioned have been given
792s particular
794s attention yeah hunting horn was one of
796s them and jonno I know you you have
798s really dabbled with that weapon uh over
800s the last like year or so so yeah tell me
803s how you're feeling about those changes
805s I'm excited so like I never played
806s hunting horn in world so I was quite
808s intimidated by it it's seem really
810s complex uh and must sord of The Shield M
812s um H and then in in uh rise and sunbreak
816s I heard about the changes so I picked up
817s and I really really really enjoyed
819s hunting horn um so I'm really excited to
822s see what the team have done because I
823s think the word that they used was the
825s hunting horn the light bow gun and heavy
827s bow gun are
829s crunchier um which sounds really
832s exciting yeah and I think what's great
835s about the the um changes to Bow gun is
837s that um even though we haven't talked
838s about the changes um they're getting
840s like extra special attention this time
842s because I think there's probably going
843s to be more people using them maybe than
844s ever before in the series right just
846s because you can carry two weapons you
848s can use it on the back of a sacret so um
851s yeah it should be pretty interesting to
852s see uh how how kind of like that Dynamic
854s shapes out when the game comes out
856s exactly I can already imagine like all
858s the videos of uh like Hunters riding
860s their sacrs with like bow guns and then
862s jumping off with melee weapons and
864s things um yeah yeah it's very ex yeah or
869s you can just continue to carry you know
870s your great swword your gun Lance or
872s whatever and uh do your thing you know
874s some people might not care about the um
877s having the ability to attack you know or
879s to shoot while you're on the back of a
880s sacret they might just want to get up
882s and close so uh those things will remain
884s I'm sure exactly as you said that's it
886s is optional like it's a lot like the uh
889s switch scroll swap system in sunbreak
891s yeah it's a really cool system you can
893s choose to use but if you like to be like
895s no this is my weapon I know what I like
898s I'm going to stick with this you can
900s um so you know it's power power to the
902s hunter yeah yeah so what's it going to
904s be for you Jon you think two sword and
905s shields you know what I saw someone on
908s Reddit saying hey I'm just going to
909s bring a paralysis sword and shield and
911s then switch to like raar Ro element and
913s I was like you know what that's pretty
914s clutch like being able to pull out a
916s paralysis when you want without kind of
918s having to fully commit to it to your
919s build so I'm thinking some sort of
921s status Shenanigans what about
924s you yeah I H I'm not quite sure yet um
929s but I think yeah for now it's probably
931s going to be two great swords but like
934s I'm not really sure yeah I'm not really
937s sure how I'm going to change that up you
938s know yeah maybe I don't want to sharpen
940s uh you know I I'm going to have to
942s figure it out I guess like you know
943s great swword is not really like an
944s elemental weapon right it's kind of like
946s a one uh one uh solution fits all so I
949s have to figure that out metal yeah maybe
952s it's not the best choice
954s so ah that is that is pretty it's great
957s seeing everyone's combination ideas in
959s in both sets of chat right now as well
962s um that is that is super super cool and
965s yeah just like just seeing this trailer
967s up on stage as well and obviously like
970s it the trailer here shows off a bit of
972s the uh kind of the environmental impact
974s that you see more in trailer too like we
976s have the like I guess I'm call it the
978s sand well pool there like bringing in
980s some of the the smaller doaga um but
983s obviously we find out in trailer 2o that
985s the hunter is not immune to the effects
987s of the environment and sand right
990s right yeah yeah I think like one of the
993s the lines that we um were thinking with
995s this first trailer is that no two hunts
997s will ever be the same right so um you've
999s got all these Dynamic weather effects
1000s and that's not just for show right like
1002s anything can happen in this world yeah
1004s like there's that sand world pool
1005s there's Thunder that's uh going around
1008s um and that that's affecting like all
1010s the ecology and the monsters and
1011s behavior some monsters only come out
1013s during certain weather effects so uh
1015s it's going to be like really crazy and
1016s really interesting um we really want the
1018s Hunts to feel super Dynamic and yeah we
1021s we can't wait for people to get their
1022s hands on it because we know there's
1023s going to be tons of cool clips and
1024s things just like coming out from the
1026s immersion gameplay and things like that
1027s so it's going to be it's going to be
1028s really fun absolutely I've already seen
1031s in chat someone saying they're going to
1032s be the one Hunter banned hunting horn
1035s user just bringing loads of different
1036s Tunes with them
1039s yeah one one other thing um we confirm
1042s in this trailer is that both the Hunter
1044s and Pico will be voiced uh this time
1047s around so um yeah that's going to be
1049s like a little bit different from the
1050s story right yeah so there's a huge
1053s renewed focus on you know it's a
1055s immersive story where you as the hunter
1058s kind of leading the way uh on your
1060s Expedition that you've been sent on by
1062s The Guild and you know having your
1064s Hunter voice and your pico voice I think
1066s will really help add to that immersion
1068s and you will feel like you're really
1069s part of the story rather than just going
1071s along with the story so I'm really Keen
1074s to see what the team have cooked up
1075s around that and and how how that plays
1077s out um and for those wondering about the
1079s Pico Jo there's a little bit more that
1081s we found out more recently about the
1082s Pico voice yeah so the Pico voice uh
1085s it's implemented in game to really kind
1087s of help you out with different call outs
1088s there's so much happening in the world
1090s it's it's like really it can get really
1092s chaotic but if you uh really prefer the
1094s old style where you can have the cat
1096s meows that is definitely there for you
1098s as well so um yeah the old school
1099s Hunters who want to go that way um yeah
1102s don't worry about it that's going to be
1103s implemented in the game incredible
1105s exactly so yeah everyone's a winner
1107s everyone's a winner I'm personally
1108s excited to hear what my has to say about
1110s about my hunting
1112s skills yeah it's like Jon what are you
1115s doing I'm carted what does it look
1119s like yeah yeah I'm excited for the you
1122s know I I think uh story has necessar not
1125s never necessarily been like a huge huge
1127s emphasis in Monster Hunter I think you
1129s know it's going to continue to be um you
1131s know game that is really focused on the
1133s hunting experience and the game play but
1135s the team has really put a lot of effort
1136s into creating a story that you will want
1138s to see from start to finish there's
1139s going to be a lot of intrigue and
1140s characters that you want to meet and
1142s that um you know it's going to feel
1143s surprising and unpredictable so um yeah
1145s I think the emphasis on the story is is
1147s is really there is really trying to um
1150s not only for experienced players to to
1152s bring you along a really compelling
1153s story but for newcomers who come to the
1155s game and want to just experience that
1156s story from start to finish and uh I
1158s think for us the way we see it is that
1161s um you know if you you know we're trying
1163s to bring more people into the experience
1165s of Monster Hunter but also um get more
1167s people to kind of like that core
1168s experience which happens really at the
1170s end game and like the mid game right
1172s where you get to experience like all of
1173s those cool intense hunts and like kind
1175s of the loop of getting better and better
1177s at the game so um that's what we're
1179s excited about right I think that's a
1180s really great entry way to get there
1182s absolutely yeah you know people many
1184s people kind of say that you know the
1186s story is kind of like the tutorial if
1188s that makes sense and once you get
1189s through that it's like okay the gloves
1191s come off it's like now now is the time
1193s for you to really get hunt in um but
1196s with this as well you know the as you
1198s said the story is a central part of the
1200s game and and what a ride that you want
1202s to see from start to finish and on that
1204s note actually we've had a few questions
1206s how big are the locals like roughly you
1209s know we we've seen some discussion in
1211s interviews but people like how how much
1212s area am I going to be running around in
1214s what what kind of guesstimation are we
1216s looking at Joe yeah so we've said uh at
1219s least twice the size of the locals in
1222s previous games so um and again we've
1224s only shown the windward plane so far so
1226s that's the um first local in the game
1228s but um you know I've seen a lot of
1229s people asking uh is there you know more
1232s than just a desert in this game is it
1234s all desert so what what have we said
1235s about that J yeah so we've said you know
1237s there is a wide diverse range of locals
1241s obviously mon stunter is known for that
1243s um so you know obviously we're not
1244s saying anything about what they are yet
1246s or anything like that but they will have
1248s unique environments and changing
1250s environments obviously like like what
1252s we've shown so far but yes watch this
1254s space um plenty of time um so sit back
1258s and enjoy the ride but yeah you'll have
1259s a nice diverse range of environments um
1262s to enjoy yeah it's been fun I mean uh I
1265s think you know we we've come out with
1268s these two trailers back to back and
1269s there's been a lot of excitement and
1271s everyone's just like I want I want more
1273s I want to know more about this game I
1274s want to see more like can you guys like
1276s tell us about other environments and
1278s like you know let's let's see the
1279s different weapons and you know I want to
1281s see chargeblade I want to see gun Lance
1284s this is this is step one and two of a of
1286s a long journey this game's coming out
1287s next year so yeah we've got lots of
1290s stuff to show so uh we appreciate
1292s everybody's excitement and patience but
1295s um yeah with that I mean J with that
1297s right I think the next beat is something
1298s that you're going to be uh uh quite
1301s involved with right yeah so in case you
1303s haven't seen the first Global playable
1306s Hands-On for Monster hun of Wilds will
1308s be at Gamescom uh in Germany this August
1312s um I will be there so if you do come by
1314s say hi uh come play mon of Wilds um yeah
1318s first global hands on playable you you
1320s can be like I've played it I've seen it
1322s in the flesh um and yeah go and check it
1325s out um which is super super exciting on
1327s top of that as well um we've shared
1329s obviously there will be you know even
1331s more wild news in general um as part of
1334s Gamescom as well for those of you that
1336s aren't attending you won't miss out too
1338s much don't you worry you're still going
1339s to get plenty of world's goodness um and
1341s I'm sure it'll be Joe putting that out
1343s on the social channels while I'm in
1345s Germany so
1349s yeah it's definitely gonna be a busy
1350s time everyone's going to eat
1352s so and we have shatak Caba on screen as
1354s well so that's PR good timeing yeah yeah
1357s yeah but it has been really exciting and
1360s um you know it's a new generation of
1361s Monster Hunters so um it comes with you
1364s know a lot of new monsters you know
1366s things that are totally brand new
1368s mechanics that are new and it's you know
1370s it's really a pleasure for us to help
1371s introduce that to everybody so yeah it's
1373s a super exciting time super fun time for
1376s the brand and uh yeah we're just happy
1377s to be part of it
1379s exactly exactly now I think this is a
1381s good time to kind of actually talk about
1383s something and show something that's
1385s actually launching tomorrow uh with
1387s monsant stor so we're going to we're
1388s going to dive into some gameplay Joe's
1390s going to show us some Pro Rider skills
1392s and then after that we're going to hop
1394s back into more Wilds discussion talking
1396s more about sgf and of course the second
1399s trailer that was shown there I don't
1401s know if I'm going to show Pro
1403s riters s I've said it we have to do it
1406s now oh no that pressure I'm scared I'm
1409s scared sorry I'm in the volume settings
1410s here so yeah this is Monster Hunter
1412s stories we are running this on PC today
1416s and uh I'm still pretty early in the
1418s game on this save here so we're just
1419s going to play um into the second area of
1422s the game so we kind of gotten past the
1424s intro um and we are going to see what we
1427s can get up to here so I'm able to ride
1430s here and Jon have you played the first
1433s Monster Hunter stories before no so I
1435s actually played through Monster Hunter
1436s Stories 2 and I really really enjoyed it
1439s but it will be my first time playing
1440s Monster Hunter stories uh tomorrow uh so
1443s I'm really looking forward to that
1445s actually cuz say I had a wonderful time
1446s with the second game uh cuz at first I
1448s was like oh the graphics look like maybe
1449s this is for like a younger audience but
1452s it really isn't it's just a visual art
1454s style like the story is great it you
1456s know it's it can get pretty dark at
1458s times as well but it's also really good
1461s um and the combat is really deep so you
1464s can play like if you're into your
1465s monster Tamer games you know the ones I
1467s mean the turn based monster enters
1470s like I know I know right you'll have a
1472s ton of fun with this but you can go
1474s really deep in regards to how you how
1477s you raise and grow your monties um which
1481s I really really liked especially because
1483s like bracky is in both games and rados
1486s is my favorite monster
1490s so yeah and uh laggy accurus is in this
1492s game as well which um we saw our friend
1495s Kath letting the entire world know that
1497s yesterday yeah yeah so if you've been
1500s missing laggy acas you should definitely
1502s pick up stories tomorrow uh because then
1505s you can reunite with your old chum um
1508s and on that not yes this is like it's um
1511s a remaster or re-release effectively
1513s there's a ton of new stuff at it
1515s obviously graphics performance have been
1516s upgraded there's extra bonuses like the
1519s museum where you can look into concept
1520s art and other things but I think most
1522s importantly there's some special new
1524s content isn't there Joe yeah so there's
1527s uh the elder dragons which were uh
1529s implemented into the Japanese version of
1532s the game um but actually never came over
1534s to the US or Europe so um they are in
1537s this version of the game and that's
1538s mostly endgame content but yeah it's
1540s just more more good stuff to add to this
1542s version of the game uh and really expand
1544s out the
1546s experience and yes element swapping is
1549s still in the Original Stories game as
1551s well so if you if you want to make some
1553s truly cursed or blessed uh monsty combos
1556s with your elements like what I've seen
1558s like a fire TX and things like that that
1560s is still possible in in this re-release
1562s yes um I go ahead I was going to say I
1566s should start doing some giveaways so I'm
1567s going to look off off of the screen for
1569s a bit while I while I pick some codes
1570s out it's all yours J yeah um other thing
1574s that is in this game is full voice
1576s acting for uh Japanese and English um I
1580s shouldn't say full because not every
1582s single line is voice but you know
1583s majority of the lines are voice so that
1585s that's a great new addition
1589s okay I have my first codee so the first
1591s giveaway I'm going to put in twitch chat
1593s and then we'll do another one soon after
1594s that will go into YouTube chat so you
1597s have to guess one of the one of the
1600s characters and I'm going to give you a
1602s clue so the missing letter is the first
1607s letter of one of the monsters revealed
1612s in the uh trailer from the Sony state of
1616s play event us instead
1620s so there we go and this will get you the
1622s ENA ancient rainment obviously it's one
1624s use so you know whoever's got the uh the
1627s hunters notes to hand will probably do
1629s the best
1632s um never you said the first letter of
1636s one of the mon
1639s revealed okay
1641s okay should we remind people what those
1644s monsters are let let them figure it out
1646s yeah there yeah I meanly I'm sure I'm
1648s sure I mean I've already seen a correct
1650s answer so in regard what that letter is
1654s so but there you go there is the code
1656s you copy paste it into steam if you're
1658s the if you claim it let us know as well
1660s so we everyone's guessing guessing um
1664s and then I'll get one ready for YouTube
1666s chat as
1670s well yeah the code only works once flea
1673s flu so that's whoever gets it first and
