over 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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579s hello everyone and welcome to today's
581s stream my name is jono emea community
583s manager on monster hunter and it is
585s awesome to see you we are back with more
587s sun break today and yes i'm going to be
590s trying out the lance now i'm a bit rusty
593s with lance but i'm in very very safe
595s hands as today i am joined by team
597s darkseid who i'll be introducing shortly
600s we're just getting prepped in the lobby
601s but in the meantime
603s how is everyone are you enjoying sun
605s break what hunts are you getting stuck
606s into at the minute let me know in chat
608s i'd love to know what monsters you're
610s going up against and you know i hope
612s they're treating you well as well you
613s know i hope they're not being too mean
618s and yes we will be getting you in front
619s so i've got two special guests with me
621s today like i did yesterday so we're
623s gonna have one slot so each hunt we're
625s just gonna rotate and you'll be able to
627s jump in and as we discovered yesterday
629s it doesn't matter what master rank level
630s you are you can be mr1 and you can jump
633s in with us for these hunts so it will be
635s a ton of fun and yeah as you said gilman
637s mr2 not a problem there's so much
640s content to do especially with stuff like
641s the follower quest like yeah there's
644s absolutely no rush i am gonna just
646s create a bit of shade though there we go
648s so i'm not like you know luminescent
649s there
650s um so that should be good and yes what
653s i'm gonna do actually while we're
654s talking i'm gonna start preparing my
656s lance set
657s um
658s otherwise you're going to be watching me
660s uh setting up for a while but yeah i
662s hope i can remember how to lance
665s um i am using arguably one of the
667s coolest looking lancers in a video game
669s by the way i'll see some people beating
671s luna garron there you can use high rank
673s gear and master rank however i advise
676s cheeto i highly advise you upgrade to
678s some master and gear as soon as possible
680s it will help a ton
682s going up against kezu there god i bet
684s kezu master rank scary
686s real real scary um
689s i've got some interesting armor on as
690s well today some really interesting armor
693s um
695s it's a certain mousino
698s um so i'm really looking forward to
700s wearing this it's gonna be an
701s interesting mix set that's for sure
706s and there we go so all three of us are
708s in the lobby now so i'm gonna switch
710s over to game cam and i would like to
713s introduce you to two members of the
715s prestigious team dark side how are you
718s doing guys you're right
720s yo what's going on
722s yeah super good
723s so who in particular out of team dark
726s side because i know there's a group of
727s you in this expert hunting crew so who
730s who is joining us today
732s hc you want to start
734s yeah that'll be me my name is call me hc
737s for short
739s i mostly play charge blade on the team
741s but i recently in in sun break i've been
744s picking up a lot of switch ranks
745s recently
747s it's great fun weapon
749s cool cool yeah uh i'm chris um i'm
752s playing mostly
754s cb and greatsword in sun break
757s um and
759s well on our youtube channel i had like
762s editing
763s some voiceovers managing stuff and uh
767s a lot of different things yeah
769s super cool to be here with you today
771s jono thanks for inviting us
773s no it's a pleasure to have you know i
774s mean
775s the vast majority of the community know
777s who you are they're very excited and
778s chat i can see that you know the videos
780s you curate you show off
782s like absolute powerhouse plays as
785s hunters and for those that don't know
786s exactly what team darkseid is how would
788s you describe yourselves
793s um we uh so we would describe ourselves
796s i mean
797s we are most of us are speedrunners right
798s so we are definitely a group of
800s speedrunners but we're also content
802s creators at the same time we do a lot of
803s different things
805s nowadays especially you know we we do
807s we love to do funny moments compilations
810s on youtube or make guide videos or make
814s um
815s all kinds of different
817s um shenanigans challenges
819s pushing the game to the limit we will
822s get to that in a few weeks i suppose
825s for now we're still enjoying the game
827s alongside the community getting through
829s it helping people get a lot get get
831s through the game
832s with some tips
835s and yeah that's what we do fantastic
840s so out of out of some break so far of
842s the monsters that you know we're talking
843s about what's been your favorite hunt so
846s far
848s i know hard to say there's so many big
849s heavy hitters in this game really
852s gore is kind of cool
854s like he's the edge lord of the roster
857s man uh shigaru's really fast pace
861s furious for jang is pretty fun too but
864s you don't get him like until like later
866s on
867s yeah actually i haven't uh fought
870s these last monsters yet
873s um
875s because i was busy with you know editing
877s videos and stuff like that but um yeah i
880s personally i really loved espionage it
882s is so absolutely cool to see a monster
884s return from frontier i would have never
887s expected that
888s in a mainline monster hunter game that
891s is a super cool surprise and the monster
893s looks awesome i love this little
896s combination of poison and fire attacks
899s it looks visually really cool actually
901s as well and um that's just the fact that
904s this that i mean i don't want to spoil
906s anything but on your first hunt
908s something funny happens with the monster
911s for those that haven't haunted it yet um
913s and it copied by surprise and it was a
915s fun twist
916s yeah yeah it's great to see your
918s frontier monster back like you know i
920s don't think anyone expected to see a
921s frontier yeah definitely
924s yeah
925s you know speaking of espionage right i
927s watched the uh
928s the commentary video you did with ign
930s journal yes i think it was really cool
932s like how you guys were so passionate in
934s the in the video
935s no thank you like it was such a joy yeah
938s it was so much fun like you know i love
940s monstante i've been playing monster
941s hunter for about a decade now well
943s before i joined capcom so you know i'm
946s excited to be here i'm excited to be
948s you know
949s stuck in the community with everyone
951s it's really really awesome really really
952s awesome
954s yeah definitely
955s so i've just found a pair of uh
958s pair of greaves i can have with guard on
959s so i have some guard on my lance
962s um
963s so you picked a really cool ants man
966s look at it gorilla
967s mcgonags you have a face on the shield
969s man i know it looks like the the cape
972s still is like alive and flowing on the
973s land it's awesome and yeah so team dark
976s side can see twitch chat at the moment
978s can you guys yeah youtube chat as well
980s or just twitch chat um
983s i'm just on twitter's chat right now
984s you're on twitch i'm on youtube
986s between the two of them look they can
988s see your comments and socks is here as
990s well hello socks good to see you mate
992s for my
993s maiden lance journey um i'm just going
996s to see what decorations oh can i create
998s a rampage deco
1000s good to see your socks hope you've been
1001s doing well
1004s right let's make a remember each
1005s decoration so rampage decorations are
1007s new in some break they replace the
1009s rampage skills that were in base rise so
1012s instead of having to apply them to your
1013s weapons with the tickets you get from
1014s rampages you make decorations now and
1017s you can slot them between your different
1018s weapons as you please so a huge quality
1022s of life buff there um there's a dude
1025s range jewel i've just seen
1027s that's incredible
1029s um so i'm gonna quickly see what i can
1032s stop sticking my one uh defense
1035s sharpness is unaffected when garden
1037s arcade anti-dragon anti-dragon's a good
1039s one that's never a bad one to have
1042s uh yeah
1044s so we will make we will get stuck in
1046s here
1047s i believe the end the anti-what the
1049s anti-jewels are like five percent
1051s increase in damage wow that's that's
1053s good right yeah you guys are speed
1054s running yeah you you know recently you
1056s released a video showing the highest
1059s damage number
1060s you could make him and it was absolutely
1062s insane so if anyone knows how to squeeze
1065s out the most damage it's you guys right
1068s yeah
1069s yeah but like it's a long history right
1071s so we we tried that the first time in
1074s 2018 in a month on the world base game
1077s the first monster in a game that
1079s introduced the damage numbers and we
1081s learned a lot since then right and we
1084s even tried to do that kind of stuff in
1086s the very old monster hunter games before
1087s damage numbers were a thing and let me
1089s tell you one thing
1091s back in the day it was incredibly
1093s difficult because of course you don't
1095s see damage numbers you don't see the
1096s monsters health pool you don't see
1098s anything really so and then you have to
1100s kind of figure out like how do you deal
1102s the most damage back then we kind of did
1105s it in a way where we would just go pick
1108s a monster and try to kill it with as few
1110s hits as possible
1112s um that was kind of our way to be able
1114s to do it without having to come up with
1116s a formula that works 100 because who can
1120s at the end of the day tell if the
1121s formula works or not if you don't see
1122s any damage numbers
1125s but yeah so world change that made it a
1127s bit easier made it a bit more accessible
1130s made it so that we could test things i
1132s could slowly but surely learn more about
1134s how damage actually works in the game
1136s and so far we've learned so much and um
1140s every game now just or every update
1142s brings a little bit of a variation into
1144s into it
1146s starting with iceborn
1147s something's changed rise something's
1149s changed and now with sun break
1151s again so um so far we haven't really
1155s figured out the changes um to damage
1157s regarding the highest damage number in
1159s sun break that's super
1161s end games kind of stuff so
1163s we'll dive into this in in a few weeks
1165s um maybe let's see if we can potentially
1167s hit 100k damage number wow um there
1171s we'll see
1172s yeah it's a work in progress these take
1174s a really long time to do
1176s we spent like 30 hours for like the rise
1179s video
1180s yeah well well recording was over 30
1183s stores and and editing was another 40
1187s for everything else in the 40.
1189s yeah it was torture like um imagine like
1192s every time you fail
1194s the attempts yet you wasted like 10
1196s minutes of your life
1197s it's like that's how long it takes to
1199s get to the every end of the rampage i
1201s mean it was okay i mean ultimately of
1202s course these videos are always time
1204s consuming and um i mean yeah of course
1207s you have to spend time in order to to
1208s achieve that kind of stuff so
1210s but yeah we signed up for that so that's
1212s okay
1214s nice yeah and you know like
1215s as you said like you know people
1217s normally only see the end product right
1219s they see the successful run but what i
1220s really liked about your recent video is
1222s you actually gave that full breakdown of
1224s this is how long we did it this is what
1225s a like a failed attempt looks like this
1227s is what the successful run looks like
1229s and you really gave people a lot to work
1230s with
1231s which i thought was really really cool
1234s yeah i feel like that's so important to
1235s to show all these fail moments so that
1237s people get a grasp on
1239s you know what can actually go wrong
1241s because you can't you don't imagine it's
1242s always like even we as youtubers we
1245s always underestimate the amount of work
1247s that goes into making a video if we try
1249s something new that we haven't done
1251s before that other youtubers have tried
1252s and we want to get into it we try it out
1254s for ourselves but then because of our
1256s you know high ambitions to make the best
1259s quality content possible like it always
1261s ends up being so time consuming and and
1263s we always underestimate it and the same
1265s of course applies to these kind of
1267s videos even though we do this for such a
1268s long time we know what we're doing i
1271s guess and when it comes to monster
1272s hunter where we're experts so but still
1274s it's
1276s but but yeah i mean this whole team
1278s scenario that we have the the whole fact
1281s that we have different members with
1283s different skill sets in the team
1285s it's just so amazing we can literally
1287s make such good content that nobody of us
1289s could ever dream of making if we were
1291s alone
1292s well you say teamwork makes the dream
1294s work and you guys are
1296s i said pros at that you know you think
1298s about your your rathalos and wrathion
1300s videos you know when you're all synced
1301s up with your greatswords and things like
1302s that like you know you definitely have
1304s that uh ultra instinct teamwork down
1307s and yeah thank you yeah thank you and
1310s for those wondering i'll be playing on
1311s nintendo switch next week so i'll be
1313s mixing up we're playing on pc at the
1315s minute but um i'll be playing on switch
1317s next week and for those that saw
1319s obviously my decoration collection on pc
1322s is pitiful pc is my second playthrough
1325s uh i am very very kitted out on switch
1327s and my hr
1329s is a is a lot higher so you know on pc
1332s i'm kind of playing catch up but switch
1333s i am rolling in it so this lance build
1337s it's not supreme but it's a good one it
1340s will get me through
1343s um i am wearing a bit of mauseino gear
1345s because i really it's not bad it's not
1348s bad it's already not too bad yeah it'll
1350s get me through there's worse builds out
1352s there like you know
1355s we'll make it work we'll make it work
1357s while we're waiting for the fourth while
1359s we're waiting for the last player to
1361s join the lobby i'll be right back up
1362s back in a minute sure no worries yeah
1364s sure
1365s but yes sir i'm a fan of using the mouse
1367s you know build up sorry more i gotta say
1369s then some people in chat are like wow
1371s you guys have such high mastering and
1373s that's because team darkseid um were
1375s part of a very very very small group of
1378s creators who got some quite early access
1380s to some break um so they've had plenty
1382s of time to explore the game don't worry
1384s they haven't in the last 24 hours
1387s managed to get to emma
1391s like going from like hr 50 to like a
1394s hundred took us about
1396s quite a while okay so like this the
1398s reese um painful grind comes at mr 80
1401s where it seems to have slowed down a
1404s little bit the progression so it gets
1406s harder and harder with the cap so you
1408s gotta like keep grinding we grind it for
1410s like at least an hour to get to mr100
1412s wow wow and that's using like one of the
1416s highest mr gain quests in the game so
1418s you were like you know you were being as
1420s efficient as possible to get there yeah
1422s we have to like do a bunch of those
1424s multi-monster quests like we had to kill
1427s we killed like four monsters in five
1429s minutes wow until i uh get to m100
1433s you were definitely uh fine tunes there
1436s i'm talking about you know like this is
1438s my first time properly using the lance
1440s um
1442s and i'm thinking why not go in hard
1444s let's do a gormagala saregios
1447s oh gormangala
1449s seregios is pretty um
1450s he's a pretty tough fight i was
1453s surprised at how hard suryas was
1455s compared to what i remembered from the
1457s last outing with serengios and it's just
1460s so aggressive so aggressive so
1463s if anyone wants to join us for this hunt
1467s oh we're getting both of these things
1470s there is the password come and join us
1474s uh jonah do you mind do you um would you
1476s like if i made a shout out community
1479s post on youtube because i only retweeted
1481s it so far go for it go for it we have we
1484s don't have like the biggest community on
1486s twitter
1487s that's fine whatever works for you
1488s whatever works for you mate
1490s i think we're waiting for a fourth
1492s hunter to join us anyways so
1495s as i try and remember how to play lance
1497s so
1497s but i'm using some of the new moves i've
1499s like i love the new shield bash shield
1501s charge kind of stuff you've got in there
1503s um and the buffs to the other silk blind
1505s attacks so you're going to see me kind
1506s of figuring that out early on uh and
1509s then once i'm settled in hopefully my
1510s lane will be good because i used to
1512s dabble with lance
1513s i had a ton of fun with lance in iceborn
1516s um and i'm really excited about the
1518s changes and buffs lance got and some
1520s break i mean just look at this lance
1521s though just look at this
1524s it's beautiful how do you feel how do
1526s you feel lance damage wise
1529s like it's not too bad in this game i've
1531s never tried outlands before
1533s people think because it's a defensive
1536s i use the term defensive loosely it's a
1539s defensive leaning weapon people think
1540s that comes at the cost of damage but
1542s i've been seeing some lance players on
1544s on social media doing absolute work
1547s like you know absolutely
1549s yeah spyro thrust hits hard
1552s spiral thrust hits reality oh yes and is
1555s um is chris back chris yeah i'm back
1558s nice so i need to eat so i forgot to eat
1559s when i fought mousino yesterday and
1561s promptly carted
1563s so i'm going to be that's tough i'm
1565s going to be eating it real comfy
1567s so i just made the the community post i
1570s mean um
1571s yeah we have
1572s so we're still waiting for a fourth
1574s player right yes if not we'll just hop
1576s in and you know someone can defend us
1578s when uh
1579s or defend us join us sorry i'm reading
1581s dango defender yeah right yourself like
1582s protect us please
1585s but yeah so if there's any lance mains
1586s in chat you know give me your lance tips
1589s tell me what i should be doing
1593s oh
1594s back up
1596s yeah
1597s i love
1600s i ain't going anywhere i'm staying right
1602s here you know i just love that kind of
1604s like the badassery around that playstyle
1608s [Music]
1611s was that the design of the gourmet
1612s garlands is that from for ultimate
1614s actually i think so right i need to
1616s remind you yeah i think so i've never
1618s touched lance in the earlier generations
1620s i stuck on sword and shield like didn't
1622s didn't deviate at all it wasn't too well
1624s until i actually started using different
1626s weapons along like other than my main
1628s and in rise
1629s this is this is the title where i've
1631s actually used the most different weapons
1633s because
1634s they feel a lot easier to get into with
1636s you know the way you get your weapons
1638s and stuff like that and the silk bind
1640s moves just they just keep pulling me to
1642s different weapons because they look so
1643s cool
1645s and i'm going to put the lobby id in one
1648s more time
1650s and then we will uh get stuck in do you
1652s have like a
1653s discord uh so you're not not
1655s discouraging uh lobbyid command on
1658s twitch um
1660s not set up at the moment but i'm oh i
1663s see however we did look at it and uh
1665s anytime anyone pressed the exclamation
1667s mark it would like spam chat so if lots
1669s of people were doing it
1671s oh messy yeah that's also true yeah
1675s [Music]
1676s the timer right where you
1678s which one you wanna you guys do first
1693s oh actually
1695s yeah yeah
1699s i should probably just you know
1701s hop on over
1707s good
1708s right okay
1711s i'm in safe hands with you two you know
1713s so if i if i can't you know i don't
1714s apologize oh it's magna marlow we're not
1716s fighting mastering magdamallow yeah now
1718s yesterday we had the rage gaming guys uh
1721s on and they mentioned that mcnamara for
1723s them was one of the biggest challenges
1725s they found in master rank and it was
1727s actually a surprise to them like how are
1729s you feeling about master act magnum was
1731s it oh yeah
1733s he has some new moves that are pretty
1734s cool
1735s it makes him definitely a lot of a
1737s challenge and a threat
1739s that's a lot of explosions i really
1741s appreciate it honestly like um i really
1743s appreciate that these elder dragons well
1745s magnum
1747s not particularly but like in general
1749s elder dragons are
1750s are returning as mastering versions
1753s that's something that we forgot to say
1754s in our review and it's
1756s in worlds we did not have and in iceborn
1758s we did not have no gigante return
1761s and here everything returns and that's
1763s really really cool
1765s so having magna back and as a mastermind
1767s version it's just really really nice
1772s and with the new moves
1774s especially
1778s god after my heart settings
1782s my heart setting was on cinematic mode
1786s to record for you for youtube
1790s i really need to get my get my bearings
1793s hey there we go
1795s i'm trying to uh figure out how to do my
1797s jump with twin fine as i hold still
1802s you're honestly you're being really
1803s brave for learning this weapon right now
1805s on stream live like against yeah these
1808s two
1808s yeah against these two monsters yeah but
1812s hey what is trial by fire right you
1814s gotta get stuck in
1818s ah this guy never holds still
1821s oh i'm flash i bleed it
1824s okay no i've been hit that's good it's
1826s fine we got it
1829s even when he's flash he's never stopped
1831s attacking oh there we go
1837s [Music]
1841s i mean focusing on the wings is really
1843s good because when you top all know what
1845s the wings broke before
1847s oh well right if you break the wings you
1849s normally get a topple but if they break
1850s during a certain animation
1852s then yeah they won't top off
1855s so you kind of have to get lucky to
1856s break the wings at the same time and
1857s it'll fall down
1861s like i just go for hind legs the head
1863s head for ko i guess height legs also for
1866s good damage
1869s i just love the shoulders
1871s look at this damage we are uh you can
1873s tell you can tell them with speed
1875s runners put it that way
1877s that was dead oh that was sergios
1881s yes
1883s yeah
1884s well
1885s you know actually oh actually so we
1887s speaking of gore and serragus it's funny
1889s that we do these too that you chose this
1890s quest jono because we uploaded a report
1893s from hc today and we will upload as the
1896s radio speedrun from pepper today oh
1898s really it's still unlisted so yeah
1902s something to look forward to
1904s yeah it's funny what a coincidence and
1906s this quest also has darkness in the
1907s title oh yeah
1912s there we go that wasn't too bad i didn't
1913s i've not carted yet so you know that's
1915s that's a plus
1918s yeah sorry i guess it's a lot more chill
1920s in a multiplayer hunt setting because um
1923s the aggro split more there's a little
1925s bit less pressure on you but when you're
1927s when you're like focused by him in the
1929s soul right oh man that is not fun to
1932s deal with
1934s yeah it's hard challenging yeah he's
1935s really hard solo
1938s and for those asking this is gore
1940s magala's lance and yes it's incredibly
1943s cool
1945s yeah we are right the thunder beetle
1946s cheetah says uh we are fighting two
1948s flagships in this hunt
1951s yeah true yeah four and for you
1955s definitely rivals definitely rivals
1959s oh i saw the turf war before it's so
1961s dope oh yeah i saw that yesterday for
1963s the first time like yeah there's a lot
1964s of bitterness between those two
1967s [Music]
1970s and then when like uh oh yeah no
1972s spoilers i just want to see a spoiler
1975s well done catching it
1979s i missed the blessing
1981s god darn it oh
1983s wow
1988s [Music]
1992s yeah i need to make sure i don't get
1993s frenzy virus this time
1997s let's get that tail
1999s give me switch like csd
2001s let's go
2003s oh nice bro
2008s oh i love that
2012s oh asleep okay
2014s i okay i'm trying all right i wanted to
2016s wake up
