I don’t wanna be the downer, the screenshots look incredible. But this road map means nothing without a timeline.
Did they give any dates?
I don’t wanna be the downer, the screenshots look incredible. But this road map means nothing without a timeline.
Did they give any dates?
The plan is to have everything done this year. While we could throw around estimates, we frequently underestimate the time required as things pop up. I could see Eastern Invasion coming in June, but it could very well end up in September, and ship together with the new characters/armory rework.
Do we know how it's going to work?
It's two eastern themed maps for invasion/frontline + a ton of eastern/crusader type cosmetics, etc.
Seeing as there is only concept art for the new characters I'm guessing we will see the Eastern Invasion Map(s) in about 9 months time.
Everything you see are rendered game-ready models/textures, not concept art. They are not rendered in engine however, because they haven't been implemented yet.
"new characters", not cosmetics? does that means they're adding non-customizable set characters? Because that's what happened to the Sea of Thieves and I personally hated that
Female characters and dark skin characters refers to new faces/bodies/hairs.