1675s does it I claimed it strawberry got it
1678s congrat
1679s strawberry and the answer was doaga so
1682s it D um so there we go okay let's do
1686s let's do one for for YouTube chat should
1689s we do a different cosmetic we do the
1690s same one we do the same one and then
1692s we'll do a different one okay so we're
1694s going into YouTube chat now um and look
1697s like you're going into a fight yeah so
1700s we just saw a vinea there um who is a
1704s character in both games so monster hun
1706s stories and stories 2 so some people
1708s might know her but she also had her
1710s Baro uh there so
1713s we I guess we're into this fight with
1715s this Lomi nice right so this one okay
1719s YouTube chat prepare
1721s yourself this missing letter is the
1724s first letter of a very popular Community
1728s loved NPC that was revealed in the state
1731s of Play
1736s trailer all right so
1739s we're in the combat here turn base
1741s combat we basically need to predict what
1743s we think they're going to attack with
1745s let's try
1747s technical oh well they hit me with
1749s snowball ouch I'll put the code in again
1752s cuz it double did the first one there we
1754s go it puts the number twice there's only
1756s one number nine in that one by the way
1759s so I don't put it tce winning that head
1763s to head oh Kulu has frostbite I think
1765s I'm supposed to have a hot drink and I
1767s did not do that
1770s I should probably heal
1773s up I got some
1777s items oh that's weird it's oh no I have
1780s Frost
1781s fight that's going to hurt oh no that's
1784s right here we go okay you just got I
1786s come back and you get butt slammed I
1788s can't believe it yeah I can't believe
1790s you've done
1794s this get him
1796s Kulu or sorry is uh yeah
1800s nulu yeah YouTube is duplicating the
1803s first word or letter I put in at the
1805s start of every sentence even there so
1808s yeah okay I'll keep that in
1810s mind all right try to try to build up
1814s our kinship uh skill
1818s here it's
1820s down nicely done oh hit the critical too
1825s okay so we're still level two so we need
1827s to get that up we'll keep using Tech
1832s I'm loving the animations to the turn
1833s base combat as well they're like yeah
1835s really
1836s detailed oh no it's changing things up
1839s it went power I'm a
1841s Fool uhoh HP see see now I don't know
1845s what it's going to do right so kind of
1848s change changed it up on me it's kind of
1850s risky I'm going to try I'll try
1852s technical again okay so paid off just
1854s got to memorize that
1856s pattern okay now we can do our kinship
1858s skill let me uh turn the speed down so
1860s we can see what that looks
1863s like and this is something every Mony
1866s has right their own unique one they got
1869s so much personality I love these yum
1876s yum there some wonderful humor in this
1880s I'm mashing I'm mashing
1884s go nicely
1886s done man we haven't Tak taken it out yet
1889s and we are uh we're down down in our
1892s health right now okay I guess we can we
1894s can try to win this head to-head let's
1897s see yeah okay we got the we got the
1899s double attack there nice so by matching
1902s up your kind of attack Styles you can
1904s get some tasty Buffs yeah
1906s yeah um all right well it's going to
1909s come after me again it's should probably
1910s down a
1911s potion yeah for those wondering yeah
1913s they justme codes uhoh uhoh this is a
1916s big attack ah
1921s it's okay it's okay we show off the
1922s recovery system then so yeah you have
1924s three tries in a fight um that's and
1926s that's shared between the hunter well
1928s not the hunter sorry the Rider and the
1931s moner yeah that's what I that's what I
1933s intended to do for sure show off the
1935s recovery system that's a smooth move you
1937s did it so
1938s naturally man we are we are getting uh
1941s worked a little bit here but I think we
1943s can get through it and as Joe shown up
1945s as well the game does give you a nice
1947s challenge it's not just like a breeze
1949s that you just kind of go through in a
1950s formality but it's not like Super Nails
1953s hard it's nice and rewarding and ramps
1955s up quite quite fairly yeah yeah that
1958s made me sweat a little
1961s bit oh it's ruan's in YouTube chat e he
1964s just seen you taking on L
1966s gombi what's up Roan the iron Breakers
1969s have
1972s arrived yeah we had the the chance to
1974s join Ron on his podcast so MH I guess
1978s that just finished now from the premere
1980s so that Mak sense so I hope you enjoyed
1983s past rri jono and Joe chat and welcome
1986s to pres oh we were in two places at one
1988s time yeah we can do that oh they said
1992s they enjoyed the podcast thank you thank
1994s you oh thanks everybody and it's good to
1996s have ran and the crew here as well
1998s YouTube chat there and we got silver
2000s psychos just joined us for a party of
2001s seven welcome welcome on Twitch and I
2005s think I think as well I'll do another
2006s couple of giveaways uh to celebrate that
2009s the next one is a cosmetic outfit for
2012s enner again and it's the feline cosmetic
2014s outfit now this one is going into twitch
2016s chat first and then I'll do another one
2018s for YouTube again goodness me what shall
2020s I do this
2025s time maybe something stories themed yes
2028s that's a good idea that is a good idea
2031s well there's not an L in this one so I
2033s can't do
2036s Lomi um o
2043s all right we're just following Frost
2045s fang over
2048s here uh-oh what's going
2051s on
2054s uh-oh oh hello these are just zamite
2057s right yeah
2061s zamite I'm
2063s thinking I don't know what do you think
2065s they're going to hit me with jonno I
2066s think zamit a speed
2068s they're like shars right so
2071s yeah let's go technical oh they're using
2074s overpower
2078s okay
2080s oh the
2086s debuff right them out one at a time
2089s something I I do love about these games
2091s is that you can just speed up the
2092s turn-based combat to maximum three times
2095s speed and this is super Speedy super
2100s quick okay twitch get
2105s ready the question is the first letter
2109s and once again I'm I love me my first
2113s letters what is the first letter of the
2116s name of your special move that you do
2119s with your monsty upon building a certain
2121s gauge
2128s and if you're watching the lombi fight
2133s closely paying close
2136s attention twitch chat getting straight
2138s on it and I will prepare YouTube chat
2140s now so YouTube this is a nfv line
2144s cosmetic for Monster Stories 2 on Steam
2146s there is a single use code so first come
2148s first serve um so now I just need to
2152s think of a
2155s question oh I have a sweep oh I I need
2158s ship skill but I do have a sweeping
2159s strike that could hit all of them ooh
2163s big Bey chops with the great sword okay
2165s YouTube your
2168s question this is the first letter of the
2173s name of the monster that Joe has been
2183s using okay let's try the sweeping strike
2191s all
2193s right just got to clean him up now
2196s nicely
2205s done how are we doing on the codes um
2208s we've gone through four so
2212s far so that is looking
2215s good I'm just reading the chat like damn
2218s it I was
2226s close all right heading up to this
2229s little village
2232s here helping out ainia who seems to be
2235s in a bad way that's not good that is far
2238s from ideal yes when we don't quite know
2241s what happened to her just yet but I
2244s think we'll find out
2257s she's awake I just had a little internet
2259s blip on my laptop so sorry if I can't
2261s see chat right now we're the ones who
2263s got you out of I don't remember asking
2265s for your there you go I'm back I'm back
2267s everyone welcome back welcome back thank
2269s you I'm just pulling up all the chats
2270s again and getting my screen sword is
2273s that a kinship
2275s Stone so you're a rer too that explains
2278s why Frost and I can see everyone
2282s again you mean that I think we have Kimi
2284s in the chat uh from Capcom as well hi
2287s Kim hey Kim also I never thought I'd
2290s meet another Rider not I had no idea
2293s there are more Riders out there kind of
2296s Pawn Inspire well I hey slow down you're
2300s still hurt you've got I'm in a hurry all
2302s right I'm looking voice action just adds
2303s a lot of life to these scenes it does it
2305s does I love that the team that yeah what
2309s a coincidence and a lot of good like
2311s connective tissue between the two games
2313s so it feels pretty seamless right
2315s exactly like I was actually about to say
2317s as well like a lot of the characters you
2318s meet in stories uh will be in stories
2321s too as well um obviously they're a
2323s little bit older in Stories 2 the ones
2325s that go across so if you really have a
2326s great time with stories you know your
2329s the time you spend in there is rewarded
2330s when you play Stories
2332s 2 just kidding we don't really give them
2335s orders we're so insan n just explaining
2339s how all this stuff works would you be
2342s willing to do so oh yeah the game's good
2343s at helping you get settled in uh so
2346s you're you're ready to rock challenge
2349s except no turning back now we'll show
2351s you what we're made
2360s of story Quest updated oh p a pugie
2364s pugie gang and you can collect I don't
2366s know the exact number of how many poies
2368s there are but they are fun to
2370s find got to got to collect them all yeah
2374s a lost
2377s pugie what's that in the corner oh
2379s that's just a that's a
2381s pie thought it was a
2383s lampshade yeah nobody even noticed until
2386s now all right Aur says the graphics
2390s update fantastic H cuz obviously what's
2392s this this was back in the 3DS and mobile
2395s days yeah yeah yeah I say days it's
2398s still the days yeah get to experience it
2402s and uh you know nice high resolution I
2405s don't think this is not my house I got
2407s to back
2408s out wait a minute yeah nice high frame
2412s rates on PC you can go up to 120 or I I
2414s think you can go unlocked as well so um
2417s yeah it runs
2419s crispy oh that is that is clean I love
2423s how cozy your house
2425s is I still have a our good friend Kino
2429s who joined uh joined us for um a anime
2433s watch party I still have her save on
2435s here so that's that's good nice of you
2437s not to just like right that's it deleted
2439s yeah
2440s yeah ah we can take a look at uh maybe
2443s some some outfits for naviu what what do
2445s we want to rock with let's
2449s see what do you like here
2451s jono oh let's have a look
2455s oh oh look look like they've just had a
2457s shower
2458s you just like blow dry them oh there's
2460s story stories to Navaro all right let's
2463s let's go with that there there he is
2466s there we go nice crossover yeah and
2469s that's um a save data bonus right so if
2471s you have stories two uh on your system
2475s uh on any platform um and you play this
2477s game you'll get that nice bonus it's
2480s pretty cool nice little thank you for
2482s having the other game here's a little
2483s treat yeah although the the like lore
2486s implications of that
2488s um time traveler yeah he's breaking the
2493s timeline crossing the
2501s streams right Let's do let's do should
2503s we do another giveaway I think we should
2504s do another go for it okay so we have we
2509s we've got either the a new Navaro outfit
2512s talking of outfits maybe we should have
2513s we've just seen the navu outfits let's
2515s give away some navu outfits for stories
2517s to yeah okay so we're giving away
2520s another steam key for the this is for
2523s the a navaru outfit in Monster of
2525s Stories 2 on Steam once again it's a
2527s single use key so first Rider First
2530s Serve um now I need to think of a
2533s question
2536s and you get your little Rider uh
2539s abilities there had to switch over to my
2541s veloc Drome who can do that little leap
2544s um I might switch back though let's uh
2547s oh you switch on the go is pretty snazzy
2551s yeah okay here we go um let's see I know
2554s there's a faster way to do it and I'm
2555s actually blanking
2557s on blanking on that right
2562s now Mountain
2566s herbs okay okay this one's a bit
2569s different different question different
2572s question oh oh boy oh wow oh Zam trios
2577s yeah yeah I'm in danger ah I love Zam
2580s trios one of my favor uh
2583s well it's big it's a big thing so okay I
2588s guessed
2590s wrong okay so this one's first for twit
2593s so the missing character is the first
2596s letter of what you go on when you choose
2598s a hunt in a monster hunter game you're
2602s going on a
2608s one more time so you said first letter
2609s of what you choose on a hunt yeah when
2612s you choose to when you pick a hunt in
2614s the Gathering Hub or off off of a
2616s certain board this is what you are going
2619s on and what you can keep at the end of a
2622s hunt oh there's some answers in already
2628s oh yeah provided some advice for zamp
2631s trios as well yeah Zam trios is uh is is
2634s switching things up so it's alternating
2636s a little bit so it's doing some power
2638s doing some technical it just did power
2641s so it might do technical again so or no
2645s sorry just did Technical and it might do
2648s power again so I'm going to go with
2653s speed oh now it's using its special move
2657s frost breath ooh
2661s uhoh oh now it's going
2665s back okay I speed I've got yeah I got to
2669s memorize the pattern though you got to
2671s go fast
2674s yeah YouTube saying Zam chos looks
2677s awesome um so question for YouTube the
2680s first the missing character is the first
2682s letter wrong is the first letter to the
2686s Monster Hunter World
2691s expansion all right let's heal up a
2693s little bit here yeah y if in doubt get
2696s your healing out zeros got I think he's
2699s actually going to heal on his own better
2701s safe than sorry though
2704s yeah I I love how like it really shows
2706s off the monster's personalities and
2708s traits in stories
2710s um there's some like great
2719s flourishes all right let's go he's going
2722s to go
2724s technical oh I should have stuck with
2726s power
2728s I need that's okay okay yeah I need more
2735s power but it's great you've shown us
2737s like what it three different moners
2738s you've got in your early game Squad as
2740s well
2741s mhm oh I'm in I'm in danger but let's
2744s let's ride yeah stuck
2746s it there we go I guess
2754s right little both blam there
2758s uh okay okay
2762s well it if it just
2766s did it just did technical right mhm yeah
2769s I uh I'm like now blanking on what I
2772s just did chat I was looking at
2776s chat okay okay uh let's let's cash out
2779s on the krip skill I'm a little worried
2780s so let's do the level two oh I I I had
2784s fast animations on there so that was
2785s quick next time next
2793s time okay uh we are in a little little
2796s of a tricky situation here I'm going to
2798s heal
2801s up frost breath
2804s oh but slam as juros fights back
2811s yeah all right kill you up there okay
2814s we're we back in there the the illusory
2817s presence is they can't wait to play
2819s stories one later
2822s tonight yeah yeah I'm glad you're
2825s excited got that double attack
2828s woo there's another button
2832s prompt nice he
2834s does this will be good practice for the
2836s arm wrestling when we go back to world
2838s and Ice born
2840s streams okay I'm trying to remember now
2843s where are we at
2845s H let's let's guess Tech
2848s techical okay we won yeah Yay good
2852s job oh you let's get him more time get
2855s him one more
2858s time all right hey good
2862s job you know I don't know if I'm just uh
2865s I don't know if I'm just a little
2866s underleveled but yeah this is it's
2868s making me sweat a little bit you're
2869s getting a lot of XP so yeah yeah but as
2873s you can see as well what's great is your
2875s your the monsty team you have with you
2877s all get XP from fights you don't have to
2879s cycle through them and things like that
2880s to ensure that they also grow and
2883s progress so that's really handy as well
2886s yeah all right we got the herbs and we
2888s can go help out
2890s ainia nice
2894s nice oh there's a Pooky oh good spot
2898s just chilling literally yeah look at
2900s look at that like little little outfit
2901s the little Stripes that's pretty cool
2903s actually that could be the look of
2904s Summer I I won't lie
2909s yeah this is the best mon Monster Hunter
2911s stories oh there's some treasure here I
2913s got to get
2919s that I wonder why they'd give you
2922s that
2924s yeah it's not like there's something
2926s coming up that uh I might need a
2931s for and yeah once we've once we've um
2934s played a bit of Stories We will be
2936s talking more about the recent Wilds news
2938s so for all your Wilds questions we're
2940s not ignoring them keep them keep them in
2942s your hand and ready for uh the next H
2945s the stream where we'll be a bit more
2947s again yeah we'll wrap things up with a
2949s with another look uh at that trailer and
2953s we can talk about some of the the
2954s coverage coming out of uh summer game
2956s Fest which was really
2958s great nice should we should we switch
2961s over to the
2962s trailer are you ready uh let's let's
2966s play a little bit more see if we can get
2968s a little further
2973s here there some quick loading times as
2975s well yeah oh yeah this very Speedy
2979s friendly yeah yeah we'll be we'll be