2018s i'll leave i'm gonna do sad yeah let's
2019s get let's get yeah
2021s obviously the charge blade got some
2022s buffs with some brakes operating next
2024s hopper uh i'm not sure if i'm on the on
2026s this i have the scrolls turned off at
2028s the moment
2029s like on the on the hud that's why
2032s on the next sleep i can do an x-rapper
2034s okay
2038s i'm just kind of flailing in the air
2039s right now
2040s oh the busted charge breathe man i'll
2043s explain that for this one i'll talk more
2044s about it after this i want to focus on
2046s the goal right now
2048s yeah i'm also super bad at my goal
2051s yeah
2053s so difficult
2054s it comes to you after a bit of practice
2056s yeah
2057s yeah yeah true but do you stream a lot
2060s right yeah yeah yeah
2065s i can stick to gormagala for this it's
2068s great
2069s not quite literally like the switch acts
2072s yeah switch x is so nuts in this game
2080s okay
2082s all right
2086s gonna do my mega guard okay cool when
2089s you move
2092s i'm getting some good hits on the head
2093s here
2094s yeah this head gets really juicy
2103s let me latch the head please think oh
2105s whatever
2106s give me that tail all right oh
2108s thunderblade guys
2110s let's do my uh
2113s oh nearly the double car got magala is
2124s guys i have to mention i'm playing with
2126s my early master rank charge grid build
2128s okay yeah you're not running stacked
2130s which is very kind of you you know
2133s yeah i'm playing a stacked build by the
2135s way i'm using my late game kill build
2137s and it's still two shots me that's how
2139s like strong mastering monsters are if
2141s you let your guard down yeah oh oh
2143s there's the lucky life i'm gonna come
2145s back here lucky life
2146s please i'll fine i'll see you later
2148s i tried to grab it mid-air but yeah so
2150s for those wondering like you know master
2152s rank even when you've got players like
2154s you know chris and hc who are you know
2157s some of the best monster hunter players
2158s you can come across master rank will
2160s still come and get you you know like and
2163s i know the guys are tasking here like
2164s yeah
2165s master rank it's a real fun challenge
2167s and even if you put hundreds and
2169s hundreds and hundreds of hours in you're
2171s still gonna get carted from time to time
2173s um
2174s and i think that's the fun of the
2176s challenge like when you can't in must
2177s rank i felt like yep
2179s that's my bad that i carted because i
2181s messed up not like oh that was so like
2184s you know
2184s you know yeah there aren't many unfair
2187s cards it's like
2189s it's just because you let your guard
2190s down or you you missed something or you
2193s didn't learn the monster well enough
2194s right yeah for me a lot of the time when
2196s i caught it's either greed or i have a
2199s over reliance on wirefalling whenever i
2201s get agreed yeah yeah yeah yeah
2204s over here yeah
2206s monsters in this game punish you really
2208s hard for greeting
2210s they really do and also there's a lot
2212s they're good at kind of juggling and
2213s volleying you after a big hit so
2215s sometimes you want to hit the floor and
2216s stay down
2218s like you know
2220s oh i'm just going to run through that
2223s honestly i'm i was so happy about i was
2226s so happy about the regulars and gore in
2228s particular to return because
2230s these we have only seen prior to this
2232s game in on a 3ds yeah and now
2236s it is a huge graphic graphic update
2238s you're right i mean look at gorma gala's
2240s wings like
2241s yeah they look so dope but that's a
2243s great point you know for many it's such
2245s a huge graphical upgrade for these
2247s monsters and you get to see so much more
2249s of them
2254s there we go
2260s he's gonna like get up and roar soon
2262s yeah
2263s it usually re-enrages
2267s oh
2268s the sky was yes there
2272s please die soon
2275s short trip
2278s can i get the tail
2280s nice up there we go okay that was too
2282s close but yeah
2285s so yeah gormagala got two of us down and
2288s very very very nearly got a third like
2291s gormagalla and
2293s you know
2294s dangerous and i think you know we
2295s managed to change seregios really well
2298s but when seregios as you said earlier is
2300s 1v1
2301s it's real scary
2303s like when when i've seen people playing
2305s sregios for the first time
2307s they tend to cut a lot i know i did like
2309s the bleed the ferocity because i think
2312s in base rise you know monsters would go
2314s after you but in master rank
2316s they really want you they don't want to
2318s give you room for a potion they don't
2320s want to give you room to take
2322s you know like an adamant seed and stuff
2324s like that they want you in the car
2327s yeah
2330s so it's hc tell us about elemental
2332s charge blade
2334s oh
2336s how do i say this about spoilers
2349s so you're saying thumbs up for elemental
2351s are you
2353s cb yeah broken
2355s i mean
2356s i i think like it's
2358s really insane like how this is the
2360s highest damage numbers we've seen on
2361s charge blades so far in the entire image
2363s series and it's wow that's a huge i mean
2367s even more powerful the world like
2370s yeah
2371s it eclipses the kiara ice by like a mile
2375s well not maybe not that much but like
2379s half a mile
2381s half what you're saying for charge blade
2383s mains is get one for every element right
2385s so that you're fully yeah yeah well yeah
2388s honestly it's just great i love that
2390s element is just a bit stronger overall
2393s because
2393s element makes you swap between many more
2396s weapons if you're just playing raw
2399s because the raw is infinitely better
2401s than element then you craft one raw
2403s weapon and you're done right with
2404s element
2405s you you kind of want to mix or like
2407s switch between different weapons and
2408s that's also one of the things actually
2409s about this game
2411s um which is so great the balancing
2412s between different weapons that so many
2414s weapons are viable um in end game it's
2417s really hard to tell like which one is
2419s clearly one that comes out on top that's
2421s fantastic that is really good um
2425s and as a sword and shield main i love
2427s element i really love element i like
2429s status and to hear that you know from
2431s the people that do the number crunching
2432s the element is in a really good place
2434s alongside raw so you can run raw you can
2437s run element and succeed um that's really
2440s really cool to hear that's really have
2442s you looked at the chain quit yet jono i
2444s haven't no so basically on pc i've been
2447s playing hunting horn and kind of getting
2449s myself
2450s through the game i main switch so
2453s when i get through to the because i'm
2454s currently about mr4 on switch
2457s when i kind of get settled into like
2459s post mr5 i'm gonna really start
2461s exploring these moves so tell me more
2463s about chain crit then
2465s it's crazy so chenkwood returned from uh
2467s generations or generations ultimate
2470s and
2471s what it does on the first hit it gives
2474s you a plus five element an attack boost
2477s and as soon as you land five consecutive
2479s hits it gives you another plus 15 attack
2482s and another plus 15 element on top of it
2484s and then for an overall plus 20 boost in
2487s element and raw attack so that's pretty
2490s insane for some weapon types that hit
2493s fast so dual blade sword and shield like
2495s yeah
2496s but even cb with like savage x um or
2499s like not savage x what's called spinning
2500s slash um
2503s you you activated instantly right and hc
2505s just showcased really clean run on our
2507s channel where he's using chain crit with
2509s the gwar cb against gore
2512s amazing that's cool yeah yeah and i've
2514s mentioned hunting want to work well as
2516s well if you like get out a magnificent
2518s trio
2519s there's your buff right you know you're
2520s here yeah but the uh the chain crits
2522s like ability it seems like it goes down
2524s really fast in terms of like in seconds
2527s if you stop hitting and like you know
2529s hunting horn
2530s hunting horn hits pretty often but not
2532s that often yeah
2535s like i've talked to some of my hunting
2537s horn mains uh dance has been out of it
2538s for a while
2540s he hasn't really looked into it but like
2541s i've heard from a hunting one main
2543s friend of mine saying like chain crit
2545s may not be that great
2547s but it depends like if you still want to
2549s run it i think it's completely fine yeah
2551s it was just a bad hunting hall and dear
2553s just completely moved on to greatsword
2555s oh the bts i was like i was i kept
2558s telling him man when's when are you
2559s doing h runs man come on
2562s and he's just like oh job i can
2564s understand it i mean greatsword is
2565s incredibly popular right now so yeah
2568s i'll come back to that in a second just
2570s answer a question for neo sorry to
2571s interrupt guys yes so that is a known
2573s issue um with that paliko skill neo if
2576s you head over to the monster hunter
2577s twitter we've got a thread that explains
2579s the bug and how to get around it and fix
2581s it until we have a formal patch for it
2584s but we're aware of it it is a little bug
2586s but you can sort it out so don't worry
2588s your palico isn't stuck
2590s that way if you don't like how the
2592s skills were moved around but it is
2593s unintentional yes and yeah talking of
2595s greatsword right so obviously we've got
2597s stuff like the search combo all these
2600s new moves and buffs
2602s tell me guys
2603s just between us
2605s elementary
2613s well um so
2614s yes like hd and i we do know a little
2616s bit as well of course not as much as
2618s dale's by the way uh greetings from
2621s dale's genre to you and to everybody
2623s watching i should have told you guys
2626s um
2628s oh
2629s oh my god i still gotta focus on on that
2631s yeah i mean we do have master rank
2632s rashan here
2634s this is uh he's a big like a step up
2637s from like regular rejection like
2639s base rise
2641s yeah
2642s i still prefer his variance um fight
2644s wave more honestly because like um
2647s it's more
2650s oh yeah it's like way cooler opening so
2651s i'll never mind oh
2653s no i didn't go
2654s you don't have anything
2656s right no impact yeah um
2658s did you did you catch it on stream
2661s what's
2675s rashan you know especially you know
2677s seeing you know the moves that rashan oh
2679s nicely though
2685s and we have magikarp bender he's come to
2687s make a splash up
2691s oh come on that was a good one tough
2693s crowd tough crowd
2696s oh come on no
2698s oh
2699s oh oh i blocked it
2701s oh that did some chips
2704s you've got your bill right
2706s second ah it's so hard i don't know
2710s oh so for sad i have uh i don't have
2713s files you go ahead
2719s that's your microphone
2721s you can need the extra
2723s garden
2726s hello what great sword so um
2729s i mean the counter is insane right so
2731s the counter you can now
2733s you know
2734s um you get a 35 percent attack boost a
2737s damage boost when you use it on your
2738s true charge slash the two charge less
2740s screw charge slash can be comboed even
2743s faster
2744s um
2745s that's the biggest thing about
2747s greatsword honestly in the sun break um
2749s we we did make we are currently working
2752s on a video on
2753s highlighting the best combos for for
2755s greatsword and giving kind of like a
2757s guide on the best combos
2760s and
2760s that will be live on the channel soon
2762s hopefully
2765s um so yeah more specifics there because
2767s the dales is the the main guy with the
2769s main knowledge
2771s talking about that
2773s hourly
2777s wow this is silver tuned
2780s yeah it's really feet yeah it's 35
2782s percent more damage on the already
2784s stands
2785s i'm sorry
2787s uh what's it called
2789s uh
2790s yeah
2795s oh so calvin in chat oh sir yeah calvin
2798s asks what's a good weapon to start
2810s a good one or would you go for something
2811s like a hammer oh it's totally unexpected
2814s and rise i would have said long sword
2816s and now i'm not sure i would i would not
2818s say a long sword maybe
2820s yeah maybe hammer maybe also actually
2822s greatsword potentially a great sword and
2824s why is that what makes you go for
2825s greatsword because a lot of people see
2826s that as a very challenging weapon
2828s because it's traditionally a slow hitter
2831s and you've got to understand monsters is
2832s it like the new moves like that
2838s i mean
2839s i mean you can play the the new
2843s the new way of playing greatsword and
2845s soundbreak which is not charging like
2847s you know a faster way of playing
2848s greatsword so to speak
2850s i guess that works but yeah good point
2853s jono so i i feel like maybe hammer might
2856s be
2857s yes for me i wish what hammer might be
2858s complicated and then i started using it
2860s as a secondary
2861s switch and it's so easy to get into but
2864s and very satisfying like it's a very
2866s satisfying weapon
2868s also sword and shield as well yeah
2870s someone showed you know i mean
2871s traditionally that was like a starter
2873s weapon i think sms is pretty cool i mean
2876s it's as a counter as a shield if you
2878s want to yeah
2880s i think i think my personal uh opinion
2883s would be like take something with
2884s counters and shields
2886s they help a lot i mean i mean sword and
2889s shield and i'm very biased and i love it
2891s i think it's a great all-around weapon
2893s you can do many builds with it you can
2895s block you've got a counter um and so the
2898s only real downside of it is your your
2900s reach
2901s so you know when you're learning the
2902s game you know
2904s it'll be trickier to get tail cuts and
2905s stuff like that but yeah i love sword
2907s and shield personally
2908s um for your long sword hammer and even
2911s brain sword
2915s yeah glitch x is also really good
2917s starting off i played during my early
2920s playthrough i mostly just played
2921s switzerland because beyonce's dsd
2924s storing wyvern
2925s storing weapon blade is still broken you
2928s can just ignore monster moves
2932s it's still
2933s insane this is like quite literally the
2935s strongest like subjects has ever been
2938s and like having said our picks as well
2940s like you know these are our personal
2941s choices like any of the 14 weapons are
2943s great for new players if you want to
2945s learn it like you know
2946s like
2947s gun lance you've got light burgund heavy
2948s vogue on bow and while some weapons are
2951s you know have a little bit more
2953s complexity to kind of settle into them
2955s don't know that you are there's no like
2958s must you can pick what you want yeah
2960s there's no moss
2971s some of my old iceborn lance muscle
2973s memories coming back only a little bit
2975s though
2978s opening please laser beam
2980s what are you doing
2982s where are my openings
2993s oh finally an opening
3007s like
3009s see i think
3017s all these iceborn moves
3025s i love the shield charges and the shield
3028s on the lance like
3030s very cool
3032s please hold still
3034s come on
3036s oh great that's the opposite has gone on
3038s a run
3040s yeah
3041s yeah for beginners pick up wherever you
3042s like like you know coming into monster
3043s hunter you've probably played other rpgs
3046s in the past with a wide range of weapons
3048s so if you see something that you know if
3050s you're like i like to hit hard i like
3052s big hit weapons or i like range weapons
3054s or i like you know i like to be a rogue
3056s and like daggers there's something for
3057s everyone
3058s um so you know and there's like you know
3061s there's like yourselves you know and
3062s other monster hunter content creators if
3064s you go on youtube there's a guide for
3065s your weapon and a guide of how to learn
3067s your weapon and the guide for the basics
3069s so you know jump on youtube
3071s chuck in like you know which monster
3073s like say monster unto rise or sun break
3075s hammer hunting home whichever and you'll
3078s find a guy an intent
3080s you guys know
3089s [Laughter]
3101s i mean this is the closest we've ever
3103s been to a pvp mode in the months running
3105s against the wire
3106s yeah just getting the mounts and i mean
3108s you know monster hunter is it's a it's
3110s always a co-op experience and
3113s you know that's i think that's the ethos
3115s and the camaraderie you see
3117s like like with you guys you know you are
3119s like oh shoulder a pinnacle of the
3122s teamwork
3126s you can have a little bit of a a little
3128s bit of a monster jewel
3133s hit his head i mean i remember when
3136s mounting was already like whoa when it
3138s was introduced for you
3140s yeah it was so cool for you and and now
3143s it's like you can just literally ride it
3145s and make it
3146s make it attack you but it's kind of
3148s crazy if you think about it
3150s uh we missed the shot tripper opening
3152s whatever
3153s oh we didn't
3154s let's go
3164s you know i'm gonna go again
3168s well
3169s well played as one magikarp you
3170s definitely did make that splash
3176s all right wow
3181s and another thing i love it like i
3183s really like the cutscenes the card
3184s scenes are really really well done yeah
3186s honestly yeah i love them too like i
3188s mean you know we saw tidbits of them in
3190s the last trailer before launch and like
3192s when you're in game and seeing them it's
3194s great like you get a lot more hands-on
3195s with the story
3197s yeah
3198s and you get a great understanding of
3199s what's going on and i love how your
3201s hunter is involved in the cut scenes as
3203s well
3204s they're not just like a bystander
3205s they're like actively getting involved
3207s which is really really really cool yeah
3209s have i got any gun lance playing me oh
3211s no no i
3213s i would be terrible
3215s um i haven't done that
3217s go on then chuck it on check it out
3219s yeah sure
3221s don't complain when i blow you away with
3222s my blood brush that's right
3224s you know that's what the shield is for
3227s no it's for pvp purposes
3230s yeah
3231s nice midnight is mr4 and having an
3233s absolute blast that is awesome
3236s okay so lego master asks you guys who's
3239s your favorite characters from both
3241s kimura and delgado
3243s you're in
3245s a very quick very quick answer
3248s if you play through the whole story
3250s you'll realize why few reigns the best
3252s waifu in an image series
3254s see i've been doing her follower quests
3256s and i love fighting alongside her like
3258s she she brings life powders first of all
3261s which is something i'm very very big
3263s advocate for
3265s and second she uses a sword and shield
3267s so naturally you know she's got
3268s fantastic taste in weapons
3271s what about you chris what's your
3274s my favorite is
3276s tadori
3281s oh wait a minute greetings my name is
3284s tadori
3286s it's the the doctor
3289s i know why you lied to dory alright so
3291s okay you did not play in japanese dub
3293s right
3294s no but if you had played and jam if you
3297s played monster enter sun break in
3298s japanese dub
3300s you would hear you can hear todori's
3303s voice actor
3304s um he is the japanese voice actor for
3307s seto kaiba in from yugioh really that's
3310s insane yes
3312s and also
3313s also he the same voice how do you know
3315s did you just check that
3317s what does it decide
3320s his voice is one of the most iconic in
3322s japanese anime
3324s as if i can't
3326s no i did are you sure maybe it just
3328s sounds
3329s very it's very distinct very gruffy you
3332s can instantly very like you instantly
3334s recognize it
3336s that's cool that's cool at least oh wow
3338s okay so
3340s spoiler warning
3341s we're gonna we're gonna be fighting a
3343s shigeru magalla next
3345s so if you don't if you don't wanna see a
3348s shigeru magalla hunt and you want to
3350s experience it yourself
3352s this is your warning
3353s i can't wait i've not fought shigeru yet
3355s i have the perfect build for it and
3358s it's not switzer eggs
3361s i love gourmagala and i can't wait to
3364s fight shaggy but yes there is your
3366s warning we're going to be fighting
3367s shangri-magala
3369s so
3369s if you don't want to see it yet
3372s there's your warning
3374s yeah sugar is kind of like a bit more
3376s late game so we also haven't uploaded
3378s anything on it yet
3379s um
3381s i mean we can avoid shaggaru if you
3383s think you know maybe we do some other
3384s hunts
3386s i mean i guess if you give us
3388s fine up to you but yeah let's do you
3390s know what okay we'll stay
3392s scrap that no shagaroo today no shangri
3394s wow
3396s let's give people the weekend
3398s to sorry guys
3399s sorry no no that's a good point why not
3402s you know this is a democracy
3405s i'll tell you let's do a
3408s basil and then we'll do a luna garan
3411s gang gum hunt as well
3414s diesel
3415s oh well
3416s i want to see if icb works on them
3421s not elemental goodness
3422s oh man i'm so excited for it for see
3424s thing and for lu oh my god lucinda kuga
3427s man it's been so long
3430s last time we fought this guy and try
3431s ultimate i mean we have one video on the
3434s channel that's seven years old of a
3436s speed run on lewis and narga with dual
3438s blades wow and like this video just
3440s popped up on the youtube recommendations
3442s got a lot of views
3443s since it got announced in the in the
3446s trailer that's awesome yeah
3448s you know what we should do
3450s sorry sorry that's right after you
3452s you know we should do chris
3454s yeah i think we could do like a
3456s two-player run on it
3458s with duplets like bring it back man you
3461s know jewel blades
3464s you know like a remake of like the old
3466s video yeah yeah yeah
3469s yeah with that being said
3471s and just
3474s yeah no wire bugs allowed just eye
3476s framing with the evasion skill
3478s at all times
3480s classic married you were saying jonah um
3483s i totally forgot what i was going to say
3484s actually
3494s new areas always welcome
3497s like it's so so exciting and like loosen
3499s as well i think is another monster that
3500s people didn't expect to see
3503s um you know
3504s bringing back these kind of classics so
3507s for many players
3508s they would never have seen lucent naga
3510s cougar before like no pun intended they
3512s wouldn't have fought lucid naga cougar
3514s they might not even have you know known
3515s it existed and then for like veteran
3517s players who have been around with the
3519s series for years you'll be like it's
3521s been so long old friend so there's such
3523s a yeah
3524s like yeah yeah yeah these boxes
3527s yes
3528s yeah that's amazing that there are so
3529s many monsters coming back that are that
3532s were nodded world right because world is
3534s in my opinion still a great game that
3536s still is a strong game to this day yeah
3539s and and having all of these other
3541s monsters returned that were not a world
3543s we're not seen in worlds it's just it's
3545s just way better
3547s oh absolutely the variety you know is is
3550s awesome and you know we we love to see
3552s it and you know even then having that
3554s you know as you said like and in chats
3555s or steven bezelgeese like
3557s that's such a hilarious fight and i can
3559s only imagine what they're going to do to
3561s season and
3563s sun break with the mobility we have i
3565s wonder what new moves we might see
3567s um
3568s it's definitely going to be something
3573s i love how everybody's like
3574s theorycrafting the the other two
3576s unknown monsters that are gonna be
3579s coming well we've definitely got an
3581s exciting exciting
3583s future you know i mean yeah this is just
3585s the very start for sun breaking you know
3587s we've revealed
3589s parts of the as you said you know the
3591s titan update road map
3593s and yeah it's looking good yeah and
3595s that's awesome you know what quite
3597s honestly i feel like the updates that
3599s came i mean obviously the updates up to
3601s valstrax were great in rice but after
3604s that
3605s i mean there wasn't that much newer
3608s monsters coming and just just the apex
3610s ones so i feel like now is a really good
3612s opportunity for iceborn and it does look
3614s like uh what i'm saying that i does look
3616s like sun break is actually ahead of ryze
3619s in that regard of with better updates
