11 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s gather round hunters from all over the
3s world the Monster Hunter rise Sunray
6s final digital event is almost upon us it
10s contains a bevy of info on the bonus
13s update including some Dev interviews
17s this is the finale of rise and Sunday
20s and we're going out with a bang the
23s final digital event will air on the date
26s shown on screen
28s happy happy Humpty
11 months ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s gather round hunters from all over the
3s world the Monster Hunter rise Sunray
6s final digital event is almost upon us it
10s contains a bevy of info on the bonus
13s update including some Dev interviews
17s this is the finale of rise and Sunday
20s and we're going out with a bang the
23s final digital event will air on the date
26s shown on screen
28s happy happy Humpty