2981s like uh you know reading questions and
2984s answering questions that we can uh in
2986s the next segment of the stream because
2988s obviously we won't be sharing anything
2990s new that hasn't already been revealed
2992s but we'll be you know talking about what
2993s has been revealed in case you haven't
2995s missed it answering your questions if
2996s they are
2997s questions about what has been revealed
2999s at sgf and and before
3001s then so yeah hopefully we'll be able to
3003s answer as many of your questions as
3004s possible of that way of thinking I
3007s should have been taking the time to get
3008s to know him from I know there's been a
3010s lot of information that's kind of like
3012s scattered across different previews and
3014s things like that and interviews so um
3016s yeah there's a lot to talk about out
3018s there all this some for you too need I
3022s I'm not really
3023s H uh
3027s oh W mysterious whiskers off
3032s me look at this
3034s guy he's got hot spring
3037s dumplings I'm hungry can I have some
3041s please this guy was just living here and
3043s we just we just squatted walked into his
3046s house yeah if you answer
3050s correctly a riddle a
3052s riddle no my ears are wait are you
3058s that's right the answer is me now I am
3063s but a humble old man we're sorry for
3065s intruding we'd be willing to pay to at
3068s least ainia has some uh you know manners
3070s there feels guilty exactly
3073s exactly while me up fine we'll do it
3076s we'll bring you hotring dumplings hot
3079s spring
3080s dumplings there's a nasty now if it
3082s keeps on rampaging soon that's our queue
3085s buddy stopping ramp pick up some steamed
3088s Moss while you're there so it's the
3091s perfect opportunity the for the PTI
3096s they're they're very
3098s frequent which I love I love that about
3101s this game and and monster hunter in
3102s general is always loved its word play
3105s mhm
3108s definitely how do you know what attack
3110s to choose when fighting that's a good
3112s question Joe what what's your kind of
3114s experience around
3115s that uh um I usually try to do it based
3119s off like how the monster looks when I
3121s still don't know the pattern yet so it's
3123s like what do you what do you know about
3124s it right it's like do you think it's
3126s going to if it's like a big beefy
3128s monster is it going to hit like pretty
3130s hard uh if it's like a little bit
3132s speedier it might go for Speed attack so
3134s I try to guess from there and then uh
3137s then from there you just kind of like
3138s learn the pattern and try to memorize it
3140s but uh yeah how about you yeah it's the
3142s same you kind of look at the monster and
3144s weigh it up uh but then a lot of it is
3146s trial and error and then it's you
3148s learning the monster once you fought it
3150s once uh and then kind of overcoming it
3152s that
3154s way oh we got another another one here
3158s like this monster I would think strength
3161s followed by speed possibly yeah cuz they
3163s like to charge so there'd be the two
3165s that I would immediately lean towards
3168s okay the delinquent
3173s bore there speed all right yeah so that
3176s was that was a good guess I think you
3178s know it's a big beefy monster so but now
3182s it's changing it it's changing it up so
3183s it does have a technical I would not
3185s have expected technical cuz I always see
3187s this monster as like a bit brutish it
3189s just runs in and snaps you over at the
3191s most inopportune times but that maybe
3193s it's technical it knows when to knock
3195s you over the thing is after you guess
3197s wrong then you kind of get in your own
3198s head and you're like uh well what's it
3200s going to do now it's kind of like rock
3201s pair of scissors right mhm but now it's
3204s going back to Power so I'm going to go
3206s for Speed attack
3209s so we saw it's alternating so if it is
3212s do technical again maybe I should
3217s switch I think Yan yanu is uh techical
3221s so there we go say it's nice and easy to
3223s switch your monties out in combat as
3225s well
3226s yeah very
3228s quick okay well okay I guessed
3234s wrong oh ooh that was that was a big
3241s hit so what's the difference between a
3243s rider and a hunter so that's a good
3246s question so obviously a hunter is an
3249s individual that physically goes and
3251s hunts monsters they are a member of The
3253s Guild and they're sent out to deal with
3256s problematic monsters and to help support
3259s the
3260s ecosystem um Riders on the other hand
3262s don't hunt monsters Riders hatch and
3265s raise monsters which they then call
3267s moners and they kind of you know they
3269s have a companionship with them so yeah
3271s Hunters hunt monsters Riders hatch and
3275s effectively tame and raise them as a
3277s companion and fight alongside
3280s monsters and that's kind of the core
3282s difference and actually that
3283s relationship between hunters and Riders
3286s and the conflict that can arise between
3288s their Different World Views uh is
3290s actually present in both stories one and
3291s stories two and it's actually really
3293s interesting parts of the stories mhm
3297s ah it's going technical
3301s again oh lost a heart there
3306s uhoh make sure I win
3313s this that one HP on yangu just like
3316s hanging in there doing I know I know uh
3320s okay let's let's go for Speed there we
3323s go bail me out a little bit yeah yeah
3326s there's more than one weapon there are a
3329s collection of weapons you can choose
3330s between in uh stories one and two Joe is
3333s a great sword enjoyer and Main yep so
3336s naturally he gravitated towards the
3338s classic classic
3340s Choice ah it's got
3345s technical I know in stories too I just
3347s stuck with sword and
3350s shield of course you
3353s did okay uh
3356s go back to well it does have a technical
3358s attack right I'm going to I'm going to C
3360s oh I'm level three so let's cash out on
3362s the kinship skill let's do it let's see
3364s the animation
3365s again this is so cheeky this one I love
3373s it snatching him up
3379s no all right nice the finish and hit as
3383s well yeah
3395s yeah as your monst level up and you use
3398s things like the right challeng you do
3399s unlock more moves that have more
3401s animations and things like that
3403s obviously the kinship moves are like the
3404s flashiest ones you have but you do get
3406s you know breath attacks and Elemental
3408s attacks that that you'll see happen
3410s asang will keep worrying if you don't
3412s get it's just you're a fellow Rider
3415s ain't you shake a time all right the
3419s camaraderie among riters it's
3423s real what do you think joho so we we
3426s were hoping to get up to a familiar uh
3429s monster friend but uh it might take a
3433s little bit longer to get there um so we
3435s could either cut it off here or try to
3438s get as far as we can there can we should
3440s we head on to Wilds because we can be
3442s like should we reveal what the monster
3444s is so folks know that they can encounter
3446s this Majestic specimen in in the
3450s game yeah so the the monster that
3453s knocked ainia out um was our good friend
3457s kzu who
3459s um you can beat in a fight and you can
3463s also uh get your own Kazu as your Mony
3467s and you can also get a red kzu as well
3468s so if you've been missing red kzu this
3470s is the place to be uh to ride a Kazu to
3475s with a Kaz exactly if you need your kzu
3478s fix if you don't want to just fight kzu
3480s you want to befriend a kzu two different
3482s two different kzu then stories has got
3485s you sorted yes absolutely all right yeah
3489s with that let's go ahead and switch it
3490s back to Wild but yeah thanks everybody
3493s for uh watching some gameplay of Monster
3494s Hunter stories we do hope that you guys
3496s check out the game it's coming out uh if
3498s you're in the US it's out tonight at uh
3500s 9:00 p.m. PST um and it'll be you know
3505s out physically uh I believe there's a
3507s double pack on Nintendo switch in the US
3509s and then on PS4 it's also a double pack
3511s in in Europe right jono yep yep you can
3513s get the double pack physically in Europe
3515s um so do check out your retailers um and
3519s also obviously for those based in Europe
3522s yeah that is uh 500 a.m. BST 6 a.m. CEST
3527s for the steam release and I believe it's
3529s rolling midnight on um other Platforms
3532s in your region so do do check that out
3535s obviously you can still pre-order um for
3538s some cool little navaru outfits um I
3541s think Rath and Rathalos right um so yeah
3545s absolutely absolutely check that out um
3547s it's a ton of fun and uh hopefully you
3550s enjoy it as you wait for more Wilds
3553s news yeah I love these games they're
3555s they're so fun tons of Personality great
3558s uh you know I would say pretty
3560s challenging uh turn-based combat system
3562s so you know this is uh it's definitely
3565s not like a walk in the park like kids
3568s game right like uh I think you know
3569s obviously like any the game is for
3571s everybody but uh it will challenge even
3573s you know people who are season Hunters
3574s so um yeah we hope everybody checks the
3576s game out and enjoys uh entering the
3578s world of Monster Hunter stories
3580s definitely a different flavor of the
3581s monster hunter franchise massively
3584s massively yeah um so yeah let's let's
3587s flick over to trailer 2 of Wilds that
3589s was obviously revealed uh on stage at
3593s sgf and here we are yeah I'm going to go
3595s ahead and turn this sound off here so I
3597s can hear all right there we
3600s go all
3602s right so we say our hunter here and the
3605s bahara focus on this one um a leviathan
3609s monster um as well are yeah San
3614s Leviathan there's there's a lot of them
3616s in this trailer like you see tons of
3618s them yeah it's they don't want to do
3621s one-onone no no something I like about
3624s this trailer is U it shows off a little
3626s bit of like a kind of a you know an
3628s introductory cinematic set piece where
3631s um you're kind of like writing and and
3633s really doing like some heroic stuff on
3634s the on the back of your sacred so um you
3637s know like we mentioned there there's a
3638s little bit more of a story Focus but it
3640s also means like we want to make um some
3642s really compelling story sequences in the
3643s game that aren't just you know just the
3645s standard hunt where it's um you know the
3648s same as any other Quest that might be in
3649s the game these are really cool
3651s handcrafted uh moments that are that
3653s really draw you into the game and draw
3655s you into the story so and also introduce
3657s you to monsters like
3658s bahara exactly exactly and it's great
3661s like you know in these situations like
3663s here where your Hunter's talking you
3665s you're taking control of the situation
3667s you're showing your experience as a
3668s hunter and it's great to see that kind
3669s of personified um via that andless we
3672s said earlier yeah the environmental
3674s traps are for you as well so what's your
3677s step yeah I love that you know I think
3680s there's a lot of questions about the The
3681s Voice Hunter but I think it really helps
3684s enable your hunter in this game to to be
3686s more of a leader and somebody who is a
3688s little bit more heroic and is more of
3690s like an expert rather than you know your
3692s new fledgling Hunter and the other
3693s players or the other NPCs are kind of
3695s guiding the story for you right exactly
3697s and obviously there we saw a little
3699s first look at what the community are
3701s calling Thor magala uh which which made
3704s us laugh going through all of the
3706s community comments on Reddit Twitter and
3708s everything so Kudos Kudos on that one
3710s that's a that's a funny one yeah yeah
3713s super cool Monster uh the sound effects
3715s are I'll use the word again but it's
3717s really crunchy you know yeah so yeah we
3720s yeah I think we posted a clip where you
3721s can kind of like hear that without um
3723s some of the music in the background and
3725s yeah it sounds yeah folks like wow they
3728s gave a monster a rail
3730s gun oh that's the rail gun monster yeah
3733s and they were trying to like uh
3734s speculate on like how the horns work and
3736s everything like kind of like a rail gun
3737s we're like yeah that's that's cool yeah
3740s we've Lov seeing that as well um but
3744s yeah also like you got a good view of
3745s how like the the monsters can interact
3748s with each other as you see bahara
3750s constricting and and fighting
3752s daguma um which is really interesting so
3755s you know these kind of engagements
3758s between the monsters are visceral and
3761s organic you know they don't kind of
3763s stand off they're like getting stuck in
3764s and absolutely beating on each other
3767s yeah yeah it's not again it's not it's
3768s not a scripted set piece or like
3771s something that um you know is designed
3773s to like happen in a certain like Miss or
3776s scenario that is something that can
3778s happen out in the world because all the
3779s monsters are you know it's like eat or
3781s be eaten right like everybody is is
3783s defending their territory fighting for
3786s themselves so the herds are attacking
3787s each other that that stuff is really
3790s cool so it's going to be interesting to
3791s see how those different mechanics all
3793s play together especially with like the
3794s weather effects and everything ah it's
3795s just there's so much it's so good there
3798s really is there really is and overly as
3800s well with this trailer as well the music
3802s we got to hear a little bit more about
3804s the of the track that was in the state
3806s of Play trailer and my goodness I could
3809s just keep listening to that on I know I
3811s know I think we've been in like meetings
3812s where we're just like humming that that
3815s song yeah yeah it's good stuff it's good
3820s stuff so many cool details in the
3822s trailer obviously like the the seamless
3824s transition between cutscenes and
3827s gameplay which you saw a little bit in
3829s of Monster Hunter world but um really
3831s taking it to the next level and also
3833s like kind of as like a core uh I would
3835s say like ethos for the game right of
3837s like really keeping you as immersed as
3839s possible so um we have like seamless
3841s environments and stuff right jonno y y
3843s like you know when you are in the
3845s village you know you've set your gear up
3847s and everything you just walk out into
3850s into the local like you're not you don't
3853s have to like all ready up and you're
3854s like has everyone ready up come on you
3856s just you just go and VI you go back in
3858s again and you know when it comes to
3860s hunting you know once say you've hunted
3862s a daguma you don't get sent back to base
3865s you don't get sent back to The Village
3867s you can you just keep going you know
3869s it's your choice you're out there in the
3871s Wilds in the Forbidden lands you can do
3874s what you want you have that freedom that
3876s themeless gamepl um is yeah is is
3879s amazing just know you can be like right
3881s I'm going to head out right you you
3883s finish up with your gear at gemmer I'm
3884s going to I'm going to go look for a
3885s monster for us and with that Joe that
3887s also impacts how quests behave from what
3890s we'd be used to right yeah so you can um
3894s you know be out in the world exploring
3896s and maybe you open up your map and you
3898s set a you know a monster on the map that
3900s you want to go um hunt and as soon as
3902s you attack that monster that Quest just
3904s starts the quest is created and it says
3906s Quest is starting you might have seen
3908s that in the first trailer too where
3909s there's some some dialogue that talks
3911s about the quest starting um and yeah
3913s that's just something that happens in
3915s the world so um it's not NE not every
3917s Quest is just generated by a quest board
3919s uh anymore you're able to kind of just
3920s do that really organically so um really
3923s keeps you in the world constantly
3925s hunting you can kind of like choose your
3927s own pace of how you want to kind of like
3929s go about the different flow so um I love
3931s that addition I think it's going to you
3932s know as somebody who really enjoyed
3935s hunting in The Guiding lands for just
3936s hours right um that's kind this is kind
3938s of like the evolution of that really
3940s taking it to the next level exactly and
3942s alongside that the team of added camps
3945s you can set up camps uh around uh the
3948s local and you know you need to choose
3950s carefully where you decide to set up
3951s your Camp though because it can be
3953s destroyed by monsters um so you know
3956s there is this risk reward element of
3958s where you want to kind of have your
3959s little place to go and recover and eat
3961s some food um because obviously I've
3963s mentioned you can you you can eat food
3965s not just in the village what's that yeah
3969s you can cook out uh in the world so uh
3973s you know ingredients that you've
3974s collected you'll be able to use to cook
3977s uh at your little campsite you take out
3979s like a little uh you know little like
3980s cooking I don't even know what we call
3982s it like a stove yeah yeah and uh you
3986s know we haven't had a chance to show
3987s that animation uh quite yet but um trust
3990s us when we say they they cooked oh yes