3621s and that's super important to just keep
3622s the community uh engaged and uh that's
3625s that's good to hear yeah and i think you
3627s know as well like you know i know that
3629s in face rice you know some people
3631s felt ashamed they didn't get like apex
3633s armors and stuff like that but now
3635s obviously we're in an expansion
3637s you know it's in the end game kind of
3638s expansion you know
3640s you can explore the kind of sets that
3642s people would you know really kind of
3644s like
3645s uh aim for
3647s that are gonna they that you know that
3648s they're gonna kind of really work to
3650s build uh carry on to the future um so
3652s i'm really really excited to see what we
3654s get our hands on later through some
3656s break as you know i'm sitting like oh my
3657s god that sounds like we get apex armors
3659s no no
3661s no
3663s no no i'm kidding like even with you
3665s know with you know the launch sun break
3668s we have now you know like you know only
3671s wake up this wake up dibs on wake up no
3675s i think that you had other ideas
3678s no man
3680s i could have done 1.6k
3687s all right
3695s i'm doing decent file damage right now
3697s but
3699s it's all right it's not really that
3701s great on basement
3702s i'm getting bullied i'm glad i've got my
3704s stuff resistant
3708s football
3709s jonah have you played in a jungle in the
3711s second generation no i didn't ever tried
3713s it this is my first my first trip to the
3716s jungle i think
3717s nice yeah it's amazing like it's
3720s the
3721s it's such an amazing update honestly
3723s visually and also the way the map works
3725s and the way it's now open world it's
3727s really great
3728s it's honestly it's i feel like it's such
3730s an interesting i'd be so curious from a
3732s developing point of view how actually
3736s i mean it must be really difficult to
3738s take a map that was developed for you
3740s know singular areas with loading screens
3742s in between and just and then like okay
3744s make it open world peace you know yeah i
3747s mean the team have done an incredible
3748s job from what i've seen of people that
3750s have played old jungle like to to bring
3752s this map along and not only
3755s fully realize it as the same map but
3758s update it for a whole new generation
3759s where there aren't loading screens
3761s between areas and hunters have
3764s mobility that you would never have
3765s imagined back in generation two um and
3769s it's just created a fantastic map once
3770s again much like um
3772s you know the classic return in monsters
3774s whether you've seen it before and
3776s experienced it or not you get a really
3778s really fun time and a great map and yeah
3781s jungle has just got so much to explore
3782s like i'm still trying to find the secret
3784s areas at the moment
3785s um
3787s because i've seen a few little video
3788s clips on twitter of people using bombs
3790s in interesting ways so uh
3793s yeah i'm still exploring there
3795s ah that kind of stuff yeah that's cool
3798s i love this but i mean
3801s i mean i mean the jungle was already
3802s favorable in the demo
3805s but the the camp in the jungle is
3807s definitely really hard to find yes i do
3809s i still need to unlock it on my switch
3812s and i think i need it on pc as well
3813s actually
3817s well once you found once you you know
3819s yeah like riding a bike
3822s exactly oh crap no
3826s that was weird but whatever
3829s oh the sky would crust like absolutely
3832s savage
3837s a nice amount
3841s all right slam him into the uh wall
3843s crabs
3846s oh oh
3847s no okay
3850s my day is ruined
3854s oh it gets up so quick
3856s i just did 1k on an axe hopper
3861s and see people can see that the damage
3863s i'm doing with my lance this is like an
3866s okay build as well this isn't like a
3868s fully optimized build
3872s it's doing big numbers
3876s big
3888s i love that vaseline in the world it was
3890s never announced right
3892s and it was
3894s yeah basil and the final boss and like
3896s in the basil and i remember to this day
3899s i literally because of the fact that it
3901s was not announced before
3903s the game uh launched i remember to this
3906s day how i encountered it the first time
3907s in ancient forest
3909s and i was i was literally shook
3911s it the way it looks and everything that
3913s when you see it the first time i was
3915s like oh my god what is this and then you
3916s hear the war like a mutant kind of i
3919s don't know and it was an incredible
3921s impression and the music as well
3924s yes yes
3926s exactly so really tuesday i'm really
3928s hoping that we'll get something like
3930s that again like a monster that you guys
3932s will decide not to announce in any
3934s trailers and that just catches people
3937s off guard
3938s yeah i think i think it's really cool
3942s i mean i guess there's like two ways to
3943s look at it some people prefer the other
3945s way and vice versa i mean the hype is
3947s great to see and you know on twitter
3949s before the game released everybody's
3950s hyped about new releases and stuff as
3952s well uh and of course
3955s kind of needs to show you know what they
3957s what they have with their game so it's
3959s understandable
3961s but i mean the surprise factor also is
3962s kind of cool
3964s yeah
3964s if you are going in blind
3969s it was also for me also for espionage i
3971s saw espionage the first time in the game
3972s yeah
3974s yeah aspen asked like
3976s and what a monster as well like
3978s it's just so vicious of those fireballs
3981s like i love it like we actually got
3983s triple card by espionage yesterday in
3985s there oh really with the range
3988s yeah yeah we uh it was the charge
3989s attacks like we got withered down by a
3992s fireball and then espionage went all in
3994s on the charge
3995s and uh in the quick quick succession we
3998s uh returned to camp together
4003s but as well like talking about that the
4005s reception has been asked from the
4006s community has been amazing
4008s and you know especially when you've got
4010s members of the team who worked on
4011s frontier also on the sunbreak you know
4013s that positive reception from the
4015s community
4016s you know goes a long way like it's
4017s awesome like oh so
4020s are you saying that there are certain
4022s developers from the frontier game that
4024s are now part of the
4026s main capcom development team
4028s uh i guess if you were that way but yeah
4030s like you know there are members of the
4031s team who worked on frontier working on
4033s sunbury
4035s okay wow yeah so that might that might
4037s be a big reason why obviously um
4040s you know that's pronounced
4042s i mean of course i can literally imagine
4044s i mean i have no idea but i mean just
4046s imaginary they can end up any of the
4048s meetings be like one of them goes okay
4050s since frontier is not discontinued how
4052s about we put one of those monsters in
4055s the new mainline game
4058s and everybody's like yay
4061s but like what a choice as well like you
4062s know espionage does stuff that
4065s has some familiarity to monsters you
4066s already know like some people compare it
4068s to like you know
4069s a wrath monster
4070s um but then it takes it to a whole
4073s another level you get throughout that
4074s five well you've got five like you've
4076s got paralysis you've got poison the
4078s charges do a lot more damage the tail
4081s swipe is a lot harder to get under
4083s because it drags along the floor espenas
4086s is just an absolute unit of a monster
4088s it's big
4090s like yeah it's it's real scary
4093s yeah it makes rafales look a little less
4095s scary
4096s oh no a rivalry now
4099s you know and having said that you know
4100s in law espanas can stand up to kashala
4102s because they are rivals um and they
4105s fight over the jungle um
4107s right
4109s no it's interesting yes
4111s absolutely that's crazy they can rival
4113s another dragon that's kind of cool
4115s that's yeah that's
4116s the power of espionage um so magikarp
4119s thank you so much for jumping in there
4121s i'm going to open up the lobby again if
4122s that's okay so we can get another hunter
4124s in for the next one but thank you for
4126s your assistance thank you for those
4127s awesome dual blade skills i appreciate
4130s it
4131s yep see you around
4133s let's have a take a second to look at
4135s the comments as well
4136s rather lost triple card in about 40
4138s seconds yeah those new moves like even
4141s the exhaust
4142s that you think you knew
4144s have brand new moves and yeah yes
4147s yeah even in rice base game already
4149s rather lost was so different
4151s and it was one of the challenge most
4153s challenging monsters in hiring for me
4155s raffalos
4157s it's yeah i mean just what you think you
4159s think oh i know rather loss and we go
4160s way back and then rather last is like
4162s haha i've grown since we last met um and
4166s like looking at the rise monsters like
4167s the ones that gave me
4169s the biggest trouble in master rank um
4172s like gossarragh i love the gosserag
4174s fight with sword and shield it's so it's
4176s like you're having an uh like a
4178s fistfight with it like it's just
4180s constant and gosserag doesn't want to
4182s let you go i absolutely love master and
4184s gossarag um also
4186s surprisingly right great azuchi
4190s has got like a new lease of life in
4192s master rank i know it's
4194s i know it's a raptor
4197s raptors are you know normally seen as
4198s lower tier monsters you know they're the
4200s early ones but griezucci master rank is
4202s like
4203s it's a bit spicier than you would expect
4205s right
4206s or is that just me
4208s you know what it was spiced up my day
4211s a great buggy where is great doggy
4214s where's the great bargain you've got
4216s plenty of little buggies to enjoy but
4219s without without actually spoiling
4221s anything um i guess there is something
4223s in the game
4224s where
4225s there's a new incentive to revisit the
4228s earlier the lower tier monsters like
4231s izuchi at some point in the game which
4234s makes even those monsters quite
4236s challenging so
4239s quite challenging to say the least i
4241s mean it's really i mean
4245s in our review video we did say that like
4248s they're it's cool and all but it does
4250s get like a redragged up because of how
4252s tanky they are
4253s they have a lot of things really yeah a
4255s lot of hp i'm like oh man i was talking
4258s to rage gaming about that um actually
4260s and they then
4262s off stream and they were talking about
4263s how yeah at first you know
4265s these monsters and the mechanic around
4267s them buffs up their hp but apparently
4270s they found a way to get those hunts down
4272s to more like their standard hunt times
4275s um i didn't ask how because i didn't
4277s want to spoil it for myself
4279s but yeah apparently apparently they've
4281s got some secret techniques
4283s oh really i didn't find that out yet
4286s have a chat to them and because yeah
4288s they've apparently bought their hunt
4289s times
4290s too very close to their normal monster
4292s equivalents um
4300s actually i i didn't want to like bring i
4302s didn't want to ask like when we had
4304s early access because like you know
4307s there's a bit of controversy with the
4308s instagram during early access and the
4310s demo
4312s yeah i'm not too sure if you guys
4313s actually looked into it like have you
4315s seen like videos that happened
4317s i've seen the dust videos
4319s [Laughter]
4322s i am i'm so glad you guys fixed it
4324s because
4325s it would have trivialized the
4327s the thing like the the demo the demo
4329s build is always an earlier build than
4331s the launch build uh because today the
4333s demo is made in advance and whether it's
4336s at the stage of development the game is
4338s when it's taken or how many balance
4340s passes have happened whenever that demo
4343s is then made it's kind of put in a
4344s bubble because any changes that are then
4346s done to it even if they seem really
4347s small it then has to be fully qa'd
4350s go through multiple tests which then
4351s takes time and resource away from the
4353s main game um so the demo was made it was
4355s put in a little bubble and then it
4357s released when it was ready but yeah so
4358s that's why we were very keen to
4361s be like
4362s the numbers you see in the demo
4364s they're changed you know don't don't
4366s think that's what you're going to have
4367s necessarily when
4369s when the game launches but yeah honestly
4370s though the videos were hilarious the
4372s dust the dust bomb like honestly i'm
4375s gonna miss it but at the same time it's
4377s just not how the game's supposed to be
4379s played yeah yeah yeah
4381s but we did yes sorry the demo lets us
4384s see that as well so if there was happen
4385s to be something that kind of slipped
4386s through
4387s last minute we can we can check it out
4390s um
4391s but no yeah it was funny to see it was
4393s and you know people had fun with it and
4395s then you know when it came to the full
4396s launch that was all wrapped up
4399s let's talk about themes i want to know
4400s jonah what's your favorite theme in sun
4402s break as in monster theme
4405s well or in general your favorite piece
4407s of music in this game so
4409s i really like so
4411s i really like what they've done with
4412s proof of a hero in
4414s yes
4415s like proof of a hero like it's an
4417s incredible piece of music and i really
4419s like how they've tweaked it round for
4422s for this
4424s um
4425s monster-wise
4428s malzaino's music is just
4431s really really good it just encapsulates
4434s the monster perfectly i i love it
4438s i agree and quick sorry to interject
4440s quickly then we'll we'll check in with
4441s you guys on that so dylan the hop-in
4443s skewers i'm not sure what to say he's
4445s already in um the first one you pick
4447s gets the biggest buff
4449s the second one you pick gets as moderate
4451s buff and the third one gets a slight
4453s nerf which is why when i pick them i'm
4456s very mindful of what order i do them in
4458s so yeah first one big buff second one
4460s moderate buff third one
4462s is a little nerve which is why i put
4464s medic in the third one because it's
4465s still a boost it doesn't really lose
4468s value too much in my opinion but sorry
4470s guys what about you what are your
4472s favorite tracks
4474s um
4476s what's yours i see actually
4479s ah
4480s i mean obviously goran shigeru you know
4482s class
4483s is your one of your favorite teams
4484s really i mean that's fine with me like i
4487s was tempted to say gore well
4490s probably probably shingaro is like way
4491s better obviously because it's so classic
4493s probably
4495s obviously
4497s well xenos team is pretty cool and all
4499s right lorexis says kesu's theme is the
4501s best
4503s yeah
4504s so always be unmatched
4508s um well i personally i have like three
4512s favorite ones okay
4514s it's also proof of a hero
4516s also
4517s um
4519s um
4520s oh no like four
4522s it's uh astolos espinos prove a hero and
4526s what was the last again that i really
4527s liked nazi knight too
4530s yeah good good selection i think good
4532s mix
4533s i mean i i kind of like that dslr's
4535s theme is a bit different so now it's um
4538s it's a bit less um the highs are a bit
4541s toned down i feel like it's a bit lower
4543s and
4544s i really like that because it makes the
4546s hunt
4548s i feel like the background music works
4549s better in a hunting scenario because you
4551s have all these sound effects in the game
4553s i guess nobody ever ever cares about
4556s that except me but you'd be surprised
4558s you'd be surprised there's a lot of
4560s audio fans out there
4562s yeah i mean i feel like the the sound
4564s effects
4566s are kind of like on a different channel
4567s in terms of the frequency
4570s i guess
4572s i'm a freak when it comes to that kind
4573s of stuff but um no that's cool it's cool
4576s that you appreciate that because you
4577s know
4578s you can tell
4579s the are a lot of effort into
4581s the tracks and how they interact
4584s um you know when i think back to one of
4585s my favorite ever
4587s monster hunter songs uh songs tracks and
4590s that's the um raging bracket heels
4593s like that that song
4595s and then also like um and i support like
4597s alatreon like you know like how the
4600s music amps you up and how it absolutely
4602s flows with the state of the hunt so now
4604s i totally feel you there like
4606s so it's nice that you picked up on you
4608s know the astalos though
4615s nice
4619s up sleep
4625s what are your favorite monster tracks
4626s let's go with sunbury what's your
4628s favorite sun break
4630s track
4636s oh here comes the gun lads
4642s the new jungle theme is a popular one
4645s yeah that was pretty cool theme is
4647s really nice as well i really enjoy
4649s coming
4654s true yeah
4658s oh this is getting destroyed yeah i miss
4660s it sooner this is revenge for the uh
4662s apex emergency mitsu that used to wreck
4665s me on stream all of the time
4668s i have to say the game is definitely
4670s more challenging
4672s um because you've got to trouble that
4674s focus haven't you
4676s yeah even though um of course the hp
4678s scales the so the difficulty does scale
4681s with with it which is great it's still a
4683s little bit uh harder
4685s at least for me
4688s yeah i mean i it's interesting because
4690s you said you know everything scales from
4692s part rates to health
4693s but then i guess the multiplayer well
4695s you're not targeting as much other
4696s people aren't that carpool is shared so
4700s true yeah that's true it honestly
4702s depends on the team yeah yeah
4705s i feel like i'm i'm very
4707s fortunate
4708s with the people that i'm always playing
4710s yeah you're playing this i heard the
4711s people you play with above average of
4713s the game you know
4716s so that explains my feeling about it
4730s like i'm hearing amazing things about
4731s bullet barrage like tell me tell me more
4733s uh
4734s hmm
4735s all right i tried landing out on the
4737s niger on and
4739s it just keeps missing
4742s uh okay i have a question yes
4744s i have a question is it
4745s luna garan or is it lu nagaran so i say
4749s luna garon but that's by accent really
4752s and how i pronounce you know i'm very
4753s like english speak in english
4756s right eau de garan yeah otto so i say
4758s otagaran but odo garan is fine as well
4760s like i think
4761s you know because the way english
4763s language is pronounced you know there's
4765s so much regional
4766s differences and stuff like that
4767s especially when you look at it globally
4769s that you know slight differences like
4771s that you know obviously there is like
4772s the the japanese pronunciation which is
4774s that you know you can use as the
4775s official pronunciation but you know like
4777s you seem to say luna garron or you know
4779s was it luna garon and stuff like that
4781s you know everyone knows what you mean so
4783s like if people are really mean about it
4784s i'm like what come on you know the
4786s monster like it's not like it's like
4788s ineligible right
4789s sure but actually if you like so if if
4792s if the localization team comes up with
4794s the english names do you guys actually
4796s um figure out i mean do you
4799s set a correct way of pronouncing it or
4802s is it just going to be written down i
4803s mean i think the biggest the biggest one
4805s of this is obviously t-rex tiger x
4808s tigrex uh blush sword
4810s blast toad um
4813s wow that's a big damage uh but yeah you
4815s know like we get told you know this is
4817s you know how we pronounce it which is
4820s why i say secrets now i used to say
4822s tiger x all of the time before i like
4824s you know that's my childhood man
4828s calling it tigrex it sounds cooler too
4831s that's why i'm gonna
4832s i won't i'm to this day i'm still gonna
4834s call it that i mean for me it was
4836s because obviously you know tiger and i
4839s was like oh yeah yeah yeah but yeah in
4841s japanese the t and the i believe is
4843s pronounced like t so like t in front of
4845s fantasy 10 and i used to call him titus
4847s oh
4848s this looks like a tide uh ti so it's
4851s just like yeah the how the kind of
4852s pronunciation kind of crosses the
4854s language borders
4855s so yeah so i i go t-rex now because i
4858s i'm aware that that's how the team were
4860s better so
4862s yeah so you have kind of a little bit of
4864s a guideline yeah oh yeah yeah
4866s yeah they don't just kind of go here's a
4867s word good luck jono like
4870s oh great so yeah we don't know
4872s the team are lovely about it but yeah i
4874s i like you know as i am i guess i'm part
4876s of the team now like um
4879s i i like to kind of stick to how
4881s how the team works
4884s oh the blue
4887s saying it barrier or anything like that
4889s because we all know what it means people
4891s love the monsters
4893s and you know sometimes people having a
4894s little bit of a joke hustle about you
4896s know like tiger x i know that socks my
4898s predecessor used to love
4900s the uh tiger tigrex t-rex discussion
4904s and also like devil joe on devil yo like
4907s that's another one
4913s no okay
4917s [Music]
4922s i'm sorry
4924s sorry you know it's fine to respect
4926s other people's opinions and stuff you
4927s know but that's especially incorrect man
4932s you draw the line
4936s never
4938s say devil yo in my life
4940s why the same actually
4944s but i mean there's a lot of players
4945s actually we haven't heard a lot of
4946s players speak so
4947s you know yeah i mean talk about that i
4949s do enjoy the comp system
4951s because it's very unintimidating you can
4953s have set call outs you've got stickers
4955s emotes
4956s gestures
4958s it's nice you know it's a comfortable
4959s way to communicate and even if you're
4961s like not somebody's
4962s comfortable at mic
4963s you can get you know full-on
4965s communication in and it's just a nice
4967s fun atmosphere
4969s monster was always such a huge social
4972s place i mean especially for me
4973s personally in the past um before i
4975s started making videos it was just i mean
4977s it was for me like kind of a social
4979s media almost yeah oh definitely you know
4981s you jump in a lobby you never know who
4984s you'd meet you would communicate through
4986s like dancing and stickers and you know
4989s like pre-determined saints and you would
4991s be able to have a conversation with
4992s anyone in the world
4994s that way yeah true and i loved that you
4996s know they could be in japan they could
4998s be like in spain they could be anywhere
5000s they could be in india and you could
5002s still talk to them and they could talk
5004s to you because you know you've got that
5005s universal communication method
5007s and yeah
5009s is it
5010s is china also on the same servers i
5012s don't know i don't know
5019s yeah but it's really cool honestly so
5021s calvin asks us what's the scariest
5023s monster we've ever seen
5028s uh i got handed to final boss but i
5030s can't say what it looks like something
5032s to look forward to then if you're if you
5034s like scary monsters so get to the end of
5036s sun break and uh that's that's hc's one
5039s what about you chris in my opinion the
5042s most in this and sun in the sun break
5044s for me it's the mastering 100 one
5047s ah
5049s i know who you mean right yeah
5051s yep yep another one for you to look
5052s forward to gang
5055s and for me and sun break
5058s it's an interesting one because when i
5060s think scary
5062s you know what what makes me go oh my
5064s goodness um
5067s and it's a bit of a weird one
5070s i think for me it might be shogun
5073s sinator
5075s oh when he like uh when he like starts
5077s uh sharpening his like yeah
5079s before he goes after you hey i got mr
5082s sunny mantle way
5083s very nice
5085s um for me it's the mouth
5088s the the mouth from the crab monsters is
5090s really like it reminds me of a spider
5092s and i'm i'm a bit scared of spiders i'm
5094s fine with ragnar kadaki like but it's
5097s the mouth it just looks like it'd be
5099s something you really don't want to get
5100s bitten by your arachna actually has like
5102s a this might be a close second because
5105s like well
5106s she has that uh she's the one in the
5109s horns and then like
5111s yeah one definitely one of my like
5113s favorite scary designs
