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Gather 'round, hunters, and see what's being served up in the next free title update for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne!

[New Variant Monsters - Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios]
To access these two new superpowered brutes, you'll first need to complete Iceborne's story and complete the special assignments that fully expand the Guiding Lands and investigate the mysterious Red Dragon. Following that, you'll be asked to speak with the Tracker, who will give you two additional special assignments: Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios. These two monsters won't go down easily, but the rewards will be well worth the fight. The Furious Rajang armor has a fierce, primal style and the set bonus enhances a very appropriate skill called "Heroics" that grants you bonus attack power and defense rates if your health drops below a certain threshold—a burst of "furious" adrenaline that's bound to help in a pinch!

The Raging Brachydios armor also comes with set bonuses that match the monster, empowering various explosive attacks. Its weapons radiate with style and feature the monster's signature 'active slime' look. Good luck, hunters—you'll need it!

[New Additions for Your Room]
After a long day of hunting, kick back and relax in your room with all new paid DLC including various decor options and new background music options to play on the music player.

[New Guiding Lands Tool: the Banishing Ball]
The powerful new "Banishing Ball" item can be used in the Guiding Lands to drive any pesky large monster you'd like out of that expedition session. Expect the unexpected and pack a few of these on your next Guiding Lands run. Please note that only the quest leader can use the Banishing Ball.

[Upgraded Level Cap for Master Rank Armor]
Go beyond the current upgrade limits for master rank armor sets! The new cap for armor upgrades will vary based on your set's rarity, but will allow for some to go all the way up to a whopping level 20 should you be upgrading set that is Rarity 12.

[Layered Weapons System]
Much like the layered armor system that allows you to keep the stats of your favorite set while giving it a fresh new look, we're also introducing a new system called "layered weapons" that lets hunters do the same for your weapon of choice! Please note that the "layered weapons" system will be rolled out across the next few game updates starting with game version 13.01.00 on April 9th, and more options will be added in the upcoming updates.

[Steamworks Output Options]
A couple of changes have been made to the Steamworks this time around, including the ability to change the Steamworks' output, options to activate the "auto mode" after sending the Steamworks into Overdrive, and also allowing rewards to be collected on the round just before a Steamworks Overdrive.

[Improvements to the Hunter Helper Feature]
We're expanding the "Hunter Helper" system to cover even more players than ever before. In addition to getting rewards for helping newer hunters through low and high ranks, players can now receive rewards if you help master rank hunters who have a lower master rank than yourself. Master rank assignments may net you some Carved Feystones, while other master rank quests may reward you with a King Armor Sphere.

[Other Updates]
- Many new pendants have been added.
- Some extremely powerful charms have also received another upgrade tier: Fury Charm V, Power Charm V, Mighty Charm III, Challenger Charm V.
- Minor bug fixes and optimizations.

Matchmaking in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne requires players to have updated to the same version. Keep in mind that you can only match with other players who have the same update. You can verify the version number in the bottom-right corner of the title screen.

For other questions, please visit the official Monster Hunter World: Iceborne support portal below.