3994s oh yes and yeah I love that flexibility
3996s where if you want to hunt in a
3997s particular area because there's certain
3998s monsters you want or it's your favorite
4000s area or there's certain environmental
4002s bits or hazards that you want to kind of
4004s play around you can set up camp in the
4006s vicinity at one of the fixed locations
4008s and there's a there's a range of fixed
4010s locations that you can choose and you
4012s can just choose the hunt around there
4013s once again we use the word seamlessly
4015s but that's really what it is you can be
4017s like I'm going to hunt here for the next
4018s hour and you know I don't have to keep
4019s going back to loading screens or
4021s anything because there aren't any um and
4023s you can just hunt away with your buddies
4025s deciding which monster you want to make
4027s a quest you know um
4029s dynamically um you know going through
4032s the changes in the environment and
4033s things and how that impacts your hunt
4035s and the creatures not just the large
4037s monsters but also like the endemic life
4041s as well and how they behave um yeah you
4044s know you're going to feel so immersed in
4046s in this world and obviously it's easy me
4048s to say that you know you know we work
4050s for Capcom right you know we're the
4052s community managers but you know as you
4054s can see what's been shown and what the
4055s team have been sharing in a lot of the
4057s press and influencer coverage that
4058s you're seeing coming out of sgf you know
4061s this is and you know livein breath in
4063s environment for you to explore um and be
4067s part
4068s of yeah yeah it's definitely you know we
4071s we've said a few times that we call this
4073s the next generation of Monster Hunter
4075s right so
4076s um it's not you know just taking the
4079s same hunting experience from world and
4081s rise and just you know making it nicer
4083s with new graphics right this is uh
4085s really trying to step up every aspect of
4087s the game so the immersion the you know
4089s all the dynamic elements in the game so
4092s um there's going to be things that are
4094s that feel really new and and fresh and
4096s really just kind of like you know Chang
4098s how you view the hunt completely so it's
4100s it's really exciting and it's it's
4101s really going to feel like a new
4103s generation of Monster Hunter and a new
4104s style of hunting um you know for for
4106s players who have been with the franchise
4109s for a long time and for people who are
4110s are coming uh to it for the first time
4112s so um yeah there's going to be a lot of
4115s new stuff to experience in this game
4117s exactly I think yeah as you said whether
4119s you're an existent monster fan or
4120s someone that's kind of going hey that
4121s looks pretty cool you know it's never a
4124s bad time to become a mon Hunter Fan um
4127s and to check it out and join the
4129s community uh because let me tell you
4131s they're very welcome in and you know
4133s they want you to there's no gatekeeping
4134s it's kind of the opposite they want you
4136s to use their weapon they want you to
4138s like just check out their play style
4140s because you know a big part of monster
4142s hunter is our weapons kind of Define our
4144s in-game identity right the weapons we
4146s use so yeah you're going to be in for a
4149s good
4149s time yeah yeah for sure um and I I think
4154s another thing that's really exciting
4155s about this game is you know if you are
4157s more of a solo player um you are going
4159s to have the ability to um hunt alongside
4162s uh you know other NPC Hunters that you
4164s can have uh to in your game to kind of
4167s help you out with a hunt so if you like
4168s to play offline or you like to play solo
4170s um they'll be able to help you out uh in
4172s more of like a group setting so you get
4173s a little taste of that right yeah
4176s exactly you know that's a really good
4177s point because you know me personally I
4179s love multiplayer I like playing with
4181s other hunters and jumping into different
4183s lobbies and things like that whereas you
4185s know a lot of people actually like and
4186s also if I'm not internet connection like
4188s when I'm traveling for example like when
4190s I've been playing sunbreak on my switch
4192s like I like the having the feel like I'm
4195s playing with others and you know a nice
4197s sh I can do what I want you know if I
4199s can't you I don't feel as guilty cuz
4201s it's just me you know um so yeah it's
4204s great you know you can come into wild
4205s knowing that if you're a solo gamer you
4208s can still get the full experience and
4211s you know and play how you want and you
4213s won't be at like a disadvantage and
4214s things like
4215s that yeah yeah for those times where you
4217s just don't want to to talk to anybody
4219s else you don't want to be social you
4221s don't want to be social you want to just
4222s disconnect and you just want to hunt for
4224s hours that's going to be a great option
4227s there so yeah look forward for uh for
4229s more details on how that system works in
4230s the future exactly and talking of
4232s systems you probably seen it flash up a
4234s few times on screen now but um if you
4237s have save data for monst Hunter world
4239s and or monst Hunter world iceborn you
4241s would unlock special Pico equipment
4244s linked to those titles for your Pico and
4246s monster Wilds um so there's two separate
4248s ones there's the the world save data
4251s bonus reward and the iceborn save data
4253s bonus reward um so yeah there's some
4256s pretty cool stuff for you that you know
4258s that have played the other games um so
4261s that's really nice to see that kind of
4262s you know nost and rewarded yeah yeah
4266s nice little prizes for uh for people out
4268s there to uh you know if you haven't
4271s played Monster Hunter world before um
4273s now's a great time to jump in um we've
4275s had you know return to world going on
4277s which um you know has just like surpass
4281s any expectations that we've had so I
4283s mean uh that's been really awesome just
4284s to see people go back back to the game
4286s but yeah whether you have tons of hours
4288s in the game or you're just coming to it
4290s the first time um you'll be able to to
4292s get some bonuses in the
4293s game yeah it's it's wonderful to see and
4296s it's got like fear fear God Z1 in
4298s YouTube says you know this looks like
4299s it's got something for everyone uh for
4301s both sides of the coin kind of thing
4303s solo and multiplayer which is awesome to
4305s see and kind of talking obviously about
4307s return to world and things we'll be back
4309s next week starting iceborn we are
4312s starting our iceborn leg of the return
4315s to world live
4316s stream so watch as we uh run into botus
4320s and uh and see how we go in our high
4323s rank gear oh yeah man I I think like we
4327s had more Ambitions to uh get our gear
4330s ready for master rank so I don't think
4332s we're quite there at this point so it's
4335s going to be a little rough in the
4336s opening hours but we'll we'll figure a
4338s way out yeah the trick is just not get
4340s hit like know that's always just just
4343s don't get hit by the really fast moving
4344s ice fish that and you know go
4346s underground and stuff it's easy it's
4348s easy you know wins zero
4351s damage prepare for a zero damage
4353s speedrun yeah it would be a speedrun it
4356s would definitely be
4359s quick yeah yeah super exciting I'm I'm
4361s really excited to get back into iceborn
4364s um and yeah it's going to be I think
4367s we're going to get hurt a little bit at
4369s the start but um that's all part of the
4371s fun is all part of the fun and you know
4373s uh we'll be playing on PC and obvious
4375s you know you know in this like lat part
4378s this stream we'll open up the lobby uh
4380s so he can come and hunt with us as well
4382s and have some fun but I think what you
4384s reckon good time to wrap things up on
4385s our little wild news recap and little
4389s stories preview ahead of its launch
4391s tomorrow SL today yeah yeah I think so
4393s yeah congrats to everybody who was able
4395s to get some DLC codes in YouTube and
4397s twitch chats um we hope you you are
4400s excited for uh the launch of Monster
4402s Hunter stories and stories too on PS4 if
4404s you haven't uh already picked that game
4406s up so um yeah just a really great time
4408s to be a Monster Hunter Fan between the
4410s stories releases and all the news for
4413s Monster wild and we got Gamescom coming
4415s up which is going to be awesome so um
4418s yeah yeah it's just a really really
4419s exciting time for the team and for uh
4421s for the franchise exactly and yeah thank
4423s you all for your amazing support and
4425s your hype and encouragement the team do
4427s see it uh Joe and I do little reports as
4430s well where we feedback Community
4432s sentiment uh fan art and and cool and
4435s fun top like that we saw all of the baby
4438s PUK P discussion and things like that
4439s for example um so you know your support
4443s your excitement does get back to the
4445s team and it it you know it means the
4448s world to them so thank you all and you
4451s know as we've said as well you know get
4453s ready for the next big Wilds drop at
4455s Gamescom uh where obviously first Global
4458s playable for the public for everyone
4461s will be at Gamescom as well as more
4463s information in general uh for those of
4465s you that attending so please please look
4467s forward to that um it's super exciting
4470s yeah so I'm excited for stories coming
4471s out tomorrow to be honest I think that's
4472s going to be a nice little little way to
4474s spend some time
4476s um oh yeah yeah great way to hang out
4480s with all your favorite monsters um those
4483s that you've been waiting for to come
4484s back in various games and things like
4485s that we read all those comments so we we
4487s know exactly exactly and say if you want
4490s more news if you kind of joined near at
4492s the end or you're hungry for more Wilds
4493s information you know have a look around
4495s like loads of uh you know gaming press
4498s are covering what they saw at sgf um
4501s there's a few content creators as well
4502s that are either doing Recaps that are
4504s fantastic or they were there themselves
4506s so jump on YouTube uh you know have a
4509s Google uh look on social media and uh
4512s yeah you'll find out all the information
4514s obviously in the in the coming weeks
4516s we'll be kind of spotlighting some of
4517s the bits as well on the official monter
4519s social media accounts but yeah Joe like
4521s yeah it's pretty exciting time right
4524s yeah yeah we feel we feel real ized by
4526s you know dropping all these
4527s announcements and you know we've working
4529s on this game for a long time so and the
4531s team that has been developing the game
4532s has been working on it for even longer
4533s so much much longer than we have been
4535s working on it so um you know it's a
4537s pleasure to represent their work and to
4539s uh to share it with all you guys so yeah
4541s we we're again we're really energized
4543s we're really excited and we've got a
4545s really fun uh you know road ahead with
4547s the game so uh it's going to be a real
4549s fun
4550s time nice and with that then I think we
4553s should wrap up we should let people go
4554s read up on what we've spoken about go
4557s chill out but no thank you all so much
4559s for joining us we've been super looking
4560s forward to catching up with you like Joe
4561s said at the start of the stream and
4563s we'll be back next week as we return to
4566s world and we get spice born in iceborn
4569s um as we start master rank all right
4572s thanks everybody we'll see you later
4574s have a great one good night
4585s a
4653s for
4713s ATT
4766s n
8 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

35s he
91s n
132s the
180s a
232s hello everyone and welcome to today's
233s stream my name's jonno EMA Community
236s manager of monst Hunter and I'm joined
237s by hey everybody I'm Joe I'm the cap USA
240s Community manager on Monster Hunter and
242s today we have a fun special stream right
245s jonno we do it's been a while it's great
247s to be back with both of us
250s here world and
252s yeah yeah we got a lot lot to talk about
255s actually monster hunter's been pretty
257s busy over the last few uh days and weeks
259s or so right yeah just a little bit yeah
261s yeah you know been getting a bit
264s wild oh I see what you did
268s there um so yeah so so on today's stream
271s uh we're going to be going over and
273s recapping all of the news about monst on
276s Wilds recently so we've got two trailers
278s to go through we've got all the exciting
280s news that came out of sgf and also Joe
282s what are you going to be doing in
283s between that yeah we're going to be
285s playing a little bit of Monster Hunter
286s stories um I think we'll go for about
288s like you know maybe 30 minutes to an
290s hour um and just show off a little bit
292s more of the game uh it's launching uh
295s well today's Thursday so I guess it's
296s launching either tonight or tomorrow uh
299s wherever you're based so uh yeah the
301s remaster of monster hun stories and uh
303s monster hun Stories 2 on PlayStation 4
306s is also coming out so um yeah great time
308s to celebrate Monster Hunter and to show
310s off a little bit of the game exactly and
312s it's good to see you all it's been so
314s long so it's good to see Fresh Faces the
316s regular crew as well and during during
319s the uh game play as well and the
321s question stuff we are going to be doing
322s some monster hunter stories to DLC
325s giveaway so some nice cosmetic DLC for
327s the steam version of the game um so what
330s I'll do is I'll alternate the the kind
333s of giveaway between twitch chat and
335s YouTube chat so we do one one one one
336s one11 and we'll go we'll go across like
338s that but first things first should we
339s jump over to the uh first well new wild
344s technically the second Wild's trailer
346s but the first of the new ones recently
348s yeah and uh we'll we'll talk about that
350s with
351s everyone yeah yeah let's get into it and
353s this is the trailer that debuted at the
355s PlayStation state of play that was about
357s 2 weeks ago now gosh yeah I mean having
359s two tra
360s like kind of back to back is so awesome
362s and such a rare treat this where
364s everyone met Jemma and Alma who have
366s both been making quite some waves in the
369s community yeah yeah two exciting
371s characters uh Elma is your Handler and
373s Gemma is your uh blacksmith in the game
376s and uh we're looking forward to
378s everybody getting to meet them and get
379s to know them a little bit more but the
380s excitement is already there as we we've
382s definitely seen
383s online exactly exactly now obviously
386s chat you know we're we're reading chat
388s on YouTube twitch what were your reac to
390s this trailer what really stood out to
392s you I mean for me like like seeing the
396s Clash for example was like absolutely
399s insane what about you Joe yeah I mean we
402s have to take our first look at the new
403s monsters right so doag gumo who we've
405s seen already but we didn't have a name
407s for so we got to see him uh in a pack
409s and then we also got to see bahara in
411s the second trailer and then in this
413s trailer um we also got to see chatak
416s Cabra um I love if you love tetra you
420s might see some of the the lineage there
423s right oh absolutely um such such like a
426s diverse range of monsters as well to
428s show off like uh so quickly which is
432s great and obviously bahara was teased in
434s this this trailer as well we did see on
436s Reddit some very fine investigatory work
439s from the community as well uh drawing up
441s their suspected monster yeah we we we
444s saw that we're like dang they got us
450s oh sorry after you I was going to say in
452s this trailer we got to see a lot more of
454s the Sacred who is your uh your Mount
456s that you can ride and they can do quite
458s a bit I love the animations on there
460s just being able to like kind of pick you
461s up off the ground if you get hit um
463s Glide in the air and and different
464s things like that so really really
466s versatile mount for you to use in this
468s much bigger world that you've uh haven't
470s had in a monster hunter game at this
471s point exactly and just seeing like when
474s when we confirmed the the double weapons
476s and switching weapons like on the fly
479s like that was such a like a peak moment
482s um obviously this bit where the music
484s drops in the trailer as well and you see
486s the great sword Hunter just going
488s ham yeah yeah you get to see a little
489s bit more of the new Focus mode which um
492s is going to enable you to use a lot of
493s new cool new abilities so really really
496s excited about that um yeah the as a
498s great sword M I was like yes this is
500s this is the weapon to use for this
501s trailer oh yeah I I come e you in chats
504s just said the same have the great sword
505s having an attack where you run the sword
507s down the length of the monster was a
508s highlight for them oh yeah yeah and then
511s here's that Clash I mean my
514s goodness yeah and you know I saw some
516s speculation like is that is that like a
518s scripted thing or like a cinematic and