5116s but i don't know why sugar shogun it's
5118s yeah like the scythe like the scythe
5120s arms and the mouth it's the mouth that
5121s does it for me
5122s um
5124s but you know pie arachna kadaki looks
5126s incredibly cool i just love that design
5128s i like because obviously there's the
5129s western inspiration around obviously a
5131s lot of the monsters in here
5133s and just bringing in that demonic
5134s devilish look for a spider monster
5137s that's awesome that's what we liked
5139s that's what we talked about in a review
5140s video like we said like we love the
5142s contrast between japanese traditional
5144s like like horror inspiration and then
5146s going to western like horror inspiration
5149s it's a great mix to have i absolutely
5151s love it um because i'm a big fan of like
5154s mythology and stuff like that and anyway
5157s and then to kind of and also you learn a
5158s lot like i didn't have an in-depth
5160s knowledge of like yokai and then i
5162s played rise and i was like i wonder what
5163s monster this is based on like acne some
5165s and stuff like that and then you go and
5167s you start reading about it and you learn
5169s a lot and then obviously now in the west
5171s because obviously i have a better
5172s understanding of western horror um it's
5175s like oh it's so cool to see how they
5177s take a concept that we're aware of and
5178s we know about and how it's then made
5180s into this gameplay element like malzaino
5183s obviously the vampiric element but not
5185s only is there the generic like you know
5186s drinks blood you know it's how the cape
5189s works and it teleports
5191s and things and then the storyline which
5193s i can't say because it's a big spoiler
5194s as well
5195s like i love how
5197s the care and depth of these kind of like
5200s connections and representations of it go
5203s um it's not just like a surface level
5204s one and i love how once again you know
5206s when malzeno drinks blood it gets
5208s stronger
5209s like and yeah it's just so so cool so
5212s cool
5213s yeah yeah to me also this the the
5216s teleporting thing is like one of
5217s probably my most favorite monster
5220s feature it's my favorite this one
5222s absolutely it's so cool i mean the sound
5224s it makes how it looks how mousino
5227s positions itself but yeah sorry i'll let
5228s you talk about it i could i could talk
5230s about that one no this no it's totally
5232s no it's so good i was
5234s i was
5235s finished
5236s yeah yeah you know i would say
5238s in this like games roster i feel that
5241s like uh brute wyverns like kind of left
5243s out a lot
5245s there's not like really like this um
5247s imposing brute wyvern that you could get
5249s to fight
5251s hmm if you could if you could make a
5253s brute wyvern based on western mythology
5256s what would you what kind of one would
5258s you draw oh that's oh that's difficult
5260s to say but i mean
5262s well
5263s obviously like people are wondering
5264s where devil joe is you know we have
5266s basil and rajang but no joe
5269s so people are like wait where is he but
5271s you know i was thinking since like
5275s some break did say oh a whole new
5277s frontier right
5280s i actually wondering
5282s would we see abiora good in this game
5285s that's a classic brute wyvern that like
5287s um
5288s frontier like
5289s uh hc i mean obviously jonah can't
5292s comment on that but i think
5293s i i think that yeah of course i see like
5296s the fact that they brought one frontier
5298s monster is already so crazy i feel like
5300s it was also kind of an experiment
5303s that they did and to see how maybe how
5305s people perceive it as well i i honestly
5308s i don't think they'll bring another one
5310s later on
5312s um i see
5314s pretty unlikely yeah who knows
5316s it's just bigger
5317s but it's always nice to kind of like
5320s see what community speculates at what
5322s could come
5323s and you know
5324s you know what whether they think it will
5325s and or what they want and why and it's
5328s very interesting to see that discussion
5330s expand greatly with espanas i see
5332s everywhere people go espanasas open the
5334s floodgates and stuff like that um you
5337s know in regards to the potential for
5339s monsters that could appear in the game
5341s um and you know especially when you've
5342s got people like say people monsters like
5344s lucid nagakuga like yeah like it's great
5348s to see
5349s you know what we've been treated to true
5351s i mean anything can happen really right
5353s so you never know
5357s and now on this hunt we're going up
5358s against the garen golem and the luna
5360s garon we are playing on pc neil yes yes
5363s we are are you ready hd
5366s uh yep there we go
5368s [Music]
5369s lovely jobby let's get stuck in
5377s so we're going up against two of the
5378s three lords this time
5380s so this will be a nice test for us
5385s and we are here on the citadel i love
5387s this map i love all the different little
5389s mini locals it gives me nice vibes and
5391s throwbacks to the uh
5394s who should we fight first
5397s let's do
5399s let's do the luna garron it's out in the
5401s city all right
5404s oh my beetle no i wanted it
5409s don't worry i'll take good care of our
5410s little friend
5412s i know you know the optimal way of using
5414s it i'm just gonna
5417s full disclosure
5421s yeah let's toss it immediately actually
5423s yeah it'll be great
5426s especially like luna garon he is so
5428s tanky um
5430s his hit zones makes you feel like you're
5432s hitting a you're hitting for a high rank
5434s damage on a mastering monster with with
5436s high
5436s end game gear it's just crazy what did
5439s you talk about luna garron obviously
5441s when we first revealed luna garron um
5443s you know we revealed luna on all fours
5446s and it wasn't until the second trailer
5447s that we revealed unicarron can go by
5449s pedal what was your reaction to that
5454s i mean it's fitting i mean werewolf
5457s monster you
5459s know yeah
5463s there's a werewolf werewolf like feel to
5466s it i like it yeah
5467s it makes sense yeah just seeing it as
5469s well and i love sam trios as a monster
5471s and seeing that ice armor come on
5473s and then stand up i got real zam trios
5475s vibes and that made me even happier
5478s because i was like you know i got
5480s feeling that my boy is getting
5481s represented you know
5484s uh hey bro
5486s and before the small zemites are
5488s actually the small minions of them in
5489s the garage
5491s oh yes of course
5494s well they've got sharp teeth you know
5501s oh oh luna garan's up
5506s finance
5509s oh oh that was a big block
5512s oh and another one do it now now come on
5515s okay he's not doing it but what's
5516s interesting with luna guerra moves it
5519s moves a lot less than older garan
5523s it's actually interesting i mean even
5525s though it's i mean
5526s he is so hard
5529s and he's got i mean look at me i knew he
5531s did
5533s i'm nearly dead through blocking by the
5535s way
5536s really
5538s yeah
5542s i think like fun fact i think
5544s so in mass spring 4 right
5548s the two tankiest monsters in this
5552s um in this level will be like um gore
5556s and luna garon and little garen's
5557s tankier because like his hit zones are
5559s way worse
5562s but it's only when you get to like um
5564s his ice armor mode where he gets really
5566s dangerous and stupid mobile as well
5568s where you get like good damage in but by
5570s then like uh it's a
5573s he's
5574s like he it takes a while before he like
5576s gets weak and then once you break the
5578s isomer here yeah it it's like bad hit
5581s zones again
5582s so that makes him really tanky
5585s yeah so you can find him tankiness with
5587s that mobility dangerous monster
5592s yeah i would have loved it was it was
5595s like good hit zones
5596s and mobile i think that's fair
5599s alice's master silly it's time to give
5601s the monsters
5602s exactly
5604s you can't i mean do you really want the
5606s monsters to all to to hold still all the
5608s time and have good hit songs that you
5609s see
5611s we no
5612s you know
5613s it's more speed right more interesting
5624s [Music]
5634s [Music]
5637s oh
5657s when
5659s bro uh
5661s in order to play gunlance optimally you
5663s have to like spam the same move over and
5665s over again
5666s i
5667s i can't handle it man
5669s it's reborn
5677s yeah that's fun i like you it's flashy
5680s and cool yeah i remember speed runs on
5683s show cause it's a weapon i use so i can
5685s pick up some tips
5687s i mean viceroy in our team has the most
5689s uh experience so maybe we can ask him to
5692s do you a favor
5693s yeah
5694s yes yeah that would be great he also
5697s plays lance too
5699s oh really yeah it's true
5703s jonah and vice they would get along a
5705s lot i guess
5707s yeah for sure
5712s okay guaranteed
5715s i love the design of garron gone by the
5716s way like i love a lot the monsters are
5719s all of the monsters really they're all
5720s awesome but like gangs on like anything
5723s i've really thought before i think i
5725s can't really think it gives me shadow
5726s colossus vibes
5728s i had that yesterday as well in chat
5729s like chat wasn't the same
5731s um oh yes we're in the thorny i love
5733s thorny toad
5735s we need the thorny toads
5737s i i still don't understand how the
5738s thorny tour mechanic works like they're
5740s a bit like thornpods in a way i think
5743s yeah but like um how do you get them to
5745s do something for you
5746s start attacking the monster there you go
5748s like there
5749s they are jumping up there so once the
5750s monster's in the in the water and
5753s going around oh i see so they just do it
5755s they're just
5769s throw a raw meat into the water i've
5772s never tried
5778s i should try that guys
5782s like on there
5786s i missed
5787s no
5790s and this is why you play weibo whisper
5792s three of gun lance if you miss your
5794s blood barrage you can just like get it
5796s back earlier
5798s yeah what i want to do is uh when i
5800s because my zeno's set is a great set by
5802s the way i'm not going to spoil all of
5803s the skills
5805s but
5806s i'm going to definitely be making i mean
5808s i've got some three-piece mothers anyone
5810s right now but my sword and shield i'm
5812s definitely going to be slapping on it
5813s when i get there on the switch oh yeah
5815s there's an amazing one right here also
5817s we also have a video on that new skill
5819s oh nice i i love it i love it and
5821s especially because um
5823s on sword and shield i run part breaker
5825s as well
5827s it's gonna go down very very well
5829s and i really wanted to set with y above
5830s this
5832s and now i'm gonna get oh this is down is
5833s so long look at that
5836s poor guarantor
5837s yeah right the arm as well there's a
5840s huge opening oh my god
5841s look at him again this is so sad
5844s like honestly i might consider doing a
5846s speed run like in this kind of area
5848s because of the thorny toads and then
5850s being stuck in the gun
5851s it's so it's so abusable like using this
5853s like yeah it's dead already look at that
5857s holds them down so well and for those
5859s watching i am playing with two expert
5862s players
5863s um from team darkseid so they make it
5866s look they can make it look a little bit
5867s easier than for us normal hunters like
5870s me
5871s they know these monsters more than the
5873s monsters know themselves sometimes
5876s sometimes sometimes i didn't think you
5878s didn't think that was an opening
5880s to me there's
5891s when one of the guys makes like a really
5893s good run where the monster gets
5894s completely destroyed we like to ride in
5897s you know we kill the monster like a lot
5900s sometimes a thousand times
5902s and then one people understand right so
5904s otherwise then there's no question asked
5906s anymore
5914s people commented on like uh this is like
5916s great so wrong garen golem saying good
5919s on
5919s uh good old tds they don't square the
5922s monsters move set by locking it down
5924s yeah
5925s i mean not every weapon can lock it down
5927s like great sword but
5929s yeah yeah i got a large beast there i'll
5932s take that
5937s is that frog okay yeah i think that
5939s thorny toad is just recovering from uh
5941s having to fight garen gome which is a
5943s little bit bigger than the thorny toad
5945s um
5948s there's a lot of toad chattering we've
5950s got blast toad paratoad thorny toad
5955s it's all going down have we got time for
5957s one more hunt guys or do you have to go
5958s yeah
5959s one one more guys something huge to like
5962s you know and end the stream all right
5964s but you can't
5971s how about the number one most scary
5973s monster for jonno
5975s you want to do like el crappo
5978s uh why not when a double
5985s [Laughter]
5993s gun lance or crab oh sorry gun let's
5995s crab on malzaino
5997s come on melzy no okay oh yeah sure
6000s it's fitting right
6002s yeah
6003s there we go
6014s i felt so bad for wrath of those in the
6016s mosino cutscene honestly
6018s yeah
6019s it's uh
6021s it's a tough world out there you know
6022s when you're at the top you've got to you
6024s got to keep fighting to stay there
6026s the food chain yeah
6029s but you never know maybe maybe marzano
6031s just had a little sippy sip
6033s rather than draining rather lost
6042s glad you're glad you're enjoying it
6046s all right let me adjust my bill real
6048s quick no worries
6049s i'm slapping on a dragon trash bird i've
6052s got my dragon glance i like lights yeah
6056s dragon element is really going like uh
6058s malzino and for those wondering finally
6061s i'm sorry my palette is running luna
6063s garan gear so that's why my panic looks
6066s especially now
6067s it's very cool if you know what i mean
6073s oh the puns
6076s i'm sorry an elder
6079s oh wow look at jb's outfit got the
6080s espana
6081s espanas long sword espanol armor as well
6084s looking very cool i mean i get real big
6086s devil may cry dante vibes from the
6088s spanish armor and i love double maker
6090s eyes so it's like a big win for me yeah
6095s that is the design from frontier from
6096s the armor right that's the actual design
6098s yeah it's not far off
6100s i mean
6101s i mean look at me i'm wearing arlo's
6103s gear
6104s arlo's
6111s is that master rank or normal crimson
6114s glow you've got on there
6116s uh that's a normal because
6118s a master rank is like really end game so
6120s i don't want to use that that's very
6122s kind of you see team dark side actually
6124s been very keen to not put spoilers out
6126s so you know shout out to the team there
6128s um
6129s you know making sure that you don't get
6131s a nasty thumbnail when you're just you
6133s know looking for a guide so honestly you
6136s just gotta protect the experience i mean
6138s it's just
6139s yeah it's just way cooler if you can see
6141s that stuff and your own uh experience in
6143s your own game right so yeah like you
6145s gotta be a bit more careful but we also
6147s have to i mean we have to show some new
6149s stuff too right absolutely it's
6152s it's about keeping the balance yeah
6157s oh no so we've got pi arachna kadaki
6159s luna garon and marzano
6163s where is oh he's right in the middle
6165s okay yeah
6167s i usually have my mat turned off because
6169s uh video reasons oh you're so used to it
6171s already
6172s i know i usually don't know where the
6173s monsters are i need to try to open
6178s [Laughter]
6181s yeah we always we always turn off as
6182s much hud as we can for our videos so it
6184s just looks way better it just looks more
6186s cinematic well what i really like as
6188s well is now the camera has that option
6189s to turn off the hud
6191s uh yeah because i like taking photos i
6193s like i love seeing the photos people
6195s upload on twitter as well like yeah we
6197s see the monster hashtag we see this
6199s great
6201s and yeah i love seeing what people come
6202s up with
6204s yeah and especially with the with the
6205s bokeh effect of the camera it's so cool
6208s you have to glory back oh no third
6209s explosion what
6215s all right let me see
6216s we all guarded up
6226s [Applause]
6231s wait what oh
6232s i don't axe upper what
6235s i screwed up my um
6237s strange
6240s i screwed up my switch
6244s i'm just going on the tail at the moment
6246s i know my mission is the last user
6250s oh i'm glad i blocked that
6254s oh
6257s also haven't evade extended two on the
6259s lance
6266s something i need to be aware of there's
6267s my stuff oh my goodness the other
6269s weapons i used aren't so stamina reliant
6272s the brits lance absolutely can be
6276s are you using uh their shoes
6278s no i really should
6280s i really should
6283s so a pro tip there if you're using
6285s stamina heavy weapons bring a dash juice
6288s or two
6291s i mean there's just so many items in
6292s this game like you can just so easily
6295s um just forget that
6298s there's so many items that helpful for
6300s different scenarios right yeah the new
6302s bleeding there is a handful of different
6304s items you can eat in order to
6307s cure the bleeding
6308s or in this case you know helps them for
6310s stamina there's so many different ways
6313s or you can use skills or you can use
6315s food skills
6317s you know it's kind of great this is what
6319s makes this game great it's so deep yeah
6321s you can you can really build into it
6323s like you can go into claire bones
6325s grab some stuff out the box or you can
6327s prep you can make items by items
6331s and
6332s oh my god it looks so cool i'm getting
6334s destroyed but it looks so cool yeah it
6336s hurts but it feels so good
6339s it's a pg-12 stream come on
6344s aesthetically it looks incredible
6347s it's like when you get crap by uh daimyo
6350s hermitor as well
6352s and um
6354s you know you're getting nibbled on and
6355s it's like you know what this is
6357s absolutely demolishing my hunter but the
6359s visuals are really cool
6372s and there we go
6374s big damage
6378s i'm back on that tail
6379s have i do this oh my god i got flush by
6382s the other end
6383s hd doesn't have flinch for you guys
6385s bring flinch multiplayer yeah if you're
6387s a multiplayer one slot flinch free don't
6390s be like hc bring flinch free
6393s oh
6394s good one
6395s oh my god wow the shade
6402s if you notice i didn't pledge to say
6403s that either
6405s [Music]
6408s wow
6410s sometimes you might remind me a bit of
6412s eric's oh with the puns you guys have
6414s the same pun level
6417s pun level rx
6418s yes exactly
6423s what is he hitting
6425s i can't counter his moves if he doesn't
6426s aim me
6430s he's had enough he had that
6432s this is gonna be hard to
6434s it's gonna be hard to make a four player
6435s run on this
6437s because mozambique
6438s targets a lot
6439s yeah because like i guess everyone has
6441s to play diversion or something
6444s let them attack me
6446s no attack me
6448s everyone literally everyone literally
6449s has to like stick together
6451s for the contest to work yeah that's true
6453s yeah
6453s it's gonna be really hard
6455s yeah we got this oh turf war
6458s oh cool
6459s oh yeah that looks so sick
6461s oh the tail grab oh wow luna garon whoa
6465s oh my god damn
6467s that looks really sick
6475s yeah i got him
6479s man that's worse
6489s i love seeing monsters going all out
6491s like animations and
6493s just add so much impact
6495s yeah i would actually go as far to say
6498s um turbo's my i think is probably the
6501s community's
6502s favorite
6503s little feature that
6505s wouldn't have to be in the game but it's
6506s in yeah right it's in there because it
6508s can be not because it has to be
6511s it's just the scale and watching these
6513s monsters go all out and you just feel so
6515s small
6516s as they just like raggle each other like
6523s oops sleep dips dip zip slips no
6536s that was weird
6538s my finals got absorbed by the wall so i
6540s like oh it landed yeah
6544s oh my god
6550s okay um
6560s like the transformation the move set the
6563s aesthetics
6575s oh nice star tripper
6580s okay
6581s then
6583s nice there we go
6586s pretty sure this thing is dying soon
6588s yeah we must be getting a good time
6590s you both
6591s swinging away with your charge blade
6603s needs more than just uh
6606s oh wait
6607s uh
6609s no it needs more than one i know why
6610s because it's my it's my oh i have
6612s country level one right and scd needs
6614s level two true
6616s yeah it needs a lot
6619s all right sounds great i didn't bring
6620s now no berry my build's useless with
6622s dragon boy on oh there we go i got it
6626s and for those that don't know because
6628s you know this is a commonly known fact
6630s if you've got dragonfly
6632s you lose your um elemental and status
6636s effects am i right yep yeah
6640s right all your sad files will do like
6643s zero damage
6644s that's big on a charge base obviously i
6646s run a lot of elemental builds so if i've
6647s got a dragonfly i need to pop a
6648s knucklebee straight away but yeah
6652s the thing is it looks really funny as a
6654s cb user i guess as an elementor you
6655s notice instantly because if you go for
6657s this if you go for an saed you're i
6659s think um well i haven't tried it in this
6662s game but in the world you had literally
6663s damage numbers that would say zero right
6665s oh
6666s brutal
6668s if i remember correctly hc you had like
6669s you had five times for each file a zero
6671s damage number
6673s yeah
6674s it's kind of funny it was funny
6677s nearly there
6679s so that's a good indicator for people to
6681s figure out
6684s please die
6688s i mean if you use resuscitate it's you
6690s want dragon light because it gives you
6691s no more raw attack if you're not using
6693s elemental weapons then i mean
6695s it doesn't matter right
6701s let's go high oh i got i might have a
6703s really good end screen here gg guys well
6706s blade i love that
6717s the new skill is awesome
6719s as
6721s well yo
6723s cool cool cool johno that was was fun
6726s and as well thank you for the job
6728s thank you to everyone in chat as well
6730s for for coming by and watching the
6731s stream we'll be doing a few more daily
6733s streams i think monday tuesday wednesday
6735s and then obviously thursday again
6737s because that's the weekly one so
6739s we'll be aiming for this kind of time
6740s but it might adjust a bit
6742s um
6744s but yeah like i can't believe sun breaks
6746s out i'm i'm having so much fun with it
6747s because i'm playing pc yeah [ __ ] i'm
6749s double dipping and i just love it i
6752s absolutely love it
6755s yeah yeah it's awesome it's an it's a
6756s great great experience we're so hyped to
6758s just have new content
6760s to explore and i'm definitely having too
6762s for the title updates and we thank you
6764s jonah for having us like i had a lot of
6765s fun today yeah i mean thank you both for
6767s coming on i mean you know team darkseid
6769s is such a huge part of the monster
6771s hunter community you know it's great to
6773s have you on and for folks to you know
6775s get to see like the more you know
6777s personal side of you guys and to see you
6779s in action live and to just have a chat
6781s like you know and if for anyone
6783s wondering you know do find team darkseid
6785s on youtube just team dark side go drop a
6787s subscribe check out their review check
6790s out some of their recent videos as well
6792s um i know some of the crew also have
6794s their own youtube channels and own
6796s streaming so you know do check it out
6798s obviously today we've got chris and hc
6801s with us
6801s um
6802s and you know it's been an absolute
6803s pleasure guys you know i hope you've had
6805s fun um i definitely have and uh
6809s you know it's been good seeing the pros
6810s in action you know
6812s yeah thank you so much for the
6813s invitation thanks to everybody in the
6815s chat watching was really cool guys and
6817s uh yeah see you soon hopefully nice so
6820s see you soon definitely right so yeah
6823s with that i've been jono thank you so
6825s much hc and chris
6827s you the amazing monster hunter community
6829s have been awesome i'll be back on monday
6833s so in the meantime have a fantastic
6834s weekend have a brilliant time with sun
6836s break and we'll speak to you again soon
6839s until then good night
6841s good night
6843s good night
6849s [Music]
6862s [Music]
6887s [Music]
6924s you
