5 months
ago -
Monster Hunter
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | a view looking over a city people are |
4s | crossing a crosswalk Capcom |
7s | presents a woman is walking on the |
9s | sidewalk she sees the reflection of a |
11s | beik like creature in a window but when |
13s | she turns around it's gone they are |
16s | already here the woman is now sitting in |
19s | the park near some water the ground |
21s | starts trembling a monster bearing its |
23s | teeth can be seen in the water's |
25s | reflection gusts of wind shake a |
27s | restaurant slim a skyscraper reflects a |
30s | dragon like monster flying away the |
32s | woman hears something a cat creature |
34s | called the feline is standing nearby |
36s | it's equipped with armor a weapon and |
38s | Barrel is attached to its back the |
40s | feline and the woman touch paw to hand |
43s | their surroundings dissipate and they're |
45s | transported to a grassy plane where |
47s | dreams become reality long neck monsters |
51s | called Leno along with many other |
52s | monsters standing side by side with |
54s | humans a flock of maros Glide by the |
57s | woman pokes at a vigas sack |
61s | as guests and Felines highfive and dance |
63s | together the woman hears a loud roar and |
66s | turns around a giant Rathalos swoops |
68s | down from the sky its wings spread wide |
71s | it lands shaking the ground on impact |
73s | and faces the woman head on it opens its |
76s | firey mouth and |
79s | Roars Monster Hunter Bridge the camera |
83s | Zooms in on the woman as her hair gently |
85s | blows in the wind she |
87s | smiles in Expo 2025 Osaka Kai at the |
91s | Osaka Healthcare |
92s | Pavilion Monster Hunter bridge is |
95s | planned to support audio guides and |
96s | subtitle guides to ensure that it can be |
98s | enjoyed comfortably by individuals with |
101s | Visual and hearing impairments |