520s like no that's a mechanic as part of the
522s game with Focus mode so um that's going
524s to be really cool for people to uh to
526s use just in any random hunt you know
528s it's just something that happens every
529s day exactly that's that is super super
533s awesome um yeah and I remember you know
535s we were going for all of the sentiment
537s on social media on Reddit on YouTube and
540s and it was just absolutely fantastic uh
542s seeing everyone's reactions um and then
545s to be told that more news was coming uh
548s basically a week later sgf it was like
550s the cherry on the cake yeah yeah you
554s know um we we haven't streamed in a
556s while right so uh you know we we had
559s every intention of uh you know doing you
562s know more frequent uh return to World
564s streams in the in the over the last
565s month or so but we've been busy with
567s these trailers getting everything
568s prepped and all the announcements ready
570s so um yeah that's what's been keeping us
572s busy so you know apologies to anybody
574s who's been been looking for the return
576s of the stream but you know we we're
578s happy to say that we are back and we're
580s kind of past these two trailers and yeah
582s it's been a ride just getting those two
583s out and getting all that news out
585s exactly and just to because I've seen
587s quite a few questions in chat we were
588s probably going to talk about this on the
589s second half but you know you've waited
591s long enough yes crossplatform play is
594s confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds it
597s was confirmed on stage by rosan uh with
600s Jeff Jeff key uh up on stage sgf so what
603s a huge thing Hey
605s Jo yeah yeah honestly I have to say
609s that's that's probably the number one
610s request that we've had um before monster
613s hun Wilds was even announced right
614s everyone says please have crossplay in
616s the next Monster Hunter game and you
617s know we we see all those comments we
619s hear them um we've been you know talking
621s to the team and letting them know that
622s this is something that people really
623s want so um you know it is an undertaking
626s to to uh implement this stuff so uh yeah
628s the team is is really excited to to
630s finally have this and you know whether
632s you're on Xbox on your you're on
633s PlayStation or PC uh you'll be able to
635s play together so we're really really
636s excited about it yeah it's like great
638s seeing chat celebrating that as well and
641s as you said you know the the team would
642s really care about what the community
644s think and what the community want and
646s once again you said you know this is
647s like one of the number one requests and
650s it's so awesome to see it kind of come
652s together um yeah it's a a can't wait
656s can't wait yeah it fun moment for us too
659s to be able to uh to announce that we
660s were just like oh we know this
662s information's coming and we've been
663s holding on to it for so long for so long
665s and we're like yeah we we we're really
667s excited to just drop that on the
668s community so it was uh yeah super super
671s cool moment yeah it's going to
673s definitely you know when the time comes
675s next year you know when we're doing our
676s streams it's like anyone just jump
680s in yeah yeah we we love it yeah I'm I'm
683s super excited to uh stream this game
685s when it comes out next year but um yeah
688s just so much revealed in the trailer I
689s mean if you're a Monster Hunter Fan
691s there's tons to pick through um and
693s people have been just like kind of
694s extracting all the details what would
696s you say was kind of your favorite thing
698s from that initial trailer oh for me I
701s mean the new monster designs are awesome
702s but I think people really digging into
705s like like from the original trailer in
707s December where people were picking apart
709s sacred and like oh is that a weapon
711s holster is what's they carrying is that
713s like is that part of a tent on on the
715s monster and things and then just seeing
717s those kind of theories being proven all
719s kind of like maybe not quite on the nose
721s and seeing the community's response to
723s that but for me yeah the the weapon
725s moves you know seeing Focus mode seeing
728s how sacr is involved during combat and
731s how you can utilize them both
732s offensively and defensively like yeah
734s and then obviously seeing all you great
736s sword Mains going yeah I'm just going to
737s carry like two great swords
740s like yeah yeah that was uh you know
743s let's talk about the two weapon stuff
744s right so yeah being able to just hop on
746s the back of your sacred and switch over
747s to another weapon um
750s and something that we did confirm was
752s that it doesn't necessarily have to be a
753s range weapon right you seen in the
755s trailer that they're switching to a
756s heavy bow gun I think it's heavy B gun
759s um but you can you can take two great
760s swords if you want you can take any two
762s melee weapon so um yeah it's really up
764s to you like kind of tailor it to your
766s play style you're not really locked into
767s one play style
769s there exactly and um for those asking
771s about new weapons so Ed in one of the
774s interviews uh that went out sgf the team
776s confirmed that you know there are no new
778s weapons how however all of your weapons
781s all 14 existing weapons have new moves
784s they also have Focus mode which is a
786s whole new way to play around your
788s favorite weapons um and in particular
790s there are three weapons Joe that the
791s team mentioned have been given
792s particular
794s attention yeah hunting horn was one of
796s them and jonno I know you you have
798s really dabbled with that weapon uh over
800s the last like year or so so yeah tell me
803s how you're feeling about those changes
805s I'm excited so like I never played
806s hunting horn in world so I was quite
808s intimidated by it it's seem really
810s complex uh and must sord of The Shield M
812s um H and then in in uh rise and sunbreak
816s I heard about the changes so I picked up
817s and I really really really enjoyed
819s hunting horn um so I'm really excited to
822s see what the team have done because I
823s think the word that they used was the
825s hunting horn the light bow gun and heavy
827s bow gun are
829s crunchier um which sounds really
832s exciting yeah and I think what's great
835s about the the um changes to Bow gun is
837s that um even though we haven't talked
838s about the changes um they're getting
840s like extra special attention this time
842s because I think there's probably going
843s to be more people using them maybe than
844s ever before in the series right just
846s because you can carry two weapons you
848s can use it on the back of a sacret so um
851s yeah it should be pretty interesting to
852s see uh how how kind of like that Dynamic
854s shapes out when the game comes out
856s exactly I can already imagine like all
858s the videos of uh like Hunters riding
860s their sacrs with like bow guns and then
862s jumping off with melee weapons and
864s things um yeah yeah it's very ex yeah or
869s you can just continue to carry you know
870s your great swword your gun Lance or
872s whatever and uh do your thing you know
874s some people might not care about the um
877s having the ability to attack you know or
879s to shoot while you're on the back of a
880s sacret they might just want to get up
882s and close so uh those things will remain
884s I'm sure exactly as you said that's it
886s is optional like it's a lot like the uh
889s switch scroll swap system in sunbreak
891s yeah it's a really cool system you can
893s choose to use but if you like to be like
895s no this is my weapon I know what I like
898s I'm going to stick with this you can
900s um so you know it's power power to the
902s hunter yeah yeah so what's it going to
904s be for you Jon you think two sword and
905s shields you know what I saw someone on
908s Reddit saying hey I'm just going to
909s bring a paralysis sword and shield and
911s then switch to like raar Ro element and
913s I was like you know what that's pretty
914s clutch like being able to pull out a
916s paralysis when you want without kind of
918s having to fully commit to it to your
919s build so I'm thinking some sort of
921s status Shenanigans what about
924s you yeah I H I'm not quite sure yet um
929s but I think yeah for now it's probably
931s going to be two great swords but like
934s I'm not really sure yeah I'm not really
937s sure how I'm going to change that up you
938s know yeah maybe I don't want to sharpen
940s uh you know I I'm going to have to
942s figure it out I guess like you know
943s great swword is not really like an
944s elemental weapon right it's kind of like
946s a one uh one uh solution fits all so I
949s have to figure that out metal yeah maybe
952s it's not the best choice
954s so ah that is that is pretty it's great
957s seeing everyone's combination ideas in
959s in both sets of chat right now as well
962s um that is that is super super cool and
965s yeah just like just seeing this trailer
967s up on stage as well and obviously like
970s it the trailer here shows off a bit of
972s the uh kind of the environmental impact
974s that you see more in trailer too like we
976s have the like I guess I'm call it the
978s sand well pool there like bringing in
980s some of the the smaller doaga um but
983s obviously we find out in trailer 2o that
985s the hunter is not immune to the effects
987s of the environment and sand right
990s right yeah yeah I think like one of the
993s the lines that we um were thinking with
995s this first trailer is that no two hunts
997s will ever be the same right so um you've
999s got all these Dynamic weather effects
1000s and that's not just for show right like
1002s anything can happen in this world yeah
1004s like there's that sand world pool
1005s there's Thunder that's uh going around
1008s um and that that's affecting like all
1010s the ecology and the monsters and
1011s behavior some monsters only come out
1013s during certain weather effects so uh
1015s it's going to be like really crazy and
1016s really interesting um we really want the
1018s Hunts to feel super Dynamic and yeah we
1021s we can't wait for people to get their
1022s hands on it because we know there's
1023s going to be tons of cool clips and
1024s things just like coming out from the
1026s immersion gameplay and things like that
1027s so it's going to be it's going to be
1028s really fun absolutely I've already seen
1031s in chat someone saying they're going to
1032s be the one Hunter banned hunting horn
1035s user just bringing loads of different
1036s Tunes with them
1039s yeah one one other thing um we confirm
1042s in this trailer is that both the Hunter
1044s and Pico will be voiced uh this time
1047s around so um yeah that's going to be
1049s like a little bit different from the
1050s story right yeah so there's a huge
1053s renewed focus on you know it's a
1055s immersive story where you as the hunter
1058s kind of leading the way uh on your
1060s Expedition that you've been sent on by
1062s The Guild and you know having your
1064s Hunter voice and your pico voice I think
1066s will really help add to that immersion
1068s and you will feel like you're really
1069s part of the story rather than just going
1071s along with the story so I'm really Keen
1074s to see what the team have cooked up
1075s around that and and how how that plays
1077s out um and for those wondering about the
1079s Pico Jo there's a little bit more that
1081s we found out more recently about the
1082s Pico voice yeah so the Pico voice uh
1085s it's implemented in game to really kind
1087s of help you out with different call outs
1088s there's so much happening in the world
1090s it's it's like really it can get really
1092s chaotic but if you uh really prefer the
1094s old style where you can have the cat
1096s meows that is definitely there for you
1098s as well so um yeah the old school
1099s Hunters who want to go that way um yeah
1102s don't worry about it that's going to be
1103s implemented in the game incredible
1105s exactly so yeah everyone's a winner
1107s everyone's a winner I'm personally
1108s excited to hear what my has to say about
1110s about my hunting
1112s skills yeah it's like Jon what are you
1115s doing I'm carted what does it look
1119s like yeah yeah I'm excited for the you
1122s know I I think uh story has necessar not
1125s never necessarily been like a huge huge
1127s emphasis in Monster Hunter I think you
1129s know it's going to continue to be um you
1131s know game that is really focused on the
1133s hunting experience and the game play but
1135s the team has really put a lot of effort
1136s into creating a story that you will want
1138s to see from start to finish there's
1139s going to be a lot of intrigue and
1140s characters that you want to meet and
1142s that um you know it's going to feel
1143s surprising and unpredictable so um yeah
1145s I think the emphasis on the story is is
1147s is really there is really trying to um
1150s not only for experienced players to to
1152s bring you along a really compelling
1153s story but for newcomers who come to the
1155s game and want to just experience that
1156s story from start to finish and uh I
1158s think for us the way we see it is that
1161s um you know if you you know we're trying
1163s to bring more people into the experience
1165s of Monster Hunter but also um get more
1167s people to kind of like that core
1168s experience which happens really at the
1170s end game and like the mid game right
1172s where you get to experience like all of
1173s those cool intense hunts and like kind
1175s of the loop of getting better and better
1177s at the game so um that's what we're
1179s excited about right I think that's a
1180s really great entry way to get there
1182s absolutely yeah you know people many
1184s people kind of say that you know the
1186s story is kind of like the tutorial if
1188s that makes sense and once you get
1189s through that it's like okay the gloves
1191s come off it's like now now is the time
1193s for you to really get hunt in um but
1196s with this as well you know the as you
1198s said the story is a central part of the
1200s game and and what a ride that you want
1202s to see from start to finish and on that
1204s note actually we've had a few questions
1206s how big are the locals like roughly you
1209s know we we've seen some discussion in
1211s interviews but people like how how much
1212s area am I going to be running around in
1214s what what kind of guesstimation are we
1216s looking at Joe yeah so we've said uh at
1219s least twice the size of the locals in
1222s previous games so um and again we've
1224s only shown the windward plane so far so
1226s that's the um first local in the game
1228s but um you know I've seen a lot of
1229s people asking uh is there you know more
1232s than just a desert in this game is it
1234s all desert so what what have we said
1235s about that J yeah so we've said you know
1237s there is a wide diverse range of locals
1241s obviously mon stunter is known for that
1243s um so you know obviously we're not
1244s saying anything about what they are yet
1246s or anything like that but they will have
1248s unique environments and changing
1250s environments obviously like like what
1252s we've shown so far but yes watch this
1254s space um plenty of time um so sit back
1258s and enjoy the ride but yeah you'll have
1259s a nice diverse range of environments um
1262s to enjoy yeah it's been fun I mean uh I
1265s think you know we we've come out with
1268s these two trailers back to back and
1269s there's been a lot of excitement and
1271s everyone's just like I want I want more
1273s I want to know more about this game I
1274s want to see more like can you guys like
1276s tell us about other environments and
1278s like you know let's let's see the
1279s different weapons and you know I want to
1281s see chargeblade I want to see gun Lance
1284s this is this is step one and two of a of
1286s a long journey this game's coming out
1287s next year so yeah we've got lots of
1290s stuff to show so uh we appreciate
1292s everybody's excitement and patience but
1295s um yeah with that I mean J with that
1297s right I think the next beat is something
1298s that you're going to be uh uh quite
1301s involved with right yeah so in case you
1303s haven't seen the first Global playable
1306s Hands-On for Monster hun of Wilds will
1308s be at Gamescom uh in Germany this August
1312s um I will be there so if you do come by
1314s say hi uh come play mon of Wilds um yeah
1318s first global hands on playable you you
1320s can be like I've played it I've seen it
1322s in the flesh um and yeah go and check it
1325s out um which is super super exciting on
1327s top of that as well um we've shared
1329s obviously there will be you know even
1331s more wild news in general um as part of
1334s Gamescom as well for those of you that
1336s aren't attending you won't miss out too
1338s much don't you worry you're still going
1339s to get plenty of world's goodness um and
1341s I'm sure it'll be Joe putting that out
1343s on the social channels while I'm in
1345s Germany so
1349s yeah it's definitely gonna be a busy
1350s time everyone's going to eat
1352s so and we have shatak Caba on screen as
1354s well so that's PR good timeing yeah yeah
1357s yeah but it has been really exciting and
1360s um you know it's a new generation of
1361s Monster Hunters so um it comes with you