over 2 years ago - Monster Hunter - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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579s hello everyone and welcome to today's
581s stream my name is jono emea community
583s manager on monster hunter and it is
585s awesome to see you we are back with more
587s sun break today and yes i'm going to be
590s trying out the lance now i'm a bit rusty
593s with lance but i'm in very very safe
595s hands as today i am joined by team
597s darkseid who i'll be introducing shortly
600s we're just getting prepped in the lobby
601s but in the meantime
603s how is everyone are you enjoying sun
605s break what hunts are you getting stuck
606s into at the minute let me know in chat
608s i'd love to know what monsters you're
610s going up against and you know i hope
612s they're treating you well as well you
613s know i hope they're not being too mean
618s and yes we will be getting you in front
619s so i've got two special guests with me
621s today like i did yesterday so we're
623s gonna have one slot so each hunt we're
625s just gonna rotate and you'll be able to
627s jump in and as we discovered yesterday
629s it doesn't matter what master rank level
630s you are you can be mr1 and you can jump
633s in with us for these hunts so it will be
635s a ton of fun and yeah as you said gilman
637s mr2 not a problem there's so much
640s content to do especially with stuff like
641s the follower quest like yeah there's
644s absolutely no rush i am gonna just
646s create a bit of shade though there we go
648s so i'm not like you know luminescent
649s there
650s um so that should be good and yes what
653s i'm gonna do actually while we're
654s talking i'm gonna start preparing my
656s lance set
657s um
658s otherwise you're going to be watching me
660s uh setting up for a while but yeah i
662s hope i can remember how to lance
665s um i am using arguably one of the
667s coolest looking lancers in a video game
669s by the way i'll see some people beating
671s luna garron there you can use high rank
673s gear and master rank however i advise
676s cheeto i highly advise you upgrade to
678s some master and gear as soon as possible
680s it will help a ton
682s going up against kezu there god i bet
684s kezu master rank scary
686s real real scary um
689s i've got some interesting armor on as
690s well today some really interesting armor
693s um
695s it's a certain mousino
698s um so i'm really looking forward to
700s wearing this it's gonna be an
701s interesting mix set that's for sure
706s and there we go so all three of us are
708s in the lobby now so i'm gonna switch
710s over to game cam and i would like to
713s introduce you to two members of the
715s prestigious team dark side how are you
718s doing guys you're right
720s yo what's going on
722s yeah super good
723s so who in particular out of team dark
726s side because i know there's a group of
727s you in this expert hunting crew so who
730s who is joining us today
732s hc you want to start
734s yeah that'll be me my name is call me hc
737s for short
739s i mostly play charge blade on the team
741s but i recently in in sun break i've been
744s picking up a lot of switch ranks
745s recently
747s it's great fun weapon
749s cool cool yeah uh i'm chris um i'm
752s playing mostly
754s cb and greatsword in sun break
757s um and
759s well on our youtube channel i had like
762s editing
763s some voiceovers managing stuff and uh
767s a lot of different things yeah
769s super cool to be here with you today
771s jono thanks for inviting us
773s no it's a pleasure to have you know i
774s mean
775s the vast majority of the community know
777s who you are they're very excited and
778s chat i can see that you know the videos
780s you curate you show off
782s like absolute powerhouse plays as
785s hunters and for those that don't know
786s exactly what team darkseid is how would
788s you describe yourselves
793s um we uh so we would describe ourselves
796s i mean
797s we are most of us are speedrunners right
798s so we are definitely a group of
800s speedrunners but we're also content
802s creators at the same time we do a lot of
803s different things
805s nowadays especially you know we we do
807s we love to do funny moments compilations
810s on youtube or make guide videos or make
814s um
815s all kinds of different
817s um shenanigans challenges
819s pushing the game to the limit we will
822s get to that in a few weeks i suppose
825s for now we're still enjoying the game
827s alongside the community getting through
829s it helping people get a lot get get
831s through the game
832s with some tips
835s and yeah that's what we do fantastic
840s so out of out of some break so far of
842s the monsters that you know we're talking
843s about what's been your favorite hunt so
846s far
848s i know hard to say there's so many big
849s heavy hitters in this game really
852s gore is kind of cool
854s like he's the edge lord of the roster
857s man uh shigaru's really fast pace
861s furious for jang is pretty fun too but
864s you don't get him like until like later
866s on
867s yeah actually i haven't uh fought
870s these last monsters yet
873s um
875s because i was busy with you know editing
877s videos and stuff like that but um yeah i
880s personally i really loved espionage it
882s is so absolutely cool to see a monster
884s return from frontier i would have never
887s expected that
888s in a mainline monster hunter game that
891s is a super cool surprise and the monster
893s looks awesome i love this little
896s combination of poison and fire attacks
899s it looks visually really cool actually
901s as well and um that's just the fact that
904s this that i mean i don't want to spoil
906s anything but on your first hunt
908s something funny happens with the monster
911s for those that haven't haunted it yet um
913s and it copied by surprise and it was a
915s fun twist
916s yeah yeah it's great to see your
918s frontier monster back like you know i
920s don't think anyone expected to see a
921s frontier yeah definitely
924s yeah
925s you know speaking of espionage right i
927s watched the uh
928s the commentary video you did with ign
930s journal yes i think it was really cool
932s like how you guys were so passionate in
934s the in the video
935s no thank you like it was such a joy yeah
938s it was so much fun like you know i love
940s monstante i've been playing monster
941s hunter for about a decade now well
943s before i joined capcom so you know i'm
946s excited to be here i'm excited to be
948s you know
949s stuck in the community with everyone
951s it's really really awesome really really
952s awesome
954s yeah definitely
955s so i've just found a pair of uh
958s pair of greaves i can have with guard on
959s so i have some guard on my lance
962s um
963s so you picked a really cool ants man
966s look at it gorilla
967s mcgonags you have a face on the shield
969s man i know it looks like the the cape
972s still is like alive and flowing on the
973s land it's awesome and yeah so team dark
976s side can see twitch chat at the moment
978s can you guys yeah youtube chat as well
980s or just twitch chat um
983s i'm just on twitter's chat right now
984s you're on twitch i'm on youtube
986s between the two of them look they can
988s see your comments and socks is here as
990s well hello socks good to see you mate
992s for my
993s maiden lance journey um i'm just going
996s to see what decorations oh can i create
998s a rampage deco
1000s good to see your socks hope you've been
1001s doing well
1004s right let's make a remember each
1005s decoration so rampage decorations are
1007s new in some break they replace the
1009s rampage skills that were in base rise so
1012s instead of having to apply them to your
1013s weapons with the tickets you get from
1014s rampages you make decorations now and
1017s you can slot them between your different
1018s weapons as you please so a huge quality
1022s of life buff there um there's a dude
1025s range jewel i've just seen
1027s that's incredible
1029s um so i'm gonna quickly see what i can
1032s stop sticking my one uh defense
1035s sharpness is unaffected when garden
1037s arcade anti-dragon anti-dragon's a good
1039s one that's never a bad one to have
1042s uh yeah
1044s so we will make we will get stuck in
1046s here
1047s i believe the end the anti-what the
1049s anti-jewels are like five percent
1051s increase in damage wow that's that's
1053s good right yeah you guys are speed
1054s running yeah you you know recently you
1056s released a video showing the highest
1059s damage number
1060s you could make him and it was absolutely
1062s insane so if anyone knows how to squeeze
1065s out the most damage it's you guys right
1068s yeah
1069s yeah but like it's a long history right
1071s so we we tried that the first time in
1074s 2018 in a month on the world base game
1077s the first monster in a game that
1079s introduced the damage numbers and we
1081s learned a lot since then right and we
1084s even tried to do that kind of stuff in
1086s the very old monster hunter games before
1087s damage numbers were a thing and let me
1089s tell you one thing
1091s back in the day it was incredibly
1093s difficult because of course you don't
1095s see damage numbers you don't see the
1096s monsters health pool you don't see
1098s anything really so and then you have to
1100s kind of figure out like how do you deal
1102s the most damage back then we kind of did
1105s it in a way where we would just go pick
1108s a monster and try to kill it with as few
1110s hits as possible
1112s um that was kind of our way to be able
1114s to do it without having to come up with
1116s a formula that works 100 because who can
1120s at the end of the day tell if the
1121s formula works or not if you don't see
1122s any damage numbers
1125s but yeah so world change that made it a
1127s bit easier made it a bit more accessible
1130s made it so that we could test things i
1132s could slowly but surely learn more about
1134s how damage actually works in the game
1136s and so far we've learned so much and um
1140s every game now just or every update
1142s brings a little bit of a variation into
1144s into it
1146s starting with iceborn
1147s something's changed rise something's
1149s changed and now with sun break
1151s again so um so far we haven't really
1155s figured out the changes um to damage
1157s regarding the highest damage number in
1159s sun break that's super
1161s end games kind of stuff so
1163s we'll dive into this in in a few weeks
1165s um maybe let's see if we can potentially
1167s hit 100k damage number wow um there
1171s we'll see
1172s yeah it's a work in progress these take
1174s a really long time to do
1176s we spent like 30 hours for like the rise
1179s video
1180s yeah well well recording was over 30
1183s stores and and editing was another 40
1187s for everything else in the 40.
1189s yeah it was torture like um imagine like
1192s every time you fail
1194s the attempts yet you wasted like 10
1196s minutes of your life
1197s it's like that's how long it takes to
1199s get to the every end of the rampage i
1201s mean it was okay i mean ultimately of
1202s course these videos are always time
1204s consuming and um i mean yeah of course
1207s you have to spend time in order to to
1208s achieve that kind of stuff so
1210s but yeah we signed up for that so that's
1212s okay
1214s nice yeah and you know like
1215s as you said like you know people
1217s normally only see the end product right
1219s they see the successful run but what i
1220s really liked about your recent video is
1222s you actually gave that full breakdown of
1224s this is how long we did it this is what
1225s a like a failed attempt looks like this
1227s is what the successful run looks like
1229s and you really gave people a lot to work
1230s with
1231s which i thought was really really cool
1234s yeah i feel like that's so important to
1235s to show all these fail moments so that
1237s people get a grasp on
1239s you know what can actually go wrong
1241s because you can't you don't imagine it's
1242s always like even we as youtubers we
1245s always underestimate the amount of work
1247s that goes into making a video if we try
1249s something new that we haven't done
1251s before that other youtubers have tried
1252s and we want to get into it we try it out
1254s for ourselves but then because of our
1256s you know high ambitions to make the best
1259s quality content possible like it always
1261s ends up being so time consuming and and
1263s we always underestimate it and the same
1265s of course applies to these kind of
1267s videos even though we do this for such a
1268s long time we know what we're doing i
1271s guess and when it comes to monster
1272s hunter where we're experts so but still
1274s it's
1276s but but yeah i mean this whole team
1278s scenario that we have the the whole fact
1281s that we have different members with
1283s different skill sets in the team
1285s it's just so amazing we can literally
1287s make such good content that nobody of us
1289s could ever dream of making if we were
1291s alone
1292s well you say teamwork makes the dream
1294s work and you guys are
1296s i said pros at that you know you think
1298s about your your rathalos and wrathion
1300s videos you know when you're all synced
1301s up with your greatswords and things like
1302s that like you know you definitely have
1304s that uh ultra instinct teamwork down
1307s and yeah thank you yeah thank you and
1310s for those wondering i'll be playing on
1311s nintendo switch next week so i'll be
1313s mixing up we're playing on pc at the
1315s minute but um i'll be playing on switch
1317s next week and for those that saw
1319s obviously my decoration collection on pc
1322s is pitiful pc is my second playthrough
1325s uh i am very very kitted out on switch
1327s and my hr
1329s is a is a lot higher so you know on pc
1332s i'm kind of playing catch up but switch
1333s i am rolling in it so this lance build
1337s it's not supreme but it's a good one it
1340s will get me through
1343s um i am wearing a bit of mauseino gear
1345s because i really it's not bad it's not
1348s bad it's already not too bad yeah it'll
1350s get me through there's worse builds out
1352s there like you know
1355s we'll make it work we'll make it work
1357s while we're waiting for the fourth while
1359s we're waiting for the last player to
1361s join the lobby i'll be right back up
1362s back in a minute sure no worries yeah
1364s sure
1365s but yes sir i'm a fan of using the mouse
1367s you know build up sorry more i gotta say
1369s then some people in chat are like wow
1371s you guys have such high mastering and
1373s that's because team darkseid um were
1375s part of a very very very small group of
1378s creators who got some quite early access
1380s to some break um so they've had plenty
1382s of time to explore the game don't worry
1384s they haven't in the last 24 hours
1387s managed to get to emma
1391s like going from like hr 50 to like a
1394s hundred took us about
1396s quite a while okay so like this the
1398s reese um painful grind comes at mr 80
1401s where it seems to have slowed down a
1404s little bit the progression so it gets
1406s harder and harder with the cap so you
1408s gotta like keep grinding we grind it for
1410s like at least an hour to get to mr100
1412s wow wow and that's using like one of the
1416s highest mr gain quests in the game so
1418s you were like you know you were being as
1420s efficient as possible to get there yeah
1422s we have to like do a bunch of those
1424s multi-monster quests like we had to kill
1427s we killed like four monsters in five
1429s minutes wow until i uh get to m100
1433s you were definitely uh fine tunes there
1436s i'm talking about you know like this is
1438s my first time properly using the lance
1440s um
1442s and i'm thinking why not go in hard
1444s let's do a gormagala saregios
1447s oh gormangala
1449s seregios is pretty um
1450s he's a pretty tough fight i was
1453s surprised at how hard suryas was
1455s compared to what i remembered from the
1457s last outing with serengios and it's just
1460s so aggressive so aggressive so
1463s if anyone wants to join us for this hunt
1467s oh we're getting both of these things
1470s there is the password come and join us
1474s uh jonah do you mind do you um would you
1476s like if i made a shout out community
1479s post on youtube because i only retweeted
1481s it so far go for it go for it we have we
1484s don't have like the biggest community on
1486s twitter
1487s that's fine whatever works for you
1488s whatever works for you mate
1490s i think we're waiting for a fourth
1492s hunter to join us anyways so
1495s as i try and remember how to play lance
1497s so
1497s but i'm using some of the new moves i've
1499s like i love the new shield bash shield
1501s charge kind of stuff you've got in there
1503s um and the buffs to the other silk blind
1505s attacks so you're going to see me kind
1506s of figuring that out early on uh and
1509s then once i'm settled in hopefully my
1510s lane will be good because i used to
1512s dabble with lance
1513s i had a ton of fun with lance in iceborn
1516s um and i'm really excited about the
1518s changes and buffs lance got and some
1520s break i mean just look at this lance
1521s though just look at this
1524s it's beautiful how do you feel how do
1526s you feel lance damage wise
1529s like it's not too bad in this game i've
1531s never tried outlands before
1533s people think because it's a defensive
1536s i use the term defensive loosely it's a
1539s defensive leaning weapon people think
1540s that comes at the cost of damage but
1542s i've been seeing some lance players on
1544s on social media doing absolute work
1547s like you know absolutely
1549s yeah spyro thrust hits hard
1552s spiral thrust hits reality oh yes and is
1555s um is chris back chris yeah i'm back
1558s nice so i need to eat so i forgot to eat
1559s when i fought mousino yesterday and
1561s promptly carted
1563s so i'm going to be that's tough i'm
1565s going to be eating it real comfy
1567s so i just made the the community post i
1570s mean um
1571s yeah we have
1572s so we're still waiting for a fourth
1574s player right yes if not we'll just hop
1576s in and you know someone can defend us
1578s when uh
1579s or defend us join us sorry i'm reading
1581s dango defender yeah right yourself like
1582s protect us please
1585s but yeah so if there's any lance mains
1586s in chat you know give me your lance tips
1589s tell me what i should be doing
1593s oh
1594s back up
1596s yeah
1597s i love
1600s i ain't going anywhere i'm staying right
1602s here you know i just love that kind of
1604s like the badassery around that playstyle
1608s [Music]
1611s was that the design of the gourmet
1612s garlands is that from for ultimate
1614s actually i think so right i need to
1616s remind you yeah i think so i've never
1618s touched lance in the earlier generations
1620s i stuck on sword and shield like didn't
1622s didn't deviate at all it wasn't too well
1624s until i actually started using different
1626s weapons along like other than my main
1628s and in rise
1629s this is this is the title where i've
1631s actually used the most different weapons
1633s because
1634s they feel a lot easier to get into with
1636s you know the way you get your weapons
1638s and stuff like that and the silk bind
1640s moves just they just keep pulling me to
1642s different weapons because they look so
1643s cool
1645s and i'm going to put the lobby id in one
1648s more time
1650s and then we will uh get stuck in do you
1652s have like a
1653s discord uh so you're not not
1655s discouraging uh lobbyid command on
1658s twitch um
1660s not set up at the moment but i'm oh i
1663s see however we did look at it and uh
1665s anytime anyone pressed the exclamation
1667s mark it would like spam chat so if lots
1669s of people were doing it
1671s oh messy yeah that's also true yeah
1675s [Music]
1676s the timer right where you
1678s which one you wanna you guys do first
1693s oh actually
1695s yeah yeah
1699s i should probably just you know
1701s hop on over
1707s good
1708s right okay
1711s i'm in safe hands with you two you know
1713s so if i if i can't you know i don't
1714s apologize oh it's magna marlow we're not
1716s fighting mastering magdamallow yeah now
1718s yesterday we had the rage gaming guys uh
1721s on and they mentioned that mcnamara for
1723s them was one of the biggest challenges
1725s they found in master rank and it was
1727s actually a surprise to them like how are
1729s you feeling about master act magnum was
1731s it oh yeah
1733s he has some new moves that are pretty
1734s cool
1735s it makes him definitely a lot of a
1737s challenge and a threat
1739s that's a lot of explosions i really
1741s appreciate it honestly like um i really
1743s appreciate that these elder dragons well
1745s magnum
1747s not particularly but like in general
1749s elder dragons are
1750s are returning as mastering versions
1753s that's something that we forgot to say
1754s in our review and it's
1756s in worlds we did not have and in iceborn
1758s we did not have no gigante return
1761s and here everything returns and that's
1763s really really cool
1765s so having magna back and as a mastermind
1767s version it's just really really nice
1772s and with the new moves
1774s especially
1778s god after my heart settings
1782s my heart setting was on cinematic mode
1786s to record for you for youtube
1790s i really need to get my get my bearings
1793s hey there we go
1795s i'm trying to uh figure out how to do my
1797s jump with twin fine as i hold still
1802s you're honestly you're being really
1803s brave for learning this weapon right now
1805s on stream live like against yeah these
1808s two
1808s yeah against these two monsters yeah but
1812s hey what is trial by fire right you
1814s gotta get stuck in
1818s ah this guy never holds still
1821s oh i'm flash i bleed it
1824s okay no i've been hit that's good it's
1826s fine we got it
1829s even when he's flash he's never stopped
1831s attacking oh there we go
1837s [Music]
1841s i mean focusing on the wings is really
1843s good because when you top all know what
1845s the wings broke before
1847s oh well right if you break the wings you
1849s normally get a topple but if they break
1850s during a certain animation
1852s then yeah they won't top off
1855s so you kind of have to get lucky to
1856s break the wings at the same time and
1857s it'll fall down
1861s like i just go for hind legs the head
1863s head for ko i guess height legs also for
1866s good damage
1869s i just love the shoulders
1871s look at this damage we are uh you can
1873s tell you can tell them with speed
1875s runners put it that way
1877s that was dead oh that was sergios
1881s yes
1883s yeah
1884s well
1885s you know actually oh actually so we
1887s speaking of gore and serragus it's funny
1889s that we do these too that you chose this
1890s quest jono because we uploaded a report
1893s from hc today and we will upload as the
1896s radio speedrun from pepper today oh
1898s really it's still unlisted so yeah
1902s something to look forward to
1904s yeah it's funny what a coincidence and
1906s this quest also has darkness in the
1907s title oh yeah
1912s there we go that wasn't too bad i didn't
1913s i've not carted yet so you know that's
1915s that's a plus
1918s yeah sorry i guess it's a lot more chill
1920s in a multiplayer hunt setting because um
1923s the aggro split more there's a little
1925s bit less pressure on you but when you're
1927s when you're like focused by him in the
1929s soul right oh man that is not fun to
1932s deal with
1934s yeah it's hard challenging yeah he's
1935s really hard solo
1938s and for those asking this is gore
1940s magala's lance and yes it's incredibly
1943s cool
1945s yeah we are right the thunder beetle
1946s cheetah says uh we are fighting two
1948s flagships in this hunt
1951s yeah true yeah four and for you
1955s definitely rivals definitely rivals
1959s oh i saw the turf war before it's so
1961s dope oh yeah i saw that yesterday for
1963s the first time like yeah there's a lot
1964s of bitterness between those two
1967s [Music]
1970s and then when like uh oh yeah no
1972s spoilers i just want to see a spoiler
1975s well done catching it
1979s i missed the blessing
1981s god darn it oh
1983s wow
1988s [Music]
1992s yeah i need to make sure i don't get
1993s frenzy virus this time
1997s let's get that tail
1999s give me switch like csd
2001s let's go
2003s oh nice bro
2008s oh i love that
2012s oh asleep okay
2014s i okay i'm trying all right i wanted to
2016s wake up