1364s know a lot of new monsters you know
1366s things that are totally brand new
1368s mechanics that are new and it's you know
1370s it's really a pleasure for us to help
1371s introduce that to everybody so yeah it's
1373s a super exciting time super fun time for
1376s the brand and uh yeah we're just happy
1377s to be part of it
1379s exactly exactly now I think this is a
1381s good time to kind of actually talk about
1383s something and show something that's
1385s actually launching tomorrow uh with
1387s monsant stor so we're going to we're
1388s going to dive into some gameplay Joe's
1390s going to show us some Pro Rider skills
1392s and then after that we're going to hop
1394s back into more Wilds discussion talking
1396s more about sgf and of course the second
1399s trailer that was shown there I don't
1401s know if I'm going to show Pro
1403s riters s I've said it we have to do it
1406s now oh no that pressure I'm scared I'm
1409s scared sorry I'm in the volume settings
1410s here so yeah this is Monster Hunter
1412s stories we are running this on PC today
1416s and uh I'm still pretty early in the
1418s game on this save here so we're just
1419s going to play um into the second area of
1422s the game so we kind of gotten past the
1424s intro um and we are going to see what we
1427s can get up to here so I'm able to ride
1430s here and Jon have you played the first
1433s Monster Hunter stories before no so I
1435s actually played through Monster Hunter
1436s Stories 2 and I really really enjoyed it
1439s but it will be my first time playing
1440s Monster Hunter stories uh tomorrow uh so
1443s I'm really looking forward to that
1445s actually cuz say I had a wonderful time
1446s with the second game uh cuz at first I
1448s was like oh the graphics look like maybe
1449s this is for like a younger audience but
1452s it really isn't it's just a visual art
1454s style like the story is great it you
1456s know it's it can get pretty dark at
1458s times as well but it's also really good
1461s um and the combat is really deep so you
1464s can play like if you're into your
1465s monster Tamer games you know the ones I
1467s mean the turn based monster enters
1470s like I know I know right you'll have a
1472s ton of fun with this but you can go
1474s really deep in regards to how you how
1477s you raise and grow your monties um which
1481s I really really liked especially because
1483s like bracky is in both games and rados
1486s is my favorite monster
1490s so yeah and uh laggy accurus is in this
1492s game as well which um we saw our friend
1495s Kath letting the entire world know that
1497s yesterday yeah yeah so if you've been
1500s missing laggy acas you should definitely
1502s pick up stories tomorrow uh because then
1505s you can reunite with your old chum um
1508s and on that not yes this is like it's um
1511s a remaster or re-release effectively
1513s there's a ton of new stuff at it
1515s obviously graphics performance have been
1516s upgraded there's extra bonuses like the
1519s museum where you can look into concept
1520s art and other things but I think most
1522s importantly there's some special new
1524s content isn't there Joe yeah so there's
1527s uh the elder dragons which were uh
1529s implemented into the Japanese version of
1532s the game um but actually never came over
1534s to the US or Europe so um they are in
1537s this version of the game and that's
1538s mostly endgame content but yeah it's
1540s just more more good stuff to add to this
1542s version of the game uh and really expand
1544s out the
1546s experience and yes element swapping is
1549s still in the Original Stories game as
1551s well so if you if you want to make some
1553s truly cursed or blessed uh monsty combos
1556s with your elements like what I've seen
1558s like a fire TX and things like that that
1560s is still possible in in this re-release
1562s yes um I go ahead I was going to say I
1566s should start doing some giveaways so I'm
1567s going to look off off of the screen for
1569s a bit while I while I pick some codes
1570s out it's all yours J yeah um other thing
1574s that is in this game is full voice
1576s acting for uh Japanese and English um I
1580s shouldn't say full because not every
1582s single line is voice but you know
1583s majority of the lines are voice so that
1585s that's a great new addition
1589s okay I have my first codee so the first
1591s giveaway I'm going to put in twitch chat
1593s and then we'll do another one soon after
1594s that will go into YouTube chat so you
1597s have to guess one of the one of the
1600s characters and I'm going to give you a
1602s clue so the missing letter is the first
1607s letter of one of the monsters revealed
1612s in the uh trailer from the Sony state of
1616s play event us instead
1620s so there we go and this will get you the
1622s ENA ancient rainment obviously it's one
1624s use so you know whoever's got the uh the
1627s hunters notes to hand will probably do
1629s the best
1632s um never you said the first letter of
1636s one of the mon
1639s revealed okay
1641s okay should we remind people what those
1644s monsters are let let them figure it out
1646s yeah there yeah I meanly I'm sure I'm
1648s sure I mean I've already seen a correct
1650s answer so in regard what that letter is
1654s so but there you go there is the code
1656s you copy paste it into steam if you're
1658s the if you claim it let us know as well
1660s so we everyone's guessing guessing um
1664s and then I'll get one ready for YouTube
1666s chat as
1670s well yeah the code only works once flea
1673s flu so that's whoever gets it first and
1675s does it I claimed it strawberry got it
1678s congrat
1679s strawberry and the answer was doaga so
1682s it D um so there we go okay let's do
1686s let's do one for for YouTube chat should
1689s we do a different cosmetic we do the
1690s same one we do the same one and then
1692s we'll do a different one okay so we're
1694s going into YouTube chat now um and look
1697s like you're going into a fight yeah so
1700s we just saw a vinea there um who is a
1704s character in both games so monster hun
1706s stories and stories 2 so some people
1708s might know her but she also had her
1710s Baro uh there so
1713s we I guess we're into this fight with
1715s this Lomi nice right so this one okay
1719s YouTube chat prepare
1721s yourself this missing letter is the
1724s first letter of a very popular Community
1728s loved NPC that was revealed in the state
1731s of Play
1736s trailer all right so
1739s we're in the combat here turn base
1741s combat we basically need to predict what
1743s we think they're going to attack with
1745s let's try
1747s technical oh well they hit me with
1749s snowball ouch I'll put the code in again
1752s cuz it double did the first one there we
1754s go it puts the number twice there's only
1756s one number nine in that one by the way
1759s so I don't put it tce winning that head
1763s to head oh Kulu has frostbite I think
1765s I'm supposed to have a hot drink and I
1767s did not do that
1770s I should probably heal
1773s up I got some
1777s items oh that's weird it's oh no I have
1780s Frost
1781s fight that's going to hurt oh no that's
1784s right here we go okay you just got I
1786s come back and you get butt slammed I
1788s can't believe it yeah I can't believe
1790s you've done
1794s this get him
1796s Kulu or sorry is uh yeah
1800s nulu yeah YouTube is duplicating the
1803s first word or letter I put in at the
1805s start of every sentence even there so
1808s yeah okay I'll keep that in
1810s mind all right try to try to build up
1814s our kinship uh skill
1818s here it's
1820s down nicely done oh hit the critical too
1825s okay so we're still level two so we need
1827s to get that up we'll keep using Tech
1832s I'm loving the animations to the turn
1833s base combat as well they're like yeah
1835s really
1836s detailed oh no it's changing things up
1839s it went power I'm a
1841s Fool uhoh HP see see now I don't know
1845s what it's going to do right so kind of
1848s change changed it up on me it's kind of
1850s risky I'm going to try I'll try
1852s technical again okay so paid off just
1854s got to memorize that
1856s pattern okay now we can do our kinship
1858s skill let me uh turn the speed down so
1860s we can see what that looks
1863s like and this is something every Mony
1866s has right their own unique one they got
1869s so much personality I love these yum
1876s yum there some wonderful humor in this
1880s I'm mashing I'm mashing
1884s go nicely
1886s done man we haven't Tak taken it out yet
1889s and we are uh we're down down in our
1892s health right now okay I guess we can we
1894s can try to win this head to-head let's
1897s see yeah okay we got the we got the
1899s double attack there nice so by matching
1902s up your kind of attack Styles you can
1904s get some tasty Buffs yeah
1906s yeah um all right well it's going to
1909s come after me again it's should probably
1910s down a
1911s potion yeah for those wondering yeah
1913s they justme codes uhoh uhoh this is a
1916s big attack ah
1921s it's okay it's okay we show off the
1922s recovery system then so yeah you have
1924s three tries in a fight um that's and
1926s that's shared between the hunter well
1928s not the hunter sorry the Rider and the
1931s moner yeah that's what I that's what I
1933s intended to do for sure show off the
1935s recovery system that's a smooth move you
1937s did it so
1938s naturally man we are we are getting uh
1941s worked a little bit here but I think we
1943s can get through it and as Joe shown up
1945s as well the game does give you a nice
1947s challenge it's not just like a breeze
1949s that you just kind of go through in a
1950s formality but it's not like Super Nails
1953s hard it's nice and rewarding and ramps
1955s up quite quite fairly yeah yeah that
1958s made me sweat a little
1961s bit oh it's ruan's in YouTube chat e he
1964s just seen you taking on L
1966s gombi what's up Roan the iron Breakers
1969s have
1972s arrived yeah we had the the chance to
1974s join Ron on his podcast so MH I guess
1978s that just finished now from the premere
1980s so that Mak sense so I hope you enjoyed
1983s past rri jono and Joe chat and welcome
1986s to pres oh we were in two places at one
1988s time yeah we can do that oh they said
1992s they enjoyed the podcast thank you thank
1994s you oh thanks everybody and it's good to
1996s have ran and the crew here as well
1998s YouTube chat there and we got silver
2000s psychos just joined us for a party of
2001s seven welcome welcome on Twitch and I
2005s think I think as well I'll do another
2006s couple of giveaways uh to celebrate that
2009s the next one is a cosmetic outfit for
2012s enner again and it's the feline cosmetic
2014s outfit now this one is going into twitch
2016s chat first and then I'll do another one
2018s for YouTube again goodness me what shall
2020s I do this
2025s time maybe something stories themed yes
2028s that's a good idea that is a good idea
2031s well there's not an L in this one so I
2033s can't do
2036s Lomi um o
2043s all right we're just following Frost
2045s fang over
2048s here uh-oh what's going
2051s on
2054s uh-oh oh hello these are just zamite
2057s right yeah
2061s zamite I'm
2063s thinking I don't know what do you think
2065s they're going to hit me with jonno I
2066s think zamit a speed
2068s they're like shars right so
2071s yeah let's go technical oh they're using
2074s overpower
2078s okay
2080s oh the
2086s debuff right them out one at a time
2089s something I I do love about these games
2091s is that you can just speed up the
2092s turn-based combat to maximum three times
2095s speed and this is super Speedy super
2100s quick okay twitch get
2105s ready the question is the first letter
2109s and once again I'm I love me my first
2113s letters what is the first letter of the
2116s name of your special move that you do
2119s with your monsty upon building a certain
2121s gauge
2128s and if you're watching the lombi fight
2133s closely paying close
2136s attention twitch chat getting straight
2138s on it and I will prepare YouTube chat
2140s now so YouTube this is a nfv line
2144s cosmetic for Monster Stories 2 on Steam
2146s there is a single use code so first come
2148s first serve um so now I just need to
2152s think of a
2155s question oh I have a sweep oh I I need
2158s ship skill but I do have a sweeping
2159s strike that could hit all of them ooh
2163s big Bey chops with the great sword okay
2165s YouTube your
2168s question this is the first letter of the
2173s name of the monster that Joe has been
2183s using okay let's try the sweeping strike
2191s all
2193s right just got to clean him up now
2196s nicely
2205s done how are we doing on the codes um
2208s we've gone through four so
2212s far so that is looking
2215s good I'm just reading the chat like damn
2218s it I was
2226s close all right heading up to this
2229s little village
2232s here helping out ainia who seems to be
2235s in a bad way that's not good that is far
2238s from ideal yes when we don't quite know
2241s what happened to her just yet but I
2244s think we'll find out
2257s she's awake I just had a little internet
2259s blip on my laptop so sorry if I can't
2261s see chat right now we're the ones who
2263s got you out of I don't remember asking
2265s for your there you go I'm back I'm back
2267s everyone welcome back welcome back thank
2269s you I'm just pulling up all the chats
2270s again and getting my screen sword is
2273s that a kinship
2275s Stone so you're a rer too that explains
2278s why Frost and I can see everyone
2282s again you mean that I think we have Kimi
2284s in the chat uh from Capcom as well hi
2287s Kim hey Kim also I never thought I'd
2290s meet another Rider not I had no idea
2293s there are more Riders out there kind of
2296s Pawn Inspire well I hey slow down you're
2300s still hurt you've got I'm in a hurry all
2302s right I'm looking voice action just adds
2303s a lot of life to these scenes it does it
2305s does I love that the team that yeah what
2309s a coincidence and a lot of good like
2311s connective tissue between the two games
2313s so it feels pretty seamless right
2315s exactly like I was actually about to say
2317s as well like a lot of the characters you
2318s meet in stories uh will be in stories
2321s too as well um obviously they're a
2323s little bit older in Stories 2 the ones
2325s that go across so if you really have a
2326s great time with stories you know your
2329s the time you spend in there is rewarded
2330s when you play Stories
2332s 2 just kidding we don't really give them
2335s orders we're so insan n just explaining
2339s how all this stuff works would you be
2342s willing to do so oh yeah the game's good
2343s at helping you get settled in uh so
2346s you're you're ready to rock challenge
2349s except no turning back now we'll show
2351s you what we're made
2360s of story Quest updated oh p a pugie
2364s pugie gang and you can collect I don't
2366s know the exact number of how many poies
2368s there are but they are fun to
2370s find got to got to collect them all yeah
2374s a lost
2377s pugie what's that in the corner oh
2379s that's just a that's a
2381s pie thought it was a
2383s lampshade yeah nobody even noticed until
2386s now all right Aur says the graphics
2390s update fantastic H cuz obviously what's
2392s this this was back in the 3DS and mobile
2395s days yeah yeah yeah I say days it's
2398s still the days yeah get to experience it
2402s and uh you know nice high resolution I
2405s don't think this is not my house I got
2407s to back
2408s out wait a minute yeah nice high frame
2412s rates on PC you can go up to 120 or I I
2414s think you can go unlocked as well so um
2417s yeah it runs
2419s crispy oh that is that is clean I love
2423s how cozy your house
2425s is I still have a our good friend Kino
2429s who joined uh joined us for um a anime
2433s watch party I still have her save on
2435s here so that's that's good nice of you
2437s not to just like right that's it deleted
2439s yeah
2440s yeah ah we can take a look at uh maybe
2443s some some outfits for naviu what what do
2445s we want to rock with let's
2449s see what do you like here
2451s jono oh let's have a look
2455s oh oh look look like they've just had a
2457s shower
2458s you just like blow dry them oh there's
2460s story stories to Navaro all right let's
2463s let's go with that there there he is
2466s there we go nice crossover yeah and
2469s that's um a save data bonus right so if
2471s you have stories two uh on your system
2475s uh on any platform um and you play this
2477s game you'll get that nice bonus it's
2480s pretty cool nice little thank you for
2482s having the other game here's a little
2483s treat yeah although the the like lore
2486s implications of that
2488s um time traveler yeah he's breaking the
2493s timeline crossing the
2501s streams right Let's do let's do should
2503s we do another giveaway I think we should
2504s do another go for it okay so we have we
2509s we've got either the a new Navaro outfit
2512s talking of outfits maybe we should have
2513s we've just seen the navu outfits let's
2515s give away some navu outfits for stories
2517s to yeah okay so we're giving away
2520s another steam key for the this is for
2523s the a navaru outfit in Monster of
2525s Stories 2 on Steam once again it's a
2527s single use key so first Rider First
2530s Serve um now I need to think of a
2533s question
2536s and you get your little Rider uh
2539s abilities there had to switch over to my
2541s veloc Drome who can do that little leap
2544s um I might switch back though let's uh
2547s oh you switch on the go is pretty snazzy
2551s yeah okay here we go um let's see I know
2554s there's a faster way to do it and I'm
2555s actually blanking
2557s on blanking on that right
2562s now Mountain
2566s herbs okay okay this one's a bit
2569s different different question different
2572s question oh oh boy oh wow oh Zam trios
2577s yeah yeah I'm in danger ah I love Zam
2580s trios one of my favor uh
2583s well it's big it's a big thing so okay I
2588s guessed
2590s wrong okay so this one's first for twit
2593s so the missing character is the first
2596s letter of what you go on when you choose
2598s a hunt in a monster hunter game you're
2602s going on a
2608s one more time so you said first letter
2609s of what you choose on a hunt yeah when
2612s you choose to when you pick a hunt in
2614s the Gathering Hub or off off of a
2616s certain board this is what you are going
2619s on and what you can keep at the end of a
2622s hunt oh there's some answers in already
2628s oh yeah provided some advice for zamp
2631s trios as well yeah Zam trios is uh is is
2634s switching things up so it's alternating
2636s a little bit so it's doing some power
2638s doing some technical it just did power
2641s so it might do technical again so or no
2645s sorry just did Technical and it might do
2648s power again so I'm going to go with
2653s speed oh now it's using its special move
2657s frost breath ooh
2661s uhoh oh now it's going
2665s back okay I speed I've got yeah I got to
2669s memorize the pattern though you got to
2671s go fast
2674s yeah YouTube saying Zam chos looks
2677s awesome um so question for YouTube the
2680s first the missing character is the first
2682s letter wrong is the first letter to the
2686s Monster Hunter World
2691s expansion all right let's heal up a
2693s little bit here yeah y if in doubt get
2696s your healing out zeros got I think he's
2699s actually going to heal on his own better
2701s safe than sorry though
2704s yeah I I love how like it really shows
2706s off the monster's personalities and
2708s traits in stories
2710s um there's some like great
2719s flourishes all right let's go he's going
2722s to go
2724s technical oh I should have stuck with
2726s power
2728s I need that's okay okay yeah I need more
2735s power but it's great you've shown us
2737s like what it three different moners
2738s you've got in your early game Squad as
2740s well
2741s mhm oh I'm in I'm in danger but let's
2744s let's ride yeah stuck
2746s it there we go I guess
2754s right little both blam there
2758s uh okay okay
2762s well it if it just
2766s did it just did technical right mhm yeah
2769s I uh I'm like now blanking on what I
2772s just did chat I was looking at
2776s chat okay okay uh let's let's cash out
2779s on the krip skill I'm a little worried
2780s so let's do the level two oh I I I had
2784s fast animations on there so that was
2785s quick next time next
2793s time okay uh we are in a little little
2796s of a tricky situation here I'm going to
2798s heal
2801s up frost breath
2804s oh but slam as juros fights back
2811s yeah all right kill you up there okay
2814s we're we back in there the the illusory
2817s presence is they can't wait to play
2819s stories one later
2822s tonight yeah yeah I'm glad you're
2825s excited got that double attack
2828s woo there's another button
2832s prompt nice he
2834s does this will be good practice for the
2836s arm wrestling when we go back to world
2838s and Ice born
2840s streams okay I'm trying to remember now
2843s where are we at
2845s H let's let's guess Tech
2848s techical okay we won yeah Yay good
2852s job oh you let's get him more time get
2855s him one more
2858s time all right hey good
2862s job you know I don't know if I'm just uh
2865s I don't know if I'm just a little
2866s underleveled but yeah this is it's
2868s making me sweat a little bit you're
2869s getting a lot of XP so yeah yeah but as
2873s you can see as well what's great is your
2875s your the monsty team you have with you
2877s all get XP from fights you don't have to
2879s cycle through them and things like that
2880s to ensure that they also grow and
2883s progress so that's really handy as well
2886s yeah all right we got the herbs and we
2888s can go help out
2890s ainia nice
2894s nice oh there's a Pooky oh good spot
2898s just chilling literally yeah look at
2900s look at that like little little outfit
2901s the little Stripes that's pretty cool
2903s actually that could be the look of
2904s Summer I I won't lie
2909s yeah this is the best mon Monster Hunter
2911s stories oh there's some treasure here I
2913s got to get
2919s that I wonder why they'd give you
2922s that
2924s yeah it's not like there's something
2926s coming up that uh I might need a
2931s for and yeah once we've once we've um
2934s played a bit of Stories We will be
2936s talking more about the recent Wilds news
2938s so for all your Wilds questions we're
2940s not ignoring them keep them keep them in
2942s your hand and ready for uh the next H
2945s the stream where we'll be a bit more
2947s again yeah we'll wrap things up with a
2949s with another look uh at that trailer and
2953s we can talk about some of the the
2954s coverage coming out of uh summer game
2956s Fest which was really
2958s great nice should we should we switch
2961s over to the
2962s trailer are you ready uh let's let's
2966s play a little bit more see if we can get
2968s a little further
2973s here there some quick loading times as
2975s well yeah oh yeah this very Speedy
2979s friendly yeah yeah we'll be we'll be
2981s like uh you know reading questions and
2984s answering questions that we can uh in
2986s the next segment of the stream because
2988s obviously we won't be sharing anything
2990s new that hasn't already been revealed
2992s but we'll be you know talking about what
2993s has been revealed in case you haven't
2995s missed it answering your questions if
2996s they are
2997s questions about what has been revealed
2999s at sgf and and before
3001s then so yeah hopefully we'll be able to
3003s answer as many of your questions as
3004s possible of that way of thinking I
3007s should have been taking the time to get
3008s to know him from I know there's been a
3010s lot of information that's kind of like
3012s scattered across different previews and
3014s things like that and interviews so um
3016s yeah there's a lot to talk about out
3018s there all this some for you too need I
3022s I'm not really
3023s H uh
3027s oh W mysterious whiskers off
3032s me look at this
3034s guy he's got hot spring
3037s dumplings I'm hungry can I have some
3041s please this guy was just living here and
3043s we just we just squatted walked into his
3046s house yeah if you answer
3050s correctly a riddle a
3052s riddle no my ears are wait are you
3058s that's right the answer is me now I am
3063s but a humble old man we're sorry for
3065s intruding we'd be willing to pay to at
3068s least ainia has some uh you know manners
3070s there feels guilty exactly
3073s exactly while me up fine we'll do it
3076s we'll bring you hotring dumplings hot
3079s spring
3080s dumplings there's a nasty now if it
3082s keeps on rampaging soon that's our queue
3085s buddy stopping ramp pick up some steamed
3088s Moss while you're there so it's the
3091s perfect opportunity the for the PTI
3096s they're they're very
3098s frequent which I love I love that about
3101s this game and and monster hunter in
3102s general is always loved its word play
3105s mhm
3108s definitely how do you know what attack
3110s to choose when fighting that's a good
3112s question Joe what what's your kind of
3114s experience around
3115s that uh um I usually try to do it based
3119s off like how the monster looks when I
3121s still don't know the pattern yet so it's
3123s like what do you what do you know about
3124s it right it's like do you think it's
3126s going to if it's like a big beefy
3128s monster is it going to hit like pretty
3130s hard uh if it's like a little bit
3132s speedier it might go for Speed attack so
3134s I try to guess from there and then uh
3137s then from there you just kind of like
3138s learn the pattern and try to memorize it
3140s but uh yeah how about you yeah it's the
3142s same you kind of look at the monster and
3144s weigh it up uh but then a lot of it is
3146s trial and error and then it's you
3148s learning the monster once you fought it
3150s once uh and then kind of overcoming it
3152s that
3154s way oh we got another another one here
3158s like this monster I would think strength
3161s followed by speed possibly yeah cuz they
3163s like to charge so there'd be the two
3165s that I would immediately lean towards
3168s okay the delinquent
3173s bore there speed all right yeah so that
3176s was that was a good guess I think you
3178s know it's a big beefy monster so but now
3182s it's changing it it's changing it up so
3183s it does have a technical I would not
3185s have expected technical cuz I always see
3187s this monster as like a bit brutish it
3189s just runs in and snaps you over at the
3191s most inopportune times but that maybe
3193s it's technical it knows when to knock
3195s you over the thing is after you guess
3197s wrong then you kind of get in your own
3198s head and you're like uh well what's it
3200s going to do now it's kind of like rock
3201s pair of scissors right mhm but now it's
3204s going back to Power so I'm going to go
3206s for Speed attack
3209s so we saw it's alternating so if it is
3212s do technical again maybe I should
3217s switch I think Yan yanu is uh techical
3221s so there we go say it's nice and easy to
3223s switch your monties out in combat as
3225s well
3226s yeah very
3228s quick okay well okay I guessed
3234s wrong oh ooh that was that was a big
3241s hit so what's the difference between a
3243s rider and a hunter so that's a good
3246s question so obviously a hunter is an
3249s individual that physically goes and
3251s hunts monsters they are a member of The
3253s Guild and they're sent out to deal with
3256s problematic monsters and to help support
3259s the
3260s ecosystem um Riders on the other hand
3262s don't hunt monsters Riders hatch and
3265s raise monsters which they then call
3267s moners and they kind of you know they
3269s have a companionship with them so yeah
3271s Hunters hunt monsters Riders hatch and
3275s effectively tame and raise them as a
3277s companion and fight alongside
3280s monsters and that's kind of the core
3282s difference and actually that
3283s relationship between hunters and Riders
3286s and the conflict that can arise between
3288s their Different World Views uh is
3290s actually present in both stories one and
3291s stories two and it's actually really
3293s interesting parts of the stories mhm
3297s ah it's going technical
3301s again oh lost a heart there
3306s uhoh make sure I win
3313s this that one HP on yangu just like
3316s hanging in there doing I know I know uh
3320s okay let's let's go for Speed there we
3323s go bail me out a little bit yeah yeah
3326s there's more than one weapon there are a
3329s collection of weapons you can choose
3330s between in uh stories one and two Joe is
3333s a great sword enjoyer and Main yep so
3336s naturally he gravitated towards the
3338s classic classic
3340s Choice ah it's got
3345s technical I know in stories too I just
3347s stuck with sword and
3350s shield of course you
3353s did okay uh
3356s go back to well it does have a technical
3358s attack right I'm going to I'm going to C
3360s oh I'm level three so let's cash out on
3362s the kinship skill let's do it let's see
3364s the animation
3365s again this is so cheeky this one I love
3373s it snatching him up
3379s no all right nice the finish and hit as
3383s well yeah
3395s yeah as your monst level up and you use
3398s things like the right challeng you do
3399s unlock more moves that have more
3401s animations and things like that
3403s obviously the kinship moves are like the
3404s flashiest ones you have but you do get
3406s you know breath attacks and Elemental
3408s attacks that that you'll see happen
3410s asang will keep worrying if you don't
3412s get it's just you're a fellow Rider
3415s ain't you shake a time all right the
3419s camaraderie among riters it's
3423s real what do you think joho so we we
3426s were hoping to get up to a familiar uh
3429s monster friend but uh it might take a
3433s little bit longer to get there um so we
3435s could either cut it off here or try to
3438s get as far as we can there can we should
3440s we head on to Wilds because we can be
3442s like should we reveal what the monster
3444s is so folks know that they can encounter
3446s this Majestic specimen in in the
3450s game yeah so the the monster that
3453s knocked ainia out um was our good friend
3457s kzu who
3459s um you can beat in a fight and you can
3463s also uh get your own Kazu as your Mony
3467s and you can also get a red kzu as well
3468s so if you've been missing red kzu this
3470s is the place to be uh to ride a Kazu to
3475s with a Kaz exactly if you need your kzu
3478s fix if you don't want to just fight kzu
3480s you want to befriend a kzu two different
3482s two different kzu then stories has got
3485s you sorted yes absolutely all right yeah
3489s with that let's go ahead and switch it
3490s back to Wild but yeah thanks everybody
3493s for uh watching some gameplay of Monster
3494s Hunter stories we do hope that you guys
3496s check out the game it's coming out uh if
3498s you're in the US it's out tonight at uh
3500s 9:00 p.m. PST um and it'll be you know
3505s out physically uh I believe there's a
3507s double pack on Nintendo switch in the US
3509s and then on PS4 it's also a double pack
3511s in in Europe right jono yep yep you can
3513s get the double pack physically in Europe
3515s um so do check out your retailers um and
3519s also obviously for those based in Europe
3522s yeah that is uh 500 a.m. BST 6 a.m. CEST
3527s for the steam release and I believe it's
3529s rolling midnight on um other Platforms
3532s in your region so do do check that out
3535s obviously you can still pre-order um for
3538s some cool little navaru outfits um I
3541s think Rath and Rathalos right um so yeah
3545s absolutely absolutely check that out um
3547s it's a ton of fun and uh hopefully you
3550s enjoy it as you wait for more Wilds
3553s news yeah I love these games they're
3555s they're so fun tons of Personality great
3558s uh you know I would say pretty
3560s challenging uh turn-based combat system
3562s so you know this is uh it's definitely
3565s not like a walk in the park like kids
3568s game right like uh I think you know
3569s obviously like any the game is for
3571s everybody but uh it will challenge even
3573s you know people who are season Hunters
3574s so um yeah we hope everybody checks the
3576s game out and enjoys uh entering the
3578s world of Monster Hunter stories
3580s definitely a different flavor of the
3581s monster hunter franchise massively
3584s massively yeah um so yeah let's let's
3587s flick over to trailer 2 of Wilds that
3589s was obviously revealed uh on stage at
3593s sgf and here we are yeah I'm going to go
3595s ahead and turn this sound off here so I
3597s can hear all right there we
3600s go all
3602s right so we say our hunter here and the
3605s bahara focus on this one um a leviathan
3609s monster um as well are yeah San
3614s Leviathan there's there's a lot of them
3616s in this trailer like you see tons of
3618s them yeah it's they don't want to do
3621s one-onone no no something I like about
3624s this trailer is U it shows off a little
3626s bit of like a kind of a you know an
3628s introductory cinematic set piece where
3631s um you're kind of like writing and and
3633s really doing like some heroic stuff on
3634s the on the back of your sacred so um you
3637s know like we mentioned there there's a
3638s little bit more of a story Focus but it
3640s also means like we want to make um some
3642s really compelling story sequences in the
3643s game that aren't just you know just the
3645s standard hunt where it's um you know the
3648s same as any other Quest that might be in
3649s the game these are really cool
3651s handcrafted uh moments that are that
3653s really draw you into the game and draw
3655s you into the story so and also introduce
3657s you to monsters like
3658s bahara exactly exactly and it's great
3661s like you know in these situations like
3663s here where your Hunter's talking you
3665s you're taking control of the situation
3667s you're showing your experience as a
3668s hunter and it's great to see that kind
3669s of personified um via that andless we
3672s said earlier yeah the environmental
3674s traps are for you as well so what's your
3677s step yeah I love that you know I think
3680s there's a lot of questions about the The
3681s Voice Hunter but I think it really helps
3684s enable your hunter in this game to to be
3686s more of a leader and somebody who is a
3688s little bit more heroic and is more of
3690s like an expert rather than you know your
3692s new fledgling Hunter and the other
3693s players or the other NPCs are kind of
3695s guiding the story for you right exactly
3697s and obviously there we saw a little
3699s first look at what the community are
3701s calling Thor magala uh which which made
3704s us laugh going through all of the
3706s community comments on Reddit Twitter and
3708s everything so Kudos Kudos on that one
3710s that's a that's a funny one yeah yeah
3713s super cool Monster uh the sound effects
3715s are I'll use the word again but it's