2018s i'll leave i'm gonna do sad yeah let's
2019s get let's get yeah
2021s obviously the charge blade got some
2022s buffs with some brakes operating next
2024s hopper uh i'm not sure if i'm on the on
2026s this i have the scrolls turned off at
2028s the moment
2029s like on the on the hud that's why
2032s on the next sleep i can do an x-rapper
2034s okay
2038s i'm just kind of flailing in the air
2039s right now
2040s oh the busted charge breathe man i'll
2043s explain that for this one i'll talk more
2044s about it after this i want to focus on
2046s the goal right now
2048s yeah i'm also super bad at my goal
2051s yeah
2053s so difficult
2054s it comes to you after a bit of practice
2056s yeah
2057s yeah yeah true but do you stream a lot
2060s right yeah yeah yeah
2065s i can stick to gormagala for this it's
2068s great
2069s not quite literally like the switch acts
2072s yeah switch x is so nuts in this game
2080s okay
2082s all right
2086s gonna do my mega guard okay cool when
2089s you move
2092s i'm getting some good hits on the head
2093s here
2094s yeah this head gets really juicy
2103s let me latch the head please think oh
2105s whatever
2106s give me that tail all right oh
2108s thunderblade guys
2110s let's do my uh
2113s oh nearly the double car got magala is
2124s guys i have to mention i'm playing with
2126s my early master rank charge grid build
2128s okay yeah you're not running stacked
2130s which is very kind of you you know
2133s yeah i'm playing a stacked build by the
2135s way i'm using my late game kill build
2137s and it's still two shots me that's how
2139s like strong mastering monsters are if
2141s you let your guard down yeah oh oh
2143s there's the lucky life i'm gonna come
2145s back here lucky life
2146s please i'll fine i'll see you later
2148s i tried to grab it mid-air but yeah so
2150s for those wondering like you know master
2152s rank even when you've got players like
2154s you know chris and hc who are you know
2157s some of the best monster hunter players
2158s you can come across master rank will
2160s still come and get you you know like and
2163s i know the guys are tasking here like
2164s yeah
2165s master rank it's a real fun challenge
2167s and even if you put hundreds and
2169s hundreds and hundreds of hours in you're
2171s still gonna get carted from time to time
2173s um
2174s and i think that's the fun of the
2176s challenge like when you can't in must
2177s rank i felt like yep
2179s that's my bad that i carted because i
2181s messed up not like oh that was so like
2184s you know
2184s you know yeah there aren't many unfair
2187s cards it's like
2189s it's just because you let your guard
2190s down or you you missed something or you
2193s didn't learn the monster well enough
2194s right yeah for me a lot of the time when
2196s i caught it's either greed or i have a
2199s over reliance on wirefalling whenever i
2201s get agreed yeah yeah yeah yeah
2204s over here yeah
2206s monsters in this game punish you really
2208s hard for greeting
2210s they really do and also there's a lot
2212s they're good at kind of juggling and
2213s volleying you after a big hit so
2215s sometimes you want to hit the floor and
2216s stay down
2218s like you know
2220s oh i'm just going to run through that
2223s honestly i'm i was so happy about i was
2226s so happy about the regulars and gore in
2228s particular to return because
2230s these we have only seen prior to this
2232s game in on a 3ds yeah and now
2236s it is a huge graphic graphic update
2238s you're right i mean look at gorma gala's
2240s wings like
2241s yeah they look so dope but that's a
2243s great point you know for many it's such
2245s a huge graphical upgrade for these
2247s monsters and you get to see so much more
2249s of them
2254s there we go
2260s he's gonna like get up and roar soon
2262s yeah
2263s it usually re-enrages
2267s oh
2268s the sky was yes there
2272s please die soon
2275s short trip
2278s can i get the tail
2280s nice up there we go okay that was too
2282s close but yeah
2285s so yeah gormagala got two of us down and
2288s very very very nearly got a third like
2291s gormagalla and
2293s you know
2294s dangerous and i think you know we
2295s managed to change seregios really well
2298s but when seregios as you said earlier is
2300s 1v1
2301s it's real scary
2303s like when when i've seen people playing
2305s sregios for the first time
2307s they tend to cut a lot i know i did like
2309s the bleed the ferocity because i think
2312s in base rise you know monsters would go
2314s after you but in master rank
2316s they really want you they don't want to
2318s give you room for a potion they don't
2320s want to give you room to take
2322s you know like an adamant seed and stuff
2324s like that they want you in the car
2327s yeah
2330s so it's hc tell us about elemental
2332s charge blade
2334s oh
2336s how do i say this about spoilers
2349s so you're saying thumbs up for elemental
2351s are you
2353s cb yeah broken
2355s i mean
2356s i i think like it's
2358s really insane like how this is the
2360s highest damage numbers we've seen on
2361s charge blades so far in the entire image
2363s series and it's wow that's a huge i mean
2367s even more powerful the world like
2370s yeah
2371s it eclipses the kiara ice by like a mile
2375s well not maybe not that much but like
2379s half a mile
2381s half what you're saying for charge blade
2383s mains is get one for every element right
2385s so that you're fully yeah yeah well yeah
2388s honestly it's just great i love that
2390s element is just a bit stronger overall
2393s because
2393s element makes you swap between many more
2396s weapons if you're just playing raw
2399s because the raw is infinitely better
2401s than element then you craft one raw
2403s weapon and you're done right with
2404s element
2405s you you kind of want to mix or like
2407s switch between different weapons and
2408s that's also one of the things actually
2409s about this game
2411s um which is so great the balancing
2412s between different weapons that so many
2414s weapons are viable um in end game it's
2417s really hard to tell like which one is
2419s clearly one that comes out on top that's
2421s fantastic that is really good um
2425s and as a sword and shield main i love
2427s element i really love element i like
2429s status and to hear that you know from
2431s the people that do the number crunching
2432s the element is in a really good place
2434s alongside raw so you can run raw you can
2437s run element and succeed um that's really
2440s really cool to hear that's really have
2442s you looked at the chain quit yet jono i
2444s haven't no so basically on pc i've been
2447s playing hunting horn and kind of getting
2449s myself
2450s through the game i main switch so
2453s when i get through to the because i'm
2454s currently about mr4 on switch
2457s when i kind of get settled into like
2459s post mr5 i'm gonna really start
2461s exploring these moves so tell me more
2463s about chain crit then
2465s it's crazy so chenkwood returned from uh
2467s generations or generations ultimate
2470s and
2471s what it does on the first hit it gives
2474s you a plus five element an attack boost
2477s and as soon as you land five consecutive
2479s hits it gives you another plus 15 attack
2482s and another plus 15 element on top of it
2484s and then for an overall plus 20 boost in
2487s element and raw attack so that's pretty
2490s insane for some weapon types that hit
2493s fast so dual blade sword and shield like
2495s yeah
2496s but even cb with like savage x um or
2499s like not savage x what's called spinning
2500s slash um
2503s you you activated instantly right and hc
2505s just showcased really clean run on our
2507s channel where he's using chain crit with
2509s the gwar cb against gore
2512s amazing that's cool yeah yeah and i've
2514s mentioned hunting want to work well as
2516s well if you like get out a magnificent
2518s trio
2519s there's your buff right you know you're
2520s here yeah but the uh the chain crits
2522s like ability it seems like it goes down
2524s really fast in terms of like in seconds
2527s if you stop hitting and like you know
2529s hunting horn
2530s hunting horn hits pretty often but not
2532s that often yeah
2535s like i've talked to some of my hunting
2537s horn mains uh dance has been out of it
2538s for a while
2540s he hasn't really looked into it but like
2541s i've heard from a hunting one main
2543s friend of mine saying like chain crit
2545s may not be that great
2547s but it depends like if you still want to
2549s run it i think it's completely fine yeah
2551s it was just a bad hunting hall and dear
2553s just completely moved on to greatsword
2555s oh the bts i was like i was i kept
2558s telling him man when's when are you
2559s doing h runs man come on
2562s and he's just like oh job i can
2564s understand it i mean greatsword is
2565s incredibly popular right now so yeah
2568s i'll come back to that in a second just
2570s answer a question for neo sorry to
2571s interrupt guys yes so that is a known
2573s issue um with that paliko skill neo if
2576s you head over to the monster hunter
2577s twitter we've got a thread that explains
2579s the bug and how to get around it and fix
2581s it until we have a formal patch for it
2584s but we're aware of it it is a little bug
2586s but you can sort it out so don't worry
2588s your palico isn't stuck
2590s that way if you don't like how the
2592s skills were moved around but it is
2593s unintentional yes and yeah talking of
2595s greatsword right so obviously we've got
2597s stuff like the search combo all these
2600s new moves and buffs
2602s tell me guys
2603s just between us
2605s elementary
2613s well um so
2614s yes like hd and i we do know a little
2616s bit as well of course not as much as
2618s dale's by the way uh greetings from
2621s dale's genre to you and to everybody
2623s watching i should have told you guys
2626s um
2628s oh
2629s oh my god i still gotta focus on on that
2631s yeah i mean we do have master rank
2632s rashan here
2634s this is uh he's a big like a step up
2637s from like regular rejection like
2639s base rise
2641s yeah
2642s i still prefer his variance um fight
2644s wave more honestly because like um
2647s it's more
2650s oh yeah it's like way cooler opening so
2651s i'll never mind oh
2653s no i didn't go
2654s you don't have anything
2656s right no impact yeah um
2658s did you did you catch it on stream
2661s what's
2675s rashan you know especially you know
2677s seeing you know the moves that rashan oh
2679s nicely though
2685s and we have magikarp bender he's come to
2687s make a splash up
2691s oh come on that was a good one tough
2693s crowd tough crowd
2696s oh come on no
2698s oh
2699s oh oh i blocked it
2701s oh that did some chips
2704s you've got your bill right
2706s second ah it's so hard i don't know
2710s oh so for sad i have uh i don't have
2713s files you go ahead
2719s that's your microphone
2721s you can need the extra
2723s garden
2726s hello what great sword so um
2729s i mean the counter is insane right so
2731s the counter you can now
2733s you know
2734s um you get a 35 percent attack boost a
2737s damage boost when you use it on your
2738s true charge slash the two charge less
2740s screw charge slash can be comboed even
2743s faster
2744s um
2745s that's the biggest thing about
2747s greatsword honestly in the sun break um
2749s we we did make we are currently working
2752s on a video on
2753s highlighting the best combos for for
2755s greatsword and giving kind of like a
2757s guide on the best combos
2760s and
2760s that will be live on the channel soon
2762s hopefully
2765s um so yeah more specifics there because
2767s the dales is the the main guy with the
2769s main knowledge
2771s talking about that
2773s hourly
2777s wow this is silver tuned
2780s yeah it's really feet yeah it's 35
2782s percent more damage on the already
2784s stands
2785s i'm sorry
2787s uh what's it called
2789s uh
2790s yeah
2795s oh so calvin in chat oh sir yeah calvin
2798s asks what's a good weapon to start
2810s a good one or would you go for something
2811s like a hammer oh it's totally unexpected
2814s and rise i would have said long sword
2816s and now i'm not sure i would i would not
2818s say a long sword maybe
2820s yeah maybe hammer maybe also actually
2822s greatsword potentially a great sword and
2824s why is that what makes you go for
2825s greatsword because a lot of people see
2826s that as a very challenging weapon
2828s because it's traditionally a slow hitter
2831s and you've got to understand monsters is
2832s it like the new moves like that
2838s i mean
2839s i mean you can play the the new
2843s the new way of playing greatsword and
2845s soundbreak which is not charging like
2847s you know a faster way of playing
2848s greatsword so to speak
2850s i guess that works but yeah good point
2853s jono so i i feel like maybe hammer might
2856s be
2857s yes for me i wish what hammer might be
2858s complicated and then i started using it
2860s as a secondary
2861s switch and it's so easy to get into but
2864s and very satisfying like it's a very
2866s satisfying weapon
2868s also sword and shield as well yeah
2870s someone showed you know i mean
2871s traditionally that was like a starter
2873s weapon i think sms is pretty cool i mean
2876s it's as a counter as a shield if you
2878s want to yeah
2880s i think i think my personal uh opinion
2883s would be like take something with
2884s counters and shields
2886s they help a lot i mean i mean sword and
2889s shield and i'm very biased and i love it
2891s i think it's a great all-around weapon
2893s you can do many builds with it you can
2895s block you've got a counter um and so the
2898s only real downside of it is your your
2900s reach
2901s so you know when you're learning the
2902s game you know
2904s it'll be trickier to get tail cuts and
2905s stuff like that but yeah i love sword
2907s and shield personally
2908s um for your long sword hammer and even
2911s brain sword
2915s yeah glitch x is also really good
2917s starting off i played during my early
2920s playthrough i mostly just played
2921s switzerland because beyonce's dsd
2924s storing wyvern
2925s storing weapon blade is still broken you
2928s can just ignore monster moves
2932s it's still
2933s insane this is like quite literally the
2935s strongest like subjects has ever been
2938s and like having said our picks as well
2940s like you know these are our personal
2941s choices like any of the 14 weapons are
2943s great for new players if you want to
2945s learn it like you know
2946s like
2947s gun lance you've got light burgund heavy
2948s vogue on bow and while some weapons are
2951s you know have a little bit more
2953s complexity to kind of settle into them
2955s don't know that you are there's no like
2958s must you can pick what you want yeah
2960s there's no moss
2971s some of my old iceborn lance muscle
2973s memories coming back only a little bit
2975s though
2978s opening please laser beam
2980s what are you doing
2982s where are my openings
2993s oh finally an opening
3007s like
3009s see i think
3017s all these iceborn moves
3025s i love the shield charges and the shield
3028s on the lance like
3030s very cool
3032s please hold still
3034s come on
3036s oh great that's the opposite has gone on
3038s a run
3040s yeah
3041s yeah for beginners pick up wherever you
3042s like like you know coming into monster
3043s hunter you've probably played other rpgs
3046s in the past with a wide range of weapons
3048s so if you see something that you know if
3050s you're like i like to hit hard i like
3052s big hit weapons or i like range weapons
3054s or i like you know i like to be a rogue
3056s and like daggers there's something for
3057s everyone
3058s um so you know and there's like you know
3061s there's like yourselves you know and
3062s other monster hunter content creators if
3064s you go on youtube there's a guide for
3065s your weapon and a guide of how to learn
3067s your weapon and the guide for the basics
3069s so you know jump on youtube
3071s chuck in like you know which monster
3073s like say monster unto rise or sun break
3075s hammer hunting home whichever and you'll
3078s find a guy an intent
3080s you guys know
3089s [Laughter]
3101s i mean this is the closest we've ever
3103s been to a pvp mode in the months running
3105s against the wire
3106s yeah just getting the mounts and i mean
3108s you know monster hunter is it's a it's
3110s always a co-op experience and
3113s you know that's i think that's the ethos
3115s and the camaraderie you see
3117s like like with you guys you know you are
3119s like oh shoulder a pinnacle of the
3122s teamwork
3126s you can have a little bit of a a little
3128s bit of a monster jewel
3133s hit his head i mean i remember when
3136s mounting was already like whoa when it
3138s was introduced for you
3140s yeah it was so cool for you and and now
3143s it's like you can just literally ride it
3145s and make it
3146s make it attack you but it's kind of
3148s crazy if you think about it
3150s uh we missed the shot tripper opening
3152s whatever
3153s oh we didn't
3154s let's go
3164s you know i'm gonna go again
3168s well
3169s well played as one magikarp you
3170s definitely did make that splash
3176s all right wow
3181s and another thing i love it like i
3183s really like the cutscenes the card
3184s scenes are really really well done yeah
3186s honestly yeah i love them too like i
3188s mean you know we saw tidbits of them in
3190s the last trailer before launch and like
3192s when you're in game and seeing them it's
3194s great like you get a lot more hands-on
3195s with the story
3197s yeah
3198s and you get a great understanding of
3199s what's going on and i love how your
3201s hunter is involved in the cut scenes as
3203s well
3204s they're not just like a bystander
3205s they're like actively getting involved
3207s which is really really really cool yeah
3209s have i got any gun lance playing me oh
3211s no no i
3213s i would be terrible
3215s um i haven't done that
3217s go on then chuck it on check it out
3219s yeah sure
3221s don't complain when i blow you away with
3222s my blood brush that's right
3224s you know that's what the shield is for
3227s no it's for pvp purposes
3230s yeah
3231s nice midnight is mr4 and having an
3233s absolute blast that is awesome
3236s okay so lego master asks you guys who's
3239s your favorite characters from both
3241s kimura and delgado
3243s you're in
3245s a very quick very quick answer
3248s if you play through the whole story
3250s you'll realize why few reigns the best
3252s waifu in an image series
3254s see i've been doing her follower quests
3256s and i love fighting alongside her like
3258s she she brings life powders first of all
3261s which is something i'm very very big
3263s advocate for
3265s and second she uses a sword and shield
3267s so naturally you know she's got
3268s fantastic taste in weapons
3271s what about you chris what's your
3274s my favorite is
3276s tadori
3281s oh wait a minute greetings my name is
3284s tadori
3286s it's the the doctor
3289s i know why you lied to dory alright so
3291s okay you did not play in japanese dub
3293s right
3294s no but if you had played and jam if you
3297s played monster enter sun break in
3298s japanese dub
3300s you would hear you can hear todori's
3303s voice actor
3304s um he is the japanese voice actor for
3307s seto kaiba in from yugioh really that's
3310s insane yes
3312s and also
3313s also he the same voice how do you know
3315s did you just check that
3317s what does it decide
3320s his voice is one of the most iconic in
3322s japanese anime
3324s as if i can't
3326s no i did are you sure maybe it just
3328s sounds
3329s very it's very distinct very gruffy you
3332s can instantly very like you instantly
3334s recognize it
3336s that's cool that's cool at least oh wow
3338s okay so
3340s spoiler warning
3341s we're gonna we're gonna be fighting a
3343s shigeru magalla next
3345s so if you don't if you don't wanna see a
3348s shigeru magalla hunt and you want to
3350s experience it yourself
3352s this is your warning
3353s i can't wait i've not fought shigeru yet
3355s i have the perfect build for it and
3358s it's not switzer eggs
3361s i love gourmagala and i can't wait to
3364s fight shaggy but yes there is your
3366s warning we're going to be fighting
3367s shangri-magala
3369s so
3369s if you don't want to see it yet
3372s there's your warning
3374s yeah sugar is kind of like a bit more
3376s late game so we also haven't uploaded
3378s anything on it yet
3379s um
3381s i mean we can avoid shaggaru if you
3383s think you know maybe we do some other
3384s hunts
3386s i mean i guess if you give us
3388s fine up to you but yeah let's do you
3390s know what okay we'll stay
3392s scrap that no shagaroo today no shangri
3394s wow
3396s let's give people the weekend
3398s to sorry guys
3399s sorry no no that's a good point why not
3402s you know this is a democracy
3405s i'll tell you let's do a
3408s basil and then we'll do a luna garan
3411s gang gum hunt as well
3414s diesel
3415s oh well
3416s i want to see if icb works on them
3421s not elemental goodness
3422s oh man i'm so excited for it for see
3424s thing and for lu oh my god lucinda kuga
3427s man it's been so long
3430s last time we fought this guy and try
3431s ultimate i mean we have one video on the
3434s channel that's seven years old of a
3436s speed run on lewis and narga with dual
3438s blades wow and like this video just
3440s popped up on the youtube recommendations
3442s got a lot of views
3443s since it got announced in the in the
3446s trailer that's awesome yeah
3448s you know what we should do
3450s sorry sorry that's right after you
3452s you know we should do chris
3454s yeah i think we could do like a
3456s two-player run on it
3458s with duplets like bring it back man you
3461s know jewel blades
3464s you know like a remake of like the old
3466s video yeah yeah yeah
3469s yeah with that being said
3471s and just
3474s yeah no wire bugs allowed just eye
3476s framing with the evasion skill
3478s at all times
3480s classic married you were saying jonah um
3483s i totally forgot what i was going to say
3484s actually
3494s new areas always welcome
3497s like it's so so exciting and like loosen
3499s as well i think is another monster that
3500s people didn't expect to see
3503s um you know
3504s bringing back these kind of classics so
3507s for many players
3508s they would never have seen lucent naga
3510s cougar before like no pun intended they
3512s wouldn't have fought lucid naga cougar
3514s they might not even have you know known
3515s it existed and then for like veteran
3517s players who have been around with the
3519s series for years you'll be like it's
3521s been so long old friend so there's such
3523s a yeah
3524s like yeah yeah yeah these boxes
3527s yes
3528s yeah that's amazing that there are so
3529s many monsters coming back that are that
3532s were nodded world right because world is
3534s in my opinion still a great game that
3536s still is a strong game to this day yeah
3539s and and having all of these other
3541s monsters returned that were not a world
3543s we're not seen in worlds it's just it's
3545s just way better
3547s oh absolutely the variety you know is is
3550s awesome and you know we we love to see
3552s it and you know even then having that
3554s you know as you said like and in chats
3555s or steven bezelgeese like
3557s that's such a hilarious fight and i can
3559s only imagine what they're going to do to
3561s season and
3563s sun break with the mobility we have i
3565s wonder what new moves we might see
3567s um
3568s it's definitely going to be something
3573s i love how everybody's like
3574s theorycrafting the the other two
3576s unknown monsters that are gonna be
3579s coming well we've definitely got an
3581s exciting exciting
3583s future you know i mean yeah this is just
3585s the very start for sun breaking you know
3587s we've revealed
3589s parts of the as you said you know the
3591s titan update road map
3593s and yeah it's looking good yeah and
3595s that's awesome you know what quite
3597s honestly i feel like the updates that
3599s came i mean obviously the updates up to
3601s valstrax were great in rice but after
3604s that
3605s i mean there wasn't that much newer
3608s monsters coming and just just the apex
3610s ones so i feel like now is a really good
3612s opportunity for iceborn and it does look
3614s like uh what i'm saying that i does look
3616s like sun break is actually ahead of ryze
3619s in that regard of with better updates