3717s really crunchy you know yeah so yeah we
3720s yeah I think we posted a clip where you
3721s can kind of like hear that without um
3723s some of the music in the background and
3725s yeah it sounds yeah folks like wow they
3728s gave a monster a rail
3730s gun oh that's the rail gun monster yeah
3733s and they were trying to like uh
3734s speculate on like how the horns work and
3736s everything like kind of like a rail gun
3737s we're like yeah that's that's cool yeah
3740s we've Lov seeing that as well um but
3744s yeah also like you got a good view of
3745s how like the the monsters can interact
3748s with each other as you see bahara
3750s constricting and and fighting
3752s daguma um which is really interesting so
3755s you know these kind of engagements
3758s between the monsters are visceral and
3761s organic you know they don't kind of
3763s stand off they're like getting stuck in
3764s and absolutely beating on each other
3767s yeah yeah it's not again it's not it's
3768s not a scripted set piece or like
3771s something that um you know is designed
3773s to like happen in a certain like Miss or
3776s scenario that is something that can
3778s happen out in the world because all the
3779s monsters are you know it's like eat or
3781s be eaten right like everybody is is
3783s defending their territory fighting for
3786s themselves so the herds are attacking
3787s each other that that stuff is really
3790s cool so it's going to be interesting to
3791s see how those different mechanics all
3793s play together especially with like the
3794s weather effects and everything ah it's
3795s just there's so much it's so good there
3798s really is there really is and overly as
3800s well with this trailer as well the music
3802s we got to hear a little bit more about
3804s the of the track that was in the state
3806s of Play trailer and my goodness I could
3809s just keep listening to that on I know I
3811s know I think we've been in like meetings
3812s where we're just like humming that that
3815s song yeah yeah it's good stuff it's good
3820s stuff so many cool details in the
3822s trailer obviously like the the seamless
3824s transition between cutscenes and
3827s gameplay which you saw a little bit in
3829s of Monster Hunter world but um really
3831s taking it to the next level and also
3833s like kind of as like a core uh I would
3835s say like ethos for the game right of
3837s like really keeping you as immersed as
3839s possible so um we have like seamless
3841s environments and stuff right jonno y y
3843s like you know when you are in the
3845s village you know you've set your gear up
3847s and everything you just walk out into
3850s into the local like you're not you don't
3853s have to like all ready up and you're
3854s like has everyone ready up come on you
3856s just you just go and VI you go back in
3858s again and you know when it comes to
3860s hunting you know once say you've hunted
3862s a daguma you don't get sent back to base
3865s you don't get sent back to The Village
3867s you can you just keep going you know
3869s it's your choice you're out there in the
3871s Wilds in the Forbidden lands you can do
3874s what you want you have that freedom that
3876s themeless gamepl um is yeah is is
3879s amazing just know you can be like right
3881s I'm going to head out right you you
3883s finish up with your gear at gemmer I'm
3884s going to I'm going to go look for a
3885s monster for us and with that Joe that
3887s also impacts how quests behave from what
3890s we'd be used to right yeah so you can um
3894s you know be out in the world exploring
3896s and maybe you open up your map and you
3898s set a you know a monster on the map that
3900s you want to go um hunt and as soon as
3902s you attack that monster that Quest just
3904s starts the quest is created and it says
3906s Quest is starting you might have seen
3908s that in the first trailer too where
3909s there's some some dialogue that talks
3911s about the quest starting um and yeah
3913s that's just something that happens in
3915s the world so um it's not NE not every
3917s Quest is just generated by a quest board
3919s uh anymore you're able to kind of just
3920s do that really organically so um really
3923s keeps you in the world constantly
3925s hunting you can kind of like choose your
3927s own pace of how you want to kind of like
3929s go about the different flow so um I love
3931s that addition I think it's going to you
3932s know as somebody who really enjoyed
3935s hunting in The Guiding lands for just
3936s hours right um that's kind this is kind
3938s of like the evolution of that really
3940s taking it to the next level exactly and
3942s alongside that the team of added camps
3945s you can set up camps uh around uh the
3948s local and you know you need to choose
3950s carefully where you decide to set up
3951s your Camp though because it can be
3953s destroyed by monsters um so you know
3956s there is this risk reward element of
3958s where you want to kind of have your
3959s little place to go and recover and eat
3961s some food um because obviously I've
3963s mentioned you can you you can eat food
3965s not just in the village what's that yeah
3969s you can cook out uh in the world so uh
3973s you know ingredients that you've
3974s collected you'll be able to use to cook
3977s uh at your little campsite you take out
3979s like a little uh you know little like
3980s cooking I don't even know what we call
3982s it like a stove yeah yeah and uh you
3986s know we haven't had a chance to show
3987s that animation uh quite yet but um trust
3990s us when we say they they cooked oh yes
3994s oh yes and yeah I love that flexibility
3996s where if you want to hunt in a
3997s particular area because there's certain
3998s monsters you want or it's your favorite
4000s area or there's certain environmental
4002s bits or hazards that you want to kind of
4004s play around you can set up camp in the
4006s vicinity at one of the fixed locations
4008s and there's a there's a range of fixed
4010s locations that you can choose and you
4012s can just choose the hunt around there
4013s once again we use the word seamlessly
4015s but that's really what it is you can be
4017s like I'm going to hunt here for the next
4018s hour and you know I don't have to keep
4019s going back to loading screens or
4021s anything because there aren't any um and
4023s you can just hunt away with your buddies
4025s deciding which monster you want to make
4027s a quest you know um
4029s dynamically um you know going through
4032s the changes in the environment and
4033s things and how that impacts your hunt
4035s and the creatures not just the large
4037s monsters but also like the endemic life
4041s as well and how they behave um yeah you
4044s know you're going to feel so immersed in
4046s in this world and obviously it's easy me
4048s to say that you know you know we work
4050s for Capcom right you know we're the
4052s community managers but you know as you
4054s can see what's been shown and what the
4055s team have been sharing in a lot of the
4057s press and influencer coverage that
4058s you're seeing coming out of sgf you know
4061s this is and you know livein breath in
4063s environment for you to explore um and be
4067s part
4068s of yeah yeah it's definitely you know we
4071s we've said a few times that we call this
4073s the next generation of Monster Hunter
4075s right so
4076s um it's not you know just taking the
4079s same hunting experience from world and
4081s rise and just you know making it nicer
4083s with new graphics right this is uh
4085s really trying to step up every aspect of
4087s the game so the immersion the you know
4089s all the dynamic elements in the game so
4092s um there's going to be things that are
4094s that feel really new and and fresh and
4096s really just kind of like you know Chang
4098s how you view the hunt completely so it's
4100s it's really exciting and it's it's
4101s really going to feel like a new
4103s generation of Monster Hunter and a new
4104s style of hunting um you know for for
4106s players who have been with the franchise
4109s for a long time and for people who are
4110s are coming uh to it for the first time
4112s so um yeah there's going to be a lot of
4115s new stuff to experience in this game
4117s exactly I think yeah as you said whether
4119s you're an existent monster fan or
4120s someone that's kind of going hey that
4121s looks pretty cool you know it's never a
4124s bad time to become a mon Hunter Fan um
4127s and to check it out and join the
4129s community uh because let me tell you
4131s they're very welcome in and you know
4133s they want you to there's no gatekeeping
4134s it's kind of the opposite they want you
4136s to use their weapon they want you to
4138s like just check out their play style
4140s because you know a big part of monster
4142s hunter is our weapons kind of Define our
4144s in-game identity right the weapons we
4146s use so yeah you're going to be in for a
4149s good
4149s time yeah yeah for sure um and I I think
4154s another thing that's really exciting
4155s about this game is you know if you are
4157s more of a solo player um you are going
4159s to have the ability to um hunt alongside
4162s uh you know other NPC Hunters that you
4164s can have uh to in your game to kind of
4167s help you out with a hunt so if you like
4168s to play offline or you like to play solo
4170s um they'll be able to help you out uh in
4172s more of like a group setting so you get
4173s a little taste of that right yeah
4176s exactly you know that's a really good
4177s point because you know me personally I
4179s love multiplayer I like playing with
4181s other hunters and jumping into different
4183s lobbies and things like that whereas you
4185s know a lot of people actually like and
4186s also if I'm not internet connection like
4188s when I'm traveling for example like when
4190s I've been playing sunbreak on my switch
4192s like I like the having the feel like I'm
4195s playing with others and you know a nice
4197s sh I can do what I want you know if I
4199s can't you I don't feel as guilty cuz
4201s it's just me you know um so yeah it's
4204s great you know you can come into wild
4205s knowing that if you're a solo gamer you
4208s can still get the full experience and
4211s you know and play how you want and you
4213s won't be at like a disadvantage and
4214s things like
4215s that yeah yeah for those times where you
4217s just don't want to to talk to anybody
4219s else you don't want to be social you
4221s don't want to be social you want to just
4222s disconnect and you just want to hunt for
4224s hours that's going to be a great option
4227s there so yeah look forward for uh for
4229s more details on how that system works in
4230s the future exactly and talking of
4232s systems you probably seen it flash up a
4234s few times on screen now but um if you
4237s have save data for monst Hunter world
4239s and or monst Hunter world iceborn you
4241s would unlock special Pico equipment
4244s linked to those titles for your Pico and
4246s monster Wilds um so there's two separate
4248s ones there's the the world save data
4251s bonus reward and the iceborn save data
4253s bonus reward um so yeah there's some
4256s pretty cool stuff for you that you know
4258s that have played the other games um so
4261s that's really nice to see that kind of
4262s you know nost and rewarded yeah yeah
4266s nice little prizes for uh for people out
4268s there to uh you know if you haven't
4271s played Monster Hunter world before um
4273s now's a great time to jump in um we've
4275s had you know return to world going on
4277s which um you know has just like surpass
4281s any expectations that we've had so I
4283s mean uh that's been really awesome just
4284s to see people go back back to the game
4286s but yeah whether you have tons of hours
4288s in the game or you're just coming to it
4290s the first time um you'll be able to to
4292s get some bonuses in the
4293s game yeah it's it's wonderful to see and
4296s it's got like fear fear God Z1 in
4298s YouTube says you know this looks like
4299s it's got something for everyone uh for
4301s both sides of the coin kind of thing
4303s solo and multiplayer which is awesome to
4305s see and kind of talking obviously about
4307s return to world and things we'll be back
4309s next week starting iceborn we are
4312s starting our iceborn leg of the return
4315s to world live
4316s stream so watch as we uh run into botus
4320s and uh and see how we go in our high
4323s rank gear oh yeah man I I think like we
4327s had more Ambitions to uh get our gear
4330s ready for master rank so I don't think
4332s we're quite there at this point so it's
4335s going to be a little rough in the
4336s opening hours but we'll we'll figure a
4338s way out yeah the trick is just not get
4340s hit like know that's always just just
4343s don't get hit by the really fast moving
4344s ice fish that and you know go
4346s underground and stuff it's easy it's
4348s easy you know wins zero
4351s damage prepare for a zero damage
4353s speedrun yeah it would be a speedrun it
4356s would definitely be
4359s quick yeah yeah super exciting I'm I'm
4361s really excited to get back into iceborn
4364s um and yeah it's going to be I think
4367s we're going to get hurt a little bit at
4369s the start but um that's all part of the
4371s fun is all part of the fun and you know
4373s uh we'll be playing on PC and obvious
4375s you know you know in this like lat part
4378s this stream we'll open up the lobby uh
4380s so he can come and hunt with us as well
4382s and have some fun but I think what you
4384s reckon good time to wrap things up on
4385s our little wild news recap and little
4389s stories preview ahead of its launch
4391s tomorrow SL today yeah yeah I think so
4393s yeah congrats to everybody who was able
4395s to get some DLC codes in YouTube and
4397s twitch chats um we hope you you are
4400s excited for uh the launch of Monster
4402s Hunter stories and stories too on PS4 if
4404s you haven't uh already picked that game
4406s up so um yeah just a really great time
4408s to be a Monster Hunter Fan between the
4410s stories releases and all the news for
4413s Monster wild and we got Gamescom coming
4415s up which is going to be awesome so um
4418s yeah yeah it's just a really really
4419s exciting time for the team and for uh
4421s for the franchise exactly and yeah thank
4423s you all for your amazing support and
4425s your hype and encouragement the team do
4427s see it uh Joe and I do little reports as
4430s well where we feedback Community
4432s sentiment uh fan art and and cool and
4435s fun top like that we saw all of the baby
4438s PUK P discussion and things like that
4439s for example um so you know your support
4443s your excitement does get back to the
4445s team and it it you know it means the
4448s world to them so thank you all and you
4451s know as we've said as well you know get
4453s ready for the next big Wilds drop at
4455s Gamescom uh where obviously first Global
4458s playable for the public for everyone
4461s will be at Gamescom as well as more
4463s information in general uh for those of
4465s you that attending so please please look
4467s forward to that um it's super exciting
4470s yeah so I'm excited for stories coming
4471s out tomorrow to be honest I think that's
4472s going to be a nice little little way to
4474s spend some time
4476s um oh yeah yeah great way to hang out
4480s with all your favorite monsters um those
4483s that you've been waiting for to come
4484s back in various games and things like
4485s that we read all those comments so we we
4487s know exactly exactly and say if you want
4490s more news if you kind of joined near at
4492s the end or you're hungry for more Wilds
4493s information you know have a look around
4495s like loads of uh you know gaming press
4498s are covering what they saw at sgf um
4501s there's a few content creators as well
4502s that are either doing Recaps that are
4504s fantastic or they were there themselves
4506s so jump on YouTube uh you know have a
4509s Google uh look on social media and uh
4512s yeah you'll find out all the information
4514s obviously in the in the coming weeks
4516s we'll be kind of spotlighting some of
4517s the bits as well on the official monter
4519s social media accounts but yeah Joe like
4521s yeah it's pretty exciting time right
4524s yeah yeah we feel we feel real ized by
4526s you know dropping all these
4527s announcements and you know we've working
4529s on this game for a long time so and the
4531s team that has been developing the game
4532s has been working on it for even longer
4533s so much much longer than we have been
4535s working on it so um you know it's a
4537s pleasure to represent their work and to
4539s uh to share it with all you guys so yeah
4541s we we're again we're really energized
4543s we're really excited and we've got a
4545s really fun uh you know road ahead with
4547s the game so uh it's going to be a real
4549s fun
4550s time nice and with that then I think we
4553s should wrap up we should let people go
4554s read up on what we've spoken about go
4557s chill out but no thank you all so much
4559s for joining us we've been super looking
4560s forward to catching up with you like Joe
4561s said at the start of the stream and
4563s we'll be back next week as we return to
4566s world and we get spice born in iceborn
4569s um as we start master rank all right
4572s thanks everybody we'll see you later
4574s have a great one good night
4585s a
4653s for
4713s ATT
4766s n