3621s and that's super important to just keep
3622s the community uh engaged and uh that's
3625s that's good to hear yeah and i think you
3627s know as well like you know i know that
3629s in face rice you know some people
3631s felt ashamed they didn't get like apex
3633s armors and stuff like that but now
3635s obviously we're in an expansion
3637s you know it's in the end game kind of
3638s expansion you know
3640s you can explore the kind of sets that
3642s people would you know really kind of
3644s like
3645s uh aim for
3647s that are gonna they that you know that
3648s they're gonna kind of really work to
3650s build uh carry on to the future um so
3652s i'm really really excited to see what we
3654s get our hands on later through some
3656s break as you know i'm sitting like oh my
3657s god that sounds like we get apex armors
3659s no no
3661s no
3663s no no i'm kidding like even with you
3665s know with you know the launch sun break
3668s we have now you know like you know only
3671s wake up this wake up dibs on wake up no
3675s i think that you had other ideas
3678s no man
3680s i could have done 1.6k
3687s all right
3695s i'm doing decent file damage right now
3697s but
3699s it's all right it's not really that
3701s great on basement
3702s i'm getting bullied i'm glad i've got my
3704s stuff resistant
3708s football
3709s jonah have you played in a jungle in the
3711s second generation no i didn't ever tried
3713s it this is my first my first trip to the
3716s jungle i think
3717s nice yeah it's amazing like it's
3720s the
3721s it's such an amazing update honestly
3723s visually and also the way the map works
3725s and the way it's now open world it's
3727s really great
3728s it's honestly it's i feel like it's such
3730s an interesting i'd be so curious from a
3732s developing point of view how actually
3736s i mean it must be really difficult to
3738s take a map that was developed for you
3740s know singular areas with loading screens
3742s in between and just and then like okay
3744s make it open world peace you know yeah i
3747s mean the team have done an incredible
3748s job from what i've seen of people that
3750s have played old jungle like to to bring
3752s this map along and not only
3755s fully realize it as the same map but
3758s update it for a whole new generation
3759s where there aren't loading screens
3761s between areas and hunters have
3764s mobility that you would never have
3765s imagined back in generation two um and
3769s it's just created a fantastic map once
3770s again much like um
3772s you know the classic return in monsters
3774s whether you've seen it before and
3776s experienced it or not you get a really
3778s really fun time and a great map and yeah
3781s jungle has just got so much to explore
3782s like i'm still trying to find the secret
3784s areas at the moment
3785s um
3787s because i've seen a few little video
3788s clips on twitter of people using bombs
3790s in interesting ways so uh
3793s yeah i'm still exploring there
3795s ah that kind of stuff yeah that's cool
3798s i love this but i mean
3801s i mean i mean the jungle was already
3802s favorable in the demo
3805s but the the camp in the jungle is
3807s definitely really hard to find yes i do
3809s i still need to unlock it on my switch
3812s and i think i need it on pc as well
3813s actually
3817s well once you found once you you know
3819s yeah like riding a bike
3822s exactly oh crap no
3826s that was weird but whatever
3829s oh the sky would crust like absolutely
3832s savage
3837s a nice amount
3841s all right slam him into the uh wall
3843s crabs
3846s oh oh
3847s no okay
3850s my day is ruined
3854s oh it gets up so quick
3856s i just did 1k on an axe hopper
3861s and see people can see that the damage
3863s i'm doing with my lance this is like an
3866s okay build as well this isn't like a
3868s fully optimized build
3872s it's doing big numbers
3876s big
3888s i love that vaseline in the world it was
3890s never announced right
3892s and it was
3894s yeah basil and the final boss and like
3896s in the basil and i remember to this day
3899s i literally because of the fact that it
3901s was not announced before
3903s the game uh launched i remember to this
3906s day how i encountered it the first time
3907s in ancient forest
3909s and i was i was literally shook
3911s it the way it looks and everything that
3913s when you see it the first time i was
3915s like oh my god what is this and then you
3916s hear the war like a mutant kind of i
3919s don't know and it was an incredible
3921s impression and the music as well
3924s yes yes
3926s exactly so really tuesday i'm really
3928s hoping that we'll get something like
3930s that again like a monster that you guys
3932s will decide not to announce in any
3934s trailers and that just catches people
3937s off guard
3938s yeah i think i think it's really cool
3942s i mean i guess there's like two ways to
3943s look at it some people prefer the other
3945s way and vice versa i mean the hype is
3947s great to see and you know on twitter
3949s before the game released everybody's
3950s hyped about new releases and stuff as
3952s well uh and of course
3955s kind of needs to show you know what they
3957s what they have with their game so it's
3959s understandable
3961s but i mean the surprise factor also is
3962s kind of cool
3964s yeah
3964s if you are going in blind
3969s it was also for me also for espionage i
3971s saw espionage the first time in the game
3972s yeah
3974s yeah aspen asked like
3976s and what a monster as well like
3978s it's just so vicious of those fireballs
3981s like i love it like we actually got
3983s triple card by espionage yesterday in
3985s there oh really with the range
3988s yeah yeah we uh it was the charge
3989s attacks like we got withered down by a
3992s fireball and then espionage went all in
3994s on the charge
3995s and uh in the quick quick succession we
3998s uh returned to camp together
4003s but as well like talking about that the
4005s reception has been asked from the
4006s community has been amazing
4008s and you know especially when you've got
4010s members of the team who worked on
4011s frontier also on the sunbreak you know
4013s that positive reception from the
4015s community
4016s you know goes a long way like it's
4017s awesome like oh so
4020s are you saying that there are certain
4022s developers from the frontier game that
4024s are now part of the
4026s main capcom development team
4028s uh i guess if you were that way but yeah
4030s like you know there are members of the
4031s team who worked on frontier working on
4033s sunbury
4035s okay wow yeah so that might that might
4037s be a big reason why obviously um
4040s you know that's pronounced
4042s i mean of course i can literally imagine
4044s i mean i have no idea but i mean just
4046s imaginary they can end up any of the
4048s meetings be like one of them goes okay
4050s since frontier is not discontinued how
4052s about we put one of those monsters in
4055s the new mainline game
4058s and everybody's like yay
4061s but like what a choice as well like you
4062s know espionage does stuff that
4065s has some familiarity to monsters you
4066s already know like some people compare it
4068s to like you know
4069s a wrath monster
4070s um but then it takes it to a whole
4073s another level you get throughout that
4074s five well you've got five like you've
4076s got paralysis you've got poison the
4078s charges do a lot more damage the tail
4081s swipe is a lot harder to get under
4083s because it drags along the floor espenas
4086s is just an absolute unit of a monster
4088s it's big
4090s like yeah it's it's real scary
4093s yeah it makes rafales look a little less
4095s scary
4096s oh no a rivalry now
4099s you know and having said that you know
4100s in law espanas can stand up to kashala
4102s because they are rivals um and they
4105s fight over the jungle um
4107s right
4109s no it's interesting yes
4111s absolutely that's crazy they can rival
4113s another dragon that's kind of cool
4115s that's yeah that's
4116s the power of espionage um so magikarp
4119s thank you so much for jumping in there
4121s i'm going to open up the lobby again if
4122s that's okay so we can get another hunter
4124s in for the next one but thank you for
4126s your assistance thank you for those
4127s awesome dual blade skills i appreciate
4130s it
4131s yep see you around
4133s let's have a take a second to look at
4135s the comments as well
4136s rather lost triple card in about 40
4138s seconds yeah those new moves like even
4141s the exhaust
4142s that you think you knew
4144s have brand new moves and yeah yes
4147s yeah even in rice base game already
4149s rather lost was so different
4151s and it was one of the challenge most
4153s challenging monsters in hiring for me
4155s raffalos
4157s it's yeah i mean just what you think you
4159s think oh i know rather loss and we go
4160s way back and then rather last is like
4162s haha i've grown since we last met um and
4166s like looking at the rise monsters like
4167s the ones that gave me
4169s the biggest trouble in master rank um
4172s like gossarragh i love the gosserag
4174s fight with sword and shield it's so it's
4176s like you're having an uh like a
4178s fistfight with it like it's just
4180s constant and gosserag doesn't want to
4182s let you go i absolutely love master and
4184s gossarag um also
4186s surprisingly right great azuchi
4190s has got like a new lease of life in
4192s master rank i know it's
4194s i know it's a raptor
4197s raptors are you know normally seen as
4198s lower tier monsters you know they're the
4200s early ones but griezucci master rank is
4202s like
4203s it's a bit spicier than you would expect
4205s right
4206s or is that just me
4208s you know what it was spiced up my day
4211s a great buggy where is great doggy
4214s where's the great bargain you've got
4216s plenty of little buggies to enjoy but
4219s without without actually spoiling
4221s anything um i guess there is something
4223s in the game
4224s where
4225s there's a new incentive to revisit the
4228s earlier the lower tier monsters like
4231s izuchi at some point in the game which
4234s makes even those monsters quite
4236s challenging so
4239s quite challenging to say the least i
4241s mean it's really i mean
4245s in our review video we did say that like
4248s they're it's cool and all but it does
4250s get like a redragged up because of how
4252s tanky they are
4253s they have a lot of things really yeah a
4255s lot of hp i'm like oh man i was talking
4258s to rage gaming about that um actually
4260s and they then
4262s off stream and they were talking about
4263s how yeah at first you know
4265s these monsters and the mechanic around
4267s them buffs up their hp but apparently
4270s they found a way to get those hunts down
4272s to more like their standard hunt times
4275s um i didn't ask how because i didn't
4277s want to spoil it for myself
4279s but yeah apparently apparently they've
4281s got some secret techniques
4283s oh really i didn't find that out yet
4286s have a chat to them and because yeah
4288s they've apparently bought their hunt
4289s times
4290s too very close to their normal monster
4292s equivalents um
4300s actually i i didn't want to like bring i
4302s didn't want to ask like when we had
4304s early access because like you know
4307s there's a bit of controversy with the
4308s instagram during early access and the
4310s demo
4312s yeah i'm not too sure if you guys
4313s actually looked into it like have you
4315s seen like videos that happened
4317s i've seen the dust videos
4319s [Laughter]
4322s i am i'm so glad you guys fixed it
4324s because
4325s it would have trivialized the
4327s the thing like the the demo the demo
4329s build is always an earlier build than
4331s the launch build uh because today the
4333s demo is made in advance and whether it's
4336s at the stage of development the game is
4338s when it's taken or how many balance
4340s passes have happened whenever that demo
4343s is then made it's kind of put in a
4344s bubble because any changes that are then
4346s done to it even if they seem really
4347s small it then has to be fully qa'd
4350s go through multiple tests which then
4351s takes time and resource away from the
4353s main game um so the demo was made it was
4355s put in a little bubble and then it
4357s released when it was ready but yeah so
4358s that's why we were very keen to
4361s be like
4362s the numbers you see in the demo
4364s they're changed you know don't don't
4366s think that's what you're going to have
4367s necessarily when
4369s when the game launches but yeah honestly
4370s though the videos were hilarious the
4372s dust the dust bomb like honestly i'm
4375s gonna miss it but at the same time it's
4377s just not how the game's supposed to be
4379s played yeah yeah yeah
4381s but we did yes sorry the demo lets us
4384s see that as well so if there was happen
4385s to be something that kind of slipped
4386s through
4387s last minute we can we can check it out
4390s um
4391s but no yeah it was funny to see it was
4393s and you know people had fun with it and
4395s then you know when it came to the full
4396s launch that was all wrapped up
4399s let's talk about themes i want to know
4400s jonah what's your favorite theme in sun
4402s break as in monster theme
4405s well or in general your favorite piece
4407s of music in this game so
4409s i really like so
4411s i really like what they've done with
4412s proof of a hero in
4414s yes
4415s like proof of a hero like it's an
4417s incredible piece of music and i really
4419s like how they've tweaked it round for
4422s for this
4424s um
4425s monster-wise
4428s malzaino's music is just
4431s really really good it just encapsulates
4434s the monster perfectly i i love it
4438s i agree and quick sorry to interject
4440s quickly then we'll we'll check in with
4441s you guys on that so dylan the hop-in
4443s skewers i'm not sure what to say he's
4445s already in um the first one you pick
4447s gets the biggest buff
4449s the second one you pick gets as moderate
4451s buff and the third one gets a slight
4453s nerf which is why when i pick them i'm
4456s very mindful of what order i do them in
4458s so yeah first one big buff second one
4460s moderate buff third one
4462s is a little nerve which is why i put
4464s medic in the third one because it's
4465s still a boost it doesn't really lose
4468s value too much in my opinion but sorry
4470s guys what about you what are your
4472s favorite tracks
4474s um
4476s what's yours i see actually
4479s ah
4480s i mean obviously goran shigeru you know
4482s class
4483s is your one of your favorite teams
4484s really i mean that's fine with me like i
4487s was tempted to say gore well
4490s probably probably shingaro is like way
4491s better obviously because it's so classic
4493s probably
4495s obviously
4497s well xenos team is pretty cool and all
4499s right lorexis says kesu's theme is the
4501s best
4503s yeah
4504s so always be unmatched
4508s um well i personally i have like three
4512s favorite ones okay
4514s it's also proof of a hero
4516s also
4517s um
4519s um
4520s oh no like four
4522s it's uh astolos espinos prove a hero and
4526s what was the last again that i really
4527s liked nazi knight too
4530s yeah good good selection i think good
4532s mix
4533s i mean i i kind of like that dslr's
4535s theme is a bit different so now it's um
4538s it's a bit less um the highs are a bit
4541s toned down i feel like it's a bit lower
4543s and
4544s i really like that because it makes the
4546s hunt
4548s i feel like the background music works
4549s better in a hunting scenario because you
4551s have all these sound effects in the game
4553s i guess nobody ever ever cares about
4556s that except me but you'd be surprised
4558s you'd be surprised there's a lot of
4560s audio fans out there
4562s yeah i mean i feel like the the sound
4564s effects
4566s are kind of like on a different channel
4567s in terms of the frequency
4570s i guess
4572s i'm a freak when it comes to that kind
4573s of stuff but um no that's cool it's cool
4576s that you appreciate that because you
4577s know
4578s you can tell
4579s the are a lot of effort into
4581s the tracks and how they interact
4584s um you know when i think back to one of
4585s my favorite ever
4587s monster hunter songs uh songs tracks and
4590s that's the um raging bracket heels
4593s like that that song
4595s and then also like um and i support like
4597s alatreon like you know like how the
4600s music amps you up and how it absolutely
4602s flows with the state of the hunt so now
4604s i totally feel you there like
4606s so it's nice that you picked up on you
4608s know the astalos though
4615s nice
4619s up sleep
4625s what are your favorite monster tracks
4626s let's go with sunbury what's your
4628s favorite sun break
4630s track
4636s oh here comes the gun lads
4642s the new jungle theme is a popular one
4645s yeah that was pretty cool theme is
4647s really nice as well i really enjoy
4649s coming
4654s true yeah
4658s oh this is getting destroyed yeah i miss
4660s it sooner this is revenge for the uh
4662s apex emergency mitsu that used to wreck
4665s me on stream all of the time
4668s i have to say the game is definitely
4670s more challenging
4672s um because you've got to trouble that
4674s focus haven't you
4676s yeah even though um of course the hp
4678s scales the so the difficulty does scale
4681s with with it which is great it's still a
4683s little bit uh harder
4685s at least for me
4688s yeah i mean i it's interesting because
4690s you said you know everything scales from
4692s part rates to health
4693s but then i guess the multiplayer well
4695s you're not targeting as much other
4696s people aren't that carpool is shared so
4700s true yeah that's true it honestly
4702s depends on the team yeah yeah
4705s i feel like i'm i'm very
4707s fortunate
4708s with the people that i'm always playing
4710s yeah you're playing this i heard the
4711s people you play with above average of
4713s the game you know
4716s so that explains my feeling about it
4730s like i'm hearing amazing things about
4731s bullet barrage like tell me tell me more
4733s uh
4734s hmm
4735s all right i tried landing out on the
4737s niger on and
4739s it just keeps missing
4742s uh okay i have a question yes
4744s i have a question is it
4745s luna garan or is it lu nagaran so i say
4749s luna garon but that's by accent really
4752s and how i pronounce you know i'm very
4753s like english speak in english
4756s right eau de garan yeah otto so i say
4758s otagaran but odo garan is fine as well
4760s like i think
4761s you know because the way english
4763s language is pronounced you know there's
4765s so much regional
4766s differences and stuff like that
4767s especially when you look at it globally
4769s that you know slight differences like
4771s that you know obviously there is like
4772s the the japanese pronunciation which is
4774s that you know you can use as the
4775s official pronunciation but you know like
4777s you seem to say luna garron or you know
4779s was it luna garon and stuff like that
4781s you know everyone knows what you mean so
4783s like if people are really mean about it
4784s i'm like what come on you know the
4786s monster like it's not like it's like
4788s ineligible right
4789s sure but actually if you like so if if
4792s if the localization team comes up with
4794s the english names do you guys actually
4796s um figure out i mean do you
4799s set a correct way of pronouncing it or
4802s is it just going to be written down i
4803s mean i think the biggest the biggest one
4805s of this is obviously t-rex tiger x
4808s tigrex uh blush sword
4810s blast toad um
4813s wow that's a big damage uh but yeah you
4815s know like we get told you know this is
4817s you know how we pronounce it which is
4820s why i say secrets now i used to say
4822s tiger x all of the time before i like
4824s you know that's my childhood man
4828s calling it tigrex it sounds cooler too
4831s that's why i'm gonna
4832s i won't i'm to this day i'm still gonna
4834s call it that i mean for me it was
4836s because obviously you know tiger and i
4839s was like oh yeah yeah yeah but yeah in
4841s japanese the t and the i believe is
4843s pronounced like t so like t in front of
4845s fantasy 10 and i used to call him titus
4847s oh
4848s this looks like a tide uh ti so it's
4851s just like yeah the how the kind of
4852s pronunciation kind of crosses the
4854s language borders
4855s so yeah so i i go t-rex now because i
4858s i'm aware that that's how the team were
4860s better so
4862s yeah so you have kind of a little bit of
4864s a guideline yeah oh yeah yeah
4866s yeah they don't just kind of go here's a
4867s word good luck jono like
4870s oh great so yeah we don't know
4872s the team are lovely about it but yeah i
4874s i like you know as i am i guess i'm part
4876s of the team now like um
4879s i i like to kind of stick to how
4881s how the team works
4884s oh the blue
4887s saying it barrier or anything like that
4889s because we all know what it means people
4891s love the monsters
4893s and you know sometimes people having a
4894s little bit of a joke hustle about you
4896s know like tiger x i know that socks my
4898s predecessor used to love
4900s the uh tiger tigrex t-rex discussion
4904s and also like devil joe on devil yo like
4907s that's another one
4913s no okay
4917s [Music]
4922s i'm sorry
4924s sorry you know it's fine to respect
4926s other people's opinions and stuff you
4927s know but that's especially incorrect man
4932s you draw the line
4936s never
4938s say devil yo in my life
4940s why the same actually
4944s but i mean there's a lot of players
4945s actually we haven't heard a lot of
4946s players speak so
4947s you know yeah i mean talk about that i
4949s do enjoy the comp system
4951s because it's very unintimidating you can
4953s have set call outs you've got stickers
4955s emotes
4956s gestures
4958s it's nice you know it's a comfortable
4959s way to communicate and even if you're
4961s like not somebody's
4962s comfortable at mic
4963s you can get you know full-on
4965s communication in and it's just a nice
4967s fun atmosphere
4969s monster was always such a huge social
4972s place i mean especially for me
4973s personally in the past um before i
4975s started making videos it was just i mean
4977s it was for me like kind of a social
4979s media almost yeah oh definitely you know
4981s you jump in a lobby you never know who
4984s you'd meet you would communicate through
4986s like dancing and stickers and you know
4989s like pre-determined saints and you would
4991s be able to have a conversation with
4992s anyone in the world
4994s that way yeah true and i loved that you
4996s know they could be in japan they could
4998s be like in spain they could be anywhere
5000s they could be in india and you could
5002s still talk to them and they could talk
5004s to you because you know you've got that
5005s universal communication method
5007s and yeah
5009s is it
5010s is china also on the same servers i
5012s don't know i don't know
5019s yeah but it's really cool honestly so
5021s calvin asks us what's the scariest
5023s monster we've ever seen
5028s uh i got handed to final boss but i
5030s can't say what it looks like something
5032s to look forward to then if you're if you
5034s like scary monsters so get to the end of
5036s sun break and uh that's that's hc's one
5039s what about you chris in my opinion the
5042s most in this and sun in the sun break
5044s for me it's the mastering 100 one
5047s ah
5049s i know who you mean right yeah
5051s yep yep another one for you to look
5052s forward to gang
5055s and for me and sun break
5058s it's an interesting one because when i
5060s think scary
5062s you know what what makes me go oh my
5064s goodness um
5067s and it's a bit of a weird one
5070s i think for me it might be shogun
5073s sinator
5075s oh when he like uh when he like starts
5077s uh sharpening his like yeah
5079s before he goes after you hey i got mr
5082s sunny mantle way
5083s very nice
5085s um for me it's the mouth
5088s the the mouth from the crab monsters is
5090s really like it reminds me of a spider
5092s and i'm i'm a bit scared of spiders i'm
5094s fine with ragnar kadaki like but it's
5097s the mouth it just looks like it'd be
5099s something you really don't want to get
5100s bitten by your arachna actually has like
5102s a this might be a close second because
5105s like well
5106s she has that uh she's the one in the
5109s horns and then like
5111s yeah one definitely one of my like
5113s favorite scary designs
5116s but i don't know why sugar shogun it's
5118s yeah like the scythe like the scythe
5120s arms and the mouth it's the mouth that
5121s does it for me
5122s um
5124s but you know pie arachna kadaki looks
5126s incredibly cool i just love that design
5128s i like because obviously there's the
5129s western inspiration around obviously a
5131s lot of the monsters in here
5133s and just bringing in that demonic
5134s devilish look for a spider monster
5137s that's awesome that's what we liked
5139s that's what we talked about in a review
5140s video like we said like we love the
5142s contrast between japanese traditional
5144s like like horror inspiration and then
5146s going to western like horror inspiration
5149s it's a great mix to have i absolutely
5151s love it um because i'm a big fan of like
5154s mythology and stuff like that and anyway
5157s and then to kind of and also you learn a
5158s lot like i didn't have an in-depth
5160s knowledge of like yokai and then i
5162s played rise and i was like i wonder what
5163s monster this is based on like acne some
5165s and stuff like that and then you go and
5167s you start reading about it and you learn
5169s a lot and then obviously now in the west
5171s because obviously i have a better
5172s understanding of western horror um it's
5175s like oh it's so cool to see how they
5177s take a concept that we're aware of and
5178s we know about and how it's then made
5180s into this gameplay element like malzaino
5183s obviously the vampiric element but not
5185s only is there the generic like you know
5186s drinks blood you know it's how the cape
5189s works and it teleports
5191s and things and then the storyline which
5193s i can't say because it's a big spoiler
5194s as well
5195s like i love how
5197s the care and depth of these kind of like
5200s connections and representations of it go
5203s um it's not just like a surface level
5204s one and i love how once again you know
5206s when malzeno drinks blood it gets
5208s stronger
5209s like and yeah it's just so so cool so
5212s cool
5213s yeah yeah to me also this the the
5216s teleporting thing is like one of
5217s probably my most favorite monster
5220s feature it's my favorite this one
5222s absolutely it's so cool i mean the sound
5224s it makes how it looks how mousino
5227s positions itself but yeah sorry i'll let
5228s you talk about it i could i could talk
5230s about that one no this no it's totally
5232s no it's so good i was
5234s i was
5235s finished
5236s yeah yeah you know i would say
5238s in this like games roster i feel that
5241s like uh brute wyverns like kind of left
5243s out a lot
5245s there's not like really like this um
5247s imposing brute wyvern that you could get
5249s to fight
5251s hmm if you could if you could make a
5253s brute wyvern based on western mythology
5256s what would you what kind of one would
5258s you draw oh that's oh that's difficult
5260s to say but i mean
5262s well
5263s obviously like people are wondering
5264s where devil joe is you know we have
5266s basil and rajang but no joe
5269s so people are like wait where is he but
5271s you know i was thinking since like
5275s some break did say oh a whole new
5277s frontier right
5280s i actually wondering
5282s would we see abiora good in this game
5285s that's a classic brute wyvern that like
5287s um
5288s frontier like
5289s uh hc i mean obviously jonah can't
5292s comment on that but i think
5293s i i think that yeah of course i see like
5296s the fact that they brought one frontier
5298s monster is already so crazy i feel like
5300s it was also kind of an experiment
5303s that they did and to see how maybe how
5305s people perceive it as well i i honestly
5308s i don't think they'll bring another one
5310s later on
5312s um i see
5314s pretty unlikely yeah who knows
5316s it's just bigger
5317s but it's always nice to kind of like
5320s see what community speculates at what
5322s could come
5323s and you know
5324s you know what whether they think it will
5325s and or what they want and why and it's
5328s very interesting to see that discussion
5330s expand greatly with espanas i see
5332s everywhere people go espanasas open the
5334s floodgates and stuff like that um you
5337s know in regards to the potential for
5339s monsters that could appear in the game
5341s um and you know especially when you've
5342s got people like say people monsters like
5344s lucid nagakuga like yeah like it's great
5348s to see
5349s you know what we've been treated to true
5351s i mean anything can happen really right
5353s so you never know
5357s and now on this hunt we're going up
5358s against the garen golem and the luna
5360s garon we are playing on pc neil yes yes
5363s we are are you ready hd
5366s uh yep there we go
5368s [Music]
5369s lovely jobby let's get stuck in
5377s so we're going up against two of the
5378s three lords this time
5380s so this will be a nice test for us
5385s and we are here on the citadel i love
5387s this map i love all the different little
5389s mini locals it gives me nice vibes and
5391s throwbacks to the uh
5394s who should we fight first
5397s let's do
5399s let's do the luna garron it's out in the
5401s city all right
5404s oh my beetle no i wanted it
5409s don't worry i'll take good care of our
5410s little friend
5412s i know you know the optimal way of using
5414s it i'm just gonna
5417s full disclosure
5421s yeah let's toss it immediately actually
5423s yeah it'll be great
5426s especially like luna garon he is so
5428s tanky um
5430s his hit zones makes you feel like you're
5432s hitting a you're hitting for a high rank
5434s damage on a mastering monster with with
5436s high
5436s end game gear it's just crazy what did
5439s you talk about luna garron obviously
5441s when we first revealed luna garron um
5443s you know we revealed luna on all fours
5446s and it wasn't until the second trailer
5447s that we revealed unicarron can go by
5449s pedal what was your reaction to that
5454s i mean it's fitting i mean werewolf
5457s monster you
5459s know yeah
5463s there's a werewolf werewolf like feel to
5466s it i like it yeah
5467s it makes sense yeah just seeing it as
5469s well and i love sam trios as a monster
5471s and seeing that ice armor come on
5473s and then stand up i got real zam trios
5475s vibes and that made me even happier
5478s because i was like you know i got
5480s feeling that my boy is getting
5481s represented you know
5484s uh hey bro
5486s and before the small zemites are
5488s actually the small minions of them in
5489s the garage
5491s oh yes of course
5494s well they've got sharp teeth you know
5501s oh oh luna garan's up
5506s finance
5509s oh oh that was a big block
5512s oh and another one do it now now come on
5515s okay he's not doing it but what's
5516s interesting with luna guerra moves it
5519s moves a lot less than older garan
5523s it's actually interesting i mean even
5525s though it's i mean
5526s he is so hard
5529s and he's got i mean look at me i knew he
5531s did
5533s i'm nearly dead through blocking by the
5535s way
5536s really
5538s yeah
5542s i think like fun fact i think
5544s so in mass spring 4 right
5548s the two tankiest monsters in this
5552s um in this level will be like um gore
5556s and luna garon and little garen's
5557s tankier because like his hit zones are
5559s way worse
5562s but it's only when you get to like um
5564s his ice armor mode where he gets really
5566s dangerous and stupid mobile as well
5568s where you get like good damage in but by
5570s then like uh it's a
5573s he's
5574s like he it takes a while before he like
5576s gets weak and then once you break the
5578s isomer here yeah it it's like bad hit
5581s zones again
5582s so that makes him really tanky
5585s yeah so you can find him tankiness with
5587s that mobility dangerous monster
5592s yeah i would have loved it was it was
5595s like good hit zones
5596s and mobile i think that's fair
5599s alice's master silly it's time to give
5601s the monsters
5602s exactly
5604s you can't i mean do you really want the
5606s monsters to all to to hold still all the
5608s time and have good hit songs that you
5609s see
5611s we no
5612s you know
5613s it's more speed right more interesting
5624s [Music]
5634s [Music]
5637s oh
5657s when
5659s bro uh
5661s in order to play gunlance optimally you
5663s have to like spam the same move over and
5665s over again
5666s i
5667s i can't handle it man
5669s it's reborn
5677s yeah that's fun i like you it's flashy
5680s and cool yeah i remember speed runs on
5683s show cause it's a weapon i use so i can
5685s pick up some tips
5687s i mean viceroy in our team has the most
5689s uh experience so maybe we can ask him to
5692s do you a favor
5693s yeah
5694s yes yeah that would be great he also
5697s plays lance too
5699s oh really yeah it's true
5703s jonah and vice they would get along a
5705s lot i guess
5707s yeah for sure
5712s okay guaranteed
5715s i love the design of garron gone by the
5716s way like i love a lot the monsters are
5719s all of the monsters really they're all
5720s awesome but like gangs on like anything
5723s i've really thought before i think i
5725s can't really think it gives me shadow
5726s colossus vibes
5728s i had that yesterday as well in chat
5729s like chat wasn't the same
5731s um oh yes we're in the thorny i love
5733s thorny toad
5735s we need the thorny toads
5737s i i still don't understand how the
5738s thorny tour mechanic works like they're
5740s a bit like thornpods in a way i think
5743s yeah but like um how do you get them to
5745s do something for you
5746s start attacking the monster there you go
5748s like there
5749s they are jumping up there so once the
5750s monster's in the in the water and
5753s going around oh i see so they just do it
5755s they're just
5769s throw a raw meat into the water i've
5772s never tried
5778s i should try that guys
5782s like on there
5786s i missed
5787s no
5790s and this is why you play weibo whisper
5792s three of gun lance if you miss your
5794s blood barrage you can just like get it
5796s back earlier
5798s yeah what i want to do is uh when i
5800s because my zeno's set is a great set by
5802s the way i'm not going to spoil all of
5803s the skills
5805s but
5806s i'm going to definitely be making i mean
5808s i've got some three-piece mothers anyone
5810s right now but my sword and shield i'm
5812s definitely going to be slapping on it
5813s when i get there on the switch oh yeah
5815s there's an amazing one right here also
5817s we also have a video on that new skill
5819s oh nice i i love it i love it and
5821s especially because um
5823s on sword and shield i run part breaker
5825s as well
5827s it's gonna go down very very well
5829s and i really wanted to set with y above
5830s this
5832s and now i'm gonna get oh this is down is
5833s so long look at that
5836s poor guarantor
5837s yeah right the arm as well there's a
5840s huge opening oh my god
5841s look at him again this is so sad
5844s like honestly i might consider doing a
5846s speed run like in this kind of area
5848s because of the thorny toads and then
5850s being stuck in the gun
5851s it's so it's so abusable like using this
5853s like yeah it's dead already look at that
5857s holds them down so well and for those
5859s watching i am playing with two expert
5862s players
5863s um from team darkseid so they make it
5866s look they can make it look a little bit
5867s easier than for us normal hunters like
5870s me
5871s they know these monsters more than the
5873s monsters know themselves sometimes
5876s sometimes sometimes i didn't think you
5878s didn't think that was an opening
5880s to me there's
5891s when one of the guys makes like a really
5893s good run where the monster gets
5894s completely destroyed we like to ride in
5897s you know we kill the monster like a lot
5900s sometimes a thousand times
5902s and then one people understand right so
5904s otherwise then there's no question asked
5906s anymore
5914s people commented on like uh this is like
5916s great so wrong garen golem saying good
5919s on
5919s uh good old tds they don't square the
5922s monsters move set by locking it down
5924s yeah
5925s i mean not every weapon can lock it down
5927s like great sword but
5929s yeah yeah i got a large beast there i'll
5932s take that
5937s is that frog okay yeah i think that
5939s thorny toad is just recovering from uh
5941s having to fight garen gome which is a
5943s little bit bigger than the thorny toad
5945s um
5948s there's a lot of toad chattering we've
5950s got blast toad paratoad thorny toad
5955s it's all going down have we got time for
5957s one more hunt guys or do you have to go
5958s yeah
5959s one one more guys something huge to like
5962s you know and end the stream all right
5964s but you can't
5971s how about the number one most scary
5973s monster for jonno
5975s you want to do like el crappo
5978s uh why not when a double
5985s [Laughter]
5993s gun lance or crab oh sorry gun let's
5995s crab on malzaino
5997s come on melzy no okay oh yeah sure
6000s it's fitting right
6002s yeah
6003s there we go
6014s i felt so bad for wrath of those in the
6016s mosino cutscene honestly
6018s yeah
6019s it's uh
6021s it's a tough world out there you know
6022s when you're at the top you've got to you
6024s got to keep fighting to stay there
6026s the food chain yeah
6029s but you never know maybe maybe marzano
6031s just had a little sippy sip
6033s rather than draining rather lost
6042s glad you're glad you're enjoying it
6046s all right let me adjust my bill real
6048s quick no worries
6049s i'm slapping on a dragon trash bird i've
6052s got my dragon glance i like lights yeah
6056s dragon element is really going like uh
6058s malzino and for those wondering finally
6061s i'm sorry my palette is running luna
6063s garan gear so that's why my panic looks
6066s especially now
6067s it's very cool if you know what i mean
6073s oh the puns
6076s i'm sorry an elder
6079s oh wow look at jb's outfit got the
6080s espana
6081s espanas long sword espanol armor as well
6084s looking very cool i mean i get real big
6086s devil may cry dante vibes from the
6088s spanish armor and i love double maker
6090s eyes so it's like a big win for me yeah
6095s that is the design from frontier from
6096s the armor right that's the actual design
6098s yeah it's not far off
6100s i mean
6101s i mean look at me i'm wearing arlo's
6103s gear
6104s arlo's
6111s is that master rank or normal crimson
6114s glow you've got on there
6116s uh that's a normal because
6118s a master rank is like really end game so
6120s i don't want to use that that's very
6122s kind of you see team dark side actually
6124s been very keen to not put spoilers out
6126s so you know shout out to the team there
6128s um
6129s you know making sure that you don't get
6131s a nasty thumbnail when you're just you
6133s know looking for a guide so honestly you
6136s just gotta protect the experience i mean
6138s it's just
6139s yeah it's just way cooler if you can see
6141s that stuff and your own uh experience in
6143s your own game right so yeah like you
6145s gotta be a bit more careful but we also
6147s have to i mean we have to show some new
6149s stuff too right absolutely it's
6152s it's about keeping the balance yeah
6157s oh no so we've got pi arachna kadaki
6159s luna garon and marzano
6163s where is oh he's right in the middle
6165s okay yeah
6167s i usually have my mat turned off because
6169s uh video reasons oh you're so used to it
6171s already
6172s i know i usually don't know where the
6173s monsters are i need to try to open
6178s [Laughter]
6181s yeah we always we always turn off as
6182s much hud as we can for our videos so it
6184s just looks way better it just looks more
6186s cinematic well what i really like as
6188s well is now the camera has that option
6189s to turn off the hud
6191s uh yeah because i like taking photos i
6193s like i love seeing the photos people
6195s upload on twitter as well like yeah we
6197s see the monster hashtag we see this
6199s great
6201s and yeah i love seeing what people come
6202s up with
6204s yeah and especially with the with the
6205s bokeh effect of the camera it's so cool
6208s you have to glory back oh no third
6209s explosion what
6215s all right let me see
6216s we all guarded up
6226s [Applause]
6231s wait what oh
6232s i don't axe upper what
6235s i screwed up my um
6237s strange
6240s i screwed up my switch
6244s i'm just going on the tail at the moment
6246s i know my mission is the last user
6250s oh i'm glad i blocked that
6254s oh
6257s also haven't evade extended two on the
6259s lance
6266s something i need to be aware of there's
6267s my stuff oh my goodness the other
6269s weapons i used aren't so stamina reliant
6272s the brits lance absolutely can be
6276s are you using uh their shoes
6278s no i really should
6280s i really should
6283s so a pro tip there if you're using
6285s stamina heavy weapons bring a dash juice
6288s or two
6291s i mean there's just so many items in
6292s this game like you can just so easily
6295s um just forget that
6298s there's so many items that helpful for
6300s different scenarios right yeah the new
6302s bleeding there is a handful of different
6304s items you can eat in order to
6307s cure the bleeding
6308s or in this case you know helps them for
6310s stamina there's so many different ways
6313s or you can use skills or you can use
6315s food skills
6317s you know it's kind of great this is what
6319s makes this game great it's so deep yeah
6321s you can you can really build into it
6323s like you can go into claire bones
6325s grab some stuff out the box or you can
6327s prep you can make items by items
6331s and
6332s oh my god it looks so cool i'm getting
6334s destroyed but it looks so cool yeah it
6336s hurts but it feels so good
6339s it's a pg-12 stream come on
6344s aesthetically it looks incredible
6347s it's like when you get crap by uh daimyo
6350s hermitor as well
6352s and um
6354s you know you're getting nibbled on and
6355s it's like you know what this is
6357s absolutely demolishing my hunter but the
6359s visuals are really cool
6372s and there we go
6374s big damage
6378s i'm back on that tail
6379s have i do this oh my god i got flush by
6382s the other end
6383s hd doesn't have flinch for you guys
6385s bring flinch multiplayer yeah if you're
6387s a multiplayer one slot flinch free don't
6390s be like hc bring flinch free
6393s oh
6394s good one
6395s oh my god wow the shade
6402s if you notice i didn't pledge to say
6403s that either
6405s [Music]
6408s wow
6410s sometimes you might remind me a bit of
6412s eric's oh with the puns you guys have
6414s the same pun level
6417s pun level rx
6418s yes exactly
6423s what is he hitting
6425s i can't counter his moves if he doesn't
6426s aim me
6430s he's had enough he had that
6432s this is gonna be hard to
6434s it's gonna be hard to make a four player
6435s run on this
6437s because mozambique
6438s targets a lot
6439s yeah because like i guess everyone has
6441s to play diversion or something
6444s let them attack me
6446s no attack me
6448s everyone literally everyone literally
6449s has to like stick together
6451s for the contest to work yeah that's true
6453s yeah
6453s it's gonna be really hard
6455s yeah we got this oh turf war
6458s oh cool
6459s oh yeah that looks so sick
6461s oh the tail grab oh wow luna garon whoa
6465s oh my god damn
6467s that looks really sick
6475s yeah i got him
6479s man that's worse
6489s i love seeing monsters going all out
6491s like animations and
6493s just add so much impact
6495s yeah i would actually go as far to say
6498s um turbo's my i think is probably the
6501s community's
6502s favorite
6503s little feature that
6505s wouldn't have to be in the game but it's
6506s in yeah right it's in there because it
6508s can be not because it has to be
6511s it's just the scale and watching these
6513s monsters go all out and you just feel so
6515s small
6516s as they just like raggle each other like
6523s oops sleep dips dip zip slips no
6536s that was weird
6538s my finals got absorbed by the wall so i
6540s like oh it landed yeah
6544s oh my god
6550s okay um
6560s like the transformation the move set the
6563s aesthetics
6575s oh nice star tripper
6580s okay
6581s then
6583s nice there we go
6586s pretty sure this thing is dying soon
6588s yeah we must be getting a good time
6590s you both
6591s swinging away with your charge blade
6603s needs more than just uh
6606s oh wait
6607s uh
6609s no it needs more than one i know why
6610s because it's my it's my oh i have
6612s country level one right and scd needs
6614s level two true
6616s yeah it needs a lot
6619s all right sounds great i didn't bring
6620s now no berry my build's useless with
6622s dragon boy on oh there we go i got it
6626s and for those that don't know because
6628s you know this is a commonly known fact
6630s if you've got dragonfly
6632s you lose your um elemental and status
6636s effects am i right yep yeah
6640s right all your sad files will do like
6643s zero damage
6644s that's big on a charge base obviously i
6646s run a lot of elemental builds so if i've
6647s got a dragonfly i need to pop a
6648s knucklebee straight away but yeah
6652s the thing is it looks really funny as a
6654s cb user i guess as an elementor you
6655s notice instantly because if you go for
6657s this if you go for an saed you're i
6659s think um well i haven't tried it in this
6662s game but in the world you had literally
6663s damage numbers that would say zero right
6665s oh
6666s brutal
6668s if i remember correctly hc you had like
6669s you had five times for each file a zero
6671s damage number
6673s yeah
6674s it's kind of funny it was funny
6677s nearly there
6679s so that's a good indicator for people to
6681s figure out
6684s please die
6688s i mean if you use resuscitate it's you
6690s want dragon light because it gives you
6691s no more raw attack if you're not using
6693s elemental weapons then i mean
6695s it doesn't matter right
6701s let's go high oh i got i might have a
6703s really good end screen here gg guys well
6706s blade i love that
6717s the new skill is awesome
6719s as
6721s well yo
6723s cool cool cool johno that was was fun
6726s and as well thank you for the job
6728s thank you to everyone in chat as well
6730s for for coming by and watching the
6731s stream we'll be doing a few more daily
6733s streams i think monday tuesday wednesday
6735s and then obviously thursday again
6737s because that's the weekly one so
6739s we'll be aiming for this kind of time
6740s but it might adjust a bit
6742s um
6744s but yeah like i can't believe sun breaks
6746s out i'm i'm having so much fun with it
6747s because i'm playing pc yeah [ __ ] i'm
6749s double dipping and i just love it i
6752s absolutely love it
6755s yeah yeah it's awesome it's an it's a
6756s great great experience we're so hyped to
6758s just have new content
6760s to explore and i'm definitely having too
6762s for the title updates and we thank you
6764s jonah for having us like i had a lot of
6765s fun today yeah i mean thank you both for
6767s coming on i mean you know team darkseid
6769s is such a huge part of the monster
6771s hunter community you know it's great to
6773s have you on and for folks to you know
6775s get to see like the more you know
6777s personal side of you guys and to see you
6779s in action live and to just have a chat
6781s like you know and if for anyone
6783s wondering you know do find team darkseid
6785s on youtube just team dark side go drop a
6787s subscribe check out their review check
6790s out some of their recent videos as well
6792s um i know some of the crew also have
6794s their own youtube channels and own
6796s streaming so you know do check it out
6798s obviously today we've got chris and hc
6801s with us
6801s um
6802s and you know it's been an absolute
6803s pleasure guys you know i hope you've had
6805s fun um i definitely have and uh
6809s you know it's been good seeing the pros
6810s in action you know
6812s yeah thank you so much for the
6813s invitation thanks to everybody in the
6815s chat watching was really cool guys and
6817s uh yeah see you soon hopefully nice so
6820s see you soon definitely right so yeah
6823s with that i've been jono thank you so
6825s much hc and chris
6827s you the amazing monster hunter community
6829s have been awesome i'll be back on monday
6833s so in the meantime have a fantastic
6834s weekend have a brilliant time with sun
6836s break and we'll speak to you again soon
6839s until then good night
6841s good night
6843s good night
6849s [Music]
6862s [Music]
6887s [Music]